

lay aside  把…放在一边

in the course of 在...期间;在什么过程中

a great many 很多

have an encounter with 遇到

matters of consequences 重要的事情

close at hand 近在咫尺

set oneself to attempt 开始尝试/着手于…

jumped to my feet 非常快的站起来

toss off 轻而易举地完成

by chance  意外地

little by little 一点一点地

buried oneself in  某人忙着做某事

Wander off   (从本应该待的地方)离开

In addition to   除了…以外

on account of   因为…

in the fashion of   以…方式

set down   记下…,写下…

take up sth 开始花时间做某事

have (no) resemblance to sth与某物相像/不相像

on the contrary 与之相反

a herd of 一群…

fall from落下/从某人口中说出

be obliged to do必须做某事

make a great effort to do费很大劲做某事

be distinguished from区分

take the tone of 用一种…的口吻

thanks to…辛亏…,由于…

lead up to... 渐渐引入...

be born of 来自,诞生于

Let go of sth 放弃

swell up with pride 洋洋自得

hand in hand手拉手

In spite of 尽管
take advantage of sth
a flock of 一群…
call upon sb 拜访某人
pull up 拔起;停下来

clad in sth 穿…衣服

pluck up 振作,鼓起勇气

In the presence of sb 当着某人的面

take in… 包括…

carry out sth 执行…

rest on sth 以…为基础

condemn sb to death 判某人死刑

A collection of sth 一堆…

be concerned with sth 关注…,关心…

reign over 统治

Take out sth 获得…

put out 熄灭

bring sth to life 使…活跃起来

go by (时间)逝去

be blessed with 有幸拥有…

not able to reach any explanation 无法解释

come to life 苏醒

in danger of 处于…危险中

have a good reputation 名声好,口碑好

in charge of 负责…

run the risk of 冒着…风险

of no account 无足轻重的

come up to sth 达到……

be overcome with sth 被…(情绪)所控制

of no use 无用的

at one's leisure悠闲地

draw near 临近

sort out sb 妥善处理某人

send off 送走…

make a gesture of sth.做出...的手势

at random 随机

in the depths of sth.在...深处

set out to do 开始做

be loyal to sb.对某人忠诚

drop off 打盹,打瞌睡

rush about 奔波

turn round and round 来回转圈

drop my eyes 垂下眼睑

leap into the air 跳跃到空中

be born of 诞生于…

occur to sb. 出现在脑海里

stroll along 漫步,溜达

dig into 挖掘,把…戳进…

restrain from 限制,避免

play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

set out 出发,动身

catch up with 追上,赶上

protect against 保护

that is to say 换句话说

watch over 照看

come upon 偶遇






comingsand goings 来来往往

makesomething in vain 让某事徒劳无功、白费力气

at anyrate 无论如何,不管怎样

 tobegin with 首先,第一个(常用于列举各种原因中最首要的那个)

bewound up 生气,烦躁

carefor... 喜欢...

takeup for... 看作...

get the better of somebody 感情战胜某人的理智

no more...than... 和...差不多的

get at... 发现...,找到...

get over something 克服...,从...中恢复过来

 for nothing 徒劳地

in spite of oneself 不由自主,情不自禁

all in good time 别急,慢慢来

harp on something 喋喋不休地谈论某事

the dawn of something ...的开始

narrow down something 缩小...的范围

be paid out 被报复,偿还

be given to (doing) something 习惯于(做)某事

serve somebody right 某人活该

smooth something away 克服(困难)

show the white feather 胆怯,示弱

for good 永远

by gum 天哪

get something straight 弄清楚某事

on earth 究竟

 chimney pot 烟囱管帽

in one’s heart of hearts 在某人内心深处

every now and then  间或,偶尔,有时

trip over 绊倒

as dry as a bone 干透了的

take one's breath away 令某人惊叹

keep to something 不偏离(主题等)

have had enough of... 烦透了

fall in (屋顶或天花板)坍塌

in the meantime 在此期间,同时

blot something out 抹去...

