
参考来源:Lilly Balaban和Olga Tomilova老师的课程English For IT Professionals 2.0
Reference source: English For IT Professionals 2.0 by Lilly Balaban and Olga Tomilova.


1. 公司 Company


  • company

    The software company I work for is known for its innovative products.

  • enterprise

    Our family-owned enterprise has been operating for over three decades.

  • firm

    The law firm specializes in intellectual property rights and patent law.

  • business

    Starting a small business requires careful planning and dedication.

  • organization

    The non-profit organization is dedicated to providing clean water to rural communities.


  • Entity

    The tech startup was registered as a legal entity last year.

  • Establishment

    The establishment of the new branch marked a significant expansion for the company.

  • Institution

    The educational institution offers a wide range of programs and courses.

  • Outfit

    Our fashion outfit specializes in sustainable and eco-friendly clothing.

  • corporation

    The multinational corporation operates in over 50 countries worldwide.

1.1 公司类型 Type of Companies


  1. 产品型公司:以产品为主要业务模式的公司,开发并销售软件产品。
    Product-based: A company with a product-based business model that develops and sells software products.

  2. 服务型公司:以服务为主要业务模式的公司,提供咨询和定制解决方案服务。
    Service-based: A company with services-based business model, providing consulting and customized solution services.

  3. IT咨询公司:提供各种信息技术方面的咨询,帮助客户解决技术上的难题,优化业务流程。
    IT Consulting companies: provide various consultations in information technology, help clients solve technical problems, and optimize business processes.

  4. 全球内部中心:跨国公司通常会在一些成本较低的地理位置设立内部中心以满足其IT需求。
    GIC (Global in-house Center): Centers set up by global organizations usually in lower cost geographies to fulfill their IT needs.

1.2 公司规模 Size of companies

  1. 初创公司
    A new small company.

    The start-up received a significant investment from venture capitalists to develop its innovative technology.

  2. 小型(企业)
    small: 1 - 100

  3. 中型(企业)
    midsize: 101 - 999

  4. 中小型(企业)
    small to medium enterprise (SME)

  5. 大型(企业)
    large: 1000+

  6. corporation
    corporation: a large organization or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.

    As a leading corporation in the tech industry, they are constantly innovating and developing new products.

  7. multinational corporation (MNC)
    multinational corporation, a large enterprise that operates in multiple countries.

    The multinational corporation operates in various countries, offering a diverse range of products and services to global markets.

1.3 商业模式 Business Models

  1. B2C
    Business to consumer: Directly selling products or services to consumers.

  2. B2B
    Business to Business: engaging in transactions, collaborations, or exchanges of products, services, or information between businesses.

1.4 业务外包 Outsourcing

Outsourcing (outside-resource-using): the practice of delegating certain business functions or processes from within an organization to external specialized service providers, aiming to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and focus on core business operations.

Our company has outsourced customer service to a specialized service provider to improve customer satisfaction and reduce operational costs.

1.5 公司描述 Description of company

How to talk about your company?

  1. 成立时间(成立于/ 创建于)
    to be launched/ to be started

    The company is to be launched next month, bringing a revolutionary product to the market.

  2. 地理位置(位于)
    to be based in/ to be located in(at)
    at + building 常用于表述位于某个大楼

    The new regional office is scheduled to be based in Paris, France, to better serve our European clients.

  3. 公司目标(目标/ 使命)
    goal/ mission

    Our company’s goal is to create games suitable for all kinds of gamers.

    The investors believed in our start-up’s mission, and we got the money.

  4. 公司赛道/ 领域(专注于/ 专业是)
    specialize in

    Our company specializes in Data Science.

  5. 公司服务对象(受众/目标群体)
    target/ target audience

    Teenagers are the target audience for our app.

    Our app targets college-aged adults.

  6. 子公司

    The multinational corporation established a subsidiary in China to expand its market presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

  7. 分所 / 分公司
    branch office
    an office of a company in a different geographical location.

    The company decided to open a branch office in the city center to better serve its customers in the urban area.

  8. 公司招聘(雇用)
    employ/ hire

    The company plans to employ ten new engineers next month to support the expansion of its operations.

  9. 公司研发(开发/创造)
    develop/ create

    Our company develops cyber security products.

    Our company creates personalized software solutions.

  10. 公司业务(交付/提供)
    deliver/ offer

    We offer a wide range of consulting services to help businesses optimize their operations and achieve their goals.

    Our company delivers high-quality software solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs.

  11. 公司收购
    acquire/ acquisition

    The company announced the acquisition of a small startup to enhance its portfolio of digital services.

  12. 公司合并
    两个公司/ 业务合并到一起成为一个新的公司/ 业务。
    Two separate companies/ operations are combined together to create new organization/ operation.

    The two companies decided to merge their operations to create a stronger market presence.

2. 软件开发周期 SDLC

Software Development Life Cycle: The process of software creation.

There are many different views on the internet, all of which can be categorized into 6 stages:

2.1 需求收集 Requirements collection

Requirements gathering/ Initial analysis/ Planning

2.1.1 活动 Activities

  • 收集并记录业务需求。
    Gathering and documenting business requirements.

    Gather all the requirements and put them in a certain order and document these in writing.

  • 利益相关方提供意见。
    stakeholders give their input.

    input = 为项目提供的想法或知识。
    ideas or knowledge that someone gives to a project.

  • 概述项目范围、预算、资源、期限、潜在风险和质量保证要求。
    Project scope is outlined, budget, resources, deadlines, and potential risks and quality assurance requirements are defined.

    project scope = 包括项目的具体目标、可交付成果、任务、成本和时间表等等。
    Including specific goals, deliverables, tasks, costs, and timelines etc for the project.

2.1.2 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 业务分析员BA
    Business Analyst

  • 课题(领域)专家
    Subject matter expert

    subject matter expert (SME) = 在特定学科、业务领域或技术领域拥有知识和专长的人。
    a person who has knowledge and expertise in a specific subject, business area, or technical area.

