
mbedTLS 错误码对应的原因参见:Mbed TLS error codes

High level error codes

0x1080    PEM - No PEM header or footer found
0x1100    PEM - PEM string is not as expected
0x1180    PEM - Failed to allocate memory
0x1200    PEM - RSA IV is not in hex-format
0x1280    PEM - Unsupported key encryption algorithm
0x1300    PEM - Private key password can't be empty
0x1380    PEM - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x1400    PEM - Unavailable feature, e.g. hashing/encryption combination
0x1480    PEM - Bad input parameters to function
0x1E00    PKCS12 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x1E80    PKCS12 - PBE ASN.1 data not as expected
0x1F00    PKCS12 - Feature not available, e.g. unsupported encryption scheme
0x1F80    PKCS12 - Bad input parameters to function
0x2080    X509 - Unavailable feature, e.g. RSA hashing/encryption combination
0x2100    X509 - Requested OID is unknown
0x2180    X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, e.g. different type expected
0x2200    X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR version element is invalid
0x2280    X509 - The serial tag or value is invalid
0x2300    X509 - The algorithm tag or value is invalid
0x2380    X509 - The name tag or value is invalid
0x2400    X509 - The date tag or value is invalid
0x2480    X509 - The signature tag or value invalid
0x2500    X509 - The extension tag or value is invalid
0x2580    X509 - CRT/CRL/CSR has an unsupported version number
0x2600    X509 - Signature algorithm (oid) is unsupported
0x2680    X509 - Signature algorithms do not match. (see \\c ::mbedtls_x509_crt sig_oid)
0x2700    X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed
0x2780    X509 - Format not recognized as DER or PEM
0x2800    X509 - Input invalid
0x2880    X509 - Allocation of memory failed
0x2900    X509 - Read/write of file failed
0x2980    X509 - Destination buffer is too small
0x2e00    PKCS5 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x2e80    PKCS5 - Requested encryption or digest alg not available
0x2f00    PKCS5 - Unexpected ASN.1 data
0x2f80    PKCS5 - Bad input parameters to function
0x3000    X509 - A fatal error occured, eg the chain is too long or the vrfy callback failed
0x3080    DHM - Bad input parameters
0x3100    DHM - Reading of the DHM parameters failed
0x3180    DHM - Making of the DHM parameters failed
0x3200    DHM - Reading of the public values failed
0x3280    DHM - Making of the public value failed
0x3300    DHM - Calculation of the DHM secret failed
0x3380    DHM - The ASN.1 data is not formatted correctly
0x3400    DHM - Allocation of memory failed
0x3480    DHM - Read or write of file failed
0x3500    DHM - DHM hardware accelerator failed
0x3580    DHM - Setting the modulus and generator failed
0x3880    PK - PK hardware accelerator failed
0x3900    PK - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more data
0x3980    PK - Unavailable feature, e.g. RSA disabled for RSA key
0x3A00    PK - Elliptic curve is unsupported (only NIST curves are supported)
0x3A80    PK - The algorithm tag or value is invalid
0x3B00    PK - The pubkey tag or value is invalid (only RSA and EC are supported)
0x3B80    PK - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x3C00    PK - Private key password can't be empty
0x3C80    PK - Key algorithm is unsupported (only RSA and EC are supported)
0x3D00    PK - Invalid key tag or value
0x3D80    PK - Unsupported key version
0x3E00    PK - Read/write of file failed
0x3E80    PK - Bad input parameters to function
0x3F00    PK - Type mismatch, eg attempt to encrypt with an ECDSA key
0x3F80    PK - Memory allocation failed
0x4080    RSA - Bad input parameters to function
0x4100    RSA - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejected
0x4180    RSA - Something failed during generation of a key
0x4200    RSA - Key failed to pass the validity check of the library
0x4280    RSA - The public key operation failed
0x4300    RSA - The private key operation failed
0x4380    RSA - The PKCS#1 verification failed
0x4400    RSA - The output buffer for decryption is not large enough
0x4480    RSA - The random generator failed to generate non-zeros
0x4500    RSA - The implementation does not offer the requested operation, for example, because of security violations or lack of functionality
0x4580    RSA - RSA hardware accelerator failed
0x4B00    ECP - Operation in progress, call again with the same parameters to continue
0x4B80    ECP - The ECP hardware accelerator failed
0x4C00    ECP - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more data
0x4C80    ECP - Invalid private or public key
0x4D00    ECP - Generation of random value, such as ephemeral key, failed
0x4D80    ECP - Memory allocation failed
