NCCL拓扑管理 - Path模块

NCCL Path模块提供接口为Topo模块产生的的系统拓扑图的节点提供路径初始化。Path模块使用贪心算法(构造最少跳数且最大带宽的路径)对系统拓扑图中每一个节点到其他节点的路径进行初始化,为后续Search模块的逻辑拓扑搜索做准备。


路径和链接的概念不相同,链接是指相邻的节点使用何种方式连接(如PCI),路径是指任意两节点如何到达(如PHB,算PCIe互联,但路径上需经过CPU RC,因此受CPU RC P2P能力影响,需要特别表明)。Path模块主要考虑路径的初始化。



// Local (myself)
#define PATH_LOC 0

// Connection traversing NVLink
#define PATH_NVL 1

// Connection through NVLink using an intermediate GPU
#define PATH_NVB 2

// Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge
#define PATH_PIX 3

// Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge)
#define PATH_PXB 4

// Connection between a GPU and a NIC using an intermediate GPU. Used to enable rail-local, aggregated network send/recv operations.
#define PATH_PXN 5

// Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU)
#define PATH_PHB 6

// Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI)
#define PATH_SYS 7

// Connection through the network
#define PATH_NET 8

// Disconnected
#define PATH_DIS 9


// Start with path type = link type. PATH and LINK types are supposed to match.
// Don't consider LINK_NET as we only care about the NIC->GPU path.
int type = link->type == LINK_NET ? LINK_LOC : link->type;
// Consider a path going through multiple PCI switches as PATH_PXB
if (node->type == PCI && remNode->type == PCI) type = PATH_PXB; 
// Consider a path going through the CPU as PATH_PHB
if (link->type == LINK_PCI && (node->type == CPU || link->remNode->type == CPU)) type = PATH_PHB; 
// Consider a path going through a single NVLink as PATH_NVB
if (node->type == GPU && path->type == PATH_NVL && type == PATH_NVL && remPath->count > 1) type = PATH_NVB;

// Update path types
remPath->type = std::max(path->type, type);





ncclResult_t ncclTopoComputePaths(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclComm* comm) {
  // Remove all the paths that were computed before
  for (int t=0; t<NCCL_TOPO_NODE_TYPES; t++) ncclTopoRemovePathType(system, t);

  // Set direct paths to CPUs. We need them in many cases.
  for (int c=0; c<system->nodes[CPU].count; c++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[CPU].nodes+c, system));

  // Set direct paths to GPUs.
  for (int g=0; g<system->nodes[GPU].count; g++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g, system));

  // Set direct paths to NICs.
  for (int n=0; n<system->nodes[NET].count; n++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[NET].nodes+n, system));

  // Set direct paths to NVSwitches.
  for (int n=0; n<system->nodes[NVS].count; n++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSetPaths(system->nodes[NVS].nodes+n, system));

  // Update path for GPUs when we don't want to / can't use GPU Direct P2P
  for (int g=0; g<system->nodes[GPU].count; g++) {
    for (int p=0; p<system->nodes[GPU].count; p++) {
      int p2p;
      NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckP2p(system, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].id, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].id, &p2p, NULL, NULL));
      if (p2p == 0) {
        // Divert all traffic through the CPU
        int cpu;
        NCCLCHECK(getLocalCpu(system, g, &cpu));
        NCCLCHECK(addInterStep(system, CPU, cpu, GPU, p, GPU, g));

    if (comm == NULL) continue;
    // Remove GPUs we can't (or don't want to) communicate with through P2P or SHM
    struct ncclPeerInfo* dstInfo = comm->peerInfo+system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].gpu.rank;
    for (int p=0; p<system->nodes[GPU].count; p++) {
      if (p == g) continue;
      struct ncclPeerInfo* srcInfo = comm->peerInfo+system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].gpu.rank;
      int p2p;
      NCCLCHECK(ncclTransports[TRANSPORT_P2P]->canConnect(&p2p, system, NULL, srcInfo, dstInfo));
      if (p2p == 0) {
        int shm;
        NCCLCHECK(ncclTransports[TRANSPORT_SHM]->canConnect(&shm, system, NULL, srcInfo, dstInfo));
        if (shm == 0) {
          // Mark this peer as inaccessible. We'll trim it later.
          system->nodes[GPU].nodes[p].paths[GPU][g].type = PATH_NET;

