





在 asio 框架下使用 msgpack 封装数据





  • msgpack 基本用法
  • asio 异步读写
  • asio 同步读写

安装 msgpack 库,并进入 /home/shiyanlou/rpc/code5 目录。

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c.git
cd msgpack-c
cmake -DMSGPACK_C11=ON .
sudo make install
cd ..

msgpack 是一种高效的二进制序列化格式,像 json ,但是相比 json 速度快得多,体积也小得多,它支持多种语言。

本节我们将使用 msgpack 对数据进行序列化和反序列化。


我们的 rpc 通信库将使用 msgpack 作为传输格式。在 code5 目录下新建 code1.cpp 文件。

#include <msgpack.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    msgpack::type::tuple<bool, char, std::string> src(true, 'i', "shiyanlou");

    std::stringstream buffer;
    // 序列化
    msgpack::pack(buffer, src);

    std::string str(buffer.str());

    // 反序列化
    msgpack::object_handle oh =    msgpack::unpack(str.data(), str.size());

    msgpack::object deserialized = oh.get();

    std::cout << deserialized << std::endl;

    // 两种把 msgpack::object_handle 转化为 msgpack::type::tuple 的方法
    msgpack::type::tuple<bool, char, std::string> dst;

    msgpack::type::tuple<bool, char, std::string> dst2 =    deserialized.as<msgpack::type::tuple<bool, char, std::string> >();

    return 0;

编译和运行代码:在 build 目录下执行

g++ ../code1.cpp -o code1 -std=c++11 -I msgpack-c/include && ./code1



code1.cpp 实现了如何序列化和反序列化一个 tuple , msgpack::pack 将 tuple 序列化到 buffer 里,后面再通过 msgpack::unpack 来反序列化,序列化的结果放到 msgpack::unpacked 对象中,再调用 as<T> 将该对象转换为某个具体的对象。这里需要注意的是如果 as<T> 转换失败了则会抛异常,我们需要捕获异常做错误处理。


序列化:msgpack::type::tuple 类型 -> std::stringstream 类型 -> std::string 类型。

反序列化:std::string 类型 -> msgpack::object_handle 类型 -> msgpack::object 类型 -> msgpack::type::tuple 类型。


只需要在自定义类中添加一句声明 MSGPACK_DEFINE()msgpack 就可以序列化自定义对象。在 code5 目录下新建 code2.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <msgpack.hpp>

class person {
    //person() :name("") { age = 0; id = 0; };
    person(int id_ = 0, std::string name_ = "", int age_ = 0) :name(name_) { age = age_; id = id_; };

    int id;
    std::string name;
    int age;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE(id, name, age); // 申明这个类需要序列化
    void disply() {
        std::cout << id << " " << name << " " << age << std::endl;

void test() {

    person src(1, "tom", 20 );
    std::stringstream buffer;
    msgpack::pack(buffer, src); // 将自定义类序列化

    std::string str(buffer.str());

    msgpack::object_handle oh = msgpack::unpack(str.data(), str.size()); // 反序列化
    msgpack::object deserialized = oh.get();
    try {
        person dst = deserialized.as<person>(); // 得到类的实例
        dst.disply(); // 调用类的方法

    catch (...)
        throw std::invalid_argument("Args not match!");


int main(void)
    return 0;

编译和运行代码:在 build 目录下执行

g++ ../code2.cpp -o code2 -std=c++11 -I msgpack-c/include && ./code2


1 tom 20

对于要序列化的自定义对象 person 我们需要定义一个 MSGPACK_DEFINE ,然后就可以调用 msgpack::pack 和 msgpack::unpack 对 person 对象进行序列化和反序列化。

需要注意的是,可以将数据反序列化为对象的前提是通信的双发都有该类的定义。如果接收方没有该类的定义,最终无法填写 deserialized.as< >() 中的模板参数,也就无法得到类的实例。

在 asio 框架下使用 msgpack 封装数据

tcp 流传输数据时,我们需要约定一个流的解析协议,一种常见的方式是包头加包体,固定长度的一个包头,这个包头里的内容就是包体的长度,我们读 tcp 流时先读固定长度的包头,然后解析出包体的长度,再把包体读完,读完之后重新读包头,如此循环。

