Coursera-Introduction to Data Science in Python-week 3-Assignment 3



Question 1 (20%)

Load the energy data from the file Energy Indicators.xls, which is a list of indicators of energy supply and renewable electricity production from the United Nations for the year 2013, and should be put into a DataFrame with the variable name of energy.

Keep in mind that this is an Excel file, and not a comma separated values file. Also, make sure to exclude the footer and header information from the datafile. The first two columns are unneccessary, so you should get rid of them, and you should change the column labels so that the columns are:

['Country', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']

Convert Energy Supply to gigajoules (there are 1,000,000 gigajoules in a petajoule). For all countries which have missing data (e.g. data with "...") make sure this is reflected as np.NaN values.

Rename the following list of countries (for use in later questions):

"Republic of Korea": "South Korea", "United States of America": "United States", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland": "United Kingdom", "China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region": "Hong Kong"

There are also several countries with numbers and/or parenthesis in their name. Be sure to remove these,


'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)' should be 'Bolivia',

'Switzerland17' should be 'Switzerland'.


Next, load the GDP data from the file world_bank.csv, which is a csv containing countries' GDP from 1960 to 2015 from World Bank. Call this DataFrame GDP.

Make sure to skip the header, and rename the following list of countries:

"Korea, Rep.": "South Korea", "Iran, Islamic Rep.": "Iran", "Hong Kong SAR, China": "Hong Kong"


Finally, load the Sciamgo Journal and Country Rank data for Energy Engineering and Power Technology from the file scimagojr-3.xlsx, which ranks countries based on their journal contributions in the aforementioned area. Call this DataFrame ScimEn.

Join the three datasets: GDP, Energy, and ScimEn into a new dataset (using the intersection of country names). Use only the last 10 years (2006-2015) of GDP data and only the top 15 countries by Scimagojr 'Rank' (Rank 1 through 15).

The index of this DataFrame should be the name of the country, and the columns should be ['Rank', 'Documents', 'Citable documents', 'Citations', 'Self-citations', 'Citations per document', 'H index', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015'].

This function should return a DataFrame with 20 columns and 15 entries.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def answer_one():
    energy = pd.read_excel('Energy Indicators.xls', skiprows=17,skip_footer= 38)  # 读数据,下载下来的表中前面17行和后面38行都没用,读取时跳过
    energy = energy[['Unnamed: 1','Petajoules','Gigajoules','%']]
    energy.columns = ['Country', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']  # 根据题目要求重命名
    energy[['Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']] =  energy[['Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']].replace('...',np.NaN).apply(pd.to_numeric)  # 根据题目要求将没有数据的值转化为NaN
    energy['Energy Supply'] = energy['Energy Supply']*1000000  # 根据题目要求转换单位
    energy['Country'] = energy['Country'].replace({'China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region':'Hong Kong','United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland':'United Kingdom','Republic of Korea':'South Korea','United States of America':'United States','Iran (Islamic Republic of)':'Iran'})  # 根据题目要求替换相应国家名字,替换写在字典中,replace函数替换
    energy['Country'] = energy['Country'].str.replace(" \(.*\)","")  # 根据题目要求替换相应国家名字,去除一些特殊符号
    GDP = pd.read_csv('world_bank.csv', skiprows=4)
    GDP['Country Name'] = GDP['Country Name'].replace({"Korea, Rep.": "South Korea", "Iran, Islamic Rep.": "Iran", "Hong Kong SAR, China": "Hong Kong"})  # 同样,替换相应国家名字
    GDP = GDP[['Country Name','2006','2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']]  # 题目说只要10年的,就取出这些年的
    ScimEn = pd.read_excel('scimagojr-3.xlsx')
    ScimEn = ScimEn[0:15]  # 读数据,取出前15个
    df = pd.merge(ScimEn, energy, how = 'inner', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country')
    dff = pd.merge(df,GDP, how = 'inner', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country Name').set_index('Country')  # 合并数据,inner方法取交集,最后只有15个国家
    dff = dff[['Rank', 'Documents', 'Citable documents', 'Citations', 'Self-citations', 'Citations per document', 'H index', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015']]
    return dff



Question 2 (6.6%)

The previous question joined three datasets then reduced this to just the top 15 entries. When you joined the datasets, but before you reduced this to the top 15 items, how many entries did you lose?

