


  1. 咖啡 Coffee
  2. 咖啡豆 Coffee beans
  3. 研磨 Grind [ɡraɪnd]
  4. 冲泡 Brew
  5. 香气 Aroma [əˈrəʊmə]
  6. 口感 Taste
  7. 醇厚 Richness
  8. 苦涩 Bitterness
  9. 甜感 Sweetness
  10. 酸度 Acidity [əˈsɪdəti]
  11. 拿铁 Latte [ˈlɑːteɪ]
  12. 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino [ˌkæpuˈtʃiːnəʊ]
  13. 美式咖啡 Americano [əˌmerɪ’kɑːnəʊ]
  14. 浓缩咖啡 Espresso [eˈspresəʊ]
  15. 冰咖啡 Iced coffee
  16. 速溶咖啡 Instant coffee
  17. 滴滤咖啡 Drip coffee
  18. 咖啡机 Coffee machine
  19. 咖啡壶 Coffee pot
  20. 咖啡杯 Coffee cup


  1. 一杯咖啡 A cup of coffee
  2. 咖啡时间 Coffee time
  3. 咖啡文化 Coffee culture
  4. 咖啡因含量 Caffeine [ˈkæfiːn] content
  5. 咖啡渣 Coffee grounds
  6. 咖啡豆烘焙 Coffee bean roasting
  7. 咖啡师 Barista [bəˈriːstə]
  8. 咖啡店 Coffee shop
  9. 咖啡连锁店 Coffee chain
  10. 咖啡伴侣 Coffee mate
  11. 咖啡加糖 Coffee with sugar
  12. 咖啡不加糖 Black coffee
  13. 咖啡拉花 Coffee art (latte art)
  14. 咖啡品鉴 Coffee tasting
  15. 咖啡种植 Coffee farming


  1. 一杯提神水(指咖啡)A cup of energy booster [ˈbuːstə®] (referring to coffee)
  2. 咖啡虫(指沉迷咖啡的人)Coffee addict [ˈædɪkt] (someone who is obsessed with coffee)
  3. 咖啡瘾君子(指对咖啡上瘾的人)Coffee junkie [ˈdʒʌŋki] (someone who is addicted to coffee)
  4. 咖啡时间到!(表示休息时间)Coffee break time! (indicating rest time)
  5. 咖啡续命(表示咖啡能提神醒脑)Coffee keeps me alive (coffee provides energy and wakefulness)
  6. 咖啡之旅(指去咖啡店或品尝不同咖啡的经历)Coffee adventure (going to a coffee shop or trying different coffees)
  7. 咖啡艺术(指咖啡拉花或制作技巧)Coffee craftsmanship [ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp] (skill in making coffee, such as latte art)
  8. 咖啡香氛(指咖啡的香气)Coffee fragrance [ˈfreɪɡrəns] (the aroma of coffee)
  9. 咖啡伴侣(不仅指加在咖啡里的奶或糖,也指一起喝咖啡的朋友)Coffee mate (not only refers to milk or sugar added to coffee, but also a friend who drinks coffee together)
  10. 咖啡人生(用咖啡来比喻生活的味道和经历)Coffee life (using coffee to metaphorically describe the taste and experiences of life)


  1. “你想要喝点什么?咖啡还是茶?” “What would you like to drink? Coffee or tea?”
  2. “我刚泡了一杯咖啡,你要来一杯吗?” “I just made a cup of coffee. Would you like one?”
  3. “这家咖啡店的拿铁很好喝,你试过吗?” “This coffee shop’s latte is really good. Have you tried it?”
  4. “我喜欢在早上喝一杯咖啡来提神。” “I like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up.”
  5. “你觉得这杯咖啡的口感怎么样?醇厚吗?” “How does this coffee taste? Is it rich?”
  6. “我通常会加一些牛奶和糖在我的咖啡里。” “I usually add some milk and sugar to my coffee.”
  7. “你更喜欢浓缩咖啡还是拿铁?” “Do you prefer espresso or latte?”
  8. “我在寻找一种口感醇厚、香气四溢的咖啡豆。” “I’m looking for a type of coffee bean that is rich and aromatic.”
  9. “这家咖啡店的氛围很好,很适合喝咖啡聊天。” “This coffee shop has a great atmosphere. It’s perfect for drinking coffee and chatting.”
  10. “我最近对咖啡文化很感兴趣,正在学习如何冲泡和品鉴咖啡。” “I’m really interested in coffee culture these days. I’m learning how to brew and taste coffee.”
  11. “你觉得这杯咖啡的酸度怎么样?是不是你喜欢的类型?” “How is the acidity of this coffee? Is it what you like?”
  12. “我早上不喝咖啡就感觉没精神,你呢?” “I feel lethargic [ləˈθɑːdʒɪk] without drinking coffee in the morning. How about you?”
  13. “这家咖啡店的招牌咖啡是什么?我想试试看。” “What’s the signature coffee of this shop? I want to try it.”
  14. “我听说冷萃咖啡口感很独特,你想不想尝试一下?” “I heard that cold brew coffee has a unique taste. Do you want to try it?”
  15. “你觉得速溶咖啡和现磨咖啡有什么区别?我更喜欢现磨的。” “What’s the difference between instant coffee and freshly ground coffee? I prefer freshly ground.”


