linux考试中的7654_RHCSA 红帽认证系统管理员考试准备(一)


红帽® 认证系统管理员 (RHCSA) 应能够执行以下任务:
管理安全性,包括基本防火墙和 SELinux 配置
RHCSA 认证专为以下人士设计:
具有相关经验,并希望对所掌握的技能进行专业认证的红帽企业 Linux 系统管理员
已参加红帽系统管理一和二课程的学习,并准备考取 RHCSA 认证的学员
具有一定经验的 Linux 系统管理员, 按照该公司要求或基于强制性规定(DOD 8570 法令)要求必须进行相关认证
正在考取红帽认证工程师 (RHCE®) 认证的 IT 专业人士
认证已过期或即将过期,并希望更新认证的 RHCE 工程师 EX200 - 红帽认证系统管理员 (RHCSA) 考试红帽认证系统管理员 (RHCSA) 考试 (EX200) 是基于实际操作的能力考试,将对考生就一系列运行环境和部署方案中常见的系统管理领域的知识和技能进行测试。您必须已经获得红帽认证系统管理员 (RHCSA) 认证,才符合获得红帽认证工程师 (RHCE®) 认证的资格。
如果您在为获取红帽认证系统管理员 (RHCSA) 认证做准备,红帽向您推荐以下培训课程: 面向 Windows 系统管理员
红帽系统管理一 (RH124) 5天,10000 CNY
红帽系统管理二 (RH134) 4天,8800 CNY 面向 有经验的Linux 或 UNIX 管理员
RHCSA 快速提升课程 (RH199),4 天,11200 CNY
RHEL8 New Features for Experienced Linux Administrators (RH354) 3天,7200 CNY

RHCSA 与 RHCE 之间有何区别?

获得红帽® 认证系统管理员(RHCSA®)证书的 IT 专业人士具备红帽® 企业 Linux® 环境所需的核心系统管理技能。学员需成功通过红帽认证系统管理员(RHCSA)考试(EX200)方能获得该证书。
红帽® 认证工程师(RHCE®)则是满足以下条件的 RHCSA:具有负责红帽企业 Linux 系统的高级系统管理员所需的额外技能、知识与能力。学员需成功通过红帽认证系统管理员(RHCSA)考试(EX200)和红帽认证工程师(RHCE)考试(EX300)方能获得该证书。

新 RHCE 路径以红帽企业 Linux 8 为基础创建,需要学习新的课程并参加新的考试。新的课程及对应认证为“红帽系统管理三:Linux 自动化 (RH294)”和“红帽认证工程师考试 (EX294)”,将重点考察运用 Ansible 和 shell 脚本对 Linux 系统管理任务进行自动化的能力。


相比RHEL6版本难度大致相同,很多学员考后反馈RHEL7版本更加简单了,国内普遍分数在260-295之间。 红帽RHEL7版本的RHCE考试EX300时间为3.5小时,满分300分,210分合格(70%)
题目难度比RHEL6版本更大,很多初次考试的学员无法在4小时内完成所有题目。 红帽RHEL8版本的RHCE考试EX294时间为4小时,满分300分,210分合格(70%)
红帽认证架构师(Red Hat Certified Architect,RHCA)属于Linux系统的最高级别认证,是公认的Linux操作系统顶级认证,目前中国仅有不到1000人(2017年更新数据)持有该认证。 考生需要在获得RHCSA与RHCE认证后再完成5门课程的考试才能获得RHCA认证,因此难度最大,备考时间最长,费用也最高(考试费约在1.8万元~2.1万元人民币)。该认证考察的是考生对红帽卫星服务、红帽系统集群、红帽虚拟化、系统性能调优以及红帽云系统的安装搭建与维护能力。 若欲取得红帽RHCA认证,您必须通过以下考试中的任意5门考试:
考试代码 认证名称 EX210 红帽 OpenStack 认证系统管理员考试 EX220 红帽混合云管理专业技能证书考试 EX236 红帽混合云存储专业技能证书考试
EX248 红帽认证 JBoss 管理员考试 EX280 红帽平台即服务专业技能证书考试 EX318 红帽认证虚拟化管理员考试
EX401 红帽部署和系统管理专业技能证书考试
EX413 红帽服务器固化专业技能证书考试
EX436 红帽集群和存储管理专业技能证书考试
EX442 红帽性能调优专业技能证书考试 考试注意事项
同考场人数较多时,考试时不要抖腿,以免踢掉或踢松网线(尤其是自己的),否则成绩无效。 考试时不要让考官看到您的手机、U盘以及复习资料等,否则按作弊成绩无效。


The RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199) is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux® administration. This course combines Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and Red Hat System Administration II (RH134), reviewing the tasks at an accelerated pace.
This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8.

Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam (EX200V8K) (RHEL 8)

Exam format
The Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam is a hands-on, practical exam that requires you to undertake real-world tasks. Internet access is not provided during the exam, and you will not be permitted to bring any hard copy or electronic documentation into the exam. This prohibition includes notes, books, or any other materials. For most exams, the documentation that ships with the product is available during the exam. Scores and reporting
Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days.
Exam results are reported as total scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. RHCSA What's new?和RHEL7版的RHCSA认证相比,RHEL8版的RHCSA有什么不同呢?

Between the RHCSA v7 and the RHCSA v8 exams, Red Hat has made numerous adjustments: Access a virtual machine's console, Start and stop virtual machines, Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems as virtual guests and Configure systems to launch virtual machines at boot objectives have been removed: there is no virtualization (mainly KVM) objective at the exam anymore. In the past many candidates were wondering if KVM knowledge was necessary: the answer is now definitively no. Preserve system journals is a new objective, system journals not being preserved by default. Mount and unmount CIFS network file systems objective has been withdrawn but not NFS network file systems: SAMBA and Windows integration doesn’t seem to be a priority anymore, at least on the filesystem side. Configure disk compression objective shows up: Red Hat wants sysadmins to master the VDO technology, purchased several years ago. Manage layered storage is a new objective dealing with Stratis, the Red Hat's answer to the ZFS file system: not a new product but a better integration between LVM and xfs. Create and manage Access Control Lists (ACLs) objective disappears. Red Hat added new objectives but also had to remove some. Configure time service clients objective replaces the previous Configure a system to use time services objective: Red Hat doesn't ask candidates to set up time service client and server anymore but only time service clients. Knowledge of the NTP daemon is no longer necessary, that of Chrony is enough. Work with package module streams objective replaces Update the kernel package appropriately to ensure a bootable system previous objective: AppStreams are the most visible new feature of RHEL 8. They had to be there. Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses objective, previously associated with the RHCE 7 exam, is a new RHCSA 8 objective. Restrict network access using firewall-cmd/firewalld and Configure firewall settings using firewall-cmd/firewalld are not really new objectives. In the RHCSA 7 exam, tasks could be done with Firewalld or Iptables, now Iptables have been removed. Configure a system to use an existing authentication service for user and group information objective is not there anymore: no LDAP configuration at the RHCSA 8 exam. It was one of the most dreaded topics of the exam. Configure superuser access is a new objective, which asks candidates to know the sudo command and associated configuration.
To sum up the main changes:
Objectives around Virtualization and LDAP configuration are gone.
The IPv6 configuration, previously included in the RHCE 7 curriculum, is now an objective of the RHCSA 8 exam.
New technologies coming with the RHEL 8 distribution like VDO, Stratis and AppStreams are logical new objectives.
The exam difficulty shouldn't change too much: Red Hat is trading the LDAP configuration and virtualization topics, even though there were few tasks on this latter subject in the past, against VDO, Stratis and AppStreams.
According to the new Red Hat's release cadence, a minor version of RHEL every six months and a major version of RHEL every three years, it is interesting to note that the duration of the RHCSA certification is now synchronized with the RHEL release cycle.


  • systemd, a new service manager, provides new features and faster boot times that Upstart and the old SysVinit system.
  • The XFS filesystem, which is now the default, supports filesystems up to 500TB in size.
  • The firewalld daemon configures a zone-based firewall.
  • GNOME 3 is now the default desktop.
  • In-place upgrades are available from RHEL6.


Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition (Exams EX200 & EX300)
Author: Michael Jang and Allesandro Orsaria

examine the detailed objectives associated with notes exams 101 and 102. Links to those objectives are available from If you're comfortable with most of the files, terms, and utilities listed in the objectives for those exams, you're ready to start your studies for the Red Hat exams
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