

6.1 流程定义


流程定义是线下按照bpmn2.0标准去描述 业务流程,通常使用idea中的插件对业务流程进行建模。




BPMN 2.0根节点是definitions节点。 这个元素中,可以定义多个流程定义(不过我们建议每个文件只包含一个流程定义, 可以简化开发过程中的维护难度)。 注意,definitions元素 最少也要包含xmlns 和 targetNamespace的声明。 targetNamespace可以是任意值,它用来对流程实例进行分类。






6.2 流程定义部署






package com.itheima.test;

import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngine;
import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngines;
import org.activiti.engine.RepositoryService;
import org.activiti.engine.repository.Deployment;
import org.junit.Test;

public class ActivitiDemo {
     * 部署流程定义
    public void testDeployment(){
//        1、创建ProcessEngine
        ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
//        2、得到RepositoryService实例
        RepositoryService repositoryService = processEngine.getRepositoryService();
//        3、使用RepositoryService进行部署
        Deployment deployment = repositoryService.createDeployment()
                .addClasspathResource("bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml") // 添加bpmn资源
                .addClasspathResource("bpmn/evection.png")  // 添加png资源
//        4、输出部署信息
        System.out.println("流程部署id:" + deployment.getId());
        System.out.println("流程部署名称:" + deployment.getName());




	public void deployProcessByZip() {
		// 定义zip输入流
		InputStream inputStream = this
		ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream);
		// 获取repositoryService
		RepositoryService repositoryService = processEngine
		// 流程部署
		Deployment deployment = repositoryService.createDeployment()
		System.out.println("流程部署id:" + deployment.getId());
		System.out.println("流程部署名称:" + deployment.getName());



