
Network Working Group A. Davidson


Intended status: Informational A. Faz-Hernandez

Expires: 25 August 2021 N. Sullivan

C.A. Wood


21 February 2021

Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) using Prime-Order Groups



An Oblivious Pseudorandom Function (OPRF) is a two-party protocol for

computing the output of a PRF. One party (the server) holds the PRF

secret key, and the other (the client) holds the PRF input. The

'obliviousness' property ensures that the server does not learn

anything about the client's input during the evaluation. The client

should also not learn anything about the server's secret PRF key.

Optionally, OPRFs can also satisfy a notion 'verifiability' (VOPRF).

In this setting, the client can verify that the server's output is

indeed the result of evaluating the underlying PRF with just a public

key. This document specifies OPRF and VOPRF constructions

instantiated within prime-order groups, including elliptic curves.

Discussion Venues

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the

provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any

time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference

material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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Internet-Draft OPRFs February 2021

This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 August 2021.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the

document authors. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1. Change log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.3. Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1. Prime-Order Group Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2. Other Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3. OPRF Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.2. Context Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.3. Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.4. Context APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.4.1. Server Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.4.2. VerifiableServerContext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.4.3. Client Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.4.4. VerifiableClientContext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4. Domain Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5. Ciphersuites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5.1. OPRF(ristretto255, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5.2. OPRF(decaf448, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.3. OPRF(P-256, SHA-256) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.4. OPRF(P-384, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.5. OPRF(P-521, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.1. Security Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.2. Cryptographic Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

6.2.1. Computational Hardness Assumptions . . . . . . . . . 27

6.2.2. Protocol Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.2.3. Q-Strong-DH Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.2.4. Implications for Ciphersuite Choices . . . . . . . . 29

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6.3. Hashing to Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.4. Timing Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.5. Key Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

7. Additive Blinding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

7.1. Preprocess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7.2. AdditiveBlind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7.3. AdditiveUnblind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

7.3.1. Parameter Commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

8. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Appendix A. Test Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

A.1. OPRF(ristretto255, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

A.1.1. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

A.1.2. Verifiable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

A.2. OPRF(decaf448, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

A.2.1. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

A.2.2. Verifiable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

A.3. OPRF(P-256, SHA-256) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

A.3.1. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

A.3.2. Verifiable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

A.4. OPRF(P-384, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

A.4.1. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

A.4.2. Verifiable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

A.5. OPRF(P-521, SHA-512) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

A.5.1. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

A.5.2. Verifiable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

1. Introduction

A pseudorandom function (PRF) F(k, x) is an efficiently computable

function taking a private key k and a value x as input. This

function is pseudorandom if the keyed function K(_) = F(K, _) is

indistinguishable from a randomly sampled function acting on the same

domain and range as K(). An oblivious PRF (OPRF) is a two-party

protocol between a server and a client, where the server holds a PRF

key k and the client holds some input x. The protocol allows both

parties to cooperate in computing F(k, x) such that: the client

learns F(k, x) without learning anything about k; and the server does

not learn anything about x or F(k, x). A Verifiable OPRF (VOPRF) is

an OPRF wherein the server can prove to the client that F(k, x) was

computed using the key k.

The usage of OPRFs has been demonstrated in constructing a number of

applications: password-protected secret sharing schemes [JKKX16];

privacy-preserving password stores [SJKS17]; and password-

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authenticated key exchange or PAKE [I-D.irtf-cfrg-opaque]. A VOPRF

is necessary in some applications, e.g., the Privacy Pass protocol

[I-D.davidson-pp-protocol], wherein this VOPRF is used to generate

one-time authentication tokens to bypass CAPTCHA challenges. VOPRFs

have also been used for password-protected secret sharing schemes

e.g. [JKK14].

This document introduces an OPRF protocol built in prime-order

groups, applying to finite fields of prime-order and also elliptic

curve (EC) groups. The protocol has the option of being extended to

a VOPRF with the addition of a NIZK proof for proving discrete log

equality relations. This proof demonstrates correctness of the

computation, using a known public key that serves as a commitment to

the server's secret key. The document describes the protocol, the

public-facing API, and its security properties.

1.1. Change log

draft-06 (

* Specify of group element and scalar serialization.

* Remove info parameter from the protocol API and update domain

separation guidance.

* Fold Unblind function into Finalize.

* Optimize ComputeComposites for servers (using knowledge of the

private key).

* Specify deterministic key generation method.

* Update test vectors.

* Apply various editorial changes.

draft-05 (

* Move to ristretto255 and decaf448 ciphersuites.

* Clean up ciphersuite definitions.

* Pin domain separation tag construction to draft version.

* Move key generation outside of context construction functions.

* Editorial changes.

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draft-04 (

* Introduce Client and Server contexts for controlling verifiability

and required functionality.

* Condense API.

* Remove batching from standard functionality (included as an


* Add Curve25519 and P-256 ciphersuites for applications that

prevent strong-DH oracle attacks.

* Provide explicit prime-order group API and instantiation advice

for each ciphersuite.

* Proof-of-concept implementation in sage.

* Remove privacy considerations advice as this depends on


draft-03 (

* Certify public key during VerifiableFinalize.

* Remove protocol integration advice.

* Add text discussing how to perform domain separation.

* Drop OPRF_/VOPRF_ prefix from algorithm names.

* Make prime-order group assumption explicit.

* Changes to algorithms accepting batched inputs.

* Changes to construction of batched DLEQ proofs.

* Updated ciphersuites to be consistent with hash-to-curve and added

OPRF specific ciphersuites.

draft-02 (

* Added section discussing cryptographic security and static DH


* Updated batched proof algorithms.

draft-01 (

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* Updated ciphersuites to be in line with

* Made some necessary modular reductions more explicit.

1.2. Terminology

The following terms are used throughout this document.

* PRF: Pseudorandom Function.

* OPRF: Oblivious Pseudorandom Function.

* VOPRF: Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Function.

* Client: Protocol initiator. Learns pseudorandom function

evaluation as the output of the protocol.

* Server: Computes the pseudorandom function over a secret key.

Learns nothing about the client's input.

* NIZK: Non-interactive zero knowledge.

* DLEQ: Discrete Logarithm Equality.

1.3. Requirements

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


"OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all

capitals, as shown here.

2. Preliminaries

The (V)OPRF protocol in this document has two primary dependencies:

* "GG": A prime-order group implementing the API described below in

Section 2.1, with base point defined in the corresponding

reference for each group. (See Section 5 for these base points.)

* "Hash": A cryptographic hash function that is indifferentiable

from a Random Oracle, whose output length is Nh bytes long.

Section 5 specifies ciphersuites as combinations of "GG" and "Hash".

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2.1. Prime-Order Group Dependency

In this document, we assume the construction of an additive, prime-

order group "GG" for performing all mathematical operations. Such

groups are uniquely determined by the choice of the prime "p" that

defines the order of the group. We use "GF(p)" to represent the

finite field of order "p". For the purpose of understanding and

implementing this document, we take "GF(p)" to be equal to the set of

integers defined by "{0, 1, ..., p-1}".

The fundamental group operation is addition "+" with identity element

"I". For any elements "A" and "B" of the group "GG", "A + B = B + A"

is also a member of "GG". Also, for any "A" in "GG", there exists an

element "-A" such that "A + (-A) = (-A) + A = I". Scalar

multiplication is equivalent to the repeated application of the group

operation on an element A with itself "r-1" times, this is denoted as

"r*A = A + ... + A". For any element "A", "p*A=I". Scalar base

multiplication is equivalent to the repeated application of the group

operation on the base point with itself "r-1" times, this is denoted

as "ScalarBaseMult(r)". The set of scalars corresponds to "GF(p)".

We now detail a number of member functions that can be invoked on a

prime-order group "GG".

* Order(): Outputs the order of "GG" (i.e. "p").

* Identity(): Outputs the identity element of the group (i.e. "I").

* HashToGroup(x): A member function of "GG" that deterministically

maps an array of bytes "x" to an element of "GG". The map must

ensure that, for any adversary receiving "R = HashToGroup(x)", it

is computationally difficult to reverse the mapping. Examples of

hash to group functions satisfying this property are described for

prime-order (sub)groups of elliptic curves, see


* HashToScalar(x): A member function of "GG" that deterministically

maps an array of bytes "x" to an element in GF(p). A recommended

method for its implementation is instantiating the hash to field

function, defined in [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] setting the

target field to GF(p).