我们可以用一个 char head[4] 来表示包头,std::vecotr<char> 来表示变长的包体。


  1. 客户端对数据进行序列化,得到包体;
  2. 客户计算包体的长度并写入包头字段;
  3. 客户端将包从网口发出;
  4. 服务器收到包;
  5. 服务器从数据流中读取前 4 字节,这个就是包头的值,也是包的长度;
  6. 服务器从数据流中读取相应长度的字节,反序列化得到原数据;
  7. 服务器打印数据。


在 code5 目录下新建 code3.cpp



using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::asio::ip::address;
#include <msgpack.hpp>

#define NOTAPPLICATED -3000
#define MAXPACKSIZE 1024

class session
    :   public boost::enable_shared_from_this<session> {
    session(boost::asio::io_service &io_service) : io_service_(io_service),socket_(io_service)
        buffer = std::make_shared<std::array<char, MAXPACKSIZE>>();
        *len_ = '\0'; // 初始化成员变量
        *opt_ = '\0';


    void start() {

        static tcp::no_delay option(true);
        socket_.set_option(option); // 设置 socket 为无延时模式
        start_chains(); // 开始 读取头部 -> 读取 msgpack 包 -> 读取头部 的循环


    tcp::socket& socket() {
        return socket_;

    void start_chains()

    void read_msgpack_len() // 读取包的长度
        auto self = this->shared_from_this();
        auto async_buffer = buffer;

        boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(len_, 4),
            [this, self, async_buffer](const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t size)

                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " len 数据接收完成" << std::endl;
                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " 原始数据 " << len_ << std::endl;

                len = boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long(int(*(int*)len_)); // 转换为主机字节序
                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " len " << opt << std::endl;

                read_msgpack(); // 读取 msgpack 包


    void read_msgpack()
        auto self = this->shared_from_this();
        auto async_buffer = buffer;

        boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(async_buffer->data(), len),
            [this, self, async_buffer](const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t size)
                if (ec)
                    std::cout << ec.message() << std::endl;

                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " magpack 数据接收完成" << std::endl;
                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " 原始数据 " << async_buffer->data() << std::endl;

                msg = msgpack::unpack(async_buffer->data(), len); // 反序列化




    void send_to_client()
        std::cout << "进入 send_to_client" << std::endl;
        auto tp = msg.get().as<std::tuple<int, int> >();
        std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " magpack " << std::get<0>(tp) << " " << std::get<1>(tp) << std::endl;

        int result = 23333; // 要发送的数据

        auto self = this->shared_from_this();
        auto async_buffer = buffer;

        std::tuple<int>  src(result);
        std::stringstream sbuffer;
        msgpack::pack(sbuffer, src); // 序列化

        std::string strbuff(sbuffer.str());

        memcpy(async_buffer->data(), strbuff.data(), strbuff.size());

        std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address() << ":" << socket_.remote_endpoint().port() << " 服务端序列化完成" << std::endl;
        boost::asio::async_write(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(async_buffer->data(), async_buffer->size()),//
            [this, self, async_buffer](const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t size)
                if (ec)
                    std::cout << ec.message() << std::endl;
                std::cout << socket_.remote_endpoint().address()<< ":" <<socket_.remote_endpoint().port()<<" 服务端发送成功" << std::endl;



    boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
    tcp::socket socket_;
    boost::asio::streambuf sbuf_;
    std::shared_ptr<std::array<char, MAXPACKSIZE>> buffer;
    char len_[4];
    int len;
    char opt_[4];
    int opt;
    msgpack::object_handle  msg;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<session> session_ptr;

class server {
    server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, tcp::endpoint& endpoint)
        : io_service_(io_service), acceptor_(io_service, endpoint)
        session_ptr new_session(new session(io_service_)); // 指向 session 类
        acceptor_.async_accept(new_session->socket(), // 异步接收连接,如果有连接就调用 handle_accept() 成员函数

    void handle_accept(session_ptr new_session, const boost::system::error_code& error) {
        if (error) {

        new_session->start(); // 调用 session 类的 start() 成员函数

        new_session.reset(new session(io_service_));
        acceptor_.async_accept(new_session->socket(), boost::bind(&server::handle_accept, this, new_session,


    void run() {

    boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
    tcp::acceptor acceptor_;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::asio::io_service io_service; // 定义 io_service
    tcp::endpoint endpoint(tcp::v4(), 2019); // 设置协议与端口号

    server s(io_service, endpoint); // 实例化服务器,并开始运行
    return 0;