0x4E00    ECP - The signature is not valid
0x4E80    ECP - The requested feature is not available, for example, the requested curve is not supported
0x4F00    ECP - The buffer is too small to write to
0x4F80    ECP - Bad input parameters to function
0x5080    MD - The selected feature is not available
0x5100    MD - Bad input parameters to function
0x5180    MD - Failed to allocate memory
0x5200    MD - Opening or reading of file failed
0x5280    MD - MD hardware accelerator failed
0x6080    CIPHER - The selected feature is not available
0x6100    CIPHER - Bad input parameters
0x6180    CIPHER - Failed to allocate memory
0x6200    CIPHER - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejected
0x6280    CIPHER - Decryption of block requires a full block
0x6300    CIPHER - Authentication failed (for AEAD modes)
0x6380    CIPHER - The context is invalid. For example, because it was freed
0x6400    CIPHER - Cipher hardware accelerator failed
0x6480    SSL - Internal-only message signaling that a message arrived early
0x6500    SSL - The asynchronous operation is not completed yet
0x6580    SSL - Internal-only message signaling that further message-processing should be done
0x6600    SSL - Couldn't set the hash for verifying CertificateVerify
0x6680    SSL - The alert message received indicates a non-fatal error
0x6700    SSL - Record header looks valid but is not expected
0x6780    SSL - The client initiated a reconnect from the same port
0x6800    SSL - The operation timed out
0x6880    SSL - Connection requires a write call
0x6900    SSL - No data of requested type currently available on underlying transport
0x6980    SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable (eg, no suitable certificate, see debug messages)
0x6A00    SSL - A buffer is too small to receive or write a message
0x6A80    SSL - DTLS client must retry for hello verification
0x6B00    SSL - Unexpected message at ServerHello in renegotiation
0x6B80    SSL - A counter would wrap (eg, too many messages exchanged)
0x6C00    SSL - Internal error (eg, unexpected failure in lower-level module)
0x6C80    SSL - Unknown identity received (eg, PSK identity)
0x6D00    SSL - Public key type mismatch (eg, asked for RSA key exchange and presented EC key)
0x6D80    SSL - Session ticket has expired
0x6E00    SSL - Processing of the NewSessionTicket handshake message failed
0x6E80    SSL - Handshake protocol not within min/max boundaries
0x6F00    SSL - Processing of the compression / decompression failed
0x6F80    SSL - Hardware acceleration function skipped / left alone data
0x7000    SSL - A cryptographic operation is in progress. Try again later
0x7080    SSL - The requested feature is not available
0x7100    SSL - Bad input parameters to function
0x7180    SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed
0x7200    SSL - An invalid SSL record was received
0x7280    SSL - The connection indicated an EOF
0x7300    SSL - An unknown cipher was received
0x7380    SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common with the client
0x7400    SSL - No RNG was provided to the SSL module
0x7480    SSL - No client certification received from the client, but required by the authentication mode
0x7500    SSL - Our own certificate(s) is/are too large to send in an SSL message
0x7580    SSL - The own certificate is not set, but needed by the server
0x7600    SSL - The own private key or pre-shared key is not set, but needed
0x7680    SSL - No CA Chain is set, but required to operate
0x7700    SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer
0x7780    SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer
0x7800    SSL - Verification of our peer failed
0x7880    SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed
0x7900    SSL - Processing of the ClientHello handshake message failed
0x7980    SSL - Processing of the ServerHello handshake message failed
0x7A00    SSL - Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed
0x7A80    SSL - Processing of the CertificateRequest handshake message failed
0x7B00    SSL - Processing of the ServerKeyExchange handshake message failed
0x7B80    SSL - Processing of the ServerHelloDone handshake message failed
0x7C00    SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed
0x7C80    SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Read Public
0x7D00    SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Calculate Secret
0x7D80    SSL - Processing of the CertificateVerify handshake message failed
0x7E00    SSL - Processing of the ChangeCipherSpec handshake message failed
0x7E80    SSL - Processing of the Finished handshake message failed
0x7F00    SSL - Memory allocation failed
0x7F80    SSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with error