* RandomScalar(): A member function of "GG" that chooses at random a

non-zero element in GF(p).

* SerializeElement(A): A member function of "GG" that maps a group

element "A" to a unique byte array "buf" of fixed length "Ne".

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* DeserializeElement(buf): A member function of "GG" that maps a

byte array "buf" to a group element "A", or fails if the input is

not a valid byte representation of an element.

* SerializeScalar(s): A member function of "GG" that maps a scalar

element "s" to a unique byte array "buf" of fixed length "Ns".

* DeserializeScalar(buf): A member function of "GG" that maps a byte

array "buf" to a scalar "s", or fails if the input is not a valid

byte representation of a scalar.

Using the API of a prime-order group, we assume the existence of a

function "GenerateKeyPair()" that generates a random private and

public key pair ("skS", "pkS"). One possible implementation might be

to compute "skS = RandomScalar()" and "pkS = ScalarBaseMult(skS)".

We also assume the existence of a "DeriveKeyPair(seed)" function that

deterministically generates a private and public key pair from input

"seed", where "seed" is a random byte string that SHOULD have at

least "Ns" bytes of entropy. "DeriveKeyPair(seed)" computes "skS =

HashToScalar(seed)" and "pkS = ScalarBaseMult(skS)".

It is convenient in cryptographic applications to instantiate such

prime-order groups using elliptic curves, such as those detailed in

[SEC2]. For some choices of elliptic curves (e.g. those detailed in

[RFC7748], which require accounting for cofactors) there are some

implementation issues that introduce inherent discrepancies between

standard prime-order groups and the elliptic curve instantiation. In

this document, all algorithms that we detail assume that the group is

a prime-order group, and this MUST be upheld by any implementer.

That is, any curve instantiation should be written such that any

discrepancies with a prime-order group instantiation are removed.

See Section 5 for advice corresponding to the implementation of this

interface for specific definitions of elliptic curves.

2.2. Other Conventions

* For any object "x", we write "len(x)" to denote its length in


* For two byte arrays "x" and "y", write "x || y" to denote their


* I2OSP and OS2IP: Convert a byte array to and from a non-negative

integer as described in [RFC8017]. Note that these functions

operate on byte arrays in big-endian byte order.

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All algorithm descriptions are written in a Python-like pseudocode.

We use the "ABORT()" function for presentational clarity to denote

the process of terminating the algorithm or returning an error

accordingly. We also use the "CT_EQUAL(a, b)" function to represent

constant-time byte-wise equality between byte arrays "a" and "b".

This function returns "true" if "a" and "b" are equal, and "false"


3. OPRF Protocol

In this section, we define two OPRF variants: a base mode and

verifiable mode. In the base mode, a client and server interact to

compute y = F(skS, x), where x is the client's input, skS is the

server's private key, and y is the OPRF output. The client learns y

and the server learns nothing. In the verifiable mode, the client

also gets proof that the server used skS in computing the function.

To achieve verifiability, as in the original work of [JKK14], we

provide a zero-knowledge proof that the key provided as input by the

server in the "Evaluate" function is the same key as it used to

produce their public key. As an example of the nature of attacks

that this prevents, this ensures that the server uses the same

private key for computing the VOPRF output and does not attempt to

"tag" individual servers with select keys. This proof must not

reveal the server's long-term private key to the client.

The following one-byte values distinguish between these two modes:


| Mode | Value |


| modeBase | 0x00 |


| modeVerifiable | 0x01 |


Table 1

3.1. Overview

Both participants agree on the mode and a choice of ciphersuite that

is used before the protocol exchange. Once established, the core

protocol runs to compute "output = F(skS, input)" as follows:

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Client(pkS, input) Server(skS, pkS)


blind, blindedElement = Blind(input)



evaluatedElement, proof = Evaluate(skS, pkS, blindedElement)

evaluatedElement, proof

output = Finalize(input, blind, evaluatedElement, blindedElement, pkS, proof)

In "Blind" the client generates a token and blinding data. The

server computes the (V)OPRF evaluation in "Evaluation" over the

client's blinded token. In "Finalize" the client unblinds the server

response, verifies the server's proof if verifiability is required,

and produces a byte array corresponding to the output of the OPRF


3.2. Context Setup

Both modes of the OPRF involve an offline setup phase. In this

phase, both the client and server create a context used for executing

the online phase of the protocol. Prior to this phase, the key pair

("skS", "pkS") should be generated by calling "GenerateKeyPair()" or

"DeriveKeyPair()" appropriately.

The base mode setup functions for creating client and server contexts

are below:

def SetupBaseServer(suite, skS):

contextString = I2OSP(modeBase, 1) || I2OSP(suite.ID, 2)

return ServerContext(contextString, skS)

def SetupBaseClient(suite):

contextString = I2OSP(modeBase, 1) || I2OSP(suite.ID, 2)

return ClientContext(contextString)

The verifiable mode setup functions for creating client and server

contexts are below:

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def SetupVerifiableServer(suite, skS, pkS):

contextString = I2OSP(modeVerifiable, 1) || I2OSP(suite.ID, 2)

return VerifiableServerContext(contextString, skS)

def SetupVerifiableClient(suite, pkS):

contextString = I2OSP(modeVerifiable, 1) || I2OSP(suite.ID, 2)

return VerifiableClientContext(contextString, pkS)

Each setup function takes a ciphersuite from the list defined in

Section 5. Each ciphersuite has a two-byte field ID used to identify

the suite.

3.3. Data Types

The following is a list of data structures that are defined for

providing inputs and outputs for each of the context interfaces

defined in Section 3.4. Data structure description uses TLS notation

(see [RFC8446], Section 3).

This document uses the types "Element" and "Scalar" to denote

elements of the group "GG" and its underlying scalar field "GF(p)",

respectively. For notational clarity, "PublicKey" is an item of type

"Element" and "PrivateKey" is an item of type "Scalar".

"SerializedElement" and "SerializedScalar" are serialized

representations of "Element" and "Scalar" types of length "Ne" and

"Ns", respectively; see Section 2.1. "ClientInput" is an opaque byte

string of arbitrary length. "Proof" is a sequence of two

"SerializedScalar" elements, as shown below.

SerializedScalar Proof[2];

3.4. Context APIs

In this section, we detail the APIs available on the client and

server (V)OPRF contexts.

3.4.1. Server Context

The ServerContext encapsulates the context string constructed during

setup and the (V)OPRF key pair. It has three functions, "Evaluate",

"FullEvaluate" and "VerifyFinalize" described below. "Evaluate"

takes serialized representations of blinded group elements from the

client as inputs.

"FullEvaluate" takes ClientInput values, and it is useful for

applications that need to compute the whole OPRF protocol on the

server side only.

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"VerifyFinalize" takes ClientInput values and their corresponding

output digests from "Finalize" as input, and returns true if the

inputs match the outputs.

Note that "VerifyFinalize" and "FullEvaluate" are not used in the

main OPRF protocol. They are exposed as an API for building higher-

level protocols. Evaluate


PrivateKey skS

SerializedElement blindedElement


SerializedElement evaluatedElement

def Evaluate(skS, blindedElement):

R = GG.DeserializeElement(blindedElement)

Z = skS * R

evaluatedElement = GG.SerializeElement(Z)

return evaluatedElement FullEvaluate


PrivateKey skS

ClientInput input


opaque output[Nh]

def FullEvaluate(skS, input):

P = GG.HashToGroup(input)

T = skS * P

issuedElement = GG.SerializeElement(T)

finalizeDST = "VOPRF06-Finalize-" || self.contextString

hashInput = I2OSP(len(input), 2) || input ||

I2OSP(len(issuedElement), 2) || issuedElement ||

I2OSP(len(finalizeDST), 2) || finalizeDST

return Hash(hashInput)

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[[RFC editor: please change "VOPRF06" to "RFCXXXX", where XXXX is the

final number, here and elsewhere before publication.]] VerifyFinalize


PrivateKey skS

ClientInput input

opaque output[Nh]


boolean valid

def VerifyFinalize(skS, input, output):

T = GG.HashToGroup(input)

element = GG.SerializeElement(T)

issuedElement = Evaluate(skS, [element])

E = GG.SerializeElement(issuedElement)

finalizeDST = "VOPRF06-Finalize-" || self.contextString

hashInput = I2OSP(len(input), 2) || input ||

I2OSP(len(E), 2) || E ||

I2OSP(len(finalizeDST), 2) || finalizeDST

digest = Hash(hashInput)

return CT_EQUAL(digest, output)

[[RFC editor: please change "VOPRF06" to "RFCXXXX", where XXXX is the

final number, here and elsewhere before publication.]]