This function should return a single number.


def answer_two():
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np

# 这些都是和Q1一样的在导入数据
    energy = pd.read_excel('Energy Indicators.xls', skiprows=17,skip_footer= 38)
    energy = energy[['Unnamed: 1','Petajoules','Gigajoules','%']]
    energy.columns = ['Country', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']
    energy[['Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']] =  energy[['Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable']].replace('...',np.NaN).apply(pd.to_numeric)
    energy['Energy Supply'] = energy['Energy Supply']*1000000
    energy['Country'] = energy['Country'].replace({'China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region':'Hong Kong','United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland':'United Kingdom','Republic of Korea':'South Korea','United States of America':'United States','Iran (Islamic Republic of)':'Iran'})
    energy['Country'] = energy['Country'].str.replace(" \(.*\)","")
    GDP = pd.read_csv('world_bank.csv',skiprows=4)
    GDP['Country Name'] = GDP['Country Name'].replace('Korea, Rep.','South Korea')
    GDP['Country Name'] = GDP['Country Name'].replace('Iran, Islamic Rep.','Iran')
    GDP['Country Name'] = GDP['Country Name'].replace('Hong Kong SAR, China','Hong Kong')

    columns = ['Country Name','2006','2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']
    GDP = GDP[columns]
    GDP.columns = ['Country','2006','2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']
    ScimEn = pd.read_excel('scimagojr-3.xlsx')
    ScimEn_m = ScimEn[:15]
    df = pd.merge(ScimEn, energy, how = 'inner', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country')
    final_df = pd.merge(df,GDP, how = 'inner', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country')
    final_df = final_df.set_index('Country')
    columns = ['Rank', 'Documents', 'Citable documents', 'Citations', 'Self-citations', 'Citations per document', 'H index', 'Energy Supply', 'Energy Supply per Capita', '% Renewable', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015']
    ans = final_df[columns]

# 这里是使用otter方法合并数据  
    df2 = pd.merge(ScimEn, energy, how = 'outer', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country')
    final_df2 = pd.merge(df2,GDP, how = 'outer', left_on = 'Country', right_on='Country')   
    # print(len(final_df2) - len(final_df))
    # 用outter合并的长度减去inner合并的长度,答案是156
    return len(final_df2) - len(final_df)


Question 3 (6.6%)

What is the average GDP over the last 10 years for each country? (exclude missing values from this calculation.)

This function should return a Series named avgGDP with 15 countries and their average GDP sorted in descending order.


def answer_three():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    gdp = Top15[['2006','2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']]
    avgGDP = gdp.mean(axis=1)
    return avgGDP



 Question 4 (6.6%)

By how much had the GDP changed over the 10 year span for the country with the 6th largest average GDP?

This function should return a single number.


def answer_four():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    avg = answer_three().sort_values(ascending=False)  # False指降序排列
    country = avg.index[5]
    value = Top15.loc[country]['2015'] - Top15.loc[country]['2006']
    return value



Question 5 (6.6%)

What is the mean Energy Supply per Capita?

This function should return a single number.


def answer_five():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    supply = Top15['Energy Supply per Capita'].mean()
    return supply


Question 6 (6.6%)

What country has the maximum % Renewable and what is the percentage?

This function should return a tuple with the name of the country and the percentage.


def answer_six():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    renew = Top15['% Renewable']
    ans = renew.idxmax()  # 找最大的id
    return (ans, renew[ans])


答案:('Brazil', 69.648030000000006)

Question 7 (6.6%)

Create a new column that is the ratio of Self-Citations to Total Citations. What is the maximum value for this new column, and what country has the highest ratio?