  • 主要利益相关方(客户,合作伙伴,其他机构,开发团队等等)
    Major stakeholders (customer, partners, other institutions, development team etc)

  • 项目经理
    Project manager

  • 项目管理办公室
    PMO - Project Management Office

2.2 设计 Design

Prototyping/ Systems design/ Architecture design

2.2.1 活动 Activities

  • 将软件需求转化为设计。
    Translate software development requirements into design.

  • 需要设计整个系统框架及其组件的详细内容(包括高级设计和低级设计)
    The detailed contents include designing the entire system framework and its components (including high-level design and low-level design)

    high-level design (HLD) = 涉及系统的整体架构和组件之间的关系,描述了系统的功能模块、模块之间的交互、数据流、接口和外部依赖关系。
    Dealing with the overall architecture of the system and the relationships between components, describing the system’s functional modules, interactions between modules, data flows, interfaces, and external dependencies.

    low-level design (LLD) = 更加详细,通常涉及系统中每个模块或组件的具体实现细节,包括了类、方法、函数、数据结构、算法等的详细设计,由开发团队根据HLD提供的指导和要求进行编写。
    More detailed, usually involving the specific implementation details of each module or component in the system, including the detailed design of classes, methods, functions, data structures, algorithms, etc., written by the development team in accordance with the guidance and requirements provided by the HLD.

    In short, HLD focuses on the overall system architecture and the relationships between modules, while LLD focuses more on the specific implementation details within the modules.

  • 用户界面、系统界面、网络和网络要求、数据库的设计。
    The design of user interfaces, system interfaces, network and network requirements, databases.

  • 制定运行、培训和维护计划,使开发人员知道在整个周期的每个阶段需要做什么。
    Operation, training, and maintenance plans are drawn up so that developers know what they need to do throughout every stage of the cycle.

    draw up = 准备某事的草稿
    create a draft of something.

2.2.2 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 业务分析员BA
    Business Analyst

  • 解决方案架构师
    Solution architect

  • 项目经理
    Project Manager

  • 项目团队(开发人员,测试人员,质量保证专家,UI/ UX设计师)
    Project team (developers, tester, QA specialists, UI/UX designers)

  • 客户代表、企业代表/ 利益相关者
    Client representatives, business representatives/ stakeholders

2.3 开发 Development

software development/ implementation/ building

on this stage the actual code is being created.

2.3.1 活动 Activities

  • 软件开发人员根据设计文档为所有组件编写代码。
    Software developers write code for all components based on design documents.

    component = 组件/ (软件的)一部分
    a part of the whole software/ product

  • 根据设计文件的规格构建程序代码。
    Program code is built per the design document specifications.

    per = 根据/ 按照
    according to

    specification/ technical specification (tech spec) = 说明产品功能以及如何实现这些目标的文档。
    a document that explains what a product will do and how to achieve these goals.

  • 每个开发人员都必须遵守商定好的蓝图。
    Every developer has to stick to the agreed blueprint.

    to stick to something = 持续做某事而不中途改变,遵循规范。
    to keep doing a particular thing and not change to anything else, to follow the specification.

    blueprint = 如何做某事的详细计划。
    a detailed plan of how to do something.

  • 根据团队成员各自的专业领域(前端开发人员、后端开发人员、数据库管理员等)进行任务分工。
    The tasks are divided among the team members according to their area of specialization (front-end developers, back-end developers, database administrators etc).

  • 这是最耗时的阶段。
    It is the most time-consuming phase.

    time-consuming = 使用或占用大量时间。
    using or taking up a lot of time.

  • 这个阶段的成果是一个可运行的软件产品。
    The result of this phase is a working software product.

2.3.2 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 开发人员

  • 设计师

  • 业务分析员BA
    Business Analyst

  • 项目经理
    Project Manager

  • 其他利益相关者
    other stakeholders

2.3.3 工具 Tools 编译器 compiler

一个计算机程序,它将用编程语言(如 C、Java 等)编写的指令集翻译成机器语言,以执行/运行这些指令。
A computer program that translates a set of instructions written in a programming language (such as C, Java etc) into machine language to execute/ run these in instructions. 调试器 debugger

一个可以让你逐行查看程序代码的程序。当你试图找出错误代码并分析程序如何 "流动 "时,这非常有用。
A program that allows you to go through your program code line by line. This is very useful when you try to identify incorrect code and analyze how a program “flows”. 解释器 interpreter

A computer program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language.

2.4 测试 Testing

Integration and testing
The process consisting of all lifecycle activities, both static and dynamic, concerned with planning, preparation and evaluation of a component or system and related work products to determine that they satisfy specified requirement, to demonstrate that they are fit for purpose and to detect defects.

2.4.1 活动 Activities

  • 目标是确保软件能满足需求。
    The goal is to ensure the software meets requirements.

  • 这时,质量保证(QA)团队开始对软件进行测试。
    This is where the Quality Assurance (QA) team steps in to test the software.

    steps in = 参与进来(介入),开始为项目做点什么。
    to become involved, start doing something on the project.

  • 软件的所有模块都被集中到一个特殊的测试环境中,进行错误和互操作性测试。(这里针对的是整个软件的集成测试,在这之前其实还有单元测试。)
    All the modules of the software are brought together into a special testing environment and tested for errors and interoperability.

    bring together = 装配/ 收集/ 编译
    to assemble/ to collect/ to compile.

    interoperability = 一个系统或应用程序与另一个系统或应用程序交互的能力。
    an ability of one system or application to interact with another system or application.

  • 软件开发人员会修复在此阶段出现的任何错误。然后,质量保证专家会再次测试软件或其组件。
    Software developers fix any bugs that come up during this stage. Then QA specialists test the software or its components again.

    module/ component = 代码/ 软件的一部分。
    part of the program/ software.

