Step by step to create a text table


1. create a main table as usual:

define the key field CHANNEL:

2. create another table which will be used as text table. Ensure a field with data element SPRAS is included as primary key. The primary key CHANNEL of main table must also be included in the text table.

3. mark field CLIENT and click button "Foreign Keys":

Click Yes

Click copy button:

you could observe the message below:

4. Repeat the operation for field LANGU

5. for key field CHANNEL, maintain the main table name ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL in check table field, click button Generate proposal.

Then the entries under "Foreign Key Fields" are automatically populated.

Mark the radio button "Key fields of a text table", specify Cardinality 1:N.

Save and activate the text table. After that go to main table to check whether text table is assigned successfully by clicking 

Goto->Text Table:

After that the text table is displayed in SE11 automatically.

You can use the following FM to determine the text table name from a given main table name:

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Okay, let's start! As the cinematographer playing Du Jie, you would want to add details to this scene to make it more believable and easier to film. The scene is about the main character and their partner working late on a project, discussing problems and making progress together. However, a minor conflict arises between the partners, which is resolved with the help of their mentor. To make this scene more realistic, you could start by setting up the environment to reflect the mood of the work setting. You could dim the lights to show that it's nighttime, add some noise like chatter and typing on keyboards to convey that the characters are working hard. You could also dress the actors in comfortable clothes to show that they have been working for a while. Next, you could focus on the dialogue between the actors. It's important to make it sound authentic, so the audience can relate to it. The characters could discuss their project, highlight the importance of teamwork, and share their thoughts on the minor conflict that arises between them. They could also show their appreciation for the mentor's intervention, which helps them solve their issue. Finally, you could work with the director to block the scene in a way that makes sense for the camera angles and shots. You could add props to make the scene look more natural, like papers and coffee cups on the table or laptops on the desks. You could also experiment with different camera movements and angles to emphasize the emotions of the characters and make the scene visually more interesting. Overall, by paying attention to the details, you would be able to create a scene that is believable and relatable to the audience, while also making it easier to film.




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