NCCL拓扑管理 - Connect模块




struct ncclTopoRanks {
  int ringRecv[MAXCHANNELS];        // Ring head for each channel
  int ringSend[MAXCHANNELS];        // Ring tail for each channel
  int ringPrev[MAXCHANNELS];        // Previous GPU in the ring of each channel
  int ringNext[MAXCHANNELS];        // Next GPU in the ring of each channel
  int treeToParent[MAXCHANNELS];    // Tree parent for each channel
  int treeToChild0[MAXCHANNELS];    // First child for each channel
  int treeToChild1[MAXCHANNELS];    // Second child for each channel
  int nvlsHeads[MAXCHANNELS];       // NVLS head for each channel
  int nvlsHeadNum;                  // Number of NVLS heads




各Rank通过ncclTopoPreset根据搜索出的ncclTopoGraph信息配置ncclTopoRanks。该函数主要完成ncclTopoRanks的初始化操作和Intra节点的连接工作,最后将Communicator的Channel数翻倍( 此前是通过comm->nChannels = std::min(treeGraph.nChannels, ringGraph.nChannels);初始化的,因为ringGraph.maxChannels = MAXCHANNELS/2; 所以翻倍Channel树不会超过MAXCHANNELS)。Channel数即并行度,Channel数越多通信数据切片越细并行度越高,可同时使用的处理器越多。

ncclResult_t ncclTopoPreset(struct ncclComm* comm, struct ncclTopoGraph** graphs, struct ncclTopoRanks* topoRanks) {
  int rank = comm->rank;
  int localRanks = comm->topo->nodes[GPU].count;
  int nvlsRanks = comm->MNNVL ? comm->clique.size : localRanks;
  int nChannels = comm->nChannels;

  topoRanks->nvlsHeadNum = 0;
  for (int c=0; c<nChannels; c++) {

    // clear channel
    struct ncclChannel* channel = comm->channels+c;
    channel->ring.prev = channel-> = -1;
    channel->tree.up = -1;
    channel->collnetChain.up = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<NCCL_MAX_TREE_ARITY; i++) channel->tree.down[i] = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<NCCL_MAX_TREE_ARITY; i++) channel->collnetChain.down[i] = -1;
    channel->collnetDirect.out = -1;
    channel->collnetDirect.headRank = -1;
    channel->collnetDirect.nHeads = 0;
    channel->collnetDirect.shift = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<NCCL_MAX_DIRECT_ARITY+1; i++) channel->collnetDirect.heads[i] = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<NCCL_MAX_DIRECT_ARITY; i++) channel->collnetDirect.up[i] = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<NCCL_MAX_DIRECT_ARITY; i++) channel->collnetDirect.down[i] = -1;

    // find channel's intra-node info
    int* ringIntra = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_RING]->intra+c*localRanks;
    int* treeIntra = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_TREE]->intra+c*localRanks;
    int* collNetIntra = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_COLLNET_CHAIN]->intra+c*localRanks;

    // Only setup the topology for the current rank
    for (int i=0; i<localRanks; i++) {
      // Setup ring info
      if (ringIntra[i] == rank) {
        topoRanks->ringRecv[c] = ringIntra[0];                                // ring head, always the first node, done
        topoRanks->ringSend[c] = ringIntra[localRanks-1];                     // ring tail, always the last node, done
        topoRanks->ringPrev[c] = (i == 0) ? -1 : ringIntra[i-1];              // ring prev gpu, if head, set to -1, will be set later
        topoRanks->ringNext[c] = (i == localRanks-1) ? -1 : ringIntra[i+1];   // ring next gpu, if tail, set to -1, will be set later
      // Setup tree info
      if (treeIntra[i] == rank) {
        int parentIndex = 0;
        int child0Index = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_TREE]->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_TREE ? 0 : 1; 
        int child1Index = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_TREE]->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_SPLIT_TREE ? 1 : 0;