do one's will 按照某人的意愿办事

hard luck 倒霉

all the same 仍然

cast a spell on 向…施魔

neither…nor… 两者都不

ten to one 十有八九

take one's breath away  使某人大为惊讶/感动

to tell the truth  老实说

turn out  最后/结果是

dabble in… 涉猎

if only… 要是…多好

in the strict sense  严格来说

fit for  适于,恰当的

take no notice of...  不注意…

in pursuit of...  寻找,追求…

let out a long breath of relief  长舒一口气

call it Pax  和平,不闹了

grope for 搜寻,探索

at one gulp 一大口

now that 既然

what with 由于

ooze out 流露出,渗透出

lunge forward 向前扑去

on earth 究竟

at large 在逃的,未逮捕的

see to sth. 照料,负责某事

come of something 因...而发生

set one’steeth 咬紧牙关

fall like a nine-pin 突然倒下

call out somebody 请求...出动

pay dearly 付出沉重代价

set one’steeth 咬紧牙关

fall like a nine-pin 突然倒下

call out somebody 请求...出动

pay dearly 付出沉重代价

shoulders be stooped 弯腰驼背

to and fro 来回地

remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事

before you could say knife 迅速地、立马

spring up 萌芽

can't/couldn't help doing 情不自禁做某事

shoulders be stooped 弯腰驼背

to and fro 来回地

remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事

before you could say knife 迅速地、立马

spring up 萌芽

can't/couldn't help doing 情不自禁做某事

Glance off (击中后)弹开

Get rid of... 摆脱...

Keep clear of... 避开...,远离...

Burst with sth. 充满...

As regards 关于

strike me pink 真让我吃惊

pluck up courage 鼓起勇气

prick up one’s ears 竖着耳朵听

make a living on something 靠...谋生

from one’s point of view 从某人的角度来看

miss the point 没有抓住要领

make believe 假装

think of sb. 考虑/想起某人

run for one's life 逃命;为生活奔波

cut sb. off 拦截某人

round sb. up 围捕某人

line up in a row 排成一行

bar sb.'s way 挡住某人的路

hem sb. in 包围某人

trip over... 被…绊倒

object to... 反对…

on end 竖着/直立地

as to 至于;关于

narrow escape from 幸免于…

way up 远远在上

wither away 枯萎,凋谢;逐渐消失

attend to sb. 照料某人

break in/interrupt 打断(谈话)

at a word from.. 一听见(命令),就…

be taken aback 使吃惊

flash through one’s mind (想法)在脑中闪过

be enchanted by 因…而吸引

be cast down 沮丧(adj. downcast

it is still a long way off/to go 为时尚早

see to it that…务必做某事

all of a sudden 突然地

fix one's eyes on 注视;盯着

protect sb from sth 保护某人不受...

in one's despair 绝望地

pluck sth from... 从某处摘下某物

make excuses 找借口

speak of 谈到,论及

hold on to sb. 紧紧抓住

drop away 离开,逐渐减少

a glimpse of 一瞥,一眼

out of sight 看不见,在视野之外

in the heart of... 在...中心

in dismay 沮丧地

had better do sth. 还是做...

show up 露面,出现

all told 总共

lean against 靠着;斜靠

wide awake 毫无睡意

stream through 穿过;流经

have a dip (海水,河流里)洗个澡

in some ways 在某种程度上

stoop down 俯身;弯腰

scramble to one's feet 匆忙站起来

one's heart's desire 某人渴望获得之物

come over somebody 突然影响某人

take to one’s heels 飞奔逃走

be in no danger of :没有陷入...的危险
flow out :流出,倾泻
pretend to do sth :假装做某事
run messages for sb :为某人跑腿
in the midst of :在...之中
proceed to do :接着做;继而做

lace together  交织缠绕在一起

put an end to sth  终结

defend ...against...  抵御,防守

separate from  把...和...分开

before you could say Jack Robinson 速度非常快

draw a long breath  深吸一口气

prevent from  阻止

in the act of doing sth. 正在做某事

Great Scott 唉哟;天哪

fix one’s eyes on sth 盯着某物

turn (sth.) inside out (使)发生巨大变化

turn (sth.) upside down (使)发生巨大变化

take warning 引以为戒

come round 恢复知觉

take notice of sth. 注意到某事

make a visit  拜访

raise false hopes  引起虚假的希望

brighten up  照亮

take up (an activity/a subject)  开始从事…

in a way  在某种程度上

bear fruit  结出果实

so to speak  可以说

comings and goings  来来去去

keep sb. out of mischief  避免某人胡闹

learn one's lesson  某人学到了教训







be called after sb 跟随某人取名

what become of sb 某人下落如何

wandering thoughts 天马行空的想法

the life of suffering 命途多舛的人生

play the young man 耍小孩子气

go as far as to say 甚至说

take no part in sth 和…无关

break loose 挣脱

come fresh into my mind 记忆犹新

sea goes high 海浪很高

spare one's life 留下某人的命

make the story short 使故事缩短(其实在文中就是“人为地忘记”)

make everything tight and close 把一切安顿好

break upon us 向我们扑来

every now and then 不时,偶尔

at this 因为这个

pull in 靠岸

wear off 逐渐消失

enter into a close friendship with sb 与某人结成友好的友谊

get rid of sb 摆脱,克服

think of nothing but sth 除了…外,什么都不想

 atone's command 在…支配中

leave sth to destiny 把…交给上帝(听天由命)