这是服务端的代码,包括两个类: connection 和 server 。 connection 表示一个连接, server 接受客户端连接之后就启动 connection , 让 connection 去读和写。接下来我们来分析一下 connection 类的实现。

connection 类成员包含一个 socket 句柄,通过它来读 tcp 流。它还包括一个 4 字节的 head_ ,和一个 vector<char> data_ ,正如前面所说,这个固定长度的 head 是用来获得包体长度的,读到包头之后继续读包体,包体数据就存放在 data_ 中。

接下来我们看看 read_head 函数,内部调用了 boost::asio::async_read 来读 tcp 流,当读满 head_ 之后就会进入到回调的 lambda ,注意,这里我们调用了 shared_from_this() ,它会生成 this 的 shared_ptr ,通过它可以保证安全的异步回调,这一点,前面已经讲过。

在回调的 lambda 中我们先获取包体长度 len ,然后给 data_ 做了 resize(len) ,接下来就调用 read_body 函数去读完整的包体。这里要注意的时,如果发生错误了就需要记录日志和关闭 socket 。

接着再看 read_body 函数,和 read_head 类似,也是异步回调中处理业务,在回调中我们通过 msgpack 解析读入的包体,然后把解析后的内容打印出来。

server 就比较简单,它主要就是监听端口不断地等待新的连接过来。


接下来我们写一个客户端来测试一下 asio 读写数据,由客户端向服务器发送数据,服务器收到并解析并打印客户端发送的内容。

在 code5 目录下新建 code4.cpp。



using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::asio::ip::address;
#include <msgpack.hpp>

#define NOTAPPLICATED -3000
#define MAXPACKSIZE 1024


class client : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<client> {
    client(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, tcp::endpoint& endpoint)
        : io_service_(io_service), socket_(io_service), endpoint_(endpoint)
        buffer = std::make_shared<std::array<char, MAXPACKSIZE>>();
        result = 0;

    int start(int a, int b) { // 整个流程为:传入两个整形数据,发送给服务端,服务端再返回一个数据。
        boost::system::error_code ec;
        socket_.connect(endpoint_, ec); // 连接服务端
        if (!ec)
            static tcp::no_delay option(true);
            socket_.set_option(option); // 设置 socket 为无时延 socket

            construct_rpc_data( a , b); // 构造发送给服务端的数据,包含包的长度和序列化之后的数据。整个包存储在成员变量 buffer 里面
            send_recive_rpc_data(ec); // 接受来自服务端的信息,存储在成员变量 result 里面
            std::cout << "send_recive_rpc_data返回值:" << result << std::endl;
            return result;

            std::cerr << boost::system::system_error(ec).what() << std::endl;
        return NOTAPPLICATED;

    void construct_rpc_data(int a, int b) // 构造 msgpack 包,获取 msgpack 的长度,将以上两个信息写入成员变量 buffer

        std::tuple<int, int>  src(1,2);
        std::stringstream sbuffer;
        msgpack::pack(sbuffer, src);
        std::string strbuf(sbuffer.str());

        std::cout << " len " << strbuf.size() << std::endl;
        size_t len_bigend = boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long(strbuf.size());
        memcpy(buffer->data(), &len_bigend, 4);
        memcpy(buffer->data() + 4, strbuf.data(), strbuf.size());
    void send_recive_rpc_data(const boost::system::error_code& error) // 将数据发送给服务端,并接受来自服务端的信息

        auto self = this->shared_from_this();
        auto async_buffer = buffer;

        boost::asio::async_write(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(*async_buffer, MAXPACKSIZE), // 异步发送数据
            [this,self, async_buffer](const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t size)
                recive_rpc_data(ec); // 接收数据

        io_service_.run(); // 同步等待上述事件完成


    void recive_rpc_data(const boost::system::error_code& error) {
        std::cout << "发送完毕,开始接受数据" << std::endl;
        auto self = this->shared_from_this();
        auto async_buffer = buffer;

        boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(*async_buffer, async_buffer->size()),
            [this, self, async_buffer](const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t size)

                std::cout << "数据读取完成" << std::endl;
                handle_rpc_data(ec); // 对读到的数据进行处理
                io_service_.stop(); // 终止 asio 事件循环

        io_service_.run(); // 同步等待上述时间完成


    void handle_rpc_data(const boost::system::error_code& error) {

        std::cout << "读到数据:" << buffer->data() << std::endl;
        msgpack::object_handle  msg = msgpack::unpack(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        auto tp = msg.get().as<std::tuple<int>>();
        std::cout << " magpack " << std::get<0>(tp) << std::endl;
        result = std::get<0>(tp);


    boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
    tcp::socket socket_;
    tcp::endpoint& endpoint_;
    std::shared_ptr<std::array<char, MAXPACKSIZE>> buffer;
    int result;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<client> client_ptr;

int main()
    boost::asio::io_service io_service; // 定义 io_service
    tcp::endpoint endpoint(address::from_string(""), 2019); // 定义远端地址

    client_ptr new_session(new client(io_service, endpoint)); // 初始化 client 类,与服务器建立连接
    new_session->start(1,2); // 向服务端发送数据

    return 0;

客户端主要有两个函数一个是连接 connect 函数,一个是发送消息的 send 函数。

注意这里的 connect 和 write 都是同步方式的, asio 异步网络接口都会有 asyc_ 前缀。

连接函数比较简单,传入服务端的 IP 和端口的字符串即可实现连接,如果连接失败会抛异常。

发送数据的函数调用了 boost::asio::write 函数,主要参数为 socket 和 std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> 消息,这里可以通过错误码判断发送是否成功。

我们测试的时候把 std::tuple<int, std::string> src(20, "hello tom") 序列化为了 msgpack ,服务器收到客户端的消息会反序列化这个消息并打印出内容。

编译客户端和服务端代码:在 build 目录下执行

g++ ../code3.cpp -o code3 -std=c++11 -I msgpack-c/include -lboost_system && g++ ../code4.cpp -o code4 -std=c++11 -I msgpack-c/include -lboost_system -lpthread


./code3 & ./code4




本节实验介绍了 msgpack 的基本用法,重点介绍 msgpack 作为通信协议, asio 异步和同步读写。


序列化:msgpack::type::tuple 类型 -> std::stringstream 类型 -> std::string 类型。

反序列化:std::string 类型 -> msgpack::object_handle 类型 -> msgpack::object 类型 -> msgpack::type::tuple 类型。

最后一小节使用 msgpack 封装数据,asio 网络库搭建通信框架已经具备了 RPC 的基本特征,但是耦合度过高,客户端需要显式连接服务端,自己手动封装数据,没有达到 RPC 所期望的“远程执行代码和本地执行代码感觉一样”的特点。下一章我们将针对这几个问题进行优化,完成一个看起来是本地调用实际上是远程调用的客户服务器模型,并简单介绍开源 RPC 框架 thrift 的设计思想。

