boost 几何运算函数初步


Boost.Geometry (aka Generic Geometry Library, GGL), part of collection of the Boost C++ Libraries, defines concepts, primitives and algorithms for solving geometry problems.

Boost.Geometry contains a dimension-agnostic, coordinate-system-agnostic and scalable kernel, based on concepts, meta-functions and tag dispatching. On top of that kernel, algorithms are built: area, length, perimeter, centroid, convex hull, intersection (clipping), within (point in polygon), distance, envelope (bounding box), simplify, transform, and much more. The library supports high precision arithmetic numbers, such as ttmath.

Boost.Geometry contains instantiable geometry classes, but library users can also use their own. Using registration macros or traits classes their geometries can be adapted to fulfil Boost.Geometry concepts.

Boost.Geometry might be used in all domains where geometry plays a role: mapping and GIS, game development, computer graphics and widgets, robotics, astronomy and more. The core is designed to be as generic as possible and support those domains. For now, the development has been mostly GIS-oriented.

The library follows existing conventions:

  • conventions from boost
  • conventions from the std library
  • conventions and names from one of the OGC standards on geometry and, more specificly, from the OGC Simple Feature Specification
  • The library was first released with Boost 1.47.0 and from that point on it is officially part of the Boost C++ Libraries.

    Latest stable version of the source code is included in the Boost packaged releases. It can also be downloaded from the Boost GitHub repository (master branch).

    The library development upstream is available from the Boost.Geometry (develop branch).

    Note that the library extensions are not distributed in the official Boost releases, but only available in the Boost.Geometry (develop branch) and that they are subject to change.

    Boost.Geometry was accepted by Boost at November 28, 2009 (review report).

    There is a Boost.Geometry mailing list. The mailing list and its messages are also accessible from Nabble as Boost Geometry. Also on the Boost Developers list and on the Boost Users list Boost.Geometry is discussed.

  • 编程示例

  • 我编译的版本是boost_1_69_0,应当修复了许多以前的bug,编程工具采用Visual Studio 2015,从此次初步实现上来看,效果还是不错的,当初为了实现多边形相交,费尽心血还不能应对所有情况,看来思路要变。以下是示例代码和注释

  • #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "iostream"

    #include <boost/assign.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/linestring.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/ring.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
    namespace bg = boost::geometry;
    typedef bg::model::d2::point_xy<double> DPoint; //点
    typedef bg::model::segment<DPoint> DSegment; //线段
    typedef bg::model::linestring<DPoint> DLineString; //曲线段
    typedef bg::model::box<DPoint> DBox; //矩形区域
    typedef bg::model::ring<DPoint, false> DRing;
    typedef bg::model::polygon<DPoint, false> DPolygon;

    using namespace std;

    int main()
        DPoint pt0(100, 100);
        DPoint pt1(200, 200);
        DSegment sg0(pt0, pt1);

        double dDistance = 0;

        dDistance = bg::distance(pt0, pt1);
        dDistance = bg::distance(DPoint(200, 100), sg0);
        dDistance = bg::distance(DPoint(100, 0), sg0);

        DSegment sg1(DPoint(0, 100), DPoint(100, 0));
        DSegment sg2(DPoint(100, 200), DPoint(200, 100));
        bool bIntersect = false;
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(sg0, sg1);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(sg0, sg2);

        std::list<DPoint> lstPoints;
        bg::intersection(sg0, sg1, lstPoints);
        bg::intersection(sg0, sg2, lstPoints);

        DBox rc2(DPoint(0, 0), DPoint(0, 0));

        DBox rc(DPoint(0, 0), DPoint(200, 200));
        DBox rc0(DPoint(250, 250), DPoint(450, 450));
        DBox rc1(DPoint(100, 100), DPoint(300, 300));

        bIntersect = bg::intersects(rc, rc0);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(rc, rc1);

        DLineString line0;

        line0.push_back(DPoint(10, 250));
        line0.push_back(DPoint(100, 100));
        line0.push_back(DPoint(120, -10));
        line0.push_back(DPoint(210, 200));
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(rc, line0);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(rc0, line0);

        std::list<DLineString> lstLines;
        bg::intersection(rc, line0, lstLines);

        DBox rc7(DPoint(0, 0), DPoint(100, 100));
        bool bInside = false;
        bInside = bg::within(DPoint(50, 50), rc7);
        bInside = bg::within(DPoint(0, 0), rc7);

        DLineString line1, line2, line3;

        line1.push_back(DPoint(50, 50));
        line1.push_back(DPoint(150, 50));
        line1.push_back(DPoint(50, 200));
        line1.push_back(DPoint(150, 200));
        line2.push_back(DPoint(100, 0));
        line2.push_back(DPoint(70, 100));
        line2.push_back(DPoint(150, 210));
        line3.push_back(DPoint(200, 0));
        line3.push_back(DPoint(200, 200));

        bIntersect = bg::intersects(line1, line2);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(line1, line3);

        bg::intersection(line1, line2, lstPoints);
        bg::intersection(line1, line3, lstPoints);

        DPoint arDPoint0[6] = { DPoint(0, 0), DPoint(100, 0), DPoint(200, 100), DPoint(100, 200), DPoint(0, 200), DPoint(0, 0) };
        DPoint arDPoint1[6] = { DPoint(100, 100), DPoint(200, 0), DPoint(300, 0), DPoint(300, 200), DPoint(200, 200), DPoint(100, 100) };
        DRing r0(arDPoint0, arDPoint0 + 6);
        DRing r1(arDPoint1, arDPoint1 + 6);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(r0, r1);

        bg::intersection(r0, r1, lstPoints);

        DPolygon poly1;
        DPolygon poly2;
        DPolygon poly3;

        auto lstOf = boost::assign::list_of(DPoint(0, 0))(DPoint(200, 0))(DPoint(200, 200))(DPoint(0, 200))(DPoint(0, 0));
        poly1.outer().assign(lstOf.begin(), lstOf.end());
        lstOf = boost::assign::list_of(DPoint(50, 50))(DPoint(150, 50))(DPoint(150, 150))(DPoint(50, 150))(DPoint(50, 50));
        lstOf = boost::assign::list_of(DPoint(100, 0))(DPoint(120, 0))(DPoint(120, 200))(DPoint(100, 200))(DPoint(100, 0));
        poly2.outer().assign(lstOf.begin(), lstOf.end());
        lstOf = boost::assign::list_of(DPoint(100, 60))(DPoint(120, 60))(DPoint(120, 140))(DPoint(100, 140))(DPoint(100, 60));
        poly3.outer().assign(lstOf.begin(), lstOf.end());

        bIntersect = bg::intersects(poly1, poly2);
        bIntersect = bg::intersects(poly1, poly3);

        std::list<DPolygon> lstPolygon;

        bg::intersection(poly1, poly2, lstPolygon);
        bg::intersection(poly1, poly3, lstPolygon);

        bInside = bg::within(DPoint(100, 100), poly1);
        bInside = bg::within(DPoint(25, 25), poly1);

        return 0;






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