CS5303- Conputer Science I(python)

About Python:

The layers differences between C++&JAVA &Python:

A python program, sometimes called a script, is a sequence of definitions and commands.These definitions are evaluated and the commands are executed by the Python interpreter in something called the shell. Typically, a new shell is created whenever execution of a program begins. In most cases, a window is associated with the shell.

Python as a computer language:

1.Has similar procedural for as lower-level languages.
2.Has relaxed constraints on the syntax of a language.
3.It is an interpretive language(Handles code line by line for anything programmed in python)

Parts of a Program:

  • Modules - A module is a library of pre-defined values and functions.(That means module is a .py file containing Python definitions and statements.)
  • Expression - An expression is a combination of values and operations that a known result(LHS##Lift-hands side) eg.2+3
  • Statement - A statement performs a task (A command often called a statement, instructs the interpreter to output )
  • Whitespace - a character(space tab etc) that separates other characters
    * Indentation - grouping or code block are marked by a set of indentations. A paragraph of code.
    * Continuation - The “” symbol is used to continue a line of code.
  • Comments - using symbol “#”

While loop:

while booleanExpression(true\false):
	code block
loop = 10
while(loop > 0):
	print("Countdown is "), loop
	loop -= 1

For loop:

for letter in "Cookies":
	print letter
we get result:

Range function:

  • used to create a collection of numbers
  • range(min, max) or range (min, max, interval)
    * min is the beginning of the number sequence
    * max is the end of the number sequence
    * interval(step) can be default to 1
    * used with for loop
for i in range(1,10):##[1,10)    
	print (i)  

The String Type:

  • A collection of characters.
  • A sequence of a characters.
  • Uses symbol pairs:
  • [ ✔️] ‘string’ [ ❌]'string"
  • [ ✔️]“string” [ ❌]"string’
  • String Representation: Characters are actually numbers encoded by the ASCII table.
  • String as a sequence:
    [C] [o] [o] [k] [i] [e] [s]
    [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
    [-7] [-6] [-5] [-4] [-3] [-2] [-1]
  • It is possible to do partial or combination of indexes to manipulate a sequence:
    string[:5] would be: “Cooki”
    string[5:] would be: “es”
    string[2:6] would be: “okie”
    string[0:6:2] would be: “Coi”

String operations:

  • The in operator - Is this string the subset of the other string?

String :

  • String are marked with ’ ’ or " "
  • String are immutable
  • String can be concatenated
  • String can be indexed and sliced
  • Can be type-cast with a built-in str() function
  • Can only contain ASCII characters

List :

  • List are marked with []
  • List are mutable( can be changed)
  • List can be concatenated
  • List can be indexed and sliced
  • List can be created with a built-in list() function
  • List can contain any data type

Tuples :

  • Tuples are marked with()
  • Tuples are immutable
  • Tuples can be concatenated
  • Tuples can be indexed and sliced
  • Can be created with a built-in tuple() function
  • Can contain any data type

Dictionaries :

  • Dictionaries are marked with {key 1: value1, key2:value2}
  • Dictionaries keys are immutable
  • Dictionaries values are mutable
  • Dictionaries cannot be concatenated
  • Dictionaries cannot be indexed and sliced
  • Can be created with a built-in dict() function
  • Keys must be immutable or simple types
  • Values can be any type

Sets :

  • Sets are marked with set([])
  • Sets are mutable
  • Sets cannot be concatenated
  • Sets cannot be indexed and sliced
  • Can be created with built-in set() function
  • Can contain any immutable data types or simple data types
  • All elements are one of a kind: Uniqueness
x = set('runoob')
y = set('google')
print(x, y)
>>>{'b', 'r', 'u', 'o', 'n'}, {'e', 'o', 'g', 'l'}   
print (x & y)        #intersection
print(x | y)       #union
>>>{'b', 'e', 'g', 'l', 'o', 'n', 'r', 'u'}
print(x - y)      #difference set   
>>>{'r', 'b', 'u', 'n'}

Pass By Value :

  • Pass-By-Value-means the parameter values are not changed.
    • True for simple data types(boolean, float, int )
    • True for immutable data types

Pass by Reference :

  • The parameter can be changed
  • The parameter must be a collection
  • The parameter must be mutable
  • Lists, Dictionaries(The values, not the keys), and Sets can be pass-by-reference.

Class :

  • A class is a new datatype, like creating a new int, float, or even a string.
  • These datatypes have to be defined
  • The keyword class is used to define a class, much the same way that def is used to define a function.
  • The creation of a class for use, as in creating a variable, is called creating an instance.

self: How to write a command:

  • self: refers back to the instance of the class
  • The printout of an object is from the command descriptor __ str __
  • __ str __ is a standard command that can be overridden.
def __str__(self):
	result=format("%s, %d %s %d")\
return result

Standard Object Commands

  • __ init __()
    * Creates a new instance of an object.
  • __ str __()
    * Prints out the instance of an object.
  • Encapsulation - The data and functions are contained within a class
  • Inheritance - The class can be built upon a parent class. Object is just the basic. New objects can be created from older objects.
  • Polymorphism - Operators and commands can be overridden. Each object can be created to include its own addition and subtraction.

will update later

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