        topoRanks->treeToParent[c] = treeIntra[parentIndex];                            // tree parent is always the first gpu
        topoRanks->treeToChild0[c] = treeIntra[child0Index];                            // tree child0 is the first gpu or second gpu
        topoRanks->treeToChild1[c] = treeIntra[child1Index];                            // tree child1 is the second gpu or first gpu
        channel->tree.up         = i == 0 ? -1 : treeIntra[i-1];                        // prev gpu, if head, set to -1
        channel->tree.down[0]    = i == localRanks-1 ? -1 : treeIntra[i+1];             // next gpu, if tail, set to -1
      // Setup collnet info
      if (collNetIntra[i] == rank) {
        channel->collnetChain.up      = i == 0 ? comm->nRanks : collNetIntra[i-1];  // prev gpu, if head, set to nranks
        channel->collnetChain.down[0] = i == localRanks-1 ? -1 : collNetIntra[i+1]; // next gpu, if tail, set to -1
  // Duplicate channels trees
  struct ncclChannel* channel0 = comm->channels;
  struct ncclChannel* channel1 = channel0+nChannels;
  memcpy(channel1, channel0, nChannels*sizeof(struct ncclChannel));

  // Get nvls heads and the number of heads. Duplicate head is not allowed.
  for (int c = 0; c < graphs[NCCL_ALGO_NVLS]->nChannels; ++c) {
    bool addHead = true;
    int* nvlsIntra = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_NVLS]->intra + c * nvlsRanks;
    // check if the head is already in the list
    for (int dup = 0; dup < topoRanks->nvlsHeadNum; dup++) {
      if (topoRanks->nvlsHeads[dup] == nvlsIntra[0]) {
        addHead = false;
    if (addHead) {
      topoRanks->nvlsHeads[topoRanks->nvlsHeadNum++] = nvlsIntra[0];

  return ncclSuccess;



ncclResult_t ncclTopoPostset(struct ncclComm* comm, int* firstRanks, int* treePatterns, struct ncclTopoRanks** allTopoRanks, int* rings, struct ncclTopoGraph** graphs, struct ncclComm* parent) {
  // Gather data from all ranks
  int *ringRecv, *ringSend, *ringPrev, *ringNext, *treeToParent, *treeToChild0, *treeToChild1, *nvlsHeads;
  int nranks = comm->nRanks;
  int nNodes = comm->nNodes;
  int nChannels = comm->nChannels;
  int minHeadNum = INT_MAX;
  int shared = parent && parent->nvlsSupport  && parent->config.splitShare;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ringRecv, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ringSend, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ringPrev, nranks*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ringNext, nranks*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&treeToParent, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&treeToChild0, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&treeToChild1, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&nvlsHeads, nNodes*MAXCHANNELS));

  // Alternate rings to avoid crossing rails
  if (graphs[NCCL_ALGO_RING]->crossNic && (nChannels % 2) == 0) {
    for (int r=0; r<comm->nRanks; r++) {
      // for odd nodes, exchange rings
      if (comm->rankToNode[r] % 2 == 1) {
        // exchange 2 channels at a time
        for (int c=0; c<nChannels; c+=2) {
          exchangeValues(allTopoRanks[r]->ringRecv+c, allTopoRanks[r]->ringRecv+(c^1));
          exchangeValues(allTopoRanks[r]->ringSend+c, allTopoRanks[r]->ringSend+(c^1));
          exchangeValues(allTopoRanks[r]->ringPrev+c, allTopoRanks[r]->ringPrev+(c^1));
          exchangeValues(allTopoRanks[r]->ringNext+c, allTopoRanks[r]->ringNext+(c^1));

  for (int c=0; c<nChannels;c++) {
    // Nodewise copy
    for (int n=0; n<nNodes; n++) {
      int r = firstRanks[n];
      ringRecv[c*nNodes+n] = allTopoRanks[r]->ringRecv[c];
      ringSend[c*nNodes+n] = allTopoRanks[r]->ringSend[c];
      treeToParent[c*nNodes+n] = allTopoRanks[r]->treeToParent[c];
      treeToChild0[c*nNodes+n] = allTopoRanks[r]->treeToChild0[c];
      treeToChild1[c*nNodes+n] = allTopoRanks[r]->treeToChild1[c];
    // Rankwise copy
    for (int r=0; r<nranks; r++) {
      ringPrev[c*nranks+r] = allTopoRanks[r]->ringPrev[c];
      ringNext[c*nranks+r] = allTopoRanks[r]->ringNext[c];

  for (int n = 0; n < nNodes; n++) {
    int r = firstRanks[n];
    if (minHeadNum > allTopoRanks[r]->nvlsHeadNum)
      minHeadNum = allTopoRanks[r]->nvlsHeadNum;

  for (int c = 0; c < minHeadNum; c++) {
    // Nodewise copy
    for (int n = 0; n < nNodes; n++) {
      int r = firstRanks[n];
      nvlsHeads[c * nNodes + n] = allTopoRanks[r]->nvlsHeads[c];