This function should return a tuple with the name of the country and the ratio.


def answer_seven():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    se = Top15['Self-citations'] / Top15['Citations']
    ans = se.idxmax()
    return (ans, se.loc[ans])

答案:('China', 0.68931261793894216)

Question 8 (6.6%)

Create a column that estimates the population using Energy Supply and Energy Supply per capita. What is the third most populous country according to this estimate?

This function should return a single string value.


def answer_eight():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    se = Top15['Energy Supply'] / Top15['Energy Supply per Capita']
    ans = se.sort_values(ascending = False).index[2]
    return ans


答案:'United States'

Question 9 (6.6%)

Create a column that estimates the number of citable documents per person. What is the correlation between the number of citable documents per capita and the energy supply per capita? Use the .corr() method, (Pearson's correlation).

This function should return a single number.


def answer_nine():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    se = Top15['Citable documents'] / (Top15['Energy Supply'] / Top15['Energy Supply per Capita'])
    ans = se.corr(Top15['Energy Supply per Capita'])
    return ans



Question 10 (6.6%)

Create a new column with a 1 if the country's % Renewable value is at or above the median for all countries in the top 15, and a 0 if the country's % Renewable value is below the median.

This function should return a series named HighRenew whose index is the country name sorted in ascending order of rank.


def answer_ten():
    import numpy as np
    Top15 = answer_one()
    renew = Top15['% Renewable']
    mid = renew.median()  # 计算中位数
    HighRenew = renew
    for i in range(len(HighRenew)):
        if HighRenew[i] >= mid:
            HighRenew[i] = 1
            HighRenew[i] = 0
    return HighRenew.astype(np.int64)  # 不知道为什么输出出来是float而且是错的,我就又转了一下格式


Question 11 (6.6%)

Use the following dictionary to group the Countries by Continent, then create a dateframe that displays the sample size (the number of countries in each continent bin), and the sum, mean, and std deviation for the estimated population of each country.

ContinentDict  = {'China':'Asia', 
                  'United States':'North America', 
                  'United Kingdom':'Europe', 
                  'Russian Federation':'Europe', 
                  'Canada':'North America', 
                  'South Korea':'Asia', 
                  'Brazil':'South America'}

This function should return a DataFrame with index named Continent ['Asia', 'Australia', 'Europe', 'North America', 'South America'] and columns ['size', 'sum', 'mean', 'std']

def answer_eleven():
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    ContinentDict  = {'China':'Asia', 
                  'United States':'North America', 
                  'United Kingdom':'Europe', 
                  'Russian Federation':'Europe', 
                  'Canada':'North America', 
                  'South Korea':'Asia', 
                  'Brazil':'South America'}
    Top15 = answer_one()
    Top15['PopEst'] = (Top15['Energy Supply'] / Top15['Energy Supply per Capita'])
    Top15 = Top15.reset_index()
    Top15['Continent'] = Top15['Country']
    for country in Top15['Country']:
        Top15['Continent'] = Top15['Continent'].replace(ContinentDict)
    target = Top15.set_index('Continent').groupby(level = 0)['PopEst'].agg({'size':np.size, 'sum':np.sum, 'mean':np.mean, 'std':np.std})
    ans = target[['size', 'sum', 'mean', 'std' ]]
    return target



Question 12 (6.6%)

Cut % Renewable into 5 bins. Group Top15 by the Continent, as well as these new % Renewable bins. How many countries are in each of these groups?

