

文为美国斯坦福大学作者:Leif J. Harcke)的博士论文229




Mariner 10光学图像的联合配准表明这种增强的散射不能由简单的双弹跳几何结构引起因为明亮的反射区域不会出现在雷达回波上而是出现在阴影区域不是与雷达观察方向直接对准采用一个简单的散射模型解释了通过保护风化层的指数衰减这是一种波长依赖性衰减热模型要求这一层的存在以保护在高纬度以外的陨石坑中的冰沉积根据假设的散射定律指数n,这些实验中的3.5 cm波长数据的附加衰减系数1.64±15%)支持层厚的多重解释其范围从0±1135±15 cm。


我们的3.5 cm波长双基地孔径合成能够观测木星最外层的两颗伽利略卫星,GanymedeCallisto,解决了先前的南北模糊性并证实了先前研究中发现的圆盘综合增强后向散射和偏振反演直接成像技术更清楚地表明较高的后向散射面积与最近经历过表面重修的地形有关如苏西盆地和撞击坑盆地两个卫星的主要半球的去极化回波比其尾随半球略高(20%±5%),这表明在表土中存在额外的波长尺度结构对现有延迟多普勒技术的两个改进增强了数据压缩能力首先与标准的子集相关重复伪噪声码通过满足范围压缩级输出采样的奈奎斯特准则减轻了多普勒维数混叠同样算法在长码数据上的应用通过傅立叶卷积方法使轻度覆盖目标的处理时间提高了5其次频谱加权技术通过均衡延迟和多普勒维度中的杂波来减少长码处理中引入的干扰


We map the planet Mercury and Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Callisto using Earth-based radar telescopes and find that all bodies have regions exhibiting high, depolarized radar backscatter and polarization inversion (µc > 1). Both characteristics suggest volume scattering from water ice or similar cold-trapped volatiles. Synthetic aperture radar mapping of Mercury's north and south polar regions at fine (6 km) resolution at 3.5 cm wavelength corroborates the results of previous 13 cm investigations of enhanced backscatter and polarization inversion (0.9 ≤ µc ≤ 1.3) from areas on the floors of craters at high latitudes, where Mercury’s near-zero obliquity results in permanent Sun shadows. Co-registration with Mariner 10 optical images demonstrates that this enhanced scattering cannot be caused by simple double-bounce geometries, since the bright, reflective regions do not appear on the radar-facing wall but, instead, in shadowed regions not directly aligned with the radar look direction. A simple scattering model accounts for exponential, wavelength-dependent attenuation through a protective regolith layer. Thermal models require the existence of this layer to protect ice deposits in craters at other than high polar latitudes. The additional attenuation (factor 1.64 ± 15%) of the 3.5 cm wavelength data from these experiments over previous 13 cm radar observations supports multiple interpretations of layer thickness, ranging from 0±11 to 35±15 cm, depending on the assumed scattering law exponent n. Our 3.5 cm wavelength bistatic aperture synthesis observations of the two outermost Galilean satellites of Jupiter, Ganymede and Callisto, resolve the previous north-south ambiguity, and confirm the disk-integrated enhanced backscatter and polarization inversion noted in prior investigations. The direct imaging technique more clearly shows that higher backscatter areas are associated with the terrain that has undergone recent resurfacing, such as the sulci and the impact crater basins. The leading hemispheres of both moons have somewhat higher (20% ±5%) depolarized echoes than their trailing hemispheres, suggesting additional wavelength-scale structure in the regolith. This may indicate gardening of material by micrometeoroid impacts. Two improvements to existing delay-Doppler techniques enhance data reduction. First, correlating with subsets of the standard, repetitive pseudo-noise code alleviates Doppler dimension aliasing by satisfying the Nyquist criterion for sampling the output of the range compression stage. Application of the same algorithm to long-code data leads to a factor of five improvement in processing time for mildly overspread targets through the application of Fourier convolution. Second, a spectral weighting technique reduces clutter in long-code processing by equalizing clutter in the delay and Doppler dimensions.


1 引言

2 行星延迟多普勒成像

3 孔径合成成像

4 无线电波散射

5 水星极地

6 木星的伽利略卫星

7 结论

附录A 雷达编码与处理

附录B 水星极地图 







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