  // Connect rings and trees. This should also duplicate the channels. 
  NCCLCHECK(connectRings(comm, ringRecv, ringSend, ringPrev, ringNext)); // modify ringPrev/ringNext for head/tail
  NCCLCHECK(connectTrees(comm, treeToParent, treeToChild0, treeToChild1, treePatterns));

  // Duplicate ringPrev/ringNext for ncclBuildRing
  memcpy(ringPrev+nChannels*nranks, ringPrev, nChannels*nranks*sizeof(int));
  memcpy(ringNext+nChannels*nranks, ringNext, nChannels*nranks*sizeof(int));

  // Set ring prev/next for my rank
  for (int c=0; c<nChannels; c++) {
    struct ncclChannel* channel0 = comm->channels+c;
    struct ncclChannel* channel1 = channel0+nChannels;
    channel0->ring.prev = channel1->ring.prev = ringPrev[c*nranks+comm->rank];
    channel0-> = channel1-> = ringNext[c*nranks+comm->rank];

  // Duplication should be complete now
  nChannels = comm->nChannels = std::min(MAXCHANNELS,nChannels*2);

  // Setup CollNet
  if (comm->collNetSupport == 1) {
    struct ncclTopoGraph* collNetGraph = graphs[NCCL_ALGO_COLLNET_DIRECT];
    // Add more channels to saturate intra-node bandwidth, except the 1 PPN case
    if (collNetGraph->bwIntra > collNetGraph->bwInter && comm->nRanks > comm->nNodes) {
      int collNetNchannels = std::min(MAXCHANNELS, nChannels+nChannels/2);
      nChannels = comm->nChannels = copyChannels(comm, nChannels, collNetNchannels, ringPrev, ringNext);
    NCCLCHECK(connectCollNet(comm, collNetGraph));

  // Might increase Ring channels if we have high BW intra-node
  // Use 4 compute channels per search channel to reach peak BW on <8 PPN
  if (comm->minCompCap == 90 && comm->nNodes > 1 && graphs[NCCL_ALGO_RING]->bwIntra > 45.0 && nChannels < 16) {
     nChannels = comm->nChannels = copyChannels(comm, nChannels, 2*nChannels, ringPrev, ringNext);

  // We permit combining max, then min, to only use the first channels, then duplicate them.
  if (comm->sharedRes->owner != comm) {
    /* child comm #channels cannot exceed top parent #channels. */
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = std::min(std::min(std::min(ncclMaxNchannels(), nChannels), comm->config.maxCTAs), comm->sharedRes->tpNChannels);
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = copyChannels(comm, nChannels, std::min(std::max(ncclMinNchannels(), comm->config.minCTAs), comm->sharedRes->tpNChannels), ringPrev, ringNext);
  } else {
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = std::min(std::min(ncclMaxNchannels(), nChannels), comm->config.maxCTAs);
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = copyChannels(comm, nChannels, std::max(ncclMinNchannels(), comm->config.minCTAs), ringPrev, ringNext);

  comm->collChannels = comm->nChannels;
#if CUDART_VERSION >= 12010
  // Support maximal channel usage for aggregation
  if (shared && comm->nvlsChannels > parent->nvlsResources->nChannels) {
    comm->nvlsChannels = parent->nvlsResources->nChannels;
  if (comm->nChannels < comm->nvlsChannels) {
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = copyChannels(comm, comm->nChannels, comm->nvlsChannels, ringPrev, ringNext);
  NCCLCHECK(connectNvls(comm, nvlsHeads, minHeadNum));
  if (shared && comm->nChannels > parent->sharedRes->tpNChannels) {
    nChannels = comm->nChannels = parent->sharedRes->tpNChannels;
    comm->collChannels = std::min(comm->collChannels, comm->nChannels);

  // Create rings array and check all is fine
  NCCLCHECK(ncclBuildRings(nChannels, rings, comm->rank, comm->nRanks, ringPrev, ringNext));


  return ncclSuccess;