3.4.2. VerifiableServerContext

The VerifiableServerContext extends the base ServerContext with an

augmented "Evaluate()" function. This function produces a proof that

"skS" was used in computing the result. It makes use of the helper

functions "GenerateProof" and "ComputeComposites", described below. Evaluate

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PrivateKey skS

PublicKey pkS

SerializedElement blindedElement


SerializedElement evaluatedElement

Proof proof

def Evaluate(skS, pkS, blindedElement):

R = GG.DeserializeElement(blindedElement)

Z = skS * R

evaluatedElement = GG.SerializeElement(Z)

proof = GenerateProof(skS, pkS, blindedElement, evaluatedElement)

return evaluatedElement, proof

The helper functions "GenerateProof" and "ComputeComposites" are

defined below. GenerateProof

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PrivateKey skS

PublicKey pkS

SerializedElement blindedElement

SerializedElement evaluatedElement


Proof proof

def GenerateProof(skS, pkS, blindedElement, evaluatedElement)

blindedElementList = [blindedElement]

evaluatedElementList = [evaluatedElement]

a = ComputeCompositesFast(skS, pkS, blindedElementList, evaluatedElementList)

M = GG.DeserializeElement(a[0])

r = GG.RandomScalar()

a2 = GG.SerializeElement(ScalarBaseMult(r))

a3 = GG.SerializeElement(r * M)

pkSm = GG.SerializeElement(pkS)

challengeDST = "VOPRF06-Challenge-" || self.contextString

h2Input = I2OSP(len(pkSm), 2) || pkSm ||

I2OSP(len(a[0]), 2) || a[0] ||

I2OSP(len(a[1]), 2) || a[1] ||

I2OSP(len(a2), 2) || a2 ||

I2OSP(len(a3), 2) || a3 ||

I2OSP(len(challengeDST), 2) || challengeDST

c = GG.HashToScalar(h2Input)

s = (r - c * skS) mod p

proof = [GG.SerializeScalar(c), GG.SerializeScalar(s)]

return proof Batching inputs

Unlike other functions, "ComputeComposites" takes lists of inputs,

rather than a single input. Applications can take advantage of this

functionality by invoking "GenerateProof" on batches of inputs to

produce a combined, constant-size proof. (In the pseudocode above,

the single inputs "blindedElement" and "evaluatedElement" are passed

as one-item lists to "ComputeComposites".)

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In particular, servers can produce a single, constant-sized proof for

N client inputs sent in a single request, rather than one proof per

client input. This optimization benefits clients and servers since

it amortizes the cost of proof generation and bandwidth across

multiple requests. Fresh Randomness

We note here that it is essential that a different "r" value is used

for every invocation. If this is not done, then this may leak "skS"

as is possible in Schnorr or (EC)DSA scenarios where fresh randomness

is not used. ComputeComposites

The definition of "ComputeComposites" is given below. This function

is used both on generation and verification of the proof.

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PublicKey pkS

SerializedElement blindedElements[m]

SerializedElement evaluatedElements[m]


SerializedElement composites[2]

def ComputeComposites(pkS, blindedElements, evaluatedElements):

pkSm = GG.SerializeElement(pkS)

seedDST = "VOPRF06-Seed-" || self.contextString

compositeDST = "VOPRF06-Composite-" || self.contextString

h1Input = I2OSP(len(pkSm), 2) || pkSm ||

I2OSP(len(seedDST), 2) || seedDST

seed = Hash(h1Input)

M = GG.Identity()

Z = GG.Identity()

for i = 0 to m-1:

h2Input = I2OSP(len(seed), 2) || seed || I2OSP(i, 2) ||

I2OSP(len(blindedElements[i]), 2) || blindedElements[i] ||

I2OSP(len(evaluatedElements[i]), 2) || evaluatedElements[i] ||

I2OSP(len(compositeDST), 2) || compositeDST

di = GG.HashToScalar(h2Input)

Mi = GG.DeserializeElement(blindedElements[i])

M = di * Mi + M

Zi = GG.DeserializeElement(evaluatedElements[i])

Z = di * Zi + Z

return [GG.SerializeElement(M), GG.SerializeElement(Z)]

If the private key is known, as is the case for the server, this

function can be optimized as shown in "ComputeCompositesFast" below.

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PrivateKey skS

PublicKey pkS

SerializedElement blindedElements[m]

SerializedElement evaluatedElements[m]


SerializedElement composites[2]

def ComputeCompositesFast(skS, pkS, blindedElements, evaluatedElements):

pkSm = GG.SerializeElement(pkS)

seedDST = "VOPRF06-Seed-" || self.contextString

compositeDST = "VOPRF06-Composite-" || self.contextString

h1Input = I2OSP(len(pkSm), 2) || pkSm ||

I2OSP(len(seedDST), 2) || seedDST

seed = Hash(h1Input)

M = GG.Identity()

for i = 0 to m-1:

h2Input = I2OSP(len(seed), 2) || seed || I2OSP(i, 2) ||

I2OSP(len(blindedElements[i]), 2) || blindedElements[i] ||

I2OSP(len(evaluatedElements[i]), 2) || evaluatedElements[i] ||

I2OSP(len(compositeDST), 2) || compositeDST

di = GG.HashToScalar(h2Input)

Mi = GG.DeserializeElement(blindedElements[i])

M = di * Mi + M

Z = skS * M

return [GG.SerializeElement(M), GG.SerializeElement(Z)]

3.4.3. Client Context

The ClientContext encapsulates the context string constructed during

setup. It has two functions, "Blind()" and "Finalize()", as

described below. It also has an internal function, "Unblind()",

which is used by "Finalize". Its implementation varies depending on

the mode. Blind

We note here that the blinding mechanism that we use can be modified

slightly with the opportunity for making performance gains in some

scenarios. We detail these modifications in Section 7.

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ClientInput input


Scalar blind

SerializedElement blindedElement

def Blind(input):

blind = GG.RandomScalar()

P = GG.HashToGroup(input)

blindedElement = GG.SerializeElement(blind * P)

return blind, blindedElement Unblind

In this mode, "Unblind" takes only two inputs. The additional inputs

indicated in Section 3.1 are only omitted as they are ignored. These

additional inputs are only useful for the verifiable mode, described

in Section


Scalar blind

SerializedElement evaluatedElement


SerializedElement unblindedElement

def Unblind(blind, evaluatedElement, ...):

Z = GG.DeserializeElement(evaluatedElement)

N = (blind^(-1)) * Z

unblindedElement = GG.SerializeElement(N)

return unblindedElement Finalize

"Finalize" depends on the internal "Unblind" function. In this mode,

"Finalize" and does not include all inputs listed in Section 3.1.

These additional inputs are only useful for the verifiable mode,

described in Section

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ClientInput input

Scalar blind

SerializedElement evaluatedElement


opaque output[Nh]

def Finalize(input, blind, evaluatedElement):

unblindedElement = Unblind(blind, evaluatedElement)

finalizeDST = "VOPRF06-Finalize-" || self.contextString

hashInput = I2OSP(len(input), 2) || input ||

I2OSP(len(unblindedElement), 2) || unblindedElement ||

I2OSP(len(finalizeDST), 2) || finalizeDST

return Hash(hashInput)

3.4.4. VerifiableClientContext

The VerifiableClientContext extends the base ClientContext with the

desired server public key "pkS" with an augmented "Unblind()"

function. This function verifies an evaluation proof using "pkS".

