【机器学习课程-华盛顿大学】:4 聚类和检索 4.2 编程测试:LSH代码实现


def train_lsh(data, num_vector=16, seed=None):
    dim = data.shape[1]
    if seed is not None:
    random_vectors = generate_random_vectors(num_vector, dim)
    powers_of_two = 1 << np.arange(num_vector-1, -1, -1)
    table = {}
    # Partition data points into bins
    bin_index_bits = (data.dot(random_vectors) >= 0)
    # Encode bin index bits into integers
    bin_indices = bin_index_bits.dot(powers_of_two)
    # Update `table` so that `table[i]` is the list of document ids with bin index equal to i.
    for data_index, bin_index in enumerate(bin_indices):
        if bin_index not in table:
            # If no list yet exists for this bin, assign the bin an empty list.
            table[bin_index] = []
        # Fetch the list of document ids associated with the bin and add the document id to the end.

    model = {'data': data,
             'bin_index_bits': bin_index_bits,
             'bin_indices': bin_indices,
             'table': table,
             'random_vectors': random_vectors,
             'num_vector': num_vector}
    return model
model = train_lsh(corpus, num_vector=16, seed=143)
table = model['table']
if   0 in table and table[0]   == [39583] and \
   143 in table and table[143] == [19693, 28277, 29776, 30399]:
    print 'Passed!'
    print 'Check your code.'




doc_obama = corpus[35817, :]  # first document
index_bits_obama = (doc_obama.dot(random_vectors) >= 0)
powers_of_two = (1 << np.arange(15, -1, -1))
print index_bits_obama
print powers_of_two
print index_bits_obama.dot(powers_of_two)



def search_nearby_bins(query_bin_bits, table, search_radius=2, initial_candidates=set()):
    For a given query vector and trained LSH model, return all candidate neighbors for
    the query among all bins within the given search radius.
    Example usage
    >>> model = train_lsh(corpus, num_vector=16, seed=143)
    >>> q = model['bin_index_bits'][0]  # vector for the first document
    >>> candidates = search_nearby_bins(q, model['table'])
    num_vector = len(query_bin_bits)
    powers_of_two = 1 << np.arange(num_vector-1, -1, -1)
    # Allow the user to provide an initial set of candidates.
    candidate_set = copy(initial_candidates)
    for different_bits in combinations(range(num_vector), search_radius):       
        # Flip the bits (n_1,n_2,...,n_r) of the query bin to produce a new bit vector.
        ## Hint: you can iterate over a tuple like a list
        alternate_bits = copy(query_bin_bits)
        for i in different_bits:
            alternate_bits[i] = not query_bin_bits[i]
        # Convert the new bit vector to an integer index
        nearby_bin = alternate_bits.dot(powers_of_two)
        # Fetch the list of documents belonging to the bin indexed by the new bit vector.
        # Then add those documents to candidate_set
        # Make sure that the bin exists in the table!
        # Hint: update() method for sets lets you add an entire list to the set
        if nearby_bin in table:
            nearby_docs = model['table'][nearby_bin]
    return candidate_set
obama_bin_index = model['bin_index_bits'][35817] # bin index of Barack Obama
candidate_set = search_nearby_bins(obama_bin_index, model['table'], search_radius=0)
if candidate_set == set([35817, 21426, 53937, 39426, 50261]):
    print 'Passed test'
    print 'Check your code'
print 'List of documents in the same bin as Obama: 35817, 21426, 53937, 39426, 50261'

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