2022-04-01 14:58:46,012 200   [           main] DEBUG ltBeanDefinitionDocumentReader  - Loading bean definitions
2022-04-01 14:58:46,030 218   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 14:58:46,031 219   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 14:58:46,272 460   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Eagerly caching bean 'processEngineConfiguration' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2022-04-01 14:58:46,363 551   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Finished creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 14:58:46,382 570   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - initializing datasource to db: jdbc:mysql:///activiti?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
2022-04-01 14:58:46,389 577   [           main] DEBUG ache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory  - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.
2022-04-01 14:58:46,400 588   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
2022-04-01 14:58:46,569 757   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 1014486152.
2022-04-01 14:58:46,571 759   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - database product name: 'MySQL'
2022-04-01 14:58:46,571 759   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - using database type: mysql
2022-04-01 14:58:46,571 759   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,306 1494  [           main] INFO  ti5CompatibilityHandlerFactory  - Activiti 5 compatibility handler implementation not found or error during instantiation : org.activiti.compatibility.DefaultActiviti5CompatibilityHandler. Activiti 5 backwards compatibility disabled.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,307 1495  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,307 1495  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,310 1498  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,316 1504  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Executing performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild with setting true
2022-04-01 14:58:47,316 1504  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 14:58:47,317 1505  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,317 1505  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,355 1543  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,364 1552  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: schema.version(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,379 1567  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,381 1569  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,382 1570  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,383 1571  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,383 1571  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,383 1571  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,383 1571  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,383 1571  [           main] INFO  .engine.impl.ProcessEngineImpl  - ProcessEngine default created
2022-04-01 14:58:47,389 1577  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,389 1577  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,389 1577  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,390 1578  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 14:58:47,390 1578  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,390 1578  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,390 1578  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,390 1578  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: cfg.execution-related-entities-count(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,391 1579  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,392 1580  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,392 1580  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,392 1580  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,392 1580  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,392 1580  [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initialised process engine default
2022-04-01 14:58:47,393 1581  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,394 1582  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting  --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,394 1582  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,395 1583  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,395 1583  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,395 1583  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,395 1583  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - ---  finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,395 1583  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,397 1585  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,398 1586  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting DeployCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,398 1586  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,398 1586  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,398 1586  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetNextIdBlockCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,398 1586  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,399 1587  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 14:58:47,399 1587  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,399 1587  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,399 1587  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,399 1587  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: next.dbid(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,400 1588  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=2501]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 1 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=2501]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_GE_PROPERTY SET REV_ = ?, VALUE_ = ? where NAME_ = ? and REV_ = ? 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,401 1589  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer), 2501(String), next.dbid(String), 1(Integer)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,402 1590  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,402 1590  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,402 1590  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,402 1590  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,407 1595  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetNextIdBlockCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,408 1596  [           main] DEBUG mpl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer  - Processing deployment 出差申请流程
2022-04-01 14:58:47,409 1597  [           main] DEBUG ployer.ParsedDeploymentBuilder  - Processing BPMN resource bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml
2022-04-01 14:58:47,502 1690  [           main] DEBUG er.handler.ProcessParseHandler  - Parsing process MyEvection
2022-04-01 14:58:47,507 1695  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 14:58:47,507 1695  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,507 1695  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,507 1695  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null) and VERSION_ = (select max(VERSION_) from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null)) 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,507 1695  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection(String), MyEvection(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,510 1698  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 14:58:47,514 1702  [           main] DEBUG ProcessDefinitionKeyNoTenantId  - ==>  Preparing: select J.* from ACT_RU_TIMER_JOB J inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF P on J.PROC_DEF_ID_ = P.ID_ where J.HANDLER_TYPE_ = ? and P.KEY_ = ? and (P.TENANT_ID_ = '' or P.TENANT_ID_ is null) 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,515 1703  [           main] DEBUG ProcessDefinitionKeyNoTenantId  - ==> Parameters: timer-start-event(String), MyEvection(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,516 1704  [           main] DEBUG ProcessDefinitionKeyNoTenantId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 14:58:47,517 1705  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,517 1705  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,518 1706  [           main] DEBUG ptor.CommandContextInterceptor  - Valid context found. Reusing it for the current command 'org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd'
2022-04-01 14:58:47,518 1706  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 14:58:47,520 1708  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_PROCDEF_INFO where PROC_DEF_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,520 1708  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert ProcessDefinitionEntity[MyEvection:1:4]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert ResourceEntity[id=2, name=bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert ResourceEntity[id=3, name=bpmn/evection.png]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert DeploymentEntity[id=1, name=出差申请流程]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,523 1711  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 4 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,524 1712  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,524 1712  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: ProcessDefinitionEntity[MyEvection:1:4]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,524 1712  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.insertProcessDefinition  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RE_PROCDEF(ID_, REV_, CATEGORY_, NAME_, KEY_, VERSION_, DEPLOYMENT_ID_, RESOURCE_NAME_, DGRM_RESOURCE_NAME_, DESCRIPTION_, HAS_START_FORM_KEY_, HAS_GRAPHICAL_NOTATION_ , SUSPENSION_STATE_, TENANT_ID_, ENGINE_VERSION_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,525 1713  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.insertProcessDefinition  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String), http://www.activiti.org/processdef(String), 出差申请单(String), MyEvection(String), 1(Integer), 1(String), bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml(String), bpmn/evection.png(String), null, false(Boolean), true(Boolean), 1(Integer), (String), null
2022-04-01 14:58:47,526 1714  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.insertProcessDefinition  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,527 1715  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: DeploymentEntity[id=1, name=出差申请流程]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,527 1715  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.insertDeployment  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT(ID_, NAME_, CATEGORY_, KEY_, TENANT_ID_, DEPLOY_TIME_, ENGINE_VERSION_) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,536 1724  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.insertDeployment  - ==> Parameters: 1(String), 出差申请流程(String), null, null, (String), 2022-04-01 14:58:47.398(Timestamp), null
2022-04-01 14:58:47,538 1726  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.insertDeployment  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 14:58:47,558 1746  [           main] DEBUG eEntityImpl.bulkInsertResource  - ==>  Preparing: INSERT INTO ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY(ID_, REV_, NAME_, BYTES_, DEPLOYMENT_ID_, GENERATED_) VALUES (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 14:58:47,558 1746  [           main] DEBUG eEntityImpl.bulkInsertResource  - ==> Parameters: 2(String), bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml(String), java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@71984c3(ByteArrayInputStream), 1(String), false(Boolean), 3(String), bpmn/evection.png(String), java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@165b2f7f(ByteArrayInputStream), 1(String), false(Boolean)
2022-04-01 14:58:47,561 1749  [           main] DEBUG eEntityImpl.bulkInsertResource  - <==    Updates: 2
2022-04-01 14:58:47,561 1749  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,561 1749  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,561 1749  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,565 1753  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 14:58:47,565 1753  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,565 1753  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 14:58:47,566 1754  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 14:58:47,566 1754  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- DeployCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 14:58:47,566 1754  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 




act_re_deployment 流程定义部署表,每部署一次增加一条记录

act_re_procdef 流程定义表,部署每个新的流程定义都会在这张表中增加一条记录

act_ge_bytearray 流程资源表


SELECT * FROM act_re_deployment #流程定义部署表,记录流程部署信息



SELECT * FROM act_re_procdef #流程定义表,记录流程定义信息


注意,KEY 这个字段是用来唯一识别不同流程的关键字


SELECT * FROM act_ge_bytearray #资源表 





6.3 启动流程实例




     * 启动流程实例
    public void testStartProcess(){
//        1、创建ProcessEngine
        ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
//        2、获取RunTimeService
        RuntimeService runtimeService = processEngine.getRuntimeService();
//        3、根据流程定义Id启动流程
        ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService
//        输出内容
        System.out.println("流程定义id:" + processInstance.getProcessDefinitionId());
        System.out.println("流程实例id:" + processInstance.getId());
        System.out.println("当前活动Id:" + processInstance.getActivityId());


