- 万能的后端。。。。
- RedisInsight的作用:
- Memory Overview 总览看用到了多少内存
- Keyspace Summary 总共存了多少key值
- Recommendations 峰值的qps有多少,网络峰值输出/输出各多少
- Memory Analyzer
- 分析效果展示
- 安装步骤:
1.Download RedisInsight
To use RedisInsight on your Linux machine, you can download from the RedisInsight page on the RedisLabs website:
Open this link to open up a form that allows you to select the operating system of your choice.
Fill out the rest of the form and click “Download.” Please note that the package name is the combination of the platform and version as shown here:
2.Install RedisInsight
Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file.
Make your downloaded file into an executable.
chmod +x redisinsight-linux64-<version>
- 配置
- REDISINSIGHT_PORT——默认情况下,RedisInsight监听端口8001。要将RedisInsight绑定到其它端口,请设置REDISINSIGHT_PORT环境变量。
- REDISINSIGHT_HOST——默认情况下,RedisInsight绑定到IP地址0.0.0.0。要使RedisInsight绑定到其它主机,请设置REDISINSIGHT_HOST环境变量。
- REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR——默认情况下,RedisInsight将应用程序数据(例如本地数据库、日志文件和快照文件)存储在机器主目录中的~/.redisinsight和Docker容器的/db目录中。要更改此目录,请设置REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR环境变量。
- LOG_DIR——默认情况下,RedisInsight将日志文件存储在你的主目录(REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR)中。要让RedisInsight将日志文件存储在其它目录中,请设置LOG_DIR环境变量。修改REDISINSIGHT_HOST和REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR,若8001端口和其它应用端口冲突可自行修改。
export REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR=/usr/local/redis-view/.redisinsight
- REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR也可不修改,默认会放在~/.redisinsight目录。
注: 这样配置只会在当前Shell终端生效,可在~/.bash_profile中指定路径。
# 编辑或新增文件bash_profile 加入配置
pluma .bash_profile
export REDISINSIGHT_HOME_DIR=/usr/local/redis-view/.redisinsight
# 使生效
source .bash_profile
3.Start RedisInsight
- To access your RedisInsight GUI, open a web browser and navigate to
- 补充:环回地址换服务器本身的IP,也要保证8001不能被占用,可以看8001端口被谁监听
lsof -i:8001
- Congratulations! You have successfully installed RedisInsight and are now ready to inspect your Redis data, monitor database health, and perform runtime server configuration with this browser-based management interface for your Redis deployment.
4.Connect to Redis database
- Assuming that you already have Redis database up and running, select “Connect to a Redis database”
- Enter the requested details, including Name, Host (endpoint), Port, and Password in the form, as shown below. You can skip username for now. Then click “ADD REDIS DATABASE”:
5.Run the Redis CLI
- Finally, although RedisInsight is a great GUI, sometimes you want to work directly in the command-line interface (CLI). To do so, click “CLI” in the menu on the left side of the RedisInsight UI:
- Then paste the appropriate Redis commands in the command section, marked with “>>” as shown below, and press Enter.
- You can see the output displayed at the top of the screen. If it says “OK,” the command was executed successfully.