  • 对所有缺陷进行跟踪、修复和重新测试。
    All the defects are tracked, fixed, and retested.

    bug (error, defect, flaw) = 软件程序出现问题或行为不正确。
    a problem in the software program or it’s incorrect behavior.

    track bugs = 记录和监控软件测试过程中的错误或失误。
    to log and monitor bugs or errors during software testing.

    fix bugs = 消除软件错误或软件缺陷。
    eliminate software errors or software flaws, defects.

    retest = 重新测试。
    to test again.

2.4.2 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 测试人员

  • 开发人员

  • 业务分析人员
    Business Analyst (BA)

  • 项目经理
    Project Manager

  • 其他利益相关者
    other stakeholders

2.4.3 软件测试 Software Testing

Software testing is a process of checking if software product meets requirements and is free of defects.

ISTQB 是一个国际软件测试资格委员会。(PS. 感兴趣的可以去了解一下)
ISTQB, an international software testing qualifications board. 相关词汇 Related vocabularies
  • bug
    a flaw in software that prevents it from performing its function.

  • to locate bugs
    to find bugs.

  • to debug
    to fix the bugs.

  • bug report
    the list of problems and related details.

  • test case
    a set of actions and instructions for a tester to check a certain aspect of software.

  • Maintainability
    It should be stable when the changes are made. It is easy to maintain the code and add amendments.

  • Portability
    Portability of software, defined as how easily a system adapts to changes in the specifications. Easy to install, replace, adapt to new environment.

  • Functionality
    It does what it is intended to do. Quality of software is defined as how effectively the software interacts with other components of the system.

  • Performance
    It should work quickly without using too many resources and how that affects its scalability, customer satisfaction, and response times.

  • Compatibility
    The software is compatible with several components.

  • Usability
    The user interface is the only part of the software visible to users, so it’s vital to have a good UI. Simplicity and task execution speed are two factors that lead to a better UI.

  • Reliability
    可靠性: 可靠性是指软件在特定条件下和特定时间内的运行能力。
    It is defined as the capability of the software to perform under specific conditions for a specified duration.

  • Security
    安全性: 评估应用程序保护信息免遭软件漏洞风险的程度。糟糕的编码和架构缺陷往往会导致软件漏洞。
    Assesses how well an application protects information against the risk of software breaches. Poor coding and architectural weaknesses often lead to software vulnerabilities.

  • Testability
    可测试性: 质量管理文档中,高质量的软件需要高度的可测试性。在可测试性高的软件中查找故障更容易,因此这类系统在交付给最终用户时出现错误的可能性较低。
    Quality of documentation, quality software requires a high degree of testability. Finding faults in software with high testability is easier, making such systems less likely to contain errors when shipped to end users. 测试类型 Kinds of testing

测试有很多种: 功能测试、性能测试、单元测试、集成测试、回归测试等。
There are different kinds of testing: Functional testing, Performance testing, Unit testing, Integration testing, Regression testing etc.

Functional testing = 功能测试验证软件应用程序或系统的功能是否符合规定要求。功能测试的重点是测试软件的每个功能或特性,确保其行为符合预期。它并不关注软件的执行效率或如何与其他组件集成。
Functional testing verifies that the software application or system functions according to the specified requirements. It focuses on testing each function or feature of the software to ensure it behaves as expected. It doesn’t concern itself with how efficiently the software performs or how it integrates with other components.

Performance testing = 性能测试评估软件应用程序在各种工作负载条件下的响应速度、吞吐量、可靠性和可扩展性。其目的是找出性能瓶颈,评估负载下的系统行为。与功能测试不同,性能测试主要关注的是系统的性能特征,而不是其功能行为。
Performance testing evaluates the responsiveness, throughput, reliability, and scalability of the software application under various workload conditions. It aims to identify performance bottlenecks and assess system behavior under load. Unlike functional testing, its primary concern is the performance characteristics of the system rather than its functional behavior.

Unit testing = 单元测试包括对软件应用程序的单个单元或组件进行隔离测试。其目的是验证每个代码单元的行为是否符合预期,通常是在函数或方法级别。与功能测试不同,它不测试多个组件或整个系统的集成行为。
Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of the software application in isolation. It aims to validate that each unit of code behaves as expected, typically at the function or method level. Unlike functional testing, it doesn’t test the integrated behavior of multiple components or the system as a whole.

Integration testing = 集成测试验证软件应用程序不同组件或模块之间的交互和互操作性。它能确保集成组件按预期工作。与单元测试不同,它测试的是组件之间的集成点和接口,而不是孤立的单个单元。
Integration testing verifies the interaction and interoperability between different components or modules of the software application. It ensures that integrated components work together as intended. Unlike unit testing, it tests the integration points and interfaces between components rather than individual units in isolation.

Regression testing = 回归测试确保软件应用程序最近的更改或修改不会对现有功能产生不利影响。它包括重新测试以前测试过的功能,以验证它们是否仍能按预期运行。与功能测试不同,它主要不是测试新功能,而是验证更改后现有功能的稳定性。
Regression testing ensures that recent changes or modifications to the software application haven’t adversely affected existing functionalities. It involves retesting previously tested features to verify they still work as expected. Unlike functional testing, it doesn’t primarily test new functionalities but rather verifies the stability of existing ones after changes. 质量管理 Quality management

The process of establishing and directing a quality policy, quality objectives, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement for an organization. 质量保证 Quality Assurance (QA)

Activities focused on providing confidence (make sure) that quality requirements will be fulfilled. 质量控制 Quality Control (QC)

A set of activities designed to evaluate the quality of a component or system.

evaluate = 检查某样东西有多好/ 多有用。
to check how good or useful something is.

2.5 部署 Deployment

2.5.1 活动 Activities

  • 产品被部署到生产环境中。
    The product is deployed in the production environment.

    to deploy = 将软件系统投入使用。
    to make a software system available for use.