This function should return a Series with a MultiIndex of Continent, then the bins for % Renewable. Do not include groups with no countries.

def answer_twelve():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    ContinentDict  = {'China':'Asia', 
                  'United States':'North America', 
                  'United Kingdom':'Europe', 
                  'Russian Federation':'Europe', 
                  'Canada':'North America', 
                  'South Korea':'Asia', 
                  'Brazil':'South America'}
    Top15 = Top15.reset_index()
    Top15['Continent'] = [ContinentDict[country] for country in Top15['Country']]
    Top15['bins'] = pd.cut(Top15['% Renewable'],5)
    ans = Top15.groupby(['Continent', 'bins']).size()
#     print(Top15['bins'])
    return pd.Series(ans)


Question 13 (6.6%)

Convert the Population Estimate series to a string with thousands separator (using commas). Do not round the results.

e.g. 317615384.61538464 -> 317,615,384.61538464

This function should return a Series PopEst whose index is the country name and whose values are the population estimate string.

def answer_thirteen():
    Top15 = answer_one()
    tmp = []
    Top15['PopEst'] = (Top15['Energy Supply'] / Top15['Energy Supply per Capita'])
    tmp = Top15['PopEst'].tolist()

    Top15['PopEst'] = (Top15['Energy Supply'] / Top15['Energy Supply per Capita']).apply(lambda x: "{:,}".format(x), tmp)
    ans = pd.Series(Top15['PopEst'])
    return ans


### 回答1: Coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip是一个包含Andrew Ng的机器学习课程笔记和代码的压缩包。这门课程是由斯坦福大学提供的计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)的教授Andrew Ng教授开设的,旨在通过深入浅出的方式介绍机器学习的基础概念,包括监督学习、无监督学习、逻辑回归、神经网络等等。 这个压缩包中的笔记和代码可以帮助机器学习初学者更好地理解和应用所学的知识。笔记中包含了课程中涉及到的各种公式、算法和概念的详细解释,同时也包括了编程作业的指导和解答。而代码部分包含了课程中使用的MATLAB代码,以及Python代码的实现。 这个压缩包对机器学习爱好者和学生来说是一个非常有用的资源,能够让他们深入了解机器学习的基础,并掌握如何运用这些知识去解决实际问题。此外,这个压缩包还可以作为教师和讲师的教学资源,帮助他们更好地传授机器学习的知识和技能。 ### 回答2: 是一个 Coursera Machine Learning 课程的笔记和教材的压缩包,由学生或者讲师编写。这个压缩包中包括了 Andrew Ng 教授在 Coursera 上发布的 Machine Learning 课程的全部讲义、练习题和答案等相关学习材料。 Machine Learning 课程是一个介绍机器学习的课程,它包括了许多重要的机器学习算法和理论,例如线性回归、神经网络、决策树、支持向量机等。这个课程的目标是让学生了解机器学习的方法,学习如何使用机器学习来解决实际问题,并最终构建自己的机器学习系统。 这个压缩包中包含的所有学习材料都是免费的,每个人都可以从 Coursera 的网站上免费获取。通过学习这个课程,你将学习到机器学习的基础知识和核心算法,掌握机器学习的实际应用技巧,以及学会如何处理不同种类的数据和问题。 总之, 是一个非常有用的学习资源,它可以帮助人们更好地学习、理解和掌握机器学习的知识和技能。无论你是机器学习初学者还是资深的机器学习专家,它都将是一个重要的参考工具。 ### 回答3: coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip是一份具有高价值的文件,其中包含了Andrew Ng在Coursera上开授的机器学习课程的笔记。这份课程笔记可以帮助学习者更好地理解掌握机器学习技术和方法,提高在机器学习领域的实践能力。通过这份文件,学习者可以学习到机器学习的算法、原理和应用,其中包括线性回归、逻辑回归、神经网络、支持向量机、聚类、降维等多个内容。同时,这份笔记还提供了很多代码实现和模板,学习者可以通过这些实例来理解、运用和进一步深入研究机器学习技术。 总的来说,coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip对于想要深入学习和掌握机器学习技术和方法的学习者来说是一份不可多得的资料,对于企业中从事机器学习相关工作的从业人员来说也是进行技能提升或者知识更新的重要资料。因此,对于机器学习领域的学习者和从业人员来说,学习并掌握coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip所提供的知识和技能是非常有价值的。
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