2022-04-01 15:19:42,858 186   [           main] DEBUG ltBeanDefinitionDocumentReader  - Loading bean definitions
2022-04-01 15:19:42,873 201   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 15:19:42,873 201   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 15:19:43,085 413   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Eagerly caching bean 'processEngineConfiguration' to allow for resolving potential circular references
2022-04-01 15:19:43,168 496   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Finished creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 15:19:43,184 512   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - initializing datasource to db: jdbc:mysql:///activiti?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
2022-04-01 15:19:43,191 519   [           main] DEBUG ache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory  - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.
2022-04-01 15:19:43,201 529   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
2022-04-01 15:19:43,384 712   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 1014486152.
2022-04-01 15:19:43,385 713   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - database product name: 'MySQL'
2022-04-01 15:19:43,385 713   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - using database type: mysql
2022-04-01 15:19:43,385 713   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,115 1443  [           main] INFO  ti5CompatibilityHandlerFactory  - Activiti 5 compatibility handler implementation not found or error during instantiation : org.activiti.compatibility.DefaultActiviti5CompatibilityHandler. Activiti 5 backwards compatibility disabled.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,115 1443  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,116 1444  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,119 1447  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,126 1454  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Executing performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild with setting true
2022-04-01 15:19:44,126 1454  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 15:19:44,126 1454  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,126 1454  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,165 1493  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,174 1502  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: schema.version(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,185 1513  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,188 1516  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 15:19:44,188 1516  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,188 1516  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,188 1516  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,189 1517  [           main] INFO  .engine.impl.ProcessEngineImpl  - ProcessEngine default created
2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,196 1524  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,197 1525  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,198 1526  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: cfg.execution-related-entities-count(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,198 1526  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,198 1526  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 15:19:44,198 1526  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,199 1527  [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initialised process engine default
2022-04-01 15:19:44,200 1528  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,200 1528  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting StartProcessInstanceCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null) and VERSION_ = (select max(VERSION_) from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null)) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,201 1529  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection(String), MyEvection(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,204 1532  [           main] DEBUG ctLatestProcessDefinitionByKey  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,204 1532  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,204 1532  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==> Parameters: 1(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,205 1533  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,205 1533  [           main] DEBUG mpl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer  - Processing deployment 出差申请流程
2022-04-01 15:19:44,206 1534  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? order by NAME_ asc 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,206 1534  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==> Parameters: 1(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,209 1537  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - <==      Total: 2
2022-04-01 15:19:44,210 1538  [           main] DEBUG ployer.ParsedDeploymentBuilder  - Processing BPMN resource bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml
2022-04-01 15:19:44,256 1584  [           main] DEBUG er.handler.ProcessParseHandler  - Parsing process MyEvection
2022-04-01 15:19:44,260 1588  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? and KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,260 1588  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==> Parameters: 1(String), MyEvection(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,261 1589  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,262 1590  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,262 1590  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,262 1590  [           main] DEBUG ptor.CommandContextInterceptor  - Valid context found. Reusing it for the current command 'org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd'
2022-04-01 15:19:44,262 1590  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,264 1592  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_PROCDEF_INFO where PROC_DEF_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,264 1592  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,265 1593  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 15:19:44,265 1593  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,265 1593  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,267 1595  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,267 1595  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetNextIdBlockCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,267 1595  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,267 1595  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 15:19:44,270 1598  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 1358857082.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,270 1598  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@50fe837a]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,270 1598  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,271 1599  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: next.dbid(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=5001]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 1 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,272 1600  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=5001]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,273 1601  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_GE_PROPERTY SET REV_ = ?, VALUE_ = ? where NAME_ = ? and REV_ = ? 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,273 1601  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==> Parameters: 3(Integer), 5001(String), next.dbid(String), 2(Integer)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,276 1604  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,276 1604  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,276 1604  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,276 1604  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@50fe837a]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,279 1607  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,279 1607  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@50fe837a]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@50fe837a]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1358857082 to pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetNextIdBlockCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,280 1608  [           main] DEBUG ity.ExecutionEntityManagerImpl  - Child execution Execution[ id '2502' ] - parent '2501' created with parent 2501
2022-04-01 15:19:44,281 1609  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,281 1609  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,281 1609  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,282 1610  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Executing activityBehavior class org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.NoneStartEventActivityBehavior on activity 'sid-8c4057c8-f4c7-4e4b-bfd2-0ae1c5cfccdf' with execution 2502
2022-04-01 15:19:44,283 1611  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,283 1611  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,283 1611  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,283 1611  [           main] DEBUG OutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation  - Leaving flow node class org.activiti.bpmn.model.StartEvent with id 'sid-8c4057c8-f4c7-4e4b-bfd2-0ae1c5cfccdf' by following it's 1 outgoing sequenceflow