Low level error codes

0x0002    BIGNUM - An error occurred while reading from or writing to a file
0x0003    HMAC_DRBG - Too many random requested in single call
0x0004    BIGNUM - Bad input parameters to function
0x0005    HMAC_DRBG - Input too large (Entropy + additional)
0x0006    BIGNUM - There is an invalid character in the digit string
0x0007    HMAC_DRBG - Read/write error in file
0x0008    BIGNUM - The buffer is too small to write to
0x0009    HMAC_DRBG - The entropy source failed
0x000A    BIGNUM - The input arguments are negative or result in illegal output
0x000B    OID - output buffer is too small
0x000C    BIGNUM - The input argument for division is zero, which is not allowed
0x000D    CCM - Bad input parameters to the function
0x000E    BIGNUM - The input arguments are not acceptable
0x000F    CCM - Authenticated decryption failed
0x0010    BIGNUM - Memory allocation failed
0x0011    CCM - CCM hardware accelerator failed
0x0012    GCM - Authenticated decryption failed
0x0013    GCM - GCM hardware accelerator failed
0x0014    GCM - Bad input parameters to function
0x0016    BLOWFISH - Bad input data
0x0017    BLOWFISH - Blowfish hardware accelerator failed
0x0018    BLOWFISH - Invalid data input length
0x0019    ARC4 - ARC4 hardware accelerator failed
0x0020    AES - Invalid key length
0x0021    AES - Invalid input data
0x0022    AES - Invalid data input length
0x0023    AES - Feature not available. For example, an unsupported AES key size
0x0024    CAMELLIA - Bad input data
0x0025    AES - AES hardware accelerator failed
0x0026    CAMELLIA - Invalid data input length
0x0027    CAMELLIA - Camellia hardware accelerator failed
0x0028    XTEA - The data input has an invalid length
0x0029    XTEA - XTEA hardware accelerator failed
0x002A    BASE64 - Output buffer too small
0x002B    MD2 - MD2 hardware accelerator failed
0x002C    BASE64 - Invalid character in input
0x002D    MD4 - MD4 hardware accelerator failed
0x002E    OID - OID is not found
0x002F    MD5 - MD5 hardware accelerator failed
0x0030    PADLOCK - Input data should be aligned
0x0031    RIPEMD160 - RIPEMD160 hardware accelerator failed
0x0032    DES - The data input has an invalid length
0x0033    DES - DES hardware accelerator failed
0x0034    CTR_DRBG - The entropy source failed
0x0035    SHA1 - SHA-1 hardware accelerator failed
0x0036    CTR_DRBG - The requested random buffer length is too big
0x0037    SHA256 - SHA-256 hardware accelerator failed
0x0038    CTR_DRBG - The input (entropy + additional data) is too large
0x0039    SHA512 - SHA-512 hardware accelerator failed
0x003A    CTR_DRBG - Read or write error in file
0x003C    ENTROPY - Critical entropy source failure
0x003D    ENTROPY - No strong sources have been added to poll
0x003E    ENTROPY - No more sources can be added
0x003F    ENTROPY - Read/write error in file
0x0040    ENTROPY - No sources have been added to poll
0x0042    NET - Failed to open a socket
0x0043    NET - Buffer is too small to hold the data
0x0044    NET - The connection to the given server / port failed
0x0045    NET - The context is invalid, eg because it was free()ed
0x0046    NET - Binding of the socket failed
0x0047    NET - Polling the net context failed
0x0048    NET - Could not listen on the socket
0x0049    NET - Input invalid
0x004A    NET - Could not accept the incoming connection
0x004C    NET - Reading information from the socket failed
0x004E    NET - Sending information through the socket failed
0x0050    NET - Connection was reset by peer
0x0051    CHACHA20 - Invalid input parameter(s)
0x0052    NET - Failed to get an IP address for the given hostname
0x0053    CHACHA20 - Feature not available. For example, s part of the API is not implemented
0x0054    CHACHAPOLY - The requested operation is not permitted in the current state
0x0055    CHACHA20 - Chacha20 hardware accelerator failed
0x0056    CHACHAPOLY - Authenticated decryption failed: data was not authentic
0x0057    POLY1305 - Invalid input parameter(s)
0x0058    ARIA - ARIA hardware accelerator failed
0x0059    POLY1305 - Feature not available. For example, s part of the API is not implemented
0x005A    ARIA - Feature not available. For example, an unsupported ARIA key size
0x005B    POLY1305 - Poly1305 hardware accelerator failed
0x005C    ARIA - Bad input data
0x005E    ARIA - Invalid data input length
0x0060    ASN1 - Out of data when parsing an ASN1 data structure
0x0062    ASN1 - ASN1 tag was of an unexpected value
0x0064    ASN1 - Error when trying to determine the length or invalid length
0x0066    ASN1 - Actual length differs from expected length
0x0068    ASN1 - Data is invalid. (not used)
0x006A    ASN1 - Memory allocation failed
0x006C    ASN1 - Buffer too small when writing ASN.1 data structure
0x0070    PLATFORM - Hardware accelerator failed
0x0072    PLATFORM - The requested feature is not supported by the platform
0x0073    SHA1 - SHA-1 input data was malformed
0x0074    SHA256 - SHA-256 input data was malformed
0x0075    SHA512 - SHA-512 input data was malformed
0x007A    CMAC - CMAC hardware accelerator failed




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