this will not do 这样不行

think no harm 认为无害

as to 至于…

part with sb 离开某人

so it was with sb 某人就是如此

take down 记下,拆下,病倒

catch up with 赶上

beyond one’s reach 够不着,力所不及

be guilty of 犯下……过错

take precaution 防范

be save from 保留,免于

in one's absence 在某人不在的情况下

strike upon …搁浅在…

give oneself up to … 献身于…(此处为听天由命之意)

hurry sb along 推搡着某人快进

set out into …动身去

block up the door 堵上门

give oneself up to 屈服于

to one's disappointment 让某人失望的是

secure oneself against sb 保护自己不受某人的攻击

be fenced in 四面都有防护

work one's way into sth 挖凿

be cast upon 流落到

be divided from …和…分隔开…

be driven away from … 被驱逐(远离…)

be dying from …因…而奄奄一息

have no other way but to do …除了做…别无他法

one over another 一层层地

at the approach of …在…的临近下

at length 最后,终于

all night and all day 整日整夜

to one's liking 合某人心意的

pull sth to pieces 拆卸

for fear of …因为害怕(担心)

work sth into …把…打造成…

last sb long 供某人使用多年

hunt down 穷追直到抓获

set sb upon …使…攻击…

it happens that … 碰巧…

shake out 抖出,打开

act upon … 按照…行事

be torn up by the roots 连根拔地而起

reduce sb. to do 迫使某人做,沦落到…地步

shift sth. from … 把…从…上转移

be choked up with … 充满了

have mercy upon sb. 对…仁慈

bring sb to do 使某人做某事

unfortunate dog 倒霉蛋

be refreshed with … 因…而清醒

look back upon 回顾

be fitting to sth 适合

a sound sleep 熟睡

for good 永久地

take a closer look at … 更仔细看…

at one time or another 总会有时候

to one's advantage 对某人有利

upon second thoughts 三思之后

set apart sth 把…分别出来

break out upon sb 朝…爆发

not so much as …甚至于…都没有

set sb to do 使某人做

be determined upon … 对…意志坚定

a strip of 呈条带状的一片

divide sth into 把...分成

at the end of 在...尽头;在...结束时

a great deal of 大量

look back upon 回忆;回顾

drop one's plan 放弃计划

fall on my knees 跪下

break away from 脱离

be removed from 移除,远离

live on 继续活着

or else 不然

crawl on one's hands and knees 手和膝盖撑地,趴下

blame sb. for sth. 为某事责备某人

give birth to 生育,引起

It occurs to sb. that: 某人突然想到

feed on 以...为食

put an end to sth 终结某事

much less更别说

be satisfied with …对…满意

make for 走向

no less than 不少于

the very moment 正是…的时候

work my fire 生火

fail sb 使某人失望

push out 划船离岸

be based upon 基于…

whatever the cost 不论代价如何

be knocked down 被撞倒

place oneself between …使自己置身于…中

be frightened of sth 对…害怕

come no closer 不再接近

swear to do 宣誓做…

in one stroke 一下子

make sth my business 使…成为我的事(工作)

be based upon 基于…

whatever the cost 不论代价如何

be knocked down 被撞倒

place oneself between …使自己置身于…中

be frightened of sth 对…害怕

come no closer 不再接近

swear to do 宣誓做…

in one stroke 一下子

make sth my business 使…成为我的事(工作)

lead a life 过活

have use for sth 用得着某物

lay a foundation of sth 搭建…的基础

be cast away upon … 在…失事

what became of sb 某人后来怎么样了

come down to the sea 延伸到海边

at the very naming of sb 一提到某人(very 表强调)

hold back one's anger .压住怒火

jump upon one's feet 从地上跳起来

run about 四处跑

in the name of   以...的名义

injured through 遍体鳞伤

wear off 逐渐消失(磨损)

become of sb 某人会变得…

take one's side 支持某人

regardless of 不管,不顾

be manned by 由...操控

lie at anchor 停泊着,抛着锚

be past the help of man 是人力所不及的

take sb prisoners 囚禁某人

owe sth. to sb 将某事归功于某人

on one's feet 站立着

beg for mercy 请求宽恕,求饶

spare one's life 饶某人的命

tie up 绑好,包扎

at present 目前,现在

lead sb. into a trap 引诱某人掉入陷阱

watch for... 等待...的出现/当心...

so as to... 以便...

come upon/across 偶然遇见

for one’s sake 为了某人

put sth into action 使…付诸实施

in an attempt to do 企图做某事

fall down on one’s knees 双膝跪下

knock down 击倒

break into (突然)闯入

for some time 一段时间

break out into 突然…

risk doing sth 冒险做某事

a full account of …的完整描述

arrive in 到达

be loyalty to 对...忠诚

settle in  定居

accompany sb 陪伴某人

keep one's promise 信守承诺

repay sb for sth 因为....回报某人

make an attempt to 尽力/想方设法做...



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