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Sequence flow 'sid-053b8b87-bb95-4563-9b8c-99ab12cdc04b' encountered. Continuing process by following it using execution 2502
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,284 1612  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Executing activityBehavior class org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.UserTaskActivityBehavior on activity 'sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3' with execution 2502
2022-04-01 15:19:44,299 1627  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 15:19:44,299 1627  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 15:19:44,299 1627  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,299 1627  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,299 1627  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 15:19:44,300 1628  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 15:19:44,300 1628  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 15:19:44,300 1628  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 15:19:44,300 1628  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert ProcessInstance[2501]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert Execution[ id '2502' ] - activity 'sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3 - parent '2501'
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@376a312c
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert IdentityLinkEntity[id=2506, type=participant, userId=zhangsan, processInstanceId=2501]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert HistoricProcessInstanceEntity[superProcessInstanceId=null]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert Task[id=2505, name=创建出差申请]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@28d6290
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=2503, activityId=sid-8c4057c8-f4c7-4e4b-bfd2-0ae1c5cfccdf, activityName=null]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=2504, activityId=sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3, activityName=创建出差申请]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 9 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@376a312c
2022-04-01 15:19:44,301 1629  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_TASKINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, NAME_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, CLAIM_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, FORM_KEY_, PRIORITY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,311 1639  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), 2501(String), 2502(String), 创建出差申请(String), null, null, null, zhangsan(String), 2022-04-01 15:19:44.299(Timestamp), null, null, null, null, sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String), null, 50(Integer), null, null, (String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,315 1643  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,315 1643  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: HistoricProcessInstanceEntity[superProcessInstanceId=null]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,315 1643  [           main] DEBUG .insertHistoricProcessInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_PROCINST ( ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, BUSINESS_KEY_, PROC_DEF_ID_, START_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, START_USER_ID_, START_ACT_ID_, END_ACT_ID_, SUPER_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_, DELETE_REASON_, TENANT_ID_, NAME_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,316 1644  [           main] DEBUG .insertHistoricProcessInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2501(String), 2501(String), null, MyEvection:1:4(String), 2022-04-01 15:19:44.266(Timestamp), null, null, null, sid-8c4057c8-f4c7-4e4b-bfd2-0ae1c5cfccdf(String), null, null, null, (String), null
2022-04-01 15:19:44,319 1647  [           main] DEBUG .insertHistoricProcessInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,343 1671  [           main] DEBUG InsertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_ACTINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, ACT_ID_, TASK_ID_, CALL_PROC_INST_ID_, ACT_NAME_, ACT_TYPE_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TENANT_ID_ ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,344 1672  [           main] DEBUG InsertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2503(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), 2501(String), 2502(String), sid-8c4057c8-f4c7-4e4b-bfd2-0ae1c5cfccdf(String), null, null, null, startEvent(String), null, 2022-04-01 15:19:44.282(Timestamp), 2022-04-01 15:19:44.283(Timestamp), 1(Long), null, (String), 2504(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), 2501(String), 2502(String), sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String), 2505(String), null, 创建出差申请(String), userTask(String), zhangsan(String), 2022-04-01 15:19:44.284(Timestamp), null, null, null, (String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,348 1676  [           main] DEBUG InsertHistoricActivityInstance  - <==    Updates: 2
2022-04-01 15:19:44,348 1676  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@28d6290
2022-04-01 15:19:44,348 1676  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,348 1676  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 2506(String), participant(String), zhangsan(String), null, null, 2501(String)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,353 1681  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,355 1683  [           main] DEBUG EntityImpl.bulkInsertExecution  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_EXECUTION (ID_, REV_, PROC_INST_ID_, BUSINESS_KEY_, PROC_DEF_ID_, ACT_ID_, IS_ACTIVE_, IS_CONCURRENT_, IS_SCOPE_,IS_EVENT_SCOPE_, IS_MI_ROOT_, PARENT_ID_, SUPER_EXEC_, ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_, SUSPENSION_STATE_, TENANT_ID_, NAME_, START_TIME_, START_USER_ID_, IS_COUNT_ENABLED_, EVT_SUBSCR_COUNT_, TASK_COUNT_, JOB_COUNT_, TIMER_JOB_COUNT_, SUSP_JOB_COUNT_, DEADLETTER_JOB_COUNT_, VAR_COUNT_, ID_LINK_COUNT_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,356 1684  [           main] DEBUG EntityImpl.bulkInsertExecution  - ==> Parameters: 2501(String), 2501(String), null, MyEvection:1:4(String), null, true(Boolean), false(Boolean), true(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), null, null, 2501(String), 1(Integer), (String), null, 2022-04-01 15:19:44.266(Timestamp), null, false(Boolean), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 2502(String), 2501(String), null, MyEvection:1:4(String), sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String), true(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), 2501(String), null, 2501(String), 1(Integer), (String), null, 2022-04-01 15:19:44.28(Timestamp), null, false(Boolean), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer)
2022-04-01 15:19:44,361 1689  [           main] DEBUG EntityImpl.bulkInsertExecution  - <==    Updates: 2
2022-04-01 15:19:44,361 1689  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: Task[id=2505, name=创建出差申请]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,361 1689  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_TASK (ID_, REV_, NAME_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, PRIORITY_, CREATE_TIME_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, DELEGATION_, EXECUTION_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, SUSPENSION_STATE_, TENANT_ID_, FORM_KEY_, CLAIM_TIME_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,362 1690  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String), 创建出差申请(String), null, null, 50(Integer), 2022-04-01 15:19:44.285(Timestamp), null, zhangsan(String), null, 2502(String), 2501(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String), null, null, 1(Integer), (String), null, null
2022-04-01 15:19:44,367 1695  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,367 1695  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: IdentityLinkEntity[id=2506, type=participant, userId=zhangsan, processInstanceId=2501]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,367 1695  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, REV_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 15:19:44,368 1696  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 2506(String), participant(String), zhangsan(String), null, null, 2501(String), null
2022-04-01 15:19:44,372 1700  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 15:19:44,372 1700  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,372 1700  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,373 1701  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,378 1706  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 15:19:44,378 1706  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,379 1707  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 15:19:44,379 1707  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 15:19:44,379 1707  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- StartProcessInstanceCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 15:19:44,379 1707  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 