  1. 咖啡小憩 Coffee break
  2. 咖啡时光 Coffee moment
  3. 咖啡香飘四溢 The aroma of coffee spreads everywhere
  4. 咖啡师的手艺 The skill of a barista
  5. 咖啡的韵味 The charm of coffee
  6. 咖啡的余香 The lingering [ˈlɪŋɡərɪŋ] aroma of coffee
  7. 咖啡的温度 The temperature of coffee
  8. 咖啡的醇香 The mellow [ˈmeləʊ] fragrance of coffee
  9. 咖啡的苦涩与甘甜 The bitterness and sweetness of coffee
  10. 咖啡的研磨度 The grind size of coffee


  1. 咖啡小酌 A small enjoyment of coffee
  2. 咖啡情缘 The connection or experience related to coffee
  3. 咖啡里的世界 The world in a cup of coffee
  4. 咖啡的魔力 The magic of coffee
  5. 咖啡的诱惑 The temptation of coffee
  6. 咖啡的香醇时光 The mellow moments with coffee
  7. 咖啡里的故事 The stories in a cup of coffee
  8. 咖啡的陪伴 The companionship of coffee
  9. 咖啡的魔力圈 The addictive [əˈdɪktɪv] circle of coffee
  10. 咖啡的梦幻时刻 The dreamy [ˈdriːmi] moments with coffee


  1. 咖啡渣艺术 Coffee grounds art
  2. 咖啡品鉴师 Coffee taster
  3. 咖啡烘焙机 Coffee roaster
  4. 咖啡庄园 Coffee farm
  5. 咖啡研磨器 Coffee grinder
  6. 咖啡滤纸 Coffee filter paper
  7. 咖啡温度计 Coffee thermometer [θəˈmɒmɪtə®]
  8. 咖啡奶泡器 Coffee milk frother
  9. 咖啡拉花针 Latte art pen
  10. 咖啡风味轮 Coffee flavor wheel [wiːl]


  1. “你觉得这杯咖啡的风味怎么样?有没有什么特别的感觉?” “How does this coffee taste? Do you have any special feelings about it?”
  2. “我最近在学做咖啡拉花,你想要一个心形还是叶形的?” “I’m learning to make latte art these days. Would you like a heart shape or a leaf shape?”
  3. “这家咖啡店的咖啡豆是自己烘焙的,味道很独特。” “This coffee shop roasts their own coffee beans. It has a unique taste.”
  4. “我通常会用咖啡滤纸来冲泡滴滤咖啡,你觉得这样口感更好吗?” “I usually use coffee filter paper to brew drip coffee. Do you think it tastes better this way?”
  5. “你觉得这杯咖啡的温度怎么样?会不会太烫或太冷?” “How is the temperature of this coffee? Is it too hot or too cold?”
  6. “我最近在尝试不同的咖啡烘焙度,你喜欢深烘焙还是浅烘焙的咖啡豆?” “I’m trying different coffee roast levels these days. Do you prefer dark roast or light roast coffee beans?”
  7. “这杯咖啡的奶泡是我用奶泡器打的,你觉得口感怎么样?” “I used a milk frother to make the milk foam [fəʊm] for this coffee. How does it taste?”
  8. “我最近在看咖啡风味轮,想要更深入地了解咖啡的各种风味。” “I’m reading about the coffee flavor wheel these days. I want to learn more about the various flavors of coffee.”
  9. “你觉得这杯咖啡的甜感和酸度平衡得怎么样?是不是你喜欢的类型?” “How is the balance of sweetness and acidity [əˈsɪdəti] in this coffee? Is it what you like?”
  10. “这家咖啡店的氛围和咖啡都很好,我以后要经常来这里。” “The atmosphere and coffee of this shop are both great. I want to come here often in the future.”


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