======================= MessagePack for Python ======================= :author: INADA Naoki :version: 0.4.1 :date: 2014-02-17 .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/msgpack/msgpack-python.png :target: https://travis-ci.org/#!/msgpack/msgpack-python What's this ------------ `MessagePack <http://msgpack.org/>`_ is a fast, compact binary serialization format, suitable for similar data to JSON. This package provides CPython bindings for reading and writing MessagePack data. Install --------- You can use ``pip`` or ``easy_install`` to install msgpack:: $ easy_install msgpack-python or $ pip install msgpack-python PyPy ^^^^^ msgpack-python provides pure python implementation. PyPy can use this. Windows ^^^^^^^ When you can't use binary distribution, you need to install Visual Studio or Windows SDK on Windows. (NOTE: Visual C++ Express 2010 doesn't support amd64. Windows SDK is recommanded way to build amd64 msgpack without any fee.) Without extension, using pure python implementation on CPython runs slowly. Notes ----- Note for msgpack 2.0 support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ msgpack 2.0 adds two types: *bin* and *ext*. *raw* was bytes or string type like Python 2's ``str``. To distinguish string and bytes, msgpack 2.0 adds *bin*. It is non-string binary like Python 3's ``bytes``. To use *bin* type for packing ``bytes``, pass ``use_bin_type=True`` to packer argument. >>> import msgpack >>> packed = msgpack.packb([b'spam', u'egg'], use_bin_type=True) >>> msgpack.unpackb(packed, encoding='utf-8') ['spam', u'egg'] You shoud use it carefully. When you use ``use_bin_type=True``, packed binary can be unpacked by unpackers supporting msgpack-2.0. To use *ext* type, pass ``msgpack.ExtType`` object to packer. >>> import msgpack >>> packed = msgpack.packb(msgpack.ExtType(42, b'xyzzy')) >>> msgpack.unpackb(packed) ExtType(code=42, data='xyzzy') You can use it with ``default`` and ``ext_hook``. See below. Note for msgpack 0.2.x users ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The msgpack 0.3 have some incompatible changes. The default value of ``use_list`` keyword argument is ``True`` from 0.3. You should pass the argument explicitly for backward compatibility. `Unpacker.unpack()` and some unpack methods now raises `OutOfData` instead of `StopIteration`. `StopIteration` is used for iterator protocol only. How to use ----------- One-shot pack & unpack ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use ``packb`` for packing and ``unpackb`` for unpacking. msgpack provides ``dumps`` and ``loads`` as alias for compatibility with ``json`` and ``pickle``. ``pack`` and ``dump`` packs to file-like object. ``unpack`` and ``load`` unpacks from file-like object. :: >>> import msgpack >>> msgpack.packb([1, 2, 3]) '\x93\x01\x02\x03' >>> msgpack.unpackb(_) [1, 2, 3] ``unpack`` unpacks msgpack's array to Python's list, but can unpack to tuple:: >>> msgpack.unpackb(b'\x93\x01\x02\x03', use_list=False) (1, 2, 3) You should always pass the ``use_list`` keyword argument. See performance issues relating to use_list_ below. Read the docstring for other options. Streaming unpacking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``Unpacker`` is a "streaming unpacker". It unpacks multiple objects from one stream (or from bytes provided through its ``feed`` method). :: import msgpack from io import BytesIO buf = BytesIO() for i in range(100): buf.write(msgpack.packb(range(i))) buf.seek(0) unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(buf) for unpacked in unpacker: print unpacked Packing/unpacking of custom data type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is also possible to pack/unpack custom data types. Here is an example for ``datetime.datetime``. :: import datetime import msgpack useful_dict = { "id": 1, "created": datetime.datetime.now(), } def decode_datetime(obj): if b'__datetime__' in obj: obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["as_str"], "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") return obj def encode_datetime(obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return {'__datetime__': True, 'as_str': obj.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")} return obj packed_dict = msgpack.packb(useful_dict, default=encode_datetime) this_dict_again = msgpack.unpackb(packed_dict, object_hook=decode_datetime) ``Unpacker``'s ``object_hook`` callback receives a dict; the ``object_pairs_hook`` callback may instead be used to receive a list of key-value pairs. Extended types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is also possible to pack/unpack custom data types using the msgpack 2.0 feature. >>> import msgpack >>> import array >>> def default(obj): ... if isinstance(obj, array.array) and obj.typecode == 'd': ... return msgpack.ExtType(42, obj.tostring()) ... raise TypeError("Unknown type: %r" % (obj,)) ... >>> def ext_hook(code, data): ... if code == 42: ... a = array.array('d') ... a.fromstring(data) ... return a ... return ExtType(code, data) ... >>> data = array.array('d', [1.2, 3.4]) >>> packed = msgpack.packb(data, default=default) >>> unpacked = msgpack.unpackb(packed, ext_hook=ext_hook) >>> data == unpacked True Advanced unpacking control ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As an alternative to iteration, ``Unpacker`` objects provide ``unpack``, ``skip``, ``read_array_header`` and ``read_map_header`` methods. The former two read an entire message from the stream, respectively deserialising and returning the result, or ignoring it. The latter two methods return the number of elements in the upcoming container, so that each element in an array, or key-value pair in a map, can be unpacked or skipped individually. Each of these methods may optionally write the packed data it reads to a callback function: :: from io import BytesIO def distribute(unpacker, get_worker): nelems = unpacker.read_map_header() for i in range(nelems): # Select a worker for the given key key = unpacker.unpack() worker = get_worker(key) # Send the value as a packed message to worker bytestream = BytesIO() unpacker.skip(bytestream.write) worker.send(bytestream.getvalue()) Note about performance ------------------------ GC ^^ CPython's GC starts when growing allocated object. This means unpacking may cause useless GC. You can use ``gc.disable()`` when unpacking large message. `use_list` option ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ List is the default sequence type of Python. But tuple is lighter than list. You can use ``use_list=False`` while unpacking when performance is important. Python's dict can't use list as key and MessagePack allows array for key of mapping. ``use_list=False`` allows unpacking such message. Another way to unpacking such object is using ``object_pairs_hook``. Test ---- MessagePack uses `pytest` for testing. Run test with following command: $ py.test .. vim: filetype=rst




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