It makes use of the helper function "ComputeComposites" described

above. It has one helper function, "VerifyProof()", defined below. VerifyProof

This algorithm outputs a boolean "verified" which indicates whether

the proof inside of the evaluation verifies correctly, or not.

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PublicKey pkS

SerializedElement blindedElement

SerializedElement evaluatedElement

Proof proof


boolean verified

def VerifyProof(pkS, blindedElement, evaluatedElement, proof):

blindedElementList = [blindedElement]

evaluatedElementList = [evaluatedElement]

a = ComputeComposites(pkS, blindedElementList, evaluatedElementList)

c = GG.DeserializeScalar(proof[0])

s = GG.DeserializeScalar(proof[1])

M = GG.DeserializeElement(a[0])

Z = GG.DeserializeElement(a[1])

A' = (ScalarBaseMult(s) + c * pkS)

B' = (s * M + c * Z)

a2 = GG.SerializeElement(A')

a3 = GG.SerializeElement(B')

challengeDST = "VOPRF06-Challenge-" || self.contextString

h2Input = I2OSP(len(pkS), 2) || pkS ||

I2OSP(len(a[0]), 2) || a[0] ||

I2OSP(len(a[1]), 2) || a[1] ||

I2OSP(len(a2), 2) || a2 ||

I2OSP(len(a3), 2) || a3 ||

I2OSP(len(challengeDST), 2) || challengeDST

expected_c = GG.HashToScalar(h2Input)

return CT_EQUAL(expected_c, c) Verifiable Unblind

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Scalar blind

SerializedElement evaluatedElement

SerializedElement blindedElement

PublicKey pkS

Scalar proof


SerializedElement unblindedElement

def Unblind(blind, evaluatedElement, blindedElement, pkS, proof):

if VerifyProof(pkS, blindedElement, evaluatedElement, proof) == false:


Z = GG.DeserializeElement(evaluatedElement)

N = (blind^(-1)) * Z

unblindedElement = GG.SerializeElement(N)

return unblindedElement Verifiable Finalize


ClientInput input

Scalar blind

SerializedElement evaluatedElement

SerializedElement blindedElement

PublicKey pkS

Scalar proof


SerializedElement unblindedElement

def Finalize(input, blind, evaluatedElement, blindedElement, pkS, proof):

unblindedElement = Unblind(blind, evaluatedElement, blindedElement, pkS, proof)

finalizeDST = "VOPRF06-Finalize-" || self.contextString

hashInput = I2OSP(len(input), 2) || input ||

I2OSP(len(unblindedElement), 2) || unblindedElement ||

I2OSP(len(finalizeDST), 2) || finalizeDST

return Hash(hashInput)

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4. Domain Separation

Applications SHOULD construct input to the protocol to provide domain

separation. Any system which has multiple (V)OPRF applications

should distinguish client inputs to ensure the OPRF results are

separate. Guidance for constructing info can be found in

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve]; Section 3.1.

5. Ciphersuites

A ciphersuite (also referred to as 'suite' in this document) for the

protocol wraps the functionality required for the protocol to take

place. This ciphersuite should be available to both the client and

server, and agreement on the specific instantiation is assumed

throughout. A ciphersuite contains instantiations of the following


* "GG": A prime-order group exposing the API detailed in

Section 2.1, with base point defined in the corresponding

reference for each group. Each group also specifies HashToGroup,

HashToScalar, and serialization functionalities. For HashToGroup,

the domain separation tag (DST) is constructed in accordance with

the recommendations in [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve], Section 3.1.

* "Hash": A cryptographic hash function that is indifferentiable

from a Random Oracle, whose output length is Nh bytes long.

This section specifies ciphersuites with supported groups and hash

functions. For each ciphersuite, contextString is that which is

computed in the Setup functions.

Applications should take caution in using ciphersuites targeting

P-256 and ristretto255. See Section 6.2 for related discussion.

5.1. OPRF(ristretto255, SHA-512)

* Group: ristretto255 [RISTRETTO]

- HashToGroup(): Use hash_to_ristretto255

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] with DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToGroup-" || contextString, and "expand_message" =

"expand_message_xmd" using SHA-512.

- HashToScalar(): Compute "uniform_bytes" using "expand_message"

= "expand_message_xmd", DST = "VOPRF06-HashToScalar-" ||

contextString, and output length 64, interpret "uniform_bytes"

as a 512-bit integer in little-endian order, and reduce the

integer modulo "Order()".

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- Serialization: Both group elements and scalars are encoded in

Ne = Ns = 32 bytes. For group elements, use the 'Encode' and

'Decode' functions from [RISTRETTO]. For scalars, ensure they

are fully reduced modulo p and in little-endian order.

* Hash: SHA-512, and Nh = 64.

* ID: 0x0001

5.2. OPRF(decaf448, SHA-512)

* Group: decaf448 [RISTRETTO]

- HashToGroup(): Use hash_to_decaf448

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] with DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToGroup-" || contextString, and "expand_message" =

"expand_message_xmd" using SHA-512.

- HashToScalar(): Compute "uniform_bytes" using "expand_message"

= "expand_message_xmd", DST = "VOPRF06-HashToScalar-" ||

contextString, and output length 64, interpret "uniform_bytes"

as a 512-bit integer in little-endian order, and reduce the

integer modulo "Order()".

- Serialization: Both group elements and scalars are encoded in

Ne = Ns = 56 bytes. For group elements, use the 'Encode' and

'Decode' functions from [RISTRETTO]. For scalars, ensure they

are fully reduced modulo p and in little-endian order.

* Hash: SHA-512, and Nh = 64.

* ID: 0x0002

5.3. OPRF(P-256, SHA-256)

* Group: P-256 (secp256r1) [x9.62]

- HashToGroup(): Use hash_to_curve with suite P256_XMD:SHA-

256_SSWU_RO_ [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToGroup-" || contextString.

- HashToScalar(): Use hash_to_field from

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] using Order() as the prime

modulus, L = 48, "expand_message_xmd" with SHA-256, and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToScalar-" || contextString.

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- Serialization: Elements are serialized as Ne = 33 byte strings

using compressed point encoding for the curve [SEC1]. Scalars

are serialized as Ns = 32 byte strings by fully reducing the

value modulo p and in big-endian order.

* Hash: SHA-256, and Nh = 32.

* ID: 0x0003

5.4. OPRF(P-384, SHA-512)

* Group: P-384 (secp384r1) [x9.62]

- HashToGroup(): Use hash_to_curve with suite P384_XMD:SHA-

512_SSWU_RO_ [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToGroup-" || contextString.

- HashToScalar(): Use hash_to_field from

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] using Order() as the prime

modulus, L = 72, "expand_message_xmd" with SHA-512, and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToScalar-" || contextString.

- Serialization: Elements are serialized as Ne = 49 byte strings

using compressed point encoding for the curve [SEC1]. Scalars

are serialized as Ns = 48 byte strings by fully reducing the

value modulo p and in big-endian order.

* Hash: SHA-512, and Nh = 64.

* ID: 0x0004

5.5. OPRF(P-521, SHA-512)

* Group: P-521 (secp521r1) [x9.62]

- HashToGroup(): Use hash_to_curve with suite P521_XMD:SHA-

512_SSWU_RO_ [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToGroup-" || contextString.

- HashToScalar(): Use hash_to_field from

[I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] using Order() as the prime

modulus, L = 98, "expand_message_xmd" with SHA-512, and DST =

"VOPRF06-HashToScalar-" || contextString.

- Serialization: Elements are serialized as Ne = 67 byte strings

using compressed point encoding for the curve [SEC1]. Scalars

are serialized as Ns = 66 byte strings by fully reducing the

value modulo p and in big-endian order.

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* Hash: SHA-512, and Nh = 64.

* ID: 0x0005

6. Security Considerations

This section discusses the cryptographic security of our protocol,

along with some suggestions and trade-offs that arise from the

implementation of an OPRF.

6.1. Security Properties

The security properties of an OPRF protocol with functionality y =

F(k, x) include those of a standard PRF. Specifically:

* Pseudorandomness: F is pseudorandom if the output y = F(k,x) on

any input x is indistinguishable from uniformly sampling any

element in F's range, for a random sampling of k.

