mysql快速排序怎么实现的_排序篇 - 快速排序的实现








* quick sort implements functions.


* @author chenxin

* @see



#include "jsort.h"

#define CUTOFF 11


* a static method to swap the value.


* @param * the first pointer.

* @param * the second pointer.

* @param size the bytes of one item.


void swap_value( void *a, void *b, size_t size ) {

unsichar_t *__a = ( unsichar_t * ) a;

unsichar_t *__b = ( unsichar_t * ) b;

register unsichar_t tmp;

do {

tmp = *__a;

*__a++ = *__b;

*__b++ = tmp;

} while ( --size > 0 ) ;



* a static function to get the median of the partition.


* @param *a the pointer of the array to be sort.

* @param left the left-most index of the subarray.

* @param right the right-most index of the subarray.

* @param comp the compare function pointer.


static unsichar_t *median( unsichar_t *a, size_t size, \

compare_fn_t comp, size_t left, size_t right ) {

register size_t center = ( left + right ) / 2;

unsichar_t *lp = a + left * size;

unsichar_t *cp = a + center * size;

unsichar_t *rp = a + right * size;

if ( comp( lp, cp ) > 0 )

swap_value( lp, cp, size );

if ( comp( lp, rp ) > 0 )

swap_value( lp, rp, size );

if ( comp( cp, rp ) > 0 )

swap_value( cp, rp, size );

//move the pivot to the right - a positon.

swap_value( cp, rp - size, size );

//return the pivot

return rp - size;



* a static function to do the partition.

* @see quicksort( void *, size_t, size_t, compare_fn_t );


static void quick_sort( unsichar_t *a, size_t size, \

compare_fn_t comp, size_t left, size_t right ) {

if ( left + CUTOFF <= right ) {

//get the privot of the subarray.

unsichar_t *pivot = median( a, size, comp, left, right );

//printf("pivot=%d\n", * (( int * ) pivot));

//start partitioning.

register i = left, j = right - 1;

for ( ; ; ) {

while ( comp( a + (++i * size), pivot ) < 0 ) ;

while ( comp( a + (--j * size), pivot ) > 0) ;

if ( i < j )

swap_value( a + i * size, a + j * size, size );




//printf("i=%d, j=%d\n", i, j);

//swap the privot back to the small colleciton.

//swap( a + i * size, a + ( right - 1 ) * size, size );

swap_value( a + i * size, pivot, size );

quick_sort( a, size, comp, left, i - 1 );//sort the small collection

quick_sort( a, size, comp, i + 1, right);

} else {

//if the number of the items is less than CUTOFF use insertion sort instead.

insertion_sub_sort( a, size, comp, left, right );




* quick sort algorithm.


* @param *a the pointer of the array to be sort.

* @param len the length of the array.

* @param size the bytes of one item in the array.

* @param comp the compare function pointer.


void quicksort( void *a, size_t len, size_t size, compare_fn_t comp ) {

unsichar_t *__a = ( unsichar_t * ) a;

quick_sort( __a, size, comp, 0, len - 1 );


jsort.h头文件可以在“排序篇 - 插入排序的实现”中找到。



* method to swap elements in an array.


* @param arr an array of Objects.

* @param idx1 the index of the first element.

* @param idx2 the index of the second element.


public static void swapReferences( T[] arr, int idx1, int idx2 ) {

T tmp = arr[idx1];

arr[idx1] = arr[idx2];

arr[idx2] = tmp;


public static final int CUTOFF = 11; /**

* quick sort algorithm.


* @param arr an array of Comparable items.


public static > void quicksort( T[] arr ) {

quicksort( arr, 0, arr.length - 1 );



* get the median of the left, center and right.

* order these and hide the pivot by put it the end of

* of the array.


* @param arr an array of Comparable.

* @param left the most-left index of the subarray.

* @param right the most-right index of the subarray.

* @return T


public static >

T median( T[] arr, int left, int right ) {

int center = ( left + right ) / 2;

if ( arr[left].compareTo( arr[center] ) > 0 )

swapReferences( arr, left, center );

if ( arr[left].compareTo( arr[right] ) > 0 )

swapReferences( arr, left, right );

if ( arr[center].compareTo( arr[right] ) > 0 )

swapReferences( arr, center, right );

swapReferences( arr, center, right - 1 );

return arr[ right - 1 ];



* method to sort an subarray from start to end

* with insertion sort algorithm.


* @param arr an array of Comparable items.

* @param start the begining position.

* @param end the end position.


public static >

void insertionSort( T[] arr, int start, int end ) {

int i;

for ( int j = start + 1; j <= end; j++ ) {

T tmp = arr[j];

for ( i = j; i > start && tmp.compareTo( arr[i - 1] ) < 0; i-- ) {

arr[ i ] = arr[ i - 1 ];


if ( i < j ) arr[ i ] = tmp;




* internal method to sort the array with quick sort algorithm.


* @param arr an array of Comparable Items.

* @param left the left-most index of the subarray.

* @param right the right-most index of the subarray.


private static >

void quicksort( T[] arr, int left, int right ) {

if ( left + CUTOFF <= right ) {

//find the pivot

T pivot = median( arr, left, right );

//start partitioning

int i = left, j = right - 1;

for ( ; ; ) {

while ( arr[++i].compareTo( pivot ) < 0 ) ;

while ( arr[--j].compareTo( pivot ) > 0 ) ;

if ( i < j )

swapReferences( arr, i, j );




//swap the pivot reference back to the small collection.

swapReferences( arr, i, right - 1 );

quicksort( arr, left, i - 1 );//sort the small collection.

quicksort( arr, i + 1, right );//sort the large collection.

} else {

//if the total number is less than CUTOFF we use insertion sort instead.

insertionSort( arr, left, right );








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