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原创 angr 05_angr_symbolic_memory 内存符号化

文章目录1 解题过程05_angr_symbolic_memory是angr的第6个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 解题过程import angr import sys

2021-08-18 00:39:54 334

原创 angr 04_angr_symbolic_stack 栈符号化

文章目录1 解题过程04_angr_symbolic_stack是angr的第5个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 解题过程import angr import sys def main(argv): b

2021-08-17 16:38:25 301

原创 angr 02_angr_find_condition 完整脚本

文章目录1 解题过程02_angr_find_condition是angr的第3个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 解题过程import angr import sys def main(argv): bin_path = argv[1] p = angr

2021-08-17 16:34:20 283

原创 angr 03_angr_symbolic_registers 寄存器符号化

文章目录1 解题过程03_angr_simbolic_registers是angr的第4个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 解题过程import angrimport sys import claripydef main(argv): bin_path = argv[1] p = angr.Project(bin_path) start_addr = 0x08048980

2021-08-17 16:32:03 393

原创 angr 01_angr_avoid avoid路径优化

文章目录1 IDA设置的问题01_angr_avoid是angr的第2个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 IDA设置的问题拖入IDA32,提示如下信息:通过修改配置文件\IDA_Pro_v7.5_Portable\cfg\hexrays.cfg来解决该问题:MAX_FUNCSIZE = 64 // Functions over 64K are not decompiled // 修改为:M

2021-08-17 10:34:55 317

原创 angr 00_angr_find demo

文章目录1 启动angr2 使用angr解00_angr_find00_angr_find是angr的第一个例子,下载位置:https://github.com/jakespringer/angr_ctf1 启动angr依次执行如下指令:export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/Python-workhomesource /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.shworkon angr如果没有ipython,可通过如下指令安装:

2021-08-16 22:05:02 571 1

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 16 gprof, gcov

Compiler-related ToolsThe GNU profiler gprof is a useful tool for measuring the performance of a program - it records the number of calls to each function and the amount of time spent there, on a perfunction basis. Functions which consume a large fractio

2021-07-12 15:07:11 104

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 15 How the compiler works, Identifying files

The PreprocessorThe first stage of the compilation process is the use of the preprocessor to expand macros and included header files.To perform this stage, GCC executes the following command:$ cpp hello.c > hello.iThe result is a file ‘hello.i’

2021-07-05 22:03:53 147

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 14 优化问题3

Optimization and DebuggingWith GCC it is possible to use optimization in combination with the debugging option ‘-g’. Many other compiler do not allow this.When using debugging and optimization together, the internal rearrangements carried out by the opt

2021-07-04 03:54:49 253

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 13 优化问题2

Loop UnrollingA prime example of an optimization with a speed-space tradeoff is loop unrolling:This form of optimization increases the speed of loops by eliminating the “end of loop” condition on each iteration.Loop unrolling is an optimization that in

2021-07-04 03:26:30 136

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 12 优化问题

Compiling with OptimizationGCC is an optimizing compiler. It provides a wide range of options which aim to increase the speed, or reduce the size, of the executable files it generates.Optimization is a complex process. For each high-level command in the

2021-07-01 11:00:27 211

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 11 core文件分析

Compiling for DebuggingNormally, an executable file does not contain any reference to the original program source code, such as variable names or line-numbers. The executable file is simply the sequence of machine code instructions produced by the compil

2021-07-01 09:43:28 201 2

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 10 Warn、预编译

Addtional Warning OptionsGCC provides many other warning options that are not included in ‘-Wall’, but are often useful. Typically these product warning for source code which may be technically valid but is very likely to cause problems. The crieria for t

2021-06-28 10:49:45 105

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 09 -Wall

Warning Options in -WallThe warning option ‘-Wall’ enables warning for many common errors, and should always be used. It combines a large number of other, more specific, warning options which can also be selected individually:‘-Wcomment’‘-Wformat’‘-Wu

2021-06-27 11:04:56 268

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 08 链接外部外部动态库、C标准

Shared vs Static LibrariesExternal libraries are usually provide in two forms: static libraries and shared libraries.1 Static libraries are the ‘.a’ files. When a program is linked against a static library, the machine code from the object files for an

2021-06-27 10:19:40 127

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 07 链接外部静态库

Creating a Library with arThe GNU archiver ar combines a collection of objects files into a single archive file, also know as a library. An archive file is simply a convenient way of distributing a large number of related object files together.You can u

2021-06-27 08:59:54 134

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 06 链接外部库、头文件

1 Linking with External LibrariesTo enable the compiler to link the external library, we need to supply the library in the gcc command line:$ gcc -Wall main.c /usr/lib/libm.a -o calcTo avoid the need to specify long paths on the command line, the co

2021-06-26 07:42:02 166

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 05 Make、外部库

1 Recompiling and RelinkingIn general, linking is faster than complition - in a large project with many source files, recompiling only those that have been modified can make a significant saving.The process of recompiling only the modified files in a pr