  // Update paths for NICs (no GPU Direct, PXN, ...)
  for (int n=0; n<system->nodes[NET].count; n++) {
    struct ncclTopoNode* netNode = system->nodes[NET].nodes+n;

    for (int g=0; g<system->nodes[GPU].count; g++) {
      // Check whether we can access the NIC through another NVLink-connected GPU (PXN)
      struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
      if (ncclPxnDisable(comm) != 1) {
        int localGpuIndex;
        NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetLocalGpu(system, netNode->id, &localGpuIndex));
        if (localGpuIndex != g && localGpuIndex != -1) {
          // PXN = PCI + NVLink.
          struct ncclTopoNode* peerNode = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+localGpuIndex;
          // Only use PXN for NIC n if remote GPU p ...
          if (peerNode->paths[NET][n].type <= PATH_PXB && // Is connected to the NIC through PCI
              peerNode->paths[GPU][g].type <= PATH_NVL && // Is connected to us through NVLink
              NCCL_TOPO_ID_SYSTEM_ID(peerNode->id) == NCCL_TOPO_ID_SYSTEM_ID(gpu->id) && // Is on the same node as us
              (peerNode->paths[NET][n].bw > gpu->paths[NET][n].bw || // Has either higher BW to that NIC
               gpu->paths[NET][n].type > PATH_PXB))                  // or avoids going through a CPU
          // We can use that GPU as relay to communicate with that NIC.
          // Only enabling it in the GPU->NIC direction for now to favor
          // receiving locally and sending remotely (consistent with
          NCCLCHECK(addInterStep(system, GPU, localGpuIndex, GPU, g, NET, n));
      if (gpu->paths[NET][n].type < PATH_PHB) {
        // Update path when we dont want to / can't use GPU Direct RDMA.
        int gdr;
        NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckGdr(system, system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].id, netNode->id, 0, &gdr));
        if (gdr == 0) {
          // We cannot use GPU Direct RDMA, divert all traffic through the CPU local to the GPU
          int localCpu;
          NCCLCHECK(getLocalCpu(system, g, &localCpu));
          NCCLCHECK(addInterStep(system, CPU, localCpu, NET, n, GPU, g));
          NCCLCHECK(addInterStep(system, CPU, localCpu, GPU, g, NET, n));
  return ncclSuccess;



// Set paths from all other nodes to baseNodes
static ncclResult_t ncclTopoSetPaths(struct ncclTopoNode* baseNode, struct ncclTopoSystem* system) {
  // Allocate paths for this type of nodes if needed
  if (baseNode->paths[baseNode->type] == NULL) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(baseNode->paths+baseNode->type, system->nodes[baseNode->type].count));

  // breadth-first search to set all paths to that node in the system
  struct ncclTopoNodeList nodeList;
  struct ncclTopoNodeList nextNodeList;
  nodeList.count = 1; nodeList.list[0] = baseNode;
  nextNodeList.count = 0;

  // Set the basenNode loop back path
  struct ncclTopoLinkList* basePath;
  NCCLCHECK(getPath(system, baseNode, baseNode->type, baseNode->id, &basePath));
  basePath->count = 0;
  basePath->bw = LOC_BW;
  basePath->type = PATH_LOC;

  while (nodeList.count) {
    nextNodeList.count = 0;
    // Iterate over all nodes
    for (int n=0; n<nodeList.count; n++) {
      struct ncclTopoNode* node = nodeList.list[n];
      struct ncclTopoLinkList* path;
      // path: node --> ... --> baseNode 
      NCCLCHECK(getPath(system, node, baseNode->type, baseNode->id, &path));

      // Iterate over all links, update the path if needed and add the remNode to the list for the next iteration
      // Links with larger bandwidth sitted in the front of the list
      for (int l=0; l<node->nlinks; l++) {
        // link: node -> remNode
        struct ncclTopoLink* link = node->links+l;
        struct ncclTopoNode* remNode = link->remNode;

        // Allocate paths for this type of nodes if needed
        if (remNode->paths[baseNode->type] == NULL) {
          NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(remNode->paths+baseNode->type, system->nodes[baseNode->type].count));
          for (int i=0; i<system->nodes[baseNode->type].count; i++) remNode->paths[baseNode->type][i].type = PATH_DIS;

        // remPath: remNode -> ... -> baseNode
        struct ncclTopoLinkList* remPath;
        NCCLCHECK(getPath(system, remNode, baseNode->type, baseNode->id, &remPath));
        // remPath: remNode -> baseNode = remNode -> node -> baseNode, so bw is min(node -> remNode, node -> baseNode)
        float bw = std::min(path->bw, link->bw);