Process finished with exit code 0


act_hi_actinst 流程实例执行历史

act_hi_identitylink 流程的参与用户历史信息

act_hi_procinst 流程实例历史信息

act_hi_taskinst 流程任务历史信息

act_ru_execution 流程执行信息

act_ru_identitylink 流程的参与用户信息

act_ru_task 任务信息







6.4 任务查询


     * 查询当前个人待执行的任务
    public void testFindPersonalTaskList() {
//        任务负责人
        String assignee = "zhangsan";
        ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
//        创建TaskService
        TaskService taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();
//        根据流程key 和 任务负责人 查询任务
        List<Task> list = taskService.createTaskQuery()
                .processDefinitionKey("MyEvection") //流程Key

        for (Task task : list) {

            System.out.println("流程实例id:" + task.getProcessInstanceId());
            System.out.println("任务id:" + task.getId());
            System.out.println("任务负责人:" + task.getAssignee());
            System.out.println("任务名称:" + task.getName());



2022-04-01 16:47:42,538 493   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Finished creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 16:47:42,553 508   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - initializing datasource to db: jdbc:mysql:///activiti?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
2022-04-01 16:47:42,559 514   [           main] DEBUG ache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory  - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.
2022-04-01 16:47:42,569 524   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
2022-04-01 16:47:42,754 709   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 1014486152.
2022-04-01 16:47:42,756 711   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - database product name: 'MySQL'
2022-04-01 16:47:42,756 711   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - using database type: mysql
2022-04-01 16:47:42,756 711   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,474 1429  [           main] INFO  ti5CompatibilityHandlerFactory  - Activiti 5 compatibility handler implementation not found or error during instantiation : org.activiti.compatibility.DefaultActiviti5CompatibilityHandler. Activiti 5 backwards compatibility disabled.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,475 1430  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:47:43,475 1430  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,478 1433  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:47:43,485 1440  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Executing performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild with setting true
2022-04-01 16:47:43,485 1440  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:47:43,485 1440  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,485 1440  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,524 1479  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:47:43,533 1488  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: schema.version(String)
2022-04-01 16:47:43,544 1499  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:47:43,546 1501  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:47:43,546 1501  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,546 1501  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,547 1502  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,547 1502  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,547 1502  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,547 1502  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,548 1503  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,548 1503  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,548 1503  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,548 1503  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:47:43,548 1503  [           main] INFO  .engine.impl.ProcessEngineImpl  - ProcessEngine default created
2022-04-01 16:47:43,554 1509  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:47:43,554 1509  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,554 1509  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:47:43,554 1509  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:47:43,555 1510  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,555 1510  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,555 1510  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:47:43,555 1510  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: cfg.execution-related-entities-count(String)
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,556 1511  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,557 1512  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,557 1512  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,557 1512  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,557 1512  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:47:43,557 1512  [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initialised process engine default
2022-04-01 16:47:43,558 1513  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:47:43,558 1513  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting TaskQueryImpl --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,558 1513  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:47:43,594 1549  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:47:43,594 1549  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,594 1549  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,594 1549  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==>  Preparing: select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_TASK RES inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF D on RES.PROC_DEF_ID_ = D.ID_ WHERE RES.ASSIGNEE_ = ? and D.KEY_ = ? order by RES.ID_ asc LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 
2022-04-01 16:47:43,595 1550  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==> Parameters: zhangsan(String), MyEvection(String), 2147483647(Integer), 0(Integer)
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,597 1552  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- TaskQueryImpl finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:47:43,598 1553  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 