  • 如果客户希望,还可以在部署前进行 UAT(用户验收测试)。为进行 UAT,会创建一个生产环境副本,由客户公司进行测试。
    If the customer wishes, UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is done before deployment. For UAT a replica of the production environment is created and the customer company does the testing.

    replica = 完全复制。
    an exact copy.

  • 一旦他们确认产品按预期运行,他们就会签字批准上线。
    Once they check that the product works as expected, they give a sign off to go live.

    sign off = 客户同意项目或目标状态的业务文件或确认函。它可以是项目阶段的结束,也可以是项目的结束,即客户接受并满意软件产品。
    a business document or confirmation from the customer that they agree on the status of a project or goal. It can be the end of a project phase or the end of the project, when the customer accepts the software product and is satisfied with it.

    go live = 代码从测试环境转移到生产环境,从而可供最终用户使用的时间点。
    the point at which code moves from the test environment to the production environment, therefore becomes available for end users.

  • 客户还可能对软件行为提出更改或改进。这些变更称为变更请求。
    The customer may also come up with changes or enhancements to the software behavior. These changes are called change requests.

    to come up with something = 提出或想出一个主意或计划。
    to suggest or think of an idea or plan.

    enhancement = 升级优化

  • (这阶段)完成后,产品将投放市场或部署到公司的生产环境中。
    After they are done, the product is released to the market or deployed in the company’s production environment.

    release/ to release = 发布/ 发行应用程序的最终版本。
    the distribution of the final version of an application/ to distribute the final version of an application.

2.5.2 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 发行经理
    Release Manager

  • 项目经理
    Project Manager

  • 开发人员

  • 测试人员

  • 客户

2.5.3 环境 Environment (ENV)

DEV (Development)、SIT (System Integration Testing)、UAT (User Acceptance Testing) 和 PRODUCTION (生产环境) 在软件开发中分别代表了不同的阶段或环境。代码应该是从DEV环境逐个环境部署到生产(投入使用)。 开发环境 DEV

开发阶段/ 环境,用于开发和测试新功能或改进。 集成环境 SIT

系统集成测试阶段/ 环境,用于测试不同组件之间的集成和交互。 用户测试环境 UAT

用户验收测试阶段/ 环境,由最终用户执行,确认系统是否符合需求。 产品环境 PRODUCTION


2.6 运维 Maintenance


2.6.1 活动 Activities

  • 在这个阶段,将对系统进行评估,确保其不会过时(能跟上业务发展)。
    During this the system is assessed to ensure it doesn’t become obsolete.

    to assess = 检查和评定一些东西的质量。
    to check and decide about the quality of something.

    assessment = 检查和考虑有关某件事的所有信息的过程;做出判断。
    the process of checking and considering all the information about something; making a judgement.

    obsolete = 不再使用的旧东西,必须被更新更好的东西所取代。
    something old that is not in use anymore and has to be replaced by something newer and better.

  • 如果出现任何需要修复的问题或需要进行任何改进,开发人员都会进行处理。
    If any issue comes up and needs to be fixed or any enhancement needs to be done, developers take care of that.

    issue = 需要解决的问题或困难。
    a question or problem that needs to be solved.

    to come up = 发生,出现
    happen, appear (usually unexpectedly)

  • 这也是对最初软件进行修改的阶段。
    This is also where changes can be made to initial software.

2.6.3 涉及到的人员 Persons involved

  • 开发人员

  • 测试人员

  • 项目经理
    Project Manager

  • 服务经理

  • Service Manager

  • 其他利益相关方
    other stakeholders

3. 技术栈 Tech Stack

What you use at work and speak about.

Tech Stack or technology stack is all of the tools we use at work, all of the programming languages, frameworks and so on.

A stack is essentially a pile of something. In IT area, A tech stack is a combination of technologies a company/ person uses to build and run an application or project.

Full-stack developer

A full-stack web developer understands front-end and back-end as well as various middleware. They are fluent in a variety of languages and frameworks and can learn new things quickly.

Full Stack Developers usually have skills in a lot of different niches, from databases and web development to graphic design and UI/UX management.

3.1 编程语言 Programming languages

Most popular programming languages:

  • Python
    A high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability, widely used in various domains including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing.

  • Java
    A popular, object-oriented programming language known for its platform independence, used extensively in enterprise applications, mobile development (Android), and web development.

  • JavaScript
    A versatile scripting language primarily used for building interactive and dynamic web pages, often used alongside HTML and CSS for frontend development.

  • C#
    A modern, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Microsoft, mainly used for building Windows applications, web development with ASP.NET, and game development with Unity.

  • C/C++
    A pair of powerful, general-purpose programming languages used for systems programming, game development, embedded systems, and performance-critical applications.

  • PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor
    A server-side scripting language designed for web development to create dynamic web pages, widely used in conjunction with databases like MySQL.

  • Objective-C
    A general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used primarily for macOS and iOS app development, particularly before the rise of Swift.

  • TypeScript
    A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to enhance code maintainability and scalability, popular for large-scale web development projects.

    scalability = 系统通过增加资源来处理不断增长的工作量的特性。
    The property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system.

  • Swift
    A modern, compiled programming language developed by Apple for building iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications, known for its safety, speed, and expressiveness.

  • Visual Basic
    A programming language developed by Microsoft for building Windows applications with a graphical user interface (GUI), widely used for its simplicity and ease of use, particularly in the past.

3.2 框架 Frameworks

A framework is a collection of languages, libraries and utilities.

utility = 在操作系统提供的功能之外提供额外功能的小程序。
a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system.

  1. Popular back-end frameworks:

    • Ruby on Rails
      a web application framework written in Ruby, known for its simplicity and efficiency.

    • Django
      a web framework for building web applications using Python, emphasizing rapid development and the DRY principle.