In other words, consider an adversary that picks inputs x from the

domain of F and evaluates F on (k,x) (without knowledge of randomly

sampled k). Then the output distribution F(k,x) is indistinguishable

from the output distribution of a randomly chosen function with the

same domain and range.

A consequence of showing that a function is pseudorandom, is that it

is necessarily non-malleable (i.e. we cannot compute a new evaluation

of F from an existing evaluation). A genuinely random function will

be non-malleable with high probability, and so a pseudorandom

function must be non-malleable to maintain indistinguishability.

An OPRF protocol must also satisfy the following property:

* Oblivious: The server must learn nothing about the client's input

or the output of the function. In addition, the client must learn

nothing about the server's private key.

Essentially, obliviousness tells us that, even if the server learns

the client's input x at some point in the future, then the server

will not be able to link any particular OPRF evaluation to x. This

property is also known as unlinkability [DGSTV18].

Optionally, for any protocol that satisfies the above properties,

there is an additional security property:

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* Verifiable: The client must only complete execution of the

protocol if it can successfully assert that the OPRF output it

computes is correct. This is taken with respect to the OPRF key

held by the server.

Any OPRF that satisfies the 'verifiable' security property is known

as a verifiable OPRF, or VOPRF for short. In practice, the notion of

verifiability requires that the server commits to the key before the

actual protocol execution takes place. Then the client verifies that

the server has used the key in the protocol using this commitment.

In the following, we may also refer to this commitment as a public


6.2. Cryptographic Security

Below, we discuss the cryptographic security of the (V)OPRF protocol

from Section 3, relative to the necessary cryptographic assumptions

that need to be made.

6.2.1. Computational Hardness Assumptions

Each assumption states that the problems specified below are

computationally difficult to solve in relation to a particular choice

of security parameter "sp".

Let GG = GG(sp) be a group with prime-order p, and let GF(p) be a

finite field of order p. Discrete-log (DL) Problem

Given G, a generator of GG, and H = hG for some h in GF(p); output h. Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) Problem

Sample uniformly at random d in {0,1}. Given (G, aG, bG, C), where

* G is a generator of GG;

* a,b are elements of GF(p);

* if d == 0: C = abG; else: C is sampled uniformly at random from


Output d' == d.

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6.2.2. Protocol Security

Our OPRF construction is based on the VOPRF construction known as

2HashDH-NIZK given by [JKK14]; essentially without providing zero-

knowledge proofs that verify that the output is correct. Our VOPRF

construction is identical to the [JKK14] construction, except that we

can optionally perform multiple VOPRF evaluations in one go, whilst

only constructing one NIZK proof object. This is enabled using an

established batching technique.

Consequently, the cryptographic security of our construction is based

on the assumption that the One-More Gap DH is computationally

difficult to solve.

The (N,Q)-One-More Gap DH (OMDH) problem asks the following.


- G, k * G, and (G_1, ... , G_N), all elements of GG;

- oracle access to an OPRF functionality using the key k;

- oracle access to DDH solvers.

Find Q+1 pairs of the form below:

(G_{j_s}, k * G_{j_s})

where the following conditions hold:

- s is a number between 1 and Q+1;

- j_s is a number between 1 and N for each s;

- Q is the number of allowed queries.

The original paper [JKK14] gives a security proof that the 2HashDH-

NIZK construction satisfies the security guarantees of a VOPRF

protocol Section 6.1 under the OMDH assumption in the universal

composability (UC) security model.

6.2.3. Q-Strong-DH Oracle

A side-effect of our OPRF design is that it allows instantiation of a

oracle for constructing Q-strong-DH (Q-sDH) samples. The Q-Strong-DH

problem asks the following.

Given G1, G2, h*G2, (h^2)*G2, ..., (h^Q)*G2; for G1 and G2

generators of GG.

Output ( (1/(k+c))*G1, c ) where c is an element of GF(p)

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The assumption that this problem is hard was first introduced in

[BB04]. Since then, there have been a number of cryptanalytic

studies that have reduced the security of the assumption below that

implied by the group instantiation (for example, [BG04] and

[Cheon06]). In summary, the attacks reduce the security of the group

instantiation by log_2(Q) bits.

As an example, suppose that a group instantiation is used that

provides 128 bits of security against discrete log cryptanalysis.

Then an adversary with access to a Q-sDH oracle and makes Q=2^20

queries can reduce the security of the instantiation by log_2(2^20) =

20 bits.

Notice that it is easy to instantiate a Q-sDH oracle using the OPRF

functionality that we provide. A client can just submit sequential

queries of the form (G, k * G, (k^2)G, ..., (k^(Q-1))G), where each

query is the output of the previous interaction. This means that any

client that submits Q queries to the OPRF can use the aforementioned

attacks to reduce the security of the group instantiation by log_2(Q)


Recall that from a malicious client's perspective, the adversary wins

if they can distinguish the OPRF interaction from a protocol that

computes the ideal functionality provided by the PRF.

6.2.4. Implications for Ciphersuite Choices

The OPRF instantiations that we recommend in this document are

informed by the cryptanalytic discussion above. In particular,

choosing elliptic curves configurations that describe 128-bit group

instantiations would appear to in fact instantiate an OPRF with

128-log_2(Q) bits of security.

In most cases, it would require an informed and persistent attacker

to launch a highly expensive attack to reduce security to anything

much below 100 bits of security. We see this possibility as

something that may result in problems in the future. For

applications that cannot tolerate discrete logarithm security of

lower than 128 bits, we recommend only implementing ciphersuites with

IDs: 0x0002, 0x0004, and 0x0005.

6.3. Hashing to Group

A critical requirement of implementing the prime-order group using

elliptic curves is a method to instantiate the function

"GG.HashToGroup", that maps inputs to group elements. In the

elliptic curve setting, this deterministically maps inputs x (as byte

arrays) to uniformly chosen points on the curve.

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In the security proof of the construction Hash is modeled as a random

oracle. This implies that any instantiation of "GG.HashToGroup" must

be pre-image and collision resistant. In Section 5 we give

instantiations of this functionality based on the functions described

in [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve]. Consequently, any OPRF

implementation must adhere to the implementation and security

considerations discussed in [I-D.irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve] when

instantiating the function.

6.4. Timing Leaks

To ensure no information is leaked during protocol execution, all

operations that use secret data MUST run in constant time.

Operations that SHOULD run in constant time include all prime-order

group operations and proof-specific operations ("GenerateProof()" and


6.5. Key Rotation

Since the server's key is critical to security, the longer it is

exposed by performing (V)OPRF operations on client inputs, the longer

it is possible that the key can be compromised. For example, if the

key is kept in circulation for a long period of time, then it also

allows the clients to make enough queries to launch more powerful

variants of the Q-sDH attacks from Section 6.2.3.

To combat attacks of this nature, regular key rotation should be

employed on the server-side. A suitable key-cycle for a key used to

compute (V)OPRF evaluations would be between one week and six months.

7. Additive Blinding

Let "H" refer to the function "GG.HashToGroup", in Section 2.1 we

assume that the client-side blinding is carried out directly on the

output of "H(x)", i.e. computing "r * H(x)" for some "r" sampled

uniformly at random from "GF(p)". In the [I-D.irtf-cfrg-opaque]

document, it is noted that it may be more efficient to use additive

blinding (rather than multiplicative) if the client can preprocess

some values. For example, a valid way of computing additive blinding

would be to instead compute "H(x) + (r * G)", where "G" is the fixed

generator for the group "GG".

The advantage of additive blinding is that it allows the client to

pre-process tables of blinded scalar multiplications for "G". This

may give it a computational efficiency advantage (due to the fact

that a fixed-base multiplication can be calculated faster than a

variable-base multiplication). Pre-processing also reduces the

amount of computation that needs to be done in the online exchange.

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Choosing one of these values "r * G" (where "r" is the scalar value

that is used), then computing "H(x) + (r * G)" is more efficient than

computing "r * H(x)". Therefore, it may be advantageous to define

the OPRF and VOPRF protocols using additive (rather than

multiplicative) blinding. In fact, the only algorithms that need to

change are "Blind" and "Unblind" (and similarly for the VOPRF


We define the variants of the algorithms in Section 3.4 for

performing additive blinding below, called "AdditiveBlind" and

"AdditiveUnblind", along with a new algorithm "Preprocess". The

"Preprocess" algorithm can take place offline and before the rest of

the OPRF protocol. "AdditiveBlind" takes the preprocessed values as

inputs. "AdditiveUnblind" takes the preprocessed values and

evaluated element from the server as inputs.