2021-06-25 22:24:52 99

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 04 Verbose选项、-c、链接次序

1 Verbose CompilationThe ‘-V’ option can be used to display detailed information about the exact sequence of commands used to compile and link a program.The output produced by ‘-v’ can be useful whenever there is a problem with the compilation process

2021-06-25 21:43:55 270 1

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 03 hello world、编译多个文件

helloworldThe classic example program for the C language is:#include <stdio.h>int main(void){ printf("Hello world!\n"); return 0;}To compile the file with gcc, use the following command:$ gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello在众多的警告选项之中,最常用的就是-Wall选

2021-06-25 21:05:40 188 1

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 02 GCC的特点

GCC特点GCC is a portable compiler - it runs on most platforms available today, and can produce output for many types of processors. In addition to the processors used in personal computers, it also supports microcontrollers, DSPs and 64 bit CPUsGCC is not

2021-06-25 19:46:46 147

原创 [An Introduction to GCC 学习笔记] 01 介绍GCC、发展历史

前言gcc是一个在开源软件世界里的顶级的编译器。几乎所有的编译器,都是美国的舶来品。任何一个公司要成功,一定要在开源的道路上走下去。ObjectivesAfter completing the lesson, you should be able to do the following:Learn the history and features of GCC.Learn the basic skills of using GCC. Learn the basic optimizatio

2021-06-25 18:42:57 516

原创 [教育学 导图003]在线学习中深层次学习(读书笔记)

2021-06-25 12:24:46 85

原创 强网杯2021 ctf线上赛ezmath wp(#超详细,带逆向新手走过一个又一个小坑)

文章目录引言第一步、分析文件类型1.可执行文件判断引言这是强网杯2021中的一道Reverse题,将附件进行下载,名称为ezmath,名称为chall,说明这道题跟数学有关,都说ctf比赛三大谎言:ez、eazy和baby,名称简单,实则并不简单。做出这道题,需要的数学知识远远大于逆向知识。题目附件:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13TheaHB7XcbGnBp-M1N5Rg提取码:k4pm第一步、分析文件类型1.可执行文件判断使用Exeinfo PE查看文件的类型,

2021-06-21 09:31:18 3818 3

原创 [教育学 导图002]高等教育新论(读书笔记)


2021-06-10 22:23:18 578

原创 [教育学 导图001]教学设计原理与方法(读书笔记)


2021-06-09 22:40:32 836

原创 [西方哲学史 导图001]作为意志与表象的世界 叔本华 读书导图


2021-06-09 21:49:18 423

原创 知识图式的概念辨析(原创,禁转)

文章目录知识图式的概念辨析1 引言2 知识图式的基本概念2.1元概念的辨析2.2五种典型知识图式3 知识图式的辨析3.1历史渊源3.2对知识的表达能力·3.3创作方法3.4表现形式3.5应用领域3.6关注点3.7目的3.8理论依据4结束语参考文献知识图式的概念辨析       摘 要:知识图式中的思维导图、概念图、知识图谱等名称是容易混淆的一些概念。本文对知识图式中的元概念进行辨析,经文献计量分析发掘了5种典型知识图式。从历史渊源、对知识的表达能力、创作方法、表

2021-06-05 11:23:13 325

原创 五种知识图式的绘制方法(思维导图、概念图、知识图谱、语义网络、认知图)


2021-06-04 19:52:57 21492

原创 知识图式的辩证理解(原创,禁转)

文章目录知识图式的概念辨析1 知识图式概念的混淆点2 知识图式的辩证理解2.1 广义与狭义:描述范畴的视角2.2 古典与现代:时间发展的视角2.3 树状与网状:图形结构的视角2.4 通用与专用:应用领域的视角2.5 准确与随意:语言描述的视角知识图式的概念辨析1 知识图式概念的混淆点       本文在前文中给出了5种典型知识图式的概念,并对其区别点进行了全面辨析。坦白的讲,这些内容仅代表部分学者或主流学者的观点。在知识图式不断发展的历史背景下,不同学者在不同时

2021-06-02 10:34:32 120 1

原创 一种适用于课堂教学的认知迁移地图(原创、禁转)


2021-06-02 09:28:40 142

原创 婴儿纸尿裤的综合分析

到底买哪个品牌的婴儿纸尿裤纸尿裤品牌罗列主要指标每个指标的结果甲醛吸湿渗透量透气性丙烯酸单体残留量异味综合分析纸尿裤品牌罗列参考https://post.smzdm.com/p/apzex322/凯儿得乐;帮宝适;妮飘 genki;大王;尤妮佳;米菲;兔头妈妈甄选;雀氏;百诺恩;碧芭宝贝;好奇;花王;奇莫 黄家至柔;宝B树;泰迪熊;网易严选;菲B;Q酷;五羊;漂P羽M;爸爸的选择;尼A布S;P Y;米D熊;小M希A;露A适;优Y;小鹿叮叮;ba

2021-04-18 22:46:40 399

原创 送给大学生的一张认知思维导图(一图涵盖学习范畴+路径+工具)


2021-03-30 07:13:42 1487 1



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