    • Laravel
      a PHP framework that provides elegant syntax and tools for building web applications and APIs, aiming to simplify common tasks and enhance development efficiency.

      syntax = 定义语言结构的规则。
      rules that define the structure of a language.

    • Spring
      a Java framework for building enterprise-level applications, offering comprehensive infrastructure support and a wide ecosystem.

    • .NET
      a cross-platform development framework developed by Microsoft, supporting multiple programming languages for building Windows, web, and mobile applications.

  2. Popular front-end frameworks and tools:

    • AngularJS
      a JavaScript framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications, providing a comprehensive set of tools and features.

    • React
      a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, adopting a component-based and declarative programming approach to improve code maintainability and reusability.

    • Bootstrap
      a popular front-end framework that provides a set of CSS and JavaScript tools for building responsive and visually appealing web interfaces.

    • jQuery
      a fast and concise JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animations, and AJAX operations.

    • Ember.js
      a JavaScript framework for building ambitious web applications, providing robust features and conventions to streamline development.

    • Backbone.js
      a lightweight JavaScript framework that provides the structure needed for web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events.

3.3 操作系统 Operating systems

  • MS Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Ubuntu
  • Fedora
  • Solaris
  • Chrome OS

3.4 服务器和负载均衡 Servers and load balancing

This category includes servers, content distribution networks, routing and caching services that let your applications send and receive requests, run smoothly, and scale capacity as needed.

routing = 为网络或多个网络中的流量选择路径的过程。
process of selecting a path for traffic in a network or across multiple networks.

request = 请求-响应是计算机在网络中相互通信的基本方法之一。第一台计算机发出获取某些数据的请求,第二台计算机对请求做出响应。
request-response is one of the basic methods, that computers use to communicate with each other in a network. The first computer sends a request for some data and the second responds to the request.

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Google Cloud
  • Azure
  • Apache
  • Nginx
  • Cloudflare
  • Fastly

3.5 应用程序接口平台 API Platform

API 是帮助您连接不同工具的应用程序。这些工具构成了您的扩展技术栈。
APIs are applications that help you connect to different tools. Those tools make up your extended tech stack.

API = 应用程序接口
Application Programming Interface

  • Segment
  • Apigee
  • MuleSoft
  • Tealium
  • Zapier

3.6 数据存储和查询 Data storage and querying

This layer of the stack consists of relational and non-relational databases, data warehouses, and data pipelines that allow you to store and query all of your real-time and historical data.

data warehouse (DW or DWH) = 用于报告和数据分析的系统。它被视为商业智能的核心组成部分。
a system used for reporting and data analysis. It is considered a core component of business intelligence.

query = 对数据库表或表组合中数据的请求。这些数据可作为 SQL 返回的结果。
a request for data from a database table or combination of tables. This data may be generated as results returned by SQL.

  • MySQL - Structured Query Language
  • Azure SQL Synapse Analytics
  • MongoDB
  • Redshift
  • PostgreSQL
  • Snowflake
  • Splunk

3.7 业务智能解决方案 Business intelligence solutions

BI tools bring together data gathered from multiple parts of the company and the market, and are designed to help track company performance and make higher-level business decisions.

track = 记录一段时间内某事物的进展或发展。
to record the progress or development of something over a period.

  • Microsoft Power BI
  • SAP BusinessObjects
  • Tableau
  • Looker

4. 用户界面 User Interface (UI)

Usability testing is used to check if the user interface is easy to use and understand. This is not a kind of testing that can be automated; actual human users are needed, being monitored by skilled UI designers. It is part of UX.

UI(用户界面)指的是用户与之交互的界面,GUI(图形用户界面)是 UI 的一种实现方式,而 UX(用户体验)则涵盖了用户在与界面交互时所感受到的整体体验。
UI (User Interface) refers to the interface with which the user interacts, GUI (Graphical User Interface) is an implementation of UI, and UX (User Experience) covers the overall experience that the user perceives when interacting with the interface.

4.1 用户体验 User Experience (UX)

Overall impression person gets from using a website or an application.

4.2 图形用户界面 Graphic User Interface (GUI)

A type of interface that allows users to interact with a component or system through graphical icons and visual indicators.


  • checkbox

  • list box

  • toggle

  • button

  • radio button

  • dropdown list

  • dropdown button

  • text field

  • search field

  • placeholder

  • label

  • toolbar

  • tool tip

  • list view

  • grid view
    网格视图, 在每个单元格中显示项目。

  • pagination

  • image carousel

  • scroll bar
    to scroll up/ down
    往上/ 下滚动

  • slider

  • Progress bar

  • Burger menu

  • Navigation drawer

  • Notification

  • Modal window

5. 团队管理 Scrum

Resource - Scrum Guide中可以下载Srum Guide了解Scrum概念。
Resource - Scrum Glossary中可以了解相关术语解释。

5.1 敏捷软件开发 Agile software development

Agile software development refers to methodologies centered around the idea of iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration in self-organizing cross-functional teams.

iterative = repetitive; doing something again and again.

evolve = 变得更好或者缓慢发展。
to change for better or develop slowly.

The ultimate value in Agile development is that it enables teams to deliver value faster, with greater quality and predictability, and greater aptitude to respond to change. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most widely used Agile methodologies.

ultimate value = 最终价值(目标)
final goal

aptitude = 能力

5.2 Scrum概念 What is Scrum

Scrum 是一种轻量级框架,可帮助人员、团队和组织通过针对 Scrum Guide中定义的复杂问题的适应性解决方案创造价值。
Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems as defined in the Scrum Guide.

adaptive = 具有适应新条件的变化能力。
having an ability to change to suit new conditions.

  • coherent/ coherence
    the quality of the relationship between certain Product Backlog items which may make them worthy of consideration as a whole.