Process finished with exit code 0

6.5 流程任务处理


// 完成个人任务
    public void completTask(){
//        获取引擎
        ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
//        获取taskService
        TaskService taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();

//        根据流程key 和 任务的负责人 查询任务
//        返回一个任务对象
        Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery()
                .processDefinitionKey("MyEvection") //流程Key
                .taskAssignee("zhangsan")  //要查询的负责人

//        完成任务,参数:任务id


2022-04-01 16:59:45,750 506   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Finished creating instance of bean 'processEngineConfiguration'
2022-04-01 16:59:45,766 522   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - initializing datasource to db: jdbc:mysql:///activiti?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
2022-04-01 16:59:45,772 528   [           main] DEBUG ache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory  - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.
2022-04-01 16:59:45,782 538   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
2022-04-01 16:59:45,990 746   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 1014486152.
2022-04-01 16:59:45,991 747   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - database product name: 'MySQL'
2022-04-01 16:59:45,991 747   [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - using database type: mysql
2022-04-01 16:59:45,992 748   [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,857 1613  [           main] INFO  ti5CompatibilityHandlerFactory  - Activiti 5 compatibility handler implementation not found or error during instantiation : org.activiti.compatibility.DefaultActiviti5CompatibilityHandler. Activiti 5 backwards compatibility disabled.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,858 1614  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,858 1614  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,861 1617  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:46,867 1623  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Executing performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild with setting true
2022-04-01 16:59:46,868 1624  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:59:46,868 1624  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,868 1624  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,910 1666  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,921 1677  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: schema.version(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:46,934 1690  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:46,937 1693  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:59:46,937 1693  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,938 1694  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,938 1694  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,938 1694  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,938 1694  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,938 1694  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,939 1695  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,939 1695  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,939 1695  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,939 1695  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,939 1695  [           main] INFO  .engine.impl.ProcessEngineImpl  - ProcessEngine default created
2022-04-01 16:59:46,944 1700  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,945 1701  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: cfg.execution-related-entities-count(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,946 1702  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,947 1703  [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initialised process engine default
2022-04-01 16:59:46,949 1705  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,949 1705  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting TaskQueryImpl --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,949 1705  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:46,986 1742  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:59:46,986 1742  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,986 1742  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,986 1742  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==>  Preparing: select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_TASK RES inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF D on RES.PROC_DEF_ID_ = D.ID_ WHERE RES.ASSIGNEE_ = ? and D.KEY_ = ? order by RES.ID_ asc LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,987 1743  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==> Parameters: zhangsan(String), MyEvection(String), 2147483647(Integer), 0(Integer)
2022-04-01 16:59:46,989 1745  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,990 1746  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- TaskQueryImpl finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,991 1747  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,993 1749  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:46,993 1749  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting CompleteTaskCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Checked out connection 1014486152 from pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_TASK where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,994 1750  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:46,995 1751  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:46,997 1753  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,997 1753  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:46,998 1754  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:46,999 1755  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:46,999 1755  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==> Parameters: 1(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,000 1756  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,000 1756  [           main] DEBUG mpl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer  - Processing deployment 出差申请流程
2022-04-01 16:59:47,001 1757  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? order by NAME_ asc 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,001 1757  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==> Parameters: 1(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,004 1760  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - <==      Total: 2
2022-04-01 16:59:47,004 1760  [           main] DEBUG ployer.ParsedDeploymentBuilder  - Processing BPMN resource bpmn/evection.bpmn20.xml
2022-04-01 16:59:47,060 1816  [           main] DEBUG er.handler.ProcessParseHandler  - Parsing process MyEvection
2022-04-01 16:59:47,064 1820  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? and KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,065 1821  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==> Parameters: 1(String), MyEvection(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,066 1822  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,067 1823  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:47,067 1823  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:47,067 1823  [           main] DEBUG ptor.CommandContextInterceptor  - Valid context found. Reusing it for the current command 'org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd'
2022-04-01 16:59:47,067 1823  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,069 1825  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_PROCDEF_INFO where PROC_DEF_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,069 1825  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,070 1826  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 16:59:47,070 1826  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:47,070 1826  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:47,071 1827  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_TASK where PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,071 1827  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,071 1827  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 16:59:47,072 1828  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK where TASK_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,072 1828  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,073 1829  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 16:59:47,073 1829  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_VARIABLE where TASK_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,073 1829  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,079 1835  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - <==      Total: 0
2022-04-01 16:59:47,079 1835  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 16:59:47,079 1835  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_HI_TASKINST where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,080 1836  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,081 1837  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,081 1837  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_EXECUTION where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,081 1837  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==> Parameters: 2502(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,083 1839  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,084 1840  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TriggerExecutionOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,084 1840  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TriggerExecutionOperation 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,084 1840  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - ==>  Preparing: select distinct T.* from ACT_RU_TASK T where T.EXECUTION_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,084 1840  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - ==> Parameters: 2502(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,085 1841  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,086 1842  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,086 1842  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,086 1842  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 16:59:47,089 1845  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_HI_ACTINST RES where EXECUTION_ID_ = ? and ACT_ID_ = ? and END_TIME_ is null 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,089 1845  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - ==> Parameters: 2502(String), sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,092 1848  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,094 1850  [           main] DEBUG OutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation  - Leaving flow node class org.activiti.bpmn.model.UserTask with id 'sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3' by following it's 1 outgoing sequenceflow
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Sequence flow 'sid-f1e244eb-f091-442e-a833-68e2a3c2d92e' encountered. Continuing process by following it using execution 2502
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,096 1852  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 16:59:47,097 1853  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:47,097 1853  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetNextIdBlockCmd --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:47,097 1853  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,097 1853  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection
2022-04-01 16:59:47,099 1855  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Created connection 494894055.
2022-04-01 16:59:47,099 1855  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@1d7f7be7]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,100 1856  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,100 1856  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: next.dbid(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=7501]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 1 update, 0 delete.
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,101 1857  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=7501]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,102 1858  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_GE_PROPERTY SET REV_ = ?, VALUE_ = ? where NAME_ = ? and REV_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,102 1858  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==> Parameters: 4(Integer), 7501(String), next.dbid(String), 3(Integer)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,102 1858  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,103 1859  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,103 1859  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,103 1859  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@1d7f7be7]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,106 1862  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,106 1862  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@1d7f7be7]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,106 1862  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@1d7f7be7]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,107 1863  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 494894055 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:47,107 1863  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetNextIdBlockCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:47,107 1863  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