7.1. Preprocess


PublicKey pkS


Element blindedGenerator

Element blindedPublicKey

def Preprocess(pkS):

blind = GG.RandomScalar()

blindedGenerator = ScalarBaseMult(blind)

blindedPublicKey = blind * pkS

return blindedGenerator, blindedPublicKey

7.2. AdditiveBlind

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ClientInput input

Element blindedGenerator


SerializedElement blindedElement

def AdditiveBlind(input, blindedGenerator):

P = GG.HashToGroup(input)

blindedElement = GG.SerializeElement(P + blindedGenerator) /* P + ScalarBaseMult(r) */

return blindedElement

7.3. AdditiveUnblind


Element blindedPublicKey

SerializedElement evaluatedElement


SerializedElement unblindedElement

def AdditiveUnblind(blindedPublicKey, evaluatedElement):

Z = GG.DeserializeElement(evaluatedElement)

N := Z - blindedPublicKey

unblindedElement = GG.SerializeElement(N)

return unblindedElement

Let "P = GG.HashToGroup(input)". Notice that AdditiveUnblind


Z - blindedPublicKey = k * (P + r * G) - r * pkS

= k * P + k * (r * G) - r * (k * G)

= k * P

by the commutativity of the scalar field. This is the same output as

in the "Unblind" algorithm for multiplicative blinding.

Note that the verifiable variant of "AdditiveUnblind" works as above

but includes the step to "VerifyProof", as specified in

Section 3.4.4.

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7.3.1. Parameter Commitments

For some applications, it may be desirable for the server to bind

tokens to certain parameters, e.g., protocol versions, ciphersuites,

etc. To accomplish this, the server should use a distinct scalar for

each parameter combination. Upon redemption of a token T from the

client, the server can later verify that T was generated using the

scalar associated with the corresponding parameters.

8. Acknowledgements

This document resulted from the work of the Privacy Pass team

[PrivacyPass]. The authors would also like to acknowledge helpful

conversations with Hugo Krawczyk. Eli-Shaoul Khedouri provided

additional review and comments on key consistency. Daniel Bourdrez,

Tatiana Bradley, Sofia Celi, Frank Denis, and Bas Westerbaan also

provided helpful input and contributions to the document.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

[BB04] "Short Signatures Without Random Oracles",


[BG04] "The Static Diffie-Hellman Problem",


[Cheon06] "Security Analysis of the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem",


[DGSTV18] "Privacy Pass, Bypassing Internet Challenges Anonymously",



Davidson, A., "Privacy Pass: The Protocol", Work in

Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-davidson-pp-protocol-01,

13 July 2020,



Faz-Hernandez, A., Scott, S., Sullivan, N., Wahby, R., and

C. Wood, "Hashing to Elliptic Curves", Work in Progress,

Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-10, 11

October 2020,


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Krawczyk, H., Lewi, K., and C. Wood, "The OPAQUE

Asymmetric PAKE Protocol", Work in Progress, Internet-

Draft, draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque-01, 2 November 2020,


[JKK14] "Round-Optimal Password-Protected Secret Sharing and

T-PAKE in the Password-Only model",


[JKKX16] "Highly-Efficient and Composable Password-Protected Secret

Sharing (Or, How to Protect Your Bitcoin Wallet Online)",



"Privacy Pass",


[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,

DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,


[RFC7748] Langley, A., Hamburg, M., and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves

for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January

2016, .

[RFC8017] Moriarty, K., Ed., Kaliski, B., Jonsson, J., and A. Rusch,

"PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2",

RFC 8017, DOI 10.17487/RFC8017, November 2016,


[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC

2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,

May 2017, .


Valence, H., Grigg, J., Tankersley, G., Valsorda, F.,

Lovecruft, I., and M. Hamburg, "The ristretto255 and

decaf448 Groups", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-

irtf-cfrg-ristretto255-decaf448-00, 5 October 2020,


[SEC1] Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG), ., "SEC

1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography",


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[SEC2] Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG), ., "SEC

2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters",


[SJKS17] "SPHINX, A Password Store that Perfectly Hides from

Itself", .

[x9.62] ANSI, "Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services

Industry: the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

(ECDSA)", ANSI X9.62-1998, September 1998.

9.2. Informative References

[RFC8446] Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol

Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,


Appendix A. Test Vectors

This section includes test vectors for the (V)OPRF protocol specified

in this document. For each ciphersuite specified in Section 5, there

is a set of test vectors for the protocol when run in the base mode

and verifiable mode. Each test vector lists the batch size for the

evaluation. Each test vector value is encoded as a hexadecimal byte

string. The label for each test vector value is described below.

* "Input": The client input, an opaque byte string.

* "Blind": The blind value output by "Blind()", a serialized

"Scalar" of "Ns" bytes long.

* "BlindedElement": The blinded value output by "Blind()", a

serialized "Element" of "Ne" bytes long.

* "EvaluatedElement": The evaluated element output by "Evaluate()",

a serialized "Element" of "Ne" bytes long.

* "EvaluationProofC": The "c" component of the Evaluation proof

(only listed for verifiable mode test vectors), a serialized

"Scalar" of "Ns" bytes long.

* "EvaluationProofS": The "s" component of the Evaluation proof

(only listed for verifiable mode test vectors), a serialized

"Scalar" of "Ns" bytes long.

* "Output": The OPRF output, a byte string of length "Nh" bytes.

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Test vectors with batch size B > 1 have inputs separated by a comma

",". Applicable test vectors will have B different values for the

"Input", "Blind", "BlindedElement", "EvaluationElement", and "Output"


The server key material, "pkSm" and "skSm", are listed under the mode

for each ciphersuite. Both "pkSm" and "skSm" are the serialized

values of "pkS" and "skS", respectively, as used in the protocol.

Each key pair is derived from a "seed", which is listed as well.

A.1. OPRF(ristretto255, SHA-512)

A.1.1. Base Mode

seed = aca1ae53bec831a1279b75ec6091b23d28034b59f77abeb0fa8f6d1a01340


skSm = 758cbac0e1eb4265d80f6e6489d9a74d788f7ddeda67d7fb3c08b08f44bda


A.1.1.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = c604c785ada70d77a5256ae21767de8c3304115237d262134f5e46e512cf


BlindedElement = 3c7f2d901c0d4f245503a186086fbdf5d8b4408432b25c5163e


EvaluationElement = fc6c2b854553bf1ed6674072ed0bde1a9911e02b4bd64aa0


Output = d8ed12382086c74564ae19b7a2b5ed9bdc52656d1fc151faaae51aaba86



A.1.1.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 5ed895206bfc53316d307b23e46ecc6623afb3086da74189a416012be037


BlindedElement = 28a5e797b710f76d20a52507145fbf320a574ec2c8ab0e33e65


EvaluationElement = 345e140b707257ae83d4911f7ead3177891e7a62c5409773


Output = 4d5f4221b5ebfd4d1a9dd54830e1ed0bce5a8f30a792723a6fddfe6cfe9



A.1.2. Verifiable Mode

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seed = 23ad84086377ae0ac20acfcf143a9b5c34be63758b94f7ed0a8485345a748


skSm = 8d30b6ed995e28692f9ae5517ad4d974395605fd31cbe65b47f88822a142e


pkSm = c447ae83e5ea5a070c3b35ca0926460020378fd48402b54a7ba2e36b48011


A.1.2.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = ed8366feb6b1d05d1f46acb727061e43aadfafe9c10e5a64e7518d63e326


BlindedElement = 9cf00acd9be7d00b87012823aec2480afac98468fc7e0766e52


EvaluationElement = a0a6cbd69a6c3c84bf84ae2b2178debe5ca2d7de8c0c3439


EvaluationProofC = 4c1e61ab430c2026b14dbe2df62d64bf5b76001edc0ac5e84


EvaluationProofS = 490660d2a0974c09ab13a10091f70d21e6229638c4e6a902a


Output = 960fb25a94db326205638c0d02c87c064445514e30d539acecb440b36bf



A.1.2.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = e6d0f1d89ad552e383d6c6f4e8598cc3037d6e274d22da3089e7afbd4171


