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原创 POJ - 3294 Life Forms(后缀数组)

You may have wondered why most extraterrestrial life forms resemble humans, differing by superficial traits such as height, colour, wrinkles, ears, eyebrows and the like. A few bear no human resemblan...

2019-09-25 18:59:37 396

原创 POJ - 2406 Power Strings(DC3算法)

Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, if a = "abc" and b = "def" then a*b = "abcdef". If we think of concatenation as multiplication, exponentiation by a non-...

2019-09-25 00:37:20 253

原创 SPOJ - SUBST1 New Distinct Substrings(后缀数组)

Given a string, we need to find the total number of its distinct substrings.InputT- number of test cases. T<=20; Each test case consists of one string, whose length is <= 50000OutputFor ...

2019-09-25 00:27:28 133

原创 SPOJ - DISUBSTR Distinct Substrings(后缀数组)

Given a string, we need to find the total number of its distinct substrings.InputT- number of test cases. T<=20;Each test case consists of one string, whose length is <= 1000OutputFor e...

2019-09-25 00:25:17 151

原创 POJ-3261 Milk Patterns(后缀数组)

Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to th...

2019-09-25 00:20:47 119

原创 POJ 1743 Musical Theme(后缀数组)

A musical melody is represented as a sequence of N (1<=N<=20000)notes that are integers in the range 1..88, each representing a key on the piano. It is unfortunate but true that this representat...

2019-09-25 00:17:47 138

原创 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Shanghai 2019 G: Substring (hash)

WordAAcan match wordBBif their corresponding starting and ending letters are same and the sets of letters in between are either the same or permutations of each other. For example "study'' can mat...

2019-09-17 00:13:14 1087

原创 The 2019 Asia Nanchang First Round Online Programming Contest C. Hello 2019 (线段树 + dp + 矩阵)

A digital string is "good": when it contains a subsequence91029102and does not contain a subsequence81028102.The bad value of a string is defined as how many characters are to remove at least, so...

2019-09-11 01:07:39 192

原创 Codeforces E. New Year and Old Subsequence (线段树 + dp + 矩阵)

time limit per test3 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputA stringtis calledniceif a string "2017" occurs intas asubsequencebut a st...

2019-09-11 00:54:56 265

原创 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Xuzhou 2019 Colorful String (回文自动机)

The value of a stringssis equal to the number of different letters which appear in this string.Your task is to calculate the total value of all the palindrome substring.InputThe input consists...

2019-09-07 20:59:41 567

原创 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Xuzhou 2019 Who is better?(扩展中国剩余定理 + 斐波那契博弈)

After Asgard was destroyed, tanker brought his soldiers to earth, and at the same time took on the important task of protecting the peace of the earth. The best two solders were lb and zgx, were very ...

2019-09-07 20:53:23 420

原创 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Xuzhou 2019 Center (map)

You are given a point set withnnpoints on the 2D-plane, your task is to find the smallest number of points you need to add to the point set, so that all the points in the set are center symmetric....

2019-09-07 20:50:54 152



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