间隔调高有助于无线网络效能 client 端省电,
间隔调低可以加快wireless client 链接上去速度
Beacon 单位通常以微秒 millsecond 为单位( 1/1000 秒) 一般默认值为100
DTIM (delivery traffic information message) period (range 1..255):
number of beacons between DTIMs (1 = everybeacon includes DTIM element)
(default: 2)
高=因为wireless client 睡觉时间比较长一点比较省电缺点在于效能 ( latency throughput )可能变差
低 =提升效能,降低基地台buffer frame负担,对wireless clinet 比较不省电
Maximum number of stations allowed instation table. New stations will be
rejected after the station table is full.IEEE 802.11 has a limit of 2007
different association IDs, so this numbershould not be larger than that.
(default: 2007)
RTS/CTS threshold; -1 = disabled (default);range -1..65535