  • Empiricism
    process control type in which only the past is accepted as certain and in which decisions are based on observation, experience and experimentation. Empiricism has three pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation.

    pillar = 基础原则
    fundamental principle

    transparent = 能够被看透、开放、易于理解。
    able to be seen through, open, easy to understand.

    inspection = 仔细观察某些事物。
    looking at something carefully.

    adaptation = 改变以达到某个目标或条件。
    changing to fit some goal or situation.

    In simple words, empiricism is the belief that people should rely on practical experience and experiments as a basis for knowledge.

  • forecast (of functionality)
    the selection of items from the Product Backlog Developers deem feasible for implementation in a sprint.

  • increment
    Scrum Artifact that defines the complete and valuable work produced by the Developers during a Sprint. The sum of all Increments from a product.

  • Product Backlog
    A Scrum Artifact that consists of an ordered list of the work to be done in order to create, maintain and sustain a product.

    sustain = 支持,提供一切所需。
    to support, provide everything needed.

  • Product Backlog refinement
    the activity in a Sprint through which the Product Owner and the Developers add granularity to the Product Backlog.

    refinement = 精炼、细化;改善某些事物的小改动。
    small changes that improves something.

    granularity = 包括很多细节的内容。
    including a lot of small details.

  • Scrum Board
    Scrum板,是一个物理板,用于可视化Scrum团队的信息,通常用于管理Sprint Backlog。Scrum板是Scrum中的一种可选实施方式,用于使信息可视化。
    a physical board to visualize information for and by the Scrum Team, often used to manage Sprint Backlog. Scrum boards are an optional implementation within Scrum to make information visible.

  • Self-Managing
    自我管理,Scrum Teams 是跨部门的,意味着每个员工都有在每个Sprint中创造价值的所有必备技能。他们也是自我管理的,意味着他们可以内部决定谁在什么时候如何去做某事。
    Scrum Teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the skills necessary to create value each Sprint. They are also self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how.

  • Technical Debt
    the typically unpredictable overhead of maintaining the product, often caused by less-than-ideal design decisions, contributing to the total cost of ownership.

  • velocity
    一种可选但经常使用的指示,表示 Scrum 团队在冲刺期间将产品 Backlog 转化为产品增量的数量,由开发人员跟踪,供 Scrum 团队内部使用。
    an optional, but often used, indication of the amount of Product Backlog turned into an increment of product during a Sprint by a Scrum Team, tracked by the Developers for use within the Scrum Team.

    velocity = 某事发生的速度/ 速率。
    speed or rate at which something is happening.

6. 远程办公 Work remotely

Some vocabularies connected with working remotely:

6.1 工作地点 Where you work

  • 家庭办公室
    home office
    A place at someone’s home used for work. you can also say work-from-home setup or dedicated workspace.

    You need a proper work-from-home setup to be more productive.

    I thought I would enjoy working from home, but I was wrong!

    Pete you cannot work like this! You need a dedicated workspace.

  • 稳定的网络连接
    stable Internet connection
    It means that the Internet works well, and we can say Wi-Fi or cable Internet.

    If you don’t have a stable Internet connection, it may take long to load some pages.

    Sorry, I need to switch from Wi-Fi to cable.

  • 网络中断
    Internet outage
    No Internet connection or Internet is down. It’s a nightmare for anyone working from home, and another terrible thing is a power outage/ no electricity.

    I had an Internet outage during a meeting yesterday, but I connected to a mobile hotspot and didn’t miss anything.

    I have a power outage at home, so I am working from a cafe.

6.2 工作设备 Your Device

  • 提供一台笔记本或一台手机
    provide with a laptop/ a phone

    My employer provided me with a laptop and all the software I need was pre-loaded.

Different companies may have different policies about those devices.

  • BYOD policy
    bring your own device.

    BYOD 政策可能会带来更高的安全风险。
    BYOD policy can cause higher security risks.

    The primary responsibility of the Mobile Device (BYOD) Support Specialist is design, development and support of mobile applications.

  • COBO policy
    company owned, business only.

  • COPE policy
    company owned, personally enabled.

6.3 工作团队 Teams

  • 分散式团队
    distributed team
    Members of a team work from different locations.

    公司总部位于旧金山,团队分布在 5 个国家。
    Our company is headquartered in San Francisco with a distributed team across 5 countries.

  • 混合团队
    hybrid team
    Some members of a team are fully remote, others may come to the office.

    I work on a hybrid team so I could choose if I wanted to work remotely or come to the office.

  • 全远程公司
    all-remote company
    A company that doesn’t have offices at all and all employees work from home.

    GitLab 是最大全远程公司之一。
    GitLab is one of the largest all-remote companies.

6.4 自由职业者 Freelancer

to freelance
to work independently for different companies. Connected words: freelancer, freelancing platform.

I decided to leave my company and work as a freelance developer for some time.

If you are looking for a gig, check this freelancing platform. They have some good offers.

I thought I would have more free times as a freelancer, but I actually work more.

6.5 工作时间 Hours

Our hours changed a lot after we started working remotely, working from home.

  • 弹性工作时间
    to work flextime
    Flexible, you can change the time you start and finish work.

    I work flextime so I can run some errands if I need to.

  • 保持固定工作时间
    to maintain regular hours
    to start and finish at the same time.

    I prefer to maintain regular hours of work otherwise it is very hard to get things done.

  • to track time

    You have to track time you spent working in order to be paid overtime.

  • to log hours

    I need to log hours at the end of every week.

  • to add tasks

    Our PM has added new tasks for the next few weeks.

6.6 线上会议 Online meeting

Sorry, I am in a meeting, I’ll get back to you later.

I was having a meeting, so I missed a delivery man.

最常用的一些单词/ 短语:
The most general words/ phrases:

  • 电话会议
    conference call/ telephone call

    We are having a conference call with client where we’ll discuss possible solutions to this issue.

  • 视频会议
    video conference

  • 连续会议
    back-to-back meetings

    I had five back-to-back meetings today, I am exhausted.