2022-04-01 16:59:47,107 1863  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Executing activityBehavior class org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.UserTaskActivityBehavior on activity 'sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4' with execution 2502
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_EXECUTION where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,122 1878  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==> Parameters: 2501(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,124 1880  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,124 1880  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK where PROC_INST_ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,124 1880  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2501(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,125 1881  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - <==      Total: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,125 1881  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT
2022-04-01 16:59:47,126 1882  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation added to agenda
2022-04-01 16:59:47,126 1882  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,126 1882  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@1d1f7216
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert IdentityLinkEntity[id=5003, type=participant, userId=jerry, processInstanceId=2501]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert Task[id=5002, name=经理审批]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@423e4cbb
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=5001, activityId=sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4, activityName=经理审批]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update Execution[ id '2502' ] - activity 'sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4 - parent '2501'
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@6e16b8b5
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=2504, activityId=sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3, activityName=创建出差申请]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   delete Task[id=2505, name=创建出差申请] with id 2505
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 5 insert, 3 update, 1 delete.
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@1d1f7216
2022-04-01 16:59:47,127 1883  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_TASKINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, NAME_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, CLAIM_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, FORM_KEY_, PRIORITY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,137 1893  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: 5002(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), 2501(String), 2502(String), 经理审批(String), null, null, null, jerry(String), 2022-04-01 16:59:47.122(Timestamp), null, null, null, null, sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4(String), null, 50(Integer), null, null, (String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,138 1894  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,138 1894  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=5001, activityId=sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4, activityName=经理审批]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,139 1895  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_ACTINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, ACT_ID_, TASK_ID_, CALL_PROC_INST_ID_, ACT_NAME_, ACT_TYPE_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,139 1895  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==> Parameters: 5001(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), 2501(String), 2502(String), sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4(String), 5002(String), null, 经理审批(String), userTask(String), jerry(String), 2022-04-01 16:59:47.107(Timestamp), null, null, null, (String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,140 1896  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,141 1897  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@423e4cbb
2022-04-01 16:59:47,141 1897  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,141 1897  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 5003(String), participant(String), jerry(String), null, null, 2501(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,142 1898  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,142 1898  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: Task[id=5002, name=经理审批]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,142 1898  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_TASK (ID_, REV_, NAME_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, PRIORITY_, CREATE_TIME_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, DELEGATION_, EXECUTION_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, SUSPENSION_STATE_, TENANT_ID_, FORM_KEY_, CLAIM_TIME_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,143 1899  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==> Parameters: 5002(String), 经理审批(String), null, null, 50(Integer), 2022-04-01 16:59:47.107(Timestamp), null, jerry(String), null, 2502(String), 2501(String), MyEvection:1:4(String), sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4(String), null, null, 1(Integer), (String), null, null
2022-04-01 16:59:47,144 1900  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,144 1900  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: IdentityLinkEntity[id=5003, type=participant, userId=jerry, processInstanceId=2501]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,144 1900  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, REV_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,144 1900  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 5003(String), participant(String), jerry(String), null, null, 2501(String), null
2022-04-01 16:59:47,145 1901  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,145 1901  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: Execution[ id '2502' ] - activity 'sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4 - parent '2501'
2022-04-01 16:59:47,145 1901  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_RU_EXECUTION set REV_ = ?, BUSINESS_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, ACT_ID_ = ?, IS_ACTIVE_ = ?, IS_CONCURRENT_ = ?, IS_SCOPE_ = ?, IS_EVENT_SCOPE_ = ?, IS_MI_ROOT_ = ?, PARENT_ID_ = ?, SUPER_EXEC_ = ?, ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_ = ?, SUSPENSION_STATE_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, IS_COUNT_ENABLED_ = ?, EVT_SUBSCR_COUNT_ = ?, TASK_COUNT_ = ?, JOB_COUNT_ = ?, TIMER_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, SUSP_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, DEADLETTER_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, VAR_COUNT_ = ?, ID_LINK_COUNT_ = ? where ID_ = ? and REV_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,146 1902  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer), null, MyEvection:1:4(String), sid-31b899f6-8d54-41e3-9576-d9e8f295a9e4(String), true(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), 2501(String), null, 2501(String), 1(Integer), null, false(Boolean), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 2502(String), 1(Integer)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,147 1903  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,147 1903  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@6e16b8b5
2022-04-01 16:59:47,147 1903  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_HI_TASKINST set PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, CLAIM_TIME_ = ?, END_TIME_ = ?, DURATION_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, FORM_KEY_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, CATEGORY_ = ? where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,148 1904  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: MyEvection:1:4(String), 2502(String), 创建出差申请(String), null, null, null, zhangsan(String), null, 2022-04-01 16:59:47.081(Timestamp), 6002782(Long), null, sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3(String), null, 50(Integer), null, null, 2505(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,149 1905  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,149 1905  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=2504, activityId=sid-2d0b2d56-8958-4a6f-8f15-8be4d3698de3, activityName=创建出差申请]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,149 1905  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_HI_ACTINST set EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, END_TIME_ = ?, DURATION_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ? where ID_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,149 1905  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - ==> Parameters: 2502(String), zhangsan(String), 2022-04-01 16:59:47.093(Timestamp), 6002809(Long), null, 2504(String)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,150 1906  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,151 1907  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - ==>  Preparing: delete from ACT_RU_TASK where ID_ = ? and REV_ = ? 
2022-04-01 16:59:47,151 1907  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - ==> Parameters: 2505(String), 1(Integer)
2022-04-01 16:59:47,152 1908  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - <==    Updates: 1
2022-04-01 16:59:47,152 1908  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,152 1908  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,153 1909  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,156 1912  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...
2022-04-01 16:59:47,156 1912  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,156 1912  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@3c77d488]
2022-04-01 16:59:47,157 1913  [           main] DEBUG source.pooled.PooledDataSource  - Returned connection 1014486152 to pool.
2022-04-01 16:59:47,157 1913  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- CompleteTaskCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-01 16:59:47,157 1913  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - 

Process finished with exit code 0






ACT_RU_EXECUTION 流程执行信息 update






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