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原创 How to implement RESTful API

Source:(1)Learn REST: A RESTful Tutorial(2)Representational State Transfer (REST)Digest:1. What is REST?The REST architectural style describes six constraints:- Uniform Interface- Stateless- Cacheable- Client-Server- Layered System- Code on Dema

2021-06-01 23:23:06 316

原创 Reflection in Go

Source:(1)The Laws of ReflectionDigest:Reflection in computing is the ability of a program to examine its own structure, particularly through types; it's a form of metaprogramming.1. Types and interfaces:Go is statically typed. Every variable has a st

2021-05-30 14:41:25 229

原创 Interface in Go

Source:(1)Go Data Structures: Interfaces(2)Go InterfacesDigest:``

2021-05-30 14:40:44 119

原创 Errors in Go

Source:(1)Why Go gets exception right(3)Constant errors(4)Stack traces and the errors package(5)Don’t just check errors, handle them gracefully(2)Error handling vs. exceptions redux(3)Errors and Exceptions, redux(4)Inspecting errors(5)Error handlin

2021-04-13 18:32:30 96

原创 Concurrency in Go

Source:(1)Curious ChannelsDigest:

2021-04-13 18:31:03 145

原创 Dependency Injection And Wire

Source:(1)Compile-time Dependency Injection With Go Cloud’s Wire (2)github.com/google/wire(3)denpendency injection(3)Portable Cloud Programming with Go Cloud(4)github.com/google/go-cloudDigest:1. Dependency Injection:Dependency injection is a stand

2021-04-13 18:30:00 162 1

原创 Go‘s built-in new and make functions

Source:Go has both make and new functions, what gives?Digest:1. Why can’t we use make for everything?Although make creates generic slice, map, and channel values, they are still just regular values; make does not return pointer values.If new was remov

2020-11-16 00:09:49 184

原创 A Spec of Cookies

Source:(1)Using HTTP cookiesDigest:

2020-11-06 00:11:50 487 1

原创 A Spec of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Source:(1)Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (Must Read)Digest:Cross-Origin Resources Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a

2020-11-05 22:03:45 116

原创 Pointers in Go

Source:(1)Pointers in Go(2)Understand Go pointers in less than 800 words or your money backDigest:

2020-10-25 14:43:28 97

原创 Map in Go

Source:(1)There is no pass-by-reference in Go(2)If a map isn’t a reference variable, what is it?Digest:

2020-10-25 10:38:06 106

原创 Array, Slice and String in Go

Source: Go Slices: usage and internalsDigest:

2020-10-23 21:46:10 84

原创 JWT in Go

Source: README file of github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go packageDigest:In short, it's a signed JSON object that does something useful (for example, authentication). It's commonly used for Bearer tokens in Oauth2. A token is made of three parts, separated by .

2020-10-17 16:36:54 91

原创 Go image, image/draw package (must-read) and gif decoder

Source:(1) The Go image package;(2) The Go image/draw packageDigest:

2020-10-16 08:03:59 122

原创 The empty struct

Source: The empty structDigest:

2020-10-12 22:10:54 144

原创 Should methods be declared on T or *T?

Source: Should methods be declared on T or *TDigest:In short, I think that you should prefer declaring methods on *T unless you have a strong reason to do otherwise.1. We say T but that is just a place holder for a type that you declare.2. This rule i

2020-10-10 11:33:30 76

原创 What is the zero value, and why is it useful?

Source: What is the zero value, and why is it useful?Digest:This property of always setting a value to a known default is important for safety and correctness of your program, but can also make your Go programs simpler and more compact. This is what Go p

2020-10-10 10:28:52 115

原创 制作UEFI引导模式的安装Centos8的启动盘


2020-10-05 17:27:45 4156

原创 Ubuntu(18.04.3 LTS)上安装appium/appium-desktop,并实现Android真机连接

闲话不多说,直接上笔记!!!(1)安装NodeJs:不管是使用appium命令行工具还是appium-desktop工具,都要先安装合适的NodeJs工具。从NodeJs网站的下载地址下载安装包,在根据该网站的安装指导安装nodejs。(2)配置指令工具:根据第(1)步完成安装nodejs后,再根据github网站中appium安装指导的$ npm install -g appium指令安装a...

2019-11-22 14:08:40 1042

原创 Appium使用笔记整理及IOS的WDA工具的使用简介

概述1、本人进入IT行业第一份工作是测试自动化方向的,所以针对这一段工作,对自动化测试工具Appium的学习、使用作出整理和总结。2、对于appium工具的基础使用,注意以下几个关键字:(1)appium只是针对android、ios等的自动化工具进行了集成;还有就是appium这个集成工具是使用nodejs开发的。(2)Appium clients list。(3)Appium Ser...

2019-05-22 16:02:22 2621

原创 Mac上安装Server 1.7.2的Appium笔记


2018-10-10 14:46:02 667



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