  • 重新安排/ 改期
    to reschedule
    to change time of meetings.

    The meeting was rescheduled for Thursday.

  • 将会议提前/ 延后
    to move a meeting up/ back

    Sorry I have my English class at 9.00, let’s move our meeting back an hour.

    Tom, 中午的会议提前了,我们现在开始,你参加吗?
    Tom, the noon meeting was moved up, so we are starting now. Will you join?

  • 共享屏幕
    to share screen
    show your screen to other participants of an online meeting.

    Let me share the screen so you can see the chart. Can everybody see it?

    Ok, I’ll stop sharing my screen now and we can go into detail after the break.

  • 自我介绍
    introduce yourself

    Mike’s speaking…/ Beth here.

    Sorry, who is speaking?
    This is Ana (your name).

  • 打断
    Sometimes we have to interrupt and to ask question quickly before we forgot.

    you can say:

    Could I jump in for a second?

    Let me clarify, what is the deadline for this task?

  • 相当
    “相当 ”(在否定句中)使短语更柔和。还有 “我不太明白 ”或 “我不太记得 ”等。
    “quite” makes the phrase softer. Also, in “I don’t quite understand” or “I don’t quite remember” etc.

  • 在做某事的同时评论
    comment while you are doing something

    I am going to switch over to my presentation.

    Hold on. I am trying to share my screen.

  • 技术问题
    technical problems

    • 关麦/ 开麦
      to mute/ unmute

      Tina, 你没有开麦。请开麦再重复一遍。
      Tina, you are on mute. Please unmute yourself and repeat what you were saying.

    • 屏幕不动了
      to freeze

      Sorry, my computer froze on me. Or I think Kate’s video is frozen.

    • 有延迟
      a delay

      I think there is a delay, that’s why Peter is not answering.

    • 断断续续
      breaking up

      you are breaking up, I can’t make that out.

    • 有回声
      an echo

      我能听到自己的声音/ 回声。请戴上耳机好吗?
      I can hear myself/ an echo. Could please plug in your headphones?

    • 噪音
      background noises

      I can hear some background noises. If you are not speaking, please put yourself on mute.

    • 掉线
      kicked out/ disconnected

      I got kicked out. Peter got disconnected.

    • 声音太小
      speak up/ speak closer

      Could you please speak up?

      Speak closer to the mic, please. You are too quiet.

  • 参加其他会议

    Sorry, I have to jump to another meeting.

  • 难点/ 挑战

    • 视频会议疲劳
      Zoom fatigue
      feeling tired after spending too much time in online meetings.

      You are in front of a camera all day, no wonder you feel Zoom fatigue.

    • 工作劳累、精疲力尽
      feeling always exhausted because you work too much.

      When I just joined the company, I was constantly overworking. This soon led to burnout.

  • 避免过度劳累
    avoid overwork

    • 充实你的生活
      to break up your day
      to have a short period of rest during the day.

      I do some exercise in the afternoon to break up my day.

      Let’s take a break and get back to the call in 10 min.

    • 设置日程表
      to set a routine
      to follow certain order

      Until I set a routine, working from home was a nightmare!

  • 假期工作
    work + vacation, working while you are on vacation.

    Workation may not be such a great idea. I didn’t feel rested at all.

7. 组织会议 Organize a meeting

7.1 实用的单词/短语 Useful words/ phrases

  • 议程/ 日程
    objectives/ agenda
    list of objectives, topics to discuss in a meeting.

    When you create an online meeting, please always put the agenda in the invitation as well.

    I’ve called this meeting in order to …

    So, the first item on the agenda is the upcoming integration testing.

    First, let’s talk about how we can use social media to promote our new product.

    First, let’s go over the minutes from our last meeting which was held last Tuesday.

  • 致歉
    announcing that some people are absent (usually those people ask beforehand to give their apologies at a meeting that they cannot attend); apologies for absence.

    您好 Jane。我有个客户会议所以参加不了今天的团队周会。请代我致歉。
    Hi Jane. I won’t be able to join the weekly team meeting today as I have a client meeting. Please give my apologies.

  • 头脑风暴
    an activity when everyone in a team is thinking and coming up with ideas.

    Let’s take a few minutes and brainstorm how we can improve cooperation between departments.

  • 主持人
    chairperson/ chair
    主持/ 主导会议的人
    the person who leads a meeting

    As chair, I want to take a moment to thank everybody for participating and sharing your thoughts and ideas.

  • 会议记录
    a written record of what was said at a meeting (can be detailed or just in the form of bullet points)

    First of all, let’s quickly review the meeting minutes from last week and see if have any open issues.

  • 指定(某人)
    assign, ask someone to do something.

    Does anybody volunteer to take the minutes, or shall I designate someone?

  • 形式
    a procedure that has to be followed due to a rule.

    I will schedule a weekly meeting and take care of all the formalities, so that the team can concentrate on their work.

  • 目标/ 要点主题
    要完成的目标/ 需要在会议中讨论的主题(通常是议程的要点)
    goals to accomplish/ topics to discuss at the meeting (usually as points in agenda)

    I’m happy that we covered all the objectives today within the designated time.

  • 参会者/ 与会者
    participant/ attendee
    a person who comes to a meeting or joins a meeting.

    How many participants were there at the last year’s conference?

  • 举手
    show of hands
    举手发表(支持/ 反对…的)观点
    raised hands to express an opinion in a vote (for/ against something)

    Let’s decide if we need a short break with the show of hands. Please raise your hand who is for it.

  • 澄清

    I didn’t get it. Could you repeat the last bit, please?

    Excuse me, could you please clarify what you said about the merit increase process?

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean by increasing the capacity of our delivery department.

    与 “我不明白 ”相比,“我不确定我是否明白 ”听起来更礼貌、更柔和。
    “I’m not sure I understand” sounds more polite and softer than “I don’t understand”.

    I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow the calculation you are sharing right now.