BlindedElement = 9669e8326632c31ddac138b1da65cf39bdc6fa085050f5afd2b


EvaluationElement = dc1bf956f7ee401ff5fd1ab206ac13ead704d609ce81469a


EvaluationProofC = 44d8c86b857be2321c2ddf75898508e0f9b56e96ea21c76a8


EvaluationProofS = cec985971cfb2b5747374d85527a58b0a69ce906e5f9eb2fd


Output = fce0ce88eda349292e209eae49032e03bc73a756a5093ca380b0f59db94



A.1.2.3. Test Vector 3, Batch Size 2

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Input = 00,5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 80513e77795feeec6d2c450589b0e1b178febd5c193a9fcba0d27f0a06e0



BlindedElement = 6620ec0b7dc26cb6a6cc7a72ecf28971863861b88363b374f91



EvaluationElement = c2860fa4213e425c1e5eebff92bbb8e532389b8871fae9fa



EvaluationProofC = 8ecc6109a673872da634dbaa091674a255866599e380dc6c2


EvaluationProofS = 0949b5e1705ba2c76d179deef6c45891cc38a0515010be0a9


Output = 960fb25a94db326205638c0d02c87c064445514e30d539acecb440b36bf




A.2. OPRF(decaf448, SHA-512)

A.2.1. Base Mode

seed = 22bfaee29297b24011e2635ddcd67155ec1805954faa50deb34d937143b4a


skSm = 4b2674b32c4975645382b98f2cd8401eaf90a48c5be505118bc674eca46e7


A.2.1.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = d1080372f0fcf8c5eace50914e7127f576725f215cc7c111673c635ce668


BlindedElement = 0e5e2ac2924bee04fa1ae372a6a26f6f71972372494c08433d6


EvaluationElement = 9837f23012ebd3f817e597481b03d6da85b17d16eee4c5f4


Output = 9139010e665e84800d86d912c5ea0407b51efd3fb9fdad5fc661964a15a



A.2.1.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

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Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = aed1ffa44fd8f0ed16373606a3cf7df589cca86d8ea1abbf5768771dbef3


BlindedElement = 0016392cdfbe773dd6740eaa7b41ad19b62b7552a5fff88a337


EvaluationElement = fc0afdf7f6eaefb86c884b2dd8a21ffe8c375d1e189def2d


Output = 52f8970ec1ed4759758135e5526422d0dfb912b45a963a0e94ea8aa27c0



A.2.2. Verifiable Mode

seed = 9cd0d686c7af3459483e2dcd807912748650131d61c654dd0657213eea091


skSm = 2e233ab9d5a9300c0c8af8410b819eff8c47ddf6a65daddf046ee1ef91b05


pkSm = ac0a06cde8eddf02a5fb710537e00ffcac23ca6de5c744309366fd7fe71b7


A.2.2.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = 4c936db1779a621b6c71475ac3111fd5703a59b713929f36dfd1e892a7fe


BlindedElement = b06491721a030478fcf4756de92f0937e29a3898496964636be


EvaluationElement = e20b32caa3976efe88ff6104ae69d1e4110ce8d536e7b8d6


EvaluationProofC = 75162c17aaa22c38538ad5d3bb1dab6b7dde1410f76f58de2


EvaluationProofS = 6e6cb40e86974de14f2a96a87d8e4b78f31a92b67a2232f44


Output = 727b216c822412144797413444bf52bde9a7e3d0e0b8a18fbce80316914



A.2.2.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

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Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 15b3355179392f40c3d5a15f0d5ffc354e340454ec779f575e4573a3886a


BlindedElement = 3ea98d0d80c5e34582534f06daa3f5747d594fc271dddf4bcb9


EvaluationElement = 4a981797731fad28fac6c9423eaf3d4ec74214ef38edc8a6


EvaluationProofC = 3ec1c00ad2821e528058ed30081e6a1cd5f344a45e9bf51eb


EvaluationProofS = 0063bb1ffffe2e2ec2d22d7b9fa61d8d8914b5599eaaf8998


Output = 025579e09632d69fa8a58fb93fd7dd0b03fa719247cbe6716ebdc49e2c9



A.2.2.3. Test Vector 3, Batch Size 2

Input = 00,5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 614bb578f29cc677ea9e7aea3e4839413997e020f9377b63c13584156a09




BlindedElement = 3a3cb2e82a88063371b1983fbb47e4b6838102f3225f21fb578




EvaluationElement = 8e6630cac5c1d4d7b76b478432a9a5b633314e0880d2c026




EvaluationProofC = 060ea0d134649060a9dc7d4747f9302096229bbd90d6bed3a


EvaluationProofS = f15fabd7dfb504b9473989366b19b6d3576d8c64670099f66


Output = 727b216c822412144797413444bf52bde9a7e3d0e0b8a18fbce80316914




A.3. OPRF(P-256, SHA-256)

A.3.1. Base Mode

seed = 3eff673ea2fb8669d141dddd1af5a7e43f97f3e00e00273f6435d8407ec93


skSm = 95771c829754f4bec369da4f9502fbd709b5b98a260ae720fe41661868639


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A.3.1.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = 5d9e7f6efd3093c32ecceabd57fb03cf760c926d2a7bfa265babf29ec98a


BlindedElement = 02f09475852ef62318680a3ea1319d0474dfabc4402b752ec94


EvaluationElement = 03b304fc1030556762e95ada14aaf68358a68cc66efa231b


Output = a7bb47cee7f531bd5dc412a4a14b10c6fe532c5e9e74a7509a4b2349311


A.3.1.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 825155ab61f17605af2ae2e935c78d857c9407bcd45128d57d338f1671b5


BlindedElement = 02589019677db1bca1ca2f94da740691016578952337e2d19e0


EvaluationElement = 02d26a438f0b7fd11950ddca72f9d8302c3c9363c596255e


Output = 26918fb45d5aa80e101954ac6f6455497aab7423e7271571f87fad343c3


A.3.2. Verifiable Mode

seed = ab2f339a7220e50cc4dc9da84913863596593d9ead69c6a61cf50d8da5cdf


skSm = 0773c16f0faf8a5d3e8f76631600d5d5837cb65192531d8f06add8151c895


pkSm = 02715ccbcb67ce334bc6527dfbc795aea8839d13c888eeae822022ff8062c


A.3.2.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = cee64d86fd20ab4caa264a26c0e3d42fb773b3173ba76f9588c9b14779bd


BlindedElement = 03458b1f2964895be9500419f7252a5f899932a0e1a80dad2a5


EvaluationElement = 02f33b62756f2af3e7789adb228a69d6a477fb9c71ff0bf7


EvaluationProofC = f20cd08a2fc81ac3379f1704cb1e63fd7d206fab9b0d8aeda


EvaluationProofS = 85ca571b54edea4b8bce2247c37cdea760aab6f480286e871


Output = 307bce9725d306e5b28c589084e9458985d57e482c8a4e92bf2ffd1e236


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A.3.2.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 5c4b401063eff0bf242b4cd534a79bacfc2e715b2db1e7a3ad4ff8af1b24


BlindedElement = 02b600c8cd1f859fb7a87a1c9298b68d12902e4d093c9573af0


EvaluationElement = 03af5ace869c4c48a4d169f72a5d78fa806c566f36dbd73a


EvaluationProofC = 31b202d4df078ac8def9054a29ee0dce585fbff4384763606


EvaluationProofS = 1cfc5ab981b3da6a9ee344108fb1e2547e7817ec7f1966638


Output = cba462665ec1a01c302a05f2c29a2e4b5282ee639db91460f63353999ec


A.3.2.3. Test Vector 3, Batch Size 2

Input = 00,5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = f0c7822ba317fb5e86028c44b92bd3aedcf6744d388ca013ef33edd36930