// Build global rings based on the local rings, finish ring prev/next for all ranks
static ncclResult_t connectRings(struct ncclComm* comm, int* ringRecv, int* ringSend, int* ringPrev, int* ringNext) {
  int nChannels = comm->nChannels;
  int nNodes = comm->nNodes;
  // Connect rings for all channels
  for (int c=0; c<nChannels; c++) {
    // get the ring recv and send ranks of the current channel
    int* recv = ringRecv+c*comm->nNodes;
    int* send = ringSend+c*comm->nNodes;
    int* prev = ringPrev+c*comm->nRanks;
    int* next = ringNext+c*comm->nRanks;
    // Connect the ring of the current channel cross all nodes
    for (int n=0; n<nNodes; n++) {
      int recvRank = recv[n];
      int prevSendRank = send[(n-1+nNodes)%nNodes];
      // set the prev rank of the local ring head to last node's send rank
      prev[recvRank] = prevSendRank;
      int sendRank = send[n];
      int nextRecvRank = recv[(n+1)%nNodes];
      // set the next rank of the local ring tail to next node's recv rank
      next[sendRank] = nextRecvRank;
  return ncclSuccess;


connectTrees完成Inter节点的连接,通过ncclGetDtree函数查询Double Binary Tree的下标,通过setTreeUp和setTreeDown函数将树连接起来。树的Intra节点连接亦在ncclTopoPreset时完成。

static ncclResult_t connectTrees(struct ncclComm* comm, int* treeToParent, int* treeToChild0, int* treeToChild1, int* treePatterns) {
  const int nChannels = comm->nChannels, nNodes = comm->nNodes, node = comm->node;

  // Compute tree depth. Not an exact value but a good approximation in most
  // cases
  int depth = comm->nRanks/nNodes - 1 + log2i(nNodes);

  int t0u, t0d0, t0d1, t0ChildType, t1u, t1d0, t1d1, t1ChildType;
  int* ttp, *ttc0, *ttc1;
  // Get Double Binary Tree parent/children indexes
  NCCLCHECK(ncclGetDtree(nNodes, node, &t0u, &t0d0, &t0d1, &t0ChildType, &t1u, &t1d0, &t1d1, &t1ChildType));
  for (int c=0; c<nChannels; c++) {
     struct ncclChannel* channel0 = comm->channels+c;
     struct ncclChannel* channel1 = channel0+nChannels;
     ttp = treeToParent+c*comm->nNodes;
     ttc0 = treeToChild0+c*comm->nNodes;
     ttc1 = treeToChild1+c*comm->nNodes;
     if (comm->rank == ttp[node]) {
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeUp(&channel0->tree, t0ChildType == 0 ? ttc0 : ttc1, t0u));
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeUp(&channel1->tree, t1ChildType == 0 ? ttc0 : ttc1, t1u));
     if (comm->rank == ttc0[node]) {
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeDown(&channel0->tree, ttp, t0d0));
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeDown(&channel1->tree, ttp, t1d0));
     if (comm->rank == ttc1[node]) {
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeDown(&channel0->tree, ttp, t0d1));
       NCCLCHECK(setTreeDown(&channel1->tree, ttp, t1d1));
     if (comm->rank == ttp[node] ||
         comm->rank == ttc0[node] ||
         comm->rank == ttc1[node]) {
       INFO(NCCL_GRAPH, "Tree %d : %d -> %d -> %d/%d/%d", c,           channel0->tree.up, comm->rank, channel0->tree.down[0], channel0->tree.down[1], channel0->tree.down[2]);
       INFO(NCCL_GRAPH, "Tree %d : %d -> %d -> %d/%d/%d", c+nChannels, channel1->tree.up, comm->rank, channel1->tree.down[0], channel1->tree.down[1], channel1->tree.down[2]);
     channel0->tree.depth = channel1->tree.depth = depth;
  return ncclSuccess;


ncclGetDtree用于查询Double Binary Tree的节点下标信息。输入nranks和rank,输出两份up节点和down节点的下标对应Double Binary Tree的两颗树。其内部实现是通过两次调用ncclGetBtree完成,每次调用获得一个树的up节点和down节点下标。
Double Binary Tree的想法主要是利用好节点之间的双向带宽,比如做Reduce操作,所有节点将数据汇总到跟节点,例子中第一颗树是奇数节点向偶数节点发送数据,第二颗树是偶数节点向奇数节点发送数据,如此这般两颗树的数据传输方向相反,在物理链路上是可以同时执行的,以此提高总线带宽利用率。