  • 提出一个(另一个)重点
    bringing up a point

    Before we move on, I think we need to look at how we can ensure that it will not happen during the next sprint.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we’ve talked about

    One minute please, it seems we haven’t discussed the issue of vacation overlap during Christmas holidays.

    “我不相信 ”和 “似乎 ”是软化剂,它们使句子听起来更亲切。
    “I don’t believe” and “it seems” are softeners, they make the sentence sound more friendly.

  • 会议继续
    Moving on

    Let’s move on to the status of our ongoing projects.

    Moving on. Let’s take a look at item three on the agenda, the problem we had with supplier rate increase.

    Now we’ve come to the final item on the agenda: our new marketing campaign.

  • 给予控制(把发言权给别人)
    Giving control

    Jane, 你想介绍一下我们今天日程的第一个主题吗?
    Jane, would you like to kick off?/ would you like to introduce the first item on the today’s agenda?

    I‘d like to hand over to Tomas, who is going to tell…

    Ok, Martin. over to you.

    Victoria, could you please comment on that?

    Maria, could you please share your thoughts?

  • 总结讨论(会议)内容
    Summarizing the discussion

    In summary, we’re going to do the following: Jane will contact our suppliers, and Tomas will prepare the paperwork.

    This is what we’ve agreed on …We will meet in a week and synchronize on the progress.

    We’ve decided on

  • (会议)结束
    wrap up

    Ok let’s wrap it up for today and I’ll see you all next week.

    (正式) 散会,感谢大家的参与。
    The meeting is adjourned. Thank you all for attending.

    I guess that’s all for today. Thanks for coming.

    That’s it for today, have a nice rest of the day, everyone.

7.2 邀请函 Invitation

7.2.1 创建会议邀请 Create an invitation

当你创建线上会议邀请(通过Outlook, MS Teams, Zoom等等)的时候你通常需要指明必须和可选择参会的人员。
When you create an invitation for an online meeting (in Outlook, MS Teams, Zoom etc) you usually need to indicate required and optional participants.

Required = 必须出席。
It’s necessary for them to be present.

Optional = 他们可以自己决定是否参加。
They can decide if they want to join or not.

7.2.2 回复邀请类型 Response options

当参会人员(受邀者)收到邀请函(邮件)后他们可以给予回复。通常有3种回复:接受/ 不确定/ 不参加。
When a participant gets the invitation, they respond to it. They usually have three response options: accept/ tentatively accept/ decline.

Accept = 是的,我会准时参加
Yes, I will attend.

Tentatively accept = 我还不确定
I don’t know yet.

Decline = 不,我不会参加
No, I will not attend.

7.2.3 转发邀请 Forward an invitation

When a participant receives an invitation, they can also forward the invitation to a colleague.

Forward = 把最初的邀请(邮件)发送给其他人。
to send the original invitation to someone else.

7.2.4 (会议)等候区 Lobby

In an online meeting there sometimes can be a so-called “lobby”.
When a person (for example somebody outside of your organization) joins a meeting, they first get into the lobby - it means that they wait to be let into the actual meeting room.
The organizer of the meeting needs to admit participants to let them into the meeting room.

7.3 开场白 Opening remarks

7.3.1 正式的 Formal

Good morning and welcome, everyone. The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss …

The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss our upcoming project deadlines.

Thank you all for coming at such short notice.
I have received apologies for the absence of …

I have received apologies for the absence of Peter, who is on a sick leave.

7.3.2 平常的 Less formal

Hello everyone, thank you for joining.
Now that everyone’s here. Let’s get started with …

Let’s started with today’s agenda.

Unfortunately, … can’t join today. He is …

Unfortunately, Peter can’t join today. He is on a sick leave.

8. IT趋势 Trends in IT

8.1 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The simulation of human intelligence in machines, including abilities such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and autonomous action.

We are researching how to utilize artificial intelligence technology to enhance customer service and improve user satisfaction.

8.2 机器学习 Machine Learning (ML)

A branch of artificial intelligence that enables computer systems to learn and improve from data without being explicitly programmed.

We use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer behavior data to predict their future purchasing preferences.

8.3 云计算 Cloud computing

The delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and more, over the Internet (“the cloud”) on a pay-as-you-go basis.

We migrated our company’s infrastructure to the cloud computing platform to improve scalability and reduce operational costs.

8.4 边缘计算 Edge computing

Processing data and executing computing tasks closer to the data source to reduce data transfer latency and improve system response time.

We use edge computing on the production line to monitor equipment status in real time, enabling timely adjustments to production plans.

We deployed edge computing devices to process sensor data in real-time at the production site and provide immediate feedback.

8.5 大数据 Big Data

Vast datasets characterized by high volume, velocity, variety, and complexity, requiring specialized processing and analysis techniques to extract value.

We are using big data technology to analyze market trends and consumer behavior to guide product development and marketing strategies.

8.6 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)

Connects various devices, sensors, and other physical objects to the Internet, enabling data exchange and remote control.

We are developing a smart home system that utilizes IoT technology for remote control of household appliances and environmental monitoring.

8.7 区块链 Blockchain

A distributed database technology that records and stores data in blocks, characterized by decentralization, security, and transparency.

We are exploring how to leverage blockchain technology to improve the efficiency and security of supply chain management and cross-border payments.

8.8 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (VR)

Immersing users in a virtual three-dimensional environment through simulated environments and sensory experiences.

We are developing a virtual reality game that allows players to experience realistic adventures and exploration.

8.9 增强现实 Augmented Reality (AR)

Overlaying digital information onto the real world to provide users with an enhanced visual experience.

Our application utilizes augmented reality technology to provide users with real-time information and navigation guidance to nearby locations.

8.10 自动化流程 Automated Process

Automatically executing specific sequences of tasks using software and systems to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

Our company has implemented automated processes to handle orders, from order receipt to shipment, all steps can be completed automatically.

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