INSERT INTO `test`.`sign` ( `invoice`, `number`, `sign_time` )
select id,'21023541',NOW()
from crm_invoice a
where FIND_IN_SET('21023541',invoice_numbers)
update military_order a,business_company b
set a.company_id=b.id
where a.order='20220526170000001'
#update join 关联更新
UPDATE invoice a
JOIN invoice_info b ON a.id = b.invoice_id
JOIN order c ON c.der = a.sn
SET a.rate = 0.97,
a.discount_sum = a.sum * 0.97,
a.discount_sum_count = a.sum_count * 0.97,
b.discount_price = b.unit_price * 0.97,
b.discount_total = b.subtotal * 0.97,
b.ate = 97.00,
c.ate = 97.00
a.ordersn IN ( '2030833002' )
INSERT INTO `test`.`order_goods`(`order_id`, `goodsid`, `goods_name`, `product_code`, `num`, `price`, `subtotal`, `create_time`, `update_time`)
select id,tmp.goods_id,tmp.goods_name,tmp.productcode,5, 12.00, 60.00, NOW(), NOW()
from dw_hs_order a,(select goods_id,goods_name,productcode from goods order by rand() limit 1)tmp
where a.order_sn ='2022061008';
#需要反复执行直到Affected rows: 0,要不不会全部更新.set不是按照顺序执行的
UPDATE order a
JOIN order_goods b ON a.order_id = b.order_id
join invoice d on b.rec_id=d.rec_id
SET a.order_amount =12440.25,
b.discount_price =a.order_amount,
b.rate = ROUND((b.goods_price/b.goods_price)*100,2),
a.order IN (
UPDATE invoice a
join invoice_info b ON a.id = b.invoice_id
JOIN( SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM invoice_info GROUP BY invoice_id HAVING cnt = 1 )tmp ON tmp.id = b.id
JOIN order_goods n ON b.rec_id = n.rec_id
JOIN goods d ON n.goods_id = d.goods_id,tax_categories c
SET b.class = c.class_name,
b.class_code = c.class_code,
b.tax_rate = c.tax_rate,
d.class_name = c.class_name,
d.class_code = c.class_code
-- ,b.NAME = '高温脂'
-- ,b.units = '箱'
-- ,d.invoice_name = '高温脂'
-- ,d.unit = '箱'
a.ordersn = '271383879611'
AND c.class_name = '通用设备'
AND c.tax_rate = 13
#You can't specify target table 'm' for update in FROM clause报错所以用了嵌套再嵌套
#如果只有一条数据或者满足 product_code,goods_name的更新
UPDATE order_goods m,tax_categories c
SET m.tax_class = c.class_name, m.tax_class_code = c.class_code
WHERE c.class_name = '计算机配套产品'
AND c.tax_rate = 13
and m.id=( select id from (SELECT b.id
FROM order a
JOIN order_goods b ON a.id = b.order_id
WHERE a.order_sn = 'HF20231114164923723640'
b.product_code = 'DWHF64598701'
OR b.goods_name = ''
OR ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM order_goods WHERE order_id = b.order_id ) = 1
1.join 关联的时候为空的数据应该用"字段 is NULL"