/* Build a double binary tree. Take the previous tree for the first tree.
 * For the second tree, we use a mirror tree (if nranks is even)
 * 0---------------8                   3----------------11
 *          ______/ \                 / \______
 *         4         \               /         7
 *       /   \        \             /        /   \
 *     2       6       10         1        5      9
 *    / \     / \     /  \       / \      / \    / \
 *   1   3   5   7   9   11     0   2    4   6  8   10
 * or shift it by one rank (if nranks is odd).
 * 0---------------8            1---------------9
 *          ______/ \______              ______/ \______
 *         4               12           5                0
 *       /   \            /           /   \            /
 *     2       6       10           3       7       11
 *    / \     / \     /  \         / \     / \     /  \
 *   1   3   5   7   9   11       2   4   6   8  10   12
ncclResult_t ncclGetDtree(int nranks, int rank, int* s0, int* d0_0, int* d0_1, int* parentChildType0, int* s1, int* d1_0, int* d1_1, int* parentChildType1) {
  // First tree ... use a btree
  ncclGetBtree(nranks, rank, s0, d0_0, d0_1, parentChildType0);
  // Second tree ... mirror or shift
  if (nranks % 2 == 1) {
    // shift
    int shiftrank = (rank-1+nranks) % nranks;
    int u, d0, d1;
    ncclGetBtree(nranks, shiftrank, &u, &d0, &d1, parentChildType1);
    *s1 = u == -1 ? -1 : (u+1) % nranks;
    *d1_0 = d0 == -1 ? -1 : (d0+1) % nranks;
    *d1_1 = d1 == -1 ? -1 : (d1+1) % nranks;
  } else {
    // mirror
    int u, d0, d1;
    ncclGetBtree(nranks, nranks-1-rank, &u, &d0, &d1, parentChildType1);
    *s1 = u == -1 ? -1 : nranks-1-u;
    *d1_0 = d0 == -1 ? -1 : nranks-1-d0;
    *d1_1 = d1 == -1 ? -1 : nranks-1-d1;
  return ncclSuccess;


ncclGetBtree是Binary Tree的生成部分,输入nranks和rank输出up节点下标和两个down节点下标。生成树算法将第一个下标作为Root节点,剩下的其他节点构造成一颗满二叉树,满二叉树的根节点向Root节点连接完成Binary Tree的构造。



/* Btree which alternates leaves and nodes.
 * Assumes root is 0, which conveniently builds a tree on powers of two,
 * (because we have pow2-1 ranks) which lets us manipulate bits.
 * Find first non-zero bit, then :
 * Find the parent :
 *   xx01[0] -> xx10[0] (1,5,9 below) or xx00[0] if xx10[0] is out of bounds (13 below)
 *   xx11[0] -> xx10[0] (3,7,11 below)
 * Find the children :
 *   xx10[0] -> xx01[0] (2,4,6,8,10,12) or -1 (1,3,5,7,9,11,13)
 *   xx10[0] -> xx11[0] (2,4,6,8,10) or xx101[0] (12) or xx1001[0] ... or -1 (1,3,5,7,9,11,13)
 * Illustration :
 * 0---------------8
 *          ______/ \______
 *         4               12
 *       /   \            /  \
 *     2       6       10     \
 *    / \     / \     /  \     \
 *   1   3   5   7   9   11    13
ncclResult_t ncclGetBtree(int nranks, int rank, int* u, int* d0, int* d1, int* parentChildType) {
  int up, down0, down1;
  int bit;
  for (bit=1; bit<nranks; bit<<=1) {
    if (bit & rank) break;

  if (rank == 0) {
    *u = -1;
    *d0 = -1;
    // Child rank is > 0 so it has to be our child 1, not 0.
    *d1 = nranks > 1 ? bit >> 1 : -1;
    return ncclSuccess;

  up = (rank ^ bit) | (bit << 1);
  // if smaller than the parent, we are his first child, otherwise we're his second
  if (up >= nranks) up = (rank ^ bit);
  *parentChildType = (rank < up) ? 0 : 1;
  *u = up;

  int lowbit = bit >> 1;
  // down0 is always within bounds
  down0 = lowbit == 0 ? -1 : rank-lowbit;

  down1 = lowbit == 0 ? -1 : rank+lowbit;
  // Make sure down1 is within bounds
  while (down1 >= nranks) {
    down1 = lowbit == 0 ? -1 : rank+lowbit;
    lowbit >>= 1;
  *d0 = down0; *d1 = down1;

  return ncclSuccess;
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