

班级:18软件5班   组员:    李海鹏     、    黄奕琛
                 学号: 1814080902510    1814080902508


1.1 概述

What is BPMN?

    Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard for business process modeling that provides graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process diagram (BPD), based on traditional flowcharting techniques. The Object Management Group (OMG) develops and maintains the BPMN specification.

    BPMN represents the amalgamation of best practices within the business modeling community to define the notation and semantics of Collaboration diagrams, Process diagrams, and Choreography diagrams. It is intended to be used directly by the stakeholders who design, manage and realize business processes, but at the same time be precise enough to allow BPMN diagrams to be translated into software process components.

    Business Process Modeling Notation has become the de-facto standard for business process diagrams. It has an easy-to-use flowchart-like notation that is independent of any particular implementation environment.



1.2 EA开模过程


Figure 1. Shows a Window 32 Bit User Interface diagram with a simple Dialog Window with a Tree View, List View and three buttons: OK, Cancel and Help.

1.3 讨论


2. Organizational Charts Diagram

2.1 概述

    An organizational model is a powerful tool that is a visual representation that describes the roles, responsibilities and the reporting structure of an organization. It is invaluable to a Business Analyst as it allows them to visualize and to understand who they need to communicate with while performing various tasks. The Organization Chart in Enterprise Architect is flexible and can be used to create any type of representation including the inclusion of images representing teams or individuals.



2.2 EA开模过程


Figure 1. Shows a Logical diagram that contains the elements and relationships relevant for this viewpoint.

2.3 讨论


3. Business Process Diagram

3.1 概述

    The Business Process diagram is part of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and is the main diagram type for defining business processes. The diagram can include Start, Intermediate and End Events, Business Processes, Activities, Gateways, Pools and Lanes, and more. The elements can be given a name and detailed descriptions can be added to the notes. By connecting the flow objects with connectors, a sequence of activities, gateways and events can describe the business process.
A process hierarchy can be constructed by nesting Business Processes and Activities in the Project Browser and using the child diagram functionality to enable drill down from the value chain level down to the lowest level processes.



3.2 EA开模过程


Figure 1. Shows a Relationship Matrix that allows an analyst to visualize the permission that are assigned between roles and Activities.

3.3 讨论


4. Domain Modeling Diagram

4.1 概述

    Requirements analysis will reveal a number of business terms that must be defined if the requirements are to be understood and clarified. There are a number of options for recording these terms, including the Project Glossary, which is a purpose built lexicon through which you can list, define and categorize terms. The Domain Model (business object model) is another powerful mechanism for describing the important terms of the business, providing a single definition of the terms and their relationships that is accessible to all project staff, from high level business managers to low level engineers. One of the advantages of using a Domain Model is that the terms are modeled as elements, allowing them to be linked to other elements within the Domain Model itself or to elements in other parts of the models.



4.2 EA开模过程


Figure 1. Shows a Relationship Matrix that allows an analyst to visualize the permission that are assigned between roles and Activities.

4.3 讨论


5. Management Enterprise Architecture

5.1 概述

There are four levels of Enterprise Architecture:
Business Architecture
Applications Architecture
Data Architecture
Technology Architecture
Business Architecture
Business architecture, also known as a business model, is used primarily to describe business processes and abstract day-to-day business operations.

Applications Architecture
Application architecture is used to describe the blueprints of interactions between different processes and modules.

Data Architecture
The data architecture is used to bring together real business entities (e.g., customers, suppliers, materials, orders…) And relationships are abstracted into data models.

Technology Architecture
Development architecture, deployment mode, hardware, network, etc



  1. 业务架构
  2. 应用程序体系结构
  3. 数据架构
  4. 技术架构

5.2 EA开模过程


Figure 1. Shows a Relationship Matrix that allows an analyst to visualize the permission that are assigned between roles and Activities.

5.3 讨论


6. 参考资料(Reference)

The following help topics will assist you learn about how to work with this pattern.

  • Component Diagram
  • Information Flow
  • Convey Information on a Flow
  • Diagram Properties

The following are some of the tools that will be helpful when working with this pattern.

  • Traceability Window

The Traceability Window automatically displays the relationships that exist between Use Cases and other model elements including up-process and down-process elements. The traceability tree view can be conveniently expanded to see deeper relationships and elements displayed in the window can be located in all diagrams in which they appear. For more details see the Traceability Window help topic.

  • Relationship Matrix

The Relationship Matrix provides a spreadsheet like view of two groups of elements and the relationships that exist between them. It can be a used as a powerful analysis mechanism to visually indicate how elements are related to each other and to discover which elements are missing relationships. For more details see the Relationship Matrix help topic.

  • Specification View

The Specification View can be used as a way of working with any element type in a spreadsheet or word process view. It is particularly useful when there are a large number of elements as is typically the case when describing a system of any appreciable size. For more details see the Specification View help topic.
Element Discussions
The Element Discussion facility is a fully featured collaboration tool allowing modelers and model viewers and reviewers to communicate with each other directly inside the repository. Modelers using the full client or occasional viewers using WebEA can both post and reply to discussions and communicate and engage in chat. For more details see the Element Discussions help topic.

  • Hand Drawn and Whiteboard Diagrams

The Hand Drawn and Whiteboard Mode are display options available for any diagram that changes a system-drawn diagram to appear as though it was drawn by hand and, optionally, hand drawn on a whiteboard. It is a powerful device to engage an audience by presenting the diagram in a rough and more immediate style giving the impression that it is just a sketch that can be changed. For more details see the Hand Drawn and Whiteboard Mode help topic.

  • Diagram Layout

The Diagram Layout tool allows you to layout an entire diagram, selected elements or sections of a diagram to make it more visually appealing or meaningful to a particular audience. There are a wide range of layout types to choose from and some types have filters that can be applied. For more details see the Diagram Layout help topic.

  • Pan and Zoom

The Pan and Zoom facility is one of the tools that can be used to navigate around a large diagram. Often the resolution of a diagram must be reduced to ensure it is wholly visible but by using the Pan and Zoom window you can leave the diagram at a readable resolution and pan around to areas of interest zooming in when necessary. For more details see the Pan and Zoom help topic.

  • Alternate and Images for Diagram Elements

Most standard elements allow an alternate image to be defined for an element that will be used in place of the graphical notation for the element either on a selected diagram or as a default on all diagrams. For more details see the Using the Image Manager help topic.

  • Document Generator

The Document Generator is a powerful facility in Enterprise Architect that allows a Database Engineer or other stakeholder to create high quality corporate or technical documentation directly from the model, suitable for internal or external audiences. For more details see the Documentation help topic or the more general topic on Model Publishing.

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