BlindedElement = 03ac68c358da4a3cff87c0a31e9646d178be69bbda8e00d204e



EvaluationElement = 03f7c0a0373e2bf57d0f86d92ad1e8d97c009a420d43706e



EvaluationProofC = 0785f1389d3e9e91e5514d97d192f8f35cd5288b52b750332


EvaluationProofS = b0e8ee29aabee13fa30833e9c55b9c657d1b52e6599058432


Output = 307bce9725d306e5b28c589084e9458985d57e482c8a4e92bf2ffd1e236



A.4. OPRF(P-384, SHA-512)

A.4.1. Base Mode

seed = 63e92b15555b6cb760d44daf230782c763430c860fcac60eac7508526b79c


skSm = 8abb9c0771d2fd11ffb7d84ae7623d32c92a8688f7ab4110f041cba48990a


A.4.1.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

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Input = 00

Blind = 359073c015b92d15450f7fb395bf52c6ea98384c491fe4e4d423b59de7b0


BlindedElement = 022250ba7604814ab2058e70fdc5dcf2604afb3ab6e15fc97c5


EvaluationElement = 02779e7450227d438ee2b24d257cad8ec842fe6b1f1ed55e


Output = 26668250052b501b6d884549726eaf95094a4c249eb83ff6c90fab0e798



A.4.1.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 21ece4f9b6ffd01ce82082545413bd9bb5e8f3c63b86ae88d9ce0530b01c


BlindedElement = 022dd0addbced4c8ea73eaa8e38f43506a7c3f98288ed479725


EvaluationElement = 0274578679fbcff1a9d8e5fedf024361a039915b7e347540


Output = 4e603ffa07b244507b6939359caa372a27793c65a08027df9859fe768cb



A.4.2. Verifiable Mode

seed = 1ce2b395fbc9b0c94142ca50b5237fbf30955deb98195e4a8f9b85b14cbfb


skSm = b33d6912f3d98f4127eb29022196ae5fd203875953fdd00eed62588cf7511


pkSm = 029668c6874e11fb84c854653910bad621060af56e3beaa459a454ac9d8d6


A.4.2.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

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Input = 00

Blind = 102f6338df84c9602bfa9e7d690b1f7a173d07e6d54a419db4a6308f8b09


BlindedElement = 03c267661f12013daa1e4fe319713adde264a37bea8b91c5cb2


EvaluationElement = 02711fcd5e6f778121ff23f40fbbf0280ff022f61437be61


EvaluationProofC = 51ead6a0432a4d5c355fc58c075d420907e1155703a9df21e


EvaluationProofS = 88a8510e0aabfd3d0957616adc007508d030e21d695a768df


Output = 1512d25e41336b8975d51e061f3ad8ca79f76fb6c5467526c9fecfd38cf



A.4.2.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 8aec1d0c3d16afd032da7ba961449a56cec6fb918e932b06d5778ac7f67b


BlindedElement = 038f7b700d59fe135484a799fa10bb761b622d29a606ef9ecb5


EvaluationElement = 028bb86d62701dd511ae0e7d074ed46519c71d3d8b82be23


EvaluationProofC = 4ad66d430fe36eca8dd13d72b8a79c14afe42dd8b78196cef


EvaluationProofS = d8340cbcbf1bc19afeca7bac68610b6101588b99a99cea1dd


Output = 2fed20cb0c1bcda344057b5c16faa96cc62a9ae6572a94a175b1a2742a2



A.4.2.3. Test Vector 3, Batch Size 2

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Input = 00,5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 41fabd4722d92472d858051ce9ad1a533176a862c697b2c392aff2aeb77e



BlindedElement = 0261f6684d6b14f9a751e3837b09545fea017d792c3b3585524




EvaluationElement = 029a2f611bd2f4346e9f834e91c6828354fb49262e60473f




EvaluationProofC = a3009c06dd2c102d748bb7d3bc873fb6bad12aa310f6ca83a


EvaluationProofS = 861ab3ea88d2e428d0ca95332a7ccb3f3d71c5158502925e2


Output = 1512d25e41336b8975d51e061f3ad8ca79f76fb6c5467526c9fecfd38cf




A.5. OPRF(P-521, SHA-512)

A.5.1. Base Mode

seed = 860941f8d1d28513d9b38da971d0291cb2532a9dacc9256d5eaaa022e3f32



skSm = 0095b985908df61dae8bf8c037488cafea62377af2a2f41030f6dd8b3c750



A.5.1.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

Input = 00

Blind = 01b983705fcc9a39607288b935b0797ac6b3c4b2e848823ac9ae16b3a3b5



BlindedElement = 0301df6ecf5c96659ecc36613357a9f337b43687e0073f67b9a



EvaluationElement = 0300b7706ad75473f5265a4456b3fbc61c998895cc157cb1



Output = 3a34c3c5c87a7d14617e3f20fb76b861f6db25b0074369b80e5256dd30b



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A.5.1.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 01a03b1096b0316bc8567c89bd70267d35c8ddcb2be2cdc867089a2eb5cf



BlindedElement = 0201412d7330e8ef457d1e21e25feb41c3b09d3bcd347916743



EvaluationElement = 020182d03c2244a6be2246f023ce67cd876b88dc75ebfcad



Output = 105da360c0bca0e14a645cbb8b93e0033d061f3351ac494882c9a00c9c6



A.5.2. Verifiable Mode

seed = 2d317f9cfdbedf19e3b3264399ffbac20c1c39899b50af2f0abb24177ddfc



skSm = 0097bfe7b0db0760d3d062be371d5fb9ae91f75221dc7b24be288deec3dac



pkSm = 0200641f1fbe204bdf4f47b358a3daa1f0c68ca55e39716178ae7804c5b86



A.5.2.1. Test Vector 1, Batch Size 1

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Input = 00

Blind = 00bbb82117c88bbd91b8954e16c0b9ceed3ce992b198be1ebfba9ba970db



BlindedElement = 0200f9ed4c09f771e30913440c62139f63300f6577d31f5af0b



EvaluationElement = 0300c69b7af34014ec66228f8109a71294e86b232a500ca4



EvaluationProofC = 0180092b8c106e6453eee63718642a11580d3943947940e71



EvaluationProofS = 00010c5168438bcfb0fcdd5737416ed4c2f3ab9fdd70d5552



Output = 5d6bb0a459ebabdc24f4eb1f2d5ba84967b5362e28b4263113ae82f64b6



A.5.2.2. Test Vector 2, Batch Size 1

Input = 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 009055c99bf9591cb0eab2a72d044c05ca2cc2ef9b609a38546f74b6d688



BlindedElement = 0201dfa5dc7ea17f0cf60caa26d2a488e7af296268834b35eaf



EvaluationElement = 03008ec6ce61d8438ba2d10d83a476ba8cc28d7e385e2ea6



EvaluationProofC = 01dfab8e49173c15e3fe755b6d0d18181eb6f223cd44c4d8c



EvaluationProofS = 017a99db7e59297be3bee22d7de9f7939dbf55a3d0d3344ec



Output = be1882653a80f060f3c65f654270c202abbc5be961cb8c79ff952f2e284



A.5.2.3. Test Vector 3, Batch Size 2

Davidson, et al. Expires 25 August 2021 [Page 47]

Internet-Draft OPRFs February 2021

Input = 00,5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a

Blind = 01c6cf092d80c7cf2cb55388d899515238094c800bdd9c65f71780ba85f5





BlindedElement = 0300be204aba0367d902f293aa8bda66a136f7e3962dfafab88





EvaluationElement = 0200482edc448a8be76098f64ff783309b7e5c1e8882b7e1





EvaluationProofC = 0008ce3eb07c5b4b230c1e7424d3282ebfa665aee41f69860



EvaluationProofS = 00b5521b8a33efb3bb0e1c02f5d93b3fb9d8f6531085a7117



Output = 5d6bb0a459ebabdc24f4eb1f2d5ba84967b5362e28b4263113ae82f64b6




Authors' Addresses

Alex Davidson


Armando Faz-Hernandez


101 Townsend St

San Francisco,

United States of America


Davidson, et al. Expires 25 August 2021 [Page 48]

Internet-Draft OPRFs February 2021

Nick Sullivan


101 Townsend St

San Francisco,

United States of America


Christopher A. Wood


101 Townsend St

San Francisco,

United States of America


Davidson, et al. Expires 25 August 2021 [Page 49]

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