c语言socket select,select 与 socket问题求分析

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timeout is an upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before select() returns. It may be zero, causing select() to

return immediately. (This is useful for polling.) If timeout is NULL (no timeout), select() can block indefinitely.

sigmask is a pointer to a signal mask (see sigprocmask(2)); if it is not NULL, then pselect() first replaces the current

signal mask by the one pointed to by sigmask, then does the ‘select’ function, and then restores the original signal


Other than the difference in the precision of the timeout argument, the following pselect() call:

ready = pselect(nfds, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds,

timeout, &sigmask);

is equivalent to atomically executing the following calls:

sigset_t origmask;

sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, &origmask);

ready = select(nfds, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, timeout);

sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &origmask, NULL);

The reason that pselect() is needed is that if one wants to wait for either a signal or for a file descriptor to become

ready, then an atomic test is needed to prevent race conditions. (Suppose the signal handler sets a global flag and

returns. Then a test of this global flag followed by a call of select() could hang indefinitely if the signal arrived

just after the test but just before the call. By contrast, pselect() allows one to first block signals, handle the sig-

nals that have come in, then call pselect() with the desired sigmask, avoiding the race.)

The timeout

The time structures involved are defined in and look like

struct timeval {

long tv_sec; /* seconds */

long tv_usec; /* microseconds */



struct timespec {

long tv_sec; /* seconds */

long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */


(However, see below on the POSIX.1-2001 versions.)

Some code calls select() with all three sets empty, n zero, and a non-NULL timeout as a fairly portable way to sleep

with subsecond precision.

On Linux, select() modifies timeout to reflect the amount of time not slept; most other implementations do not do this.

(POSIX.1-2001 permits either behaviour.) This causes problems both when Linux code which reads timeout is ported to

other operating systems, and when code is ported to Linux that reuses a struct timeval for multiple select()s in a loop

without reinitializing it. Consider timeout to be undefined after select() returns.


On success, select() and pselect() return the number of file descriptors contained in the three returned descriptor sets

(that is, the total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds, exceptfds) which may be zero if the timeout

expires before anything interesting happens. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately; the sets and

timeout become undefined, so do not rely on their contents after an error.


EBADF An invalid file descriptor was given in one of the sets. (Perhaps a file descriptor that was already closed, or

one on which an error has occurred.)

EINTR A signal was caught.

EINVAL nfds is negative or the value contained within timeout is invalid.

ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for internal tables.

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SelectSocket编程中还是比较重要的,可是对于初学Socket的人来说都不太爱用Select写程序,他们只是习惯写诸如connect、accept、recv或recvfrom这样的阻塞程序(所谓阻塞方式block,顾名思义,就是进程或是线程执行到这些函数时必须等待某个事件的发生,如果事件没有发生,进程或线程就被阻塞,函数不能立即返回)。可是使用Select就可以完成非阻塞(所谓非阻塞方式non-block,就是进程或线程执行此函数时不必非要等待事件的发生,一旦执行肯定返回,以返回值的不同来反映函数的执行情况,如果事件发生则与阻塞方式相同,若事件没有发生则返回一个代码来告知事件未发生,而进程或线程继续执行,所以效率较高)方式工作的程序,它能够监视我们需要监视的文件描述符的变化情况——读写或是异常。下面详细介绍一下! Select的函数格式(我所说的是Unix系统下的伯克利socket编程,和windows下的有区别,一会儿说明): int select(int maxfdp,fd_set *readfds,fd_set *writefds,fd_set *errorfds,struct timeval *timeout); 先说明两个结构体: 第一,struct fd_set可以理解为一个集合,这个集合中存放的是文件描述符(file descriptor),即文件句柄,这可以是我们所说的普通意义的文件,当然Unix下任何设备、管道、FIFO等都是文件形式,全部包括在内,所以毫无疑问一个socket就是一个文件,socket句柄就是一个文件描述符。fd_set集合可以通过一些宏由人为来操作,比如清空集合FD_ZERO(fd_set *),将一个给定的文件描述符加入集合之中FD_SET(int ,fd_set *),将一个给定的文件描述符从集合中删除FD_CLR(int ,fd_set*),检查集合中指定的文件描述符是否可以读写FD_ISSET(int ,fd_set* )。一会儿举例说明。 第二,struct timeval是一个大家常用的结构,用来代表时间值,有两个成员,一个是秒数,另一个是毫秒数。 具体解释select的参数: int maxfdp是一个整数值,是指集合中所有文件描述符的范围,即所有文件描述符的最大值加1,不能错!在Windows中这个参数的值无所谓,可以设置不正确。 fd_set *readfds是指向fd_set结构的指针,这个集合中应该包括文件描述符,我们是要监视这些文件描述符的读变化的,即我们关心是否可以从这些文件中读取数据了,如果这个集合中有一个文件可读,select就会返回一个大于0的值,表示有文件可读,如果没有可读的文件,则根据timeout参数再判断是否超时,若超出timeout的时间,select返回0,若发生错误返回负值。可以传入NULL值,表示不关心任何文件的读变化。 fd_set *writefds是指向fd_set结构的指针,这个集合中应该包括文件描述符,我们是要监视这些文件描述符的写变化的,即我们关心是否可以向这些文件中写入数据了,如果这个集合中有一个文件可写,select就会返回一个大于0的值,表示有文件可写,如果没有可写的文件,则根据timeout参数再判断是否超时,若超出timeout的时间,select返回0,若发生错误返回负值。可以传入NULL值,表示不关心任何文件的写变化。 fd_set *errorfds同上面两个参数的意图,用来监视文件错误异常。 struct timeval* timeout是select的超时时间,这个参数至关重要,它可以使select处于三种状态,第一,若将NULL以形参传入,即不传入时间结构,就是将select置于阻塞状态,一定等到监视文件描述符集合中某个文件描述符发生变化为止;第二,若将时间值设为0秒0毫秒,就变成一个纯粹的非阻塞函数,不管文件描述符是否有变化,都立刻返回继续执行,文件无变化返回0,有变化返回一个正值;第三,timeout的值大于0,这就是等待的超时时间,即select在timeout时间内阻塞,超时时间之内有事件到来就返回了,否则在超时后不管怎样一定返回,返回值同上述。 返回值: 负值:select错误 正值:某些文件可读写或出错 0:等待超时,没有可读写或错误的文件


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