        // allow routing through a GPU only as 1 hop, otherwise skip path setting
        if (node != baseNode && node->type == GPU &&
            (ncclParamNvbDisable() || link->type != LINK_NVL || remNode->type != GPU || path->count > 1)) continue;

        // remPath->bw == 0: remPath is not set yet, should be setted
        // remPath->count > path->count: remPath is longer, could be shorter
        // remPath->bw < bw: remPath is with less bandwidth, remPath need update
        if ((remPath->bw == 0 || remPath->count > path->count) && remPath->bw < bw) {
          // Find reverse link: remNode -> node
          for (int l=0; l<remNode->nlinks; l++) {
            if (remNode->links[l].remNode == node && remNode->links[l].type == link->type) {
              // first step of remPath is: remNode -> node
              remPath->list[0] = remNode->links+l;
          if (remPath->list[0] == NULL) {
            WARN("Failed to find reverse path from remNode %d/%lx nlinks %d to node %d/%lx",
                 remNode->type, remNode->id, remNode->nlinks, node->type, node->id);
            return ncclInternalError;
          // Copy the rest of the path, remPath = remNode -> node -> ... -> baseNode
          for (int i=0; i<path->count; i++) remPath->list[i+1] = path->list[i];
          remPath->count = path->count + 1;
          remPath->bw = bw;

          // Start with path type = link type. PATH and LINK types are supposed to match.
          // Don't consider LINK_NET as we only care about the NIC->GPU path.
          int type = link->type == LINK_NET ? LINK_LOC : link->type;
          // Differentiate between one and multiple PCI switches
          // Consider a path going through multiple PCI switches as PATH_PXB
          if (node->type == PCI && remNode->type == PCI) type = PATH_PXB; 
          // Consider a path going through the CPU as PATH_PHB
          if (link->type == LINK_PCI && (node->type == CPU || link->remNode->type == CPU)) type = PATH_PHB; 
          // Consider a path going through a single NVLink as PATH_NVB
          if (node->type == GPU && path->type == PATH_NVL && type == PATH_NVL && remPath->count > 1) type = PATH_NVB;

          // Update path types
          remPath->type = std::max(path->type, type);

          // Add to the list for the next iteration if not already in the lists
          int i;
          // Find the index of remNode in nextNodeList
          for (i=0; i<nextNodeList.count; i++) if (nextNodeList.list[i] == remNode) break;
          // If not found, add it to the list
          if (i == nextNodeList.count) nextNodeList.list[nextNodeList.count++] = remNode;
    // searh next level
    memcpy(&nodeList, &nextNodeList, sizeof(nodeList));
  return ncclSuccess;



// Trim the topology to remove GPUs that are not accessible, remove all NICs if all GPUs are on the same domain
ncclResult_t ncclTopoTrimSystem(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclComm* comm) {
  int *domains;
  int64_t *ids;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&domains, system->nodes[GPU].count));
  NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&ids, system->nodes[GPU].count));
  int myDomain = 0;
  for (int g=0; g<system->nodes[GPU].count; g++) {
    struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
    domains[g] = g;
    ids[g] = gpu->id;
    for (int p=0; p<g; p++) {
      // If we have a local path to another GPU, we are in the same domain
      if (gpu->paths[GPU][p].type < PATH_NET) {
        domains[g] = std::min(domains[g], domains[p]);
    if (gpu->gpu.rank == comm->rank) myDomain = domains[g];

  int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count;
  for (int i=0; i<ngpus; i++) {
    if (domains[i] == myDomain) continue;
    struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = NULL;
    int g;
    for (g=0; g<system->nodes[GPU].count /* This one varies over the loops */; g++) {
      gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g;
      if (gpu->id == ids[i]) break; else gpu=NULL;
    if (gpu == NULL) {
      WARN("Could not find id %lx", ids[i]);
      return ncclInternalError;
    // Remove all paths to/from this GPU
    NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoRemoveNode(system, GPU, g));

  // Remove all NICs if all GPUs are on the same domain
  if (system->nodes[GPU].count == comm->nRanks) {
    for (int n=system->nodes[NET].count-1; n>=0; n--)
      NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoRemoveNode(system, NET, n));
  return ncclSuccess;
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