OWASP Juice Shop 学习 二 主动侦察 2


使用 nikto 进行Web服务进行扫描

[root@192 program]# ./nikto.pl -h
- ***** SSL support not available (see docs for SSL install) *****
- Nikto v2.1.6
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:
+ Target Port:        80
+ Start Time:         2022-04-16 08:11:57 (GMT-7)
+ Server: No banner retrieved
+ Retrieved access-control-allow-origin header: *
+ No CGI Directories found (use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs)
line: /ftp/
+ Entry '/ftp/' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (200)
+ "robots.txt" contains 1 entry which should be manually viewed.
+ /database.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /31.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192_168_31_202.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.egg: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /backup.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192168.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.jks: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /dump.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /202.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.alz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /archive.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.tar.bz2: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.tgz: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ / Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.31.cer: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /site.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /database.tar: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /19216831202.war: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.pem: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /192.168.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ /168.tar.lzma: Potentially interesting backup/cert file found. 
+ OSVDB-3092: /ftp/: This might be interesting.
+ OSVDB-3092: /public/: This might be interesting.
+ /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_addgallery_page/static/jquery.filetree/connectors/jqueryFileTree.php: NextGEN Gallery LFI, see https://security.dxw.com/advisories/directory-traversal-in-nextgen-gallery-2-0-0/
+ /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_addgallery_page/static/jquery.filetree/connectors/jqueryFileTree.php: NextGEN Gallery LFI, see https://security.dxw.com/advisories/directory-traversal-in-nextgen-gallery-2-0-0/
+ ERROR: Error limit (20) reached for host, giving up. Last error: 
+ SCAN TERMINATED:  2 error(s) and 167 item(s) reported on remote host
+ End Time:           2022-04-16 08:13:52 (GMT-7) (115 seconds)
+ 1 host(s) tested

OSVDB-3092: /ftp/: This might be interesting.
OSVDB-3092: /public/: This might be interesting.

使用浏览器访问 /ftp,解锁 “ Confidential Document ” 成就,1星级难度。

使用浏览器访问 /backup/cert,解锁 “ Error Handling ” 成就,1星级难度。

score-board 记分牌


Chrome 浏览器,按 F12 开发者工具,访问http://,点击网络->全部-> application-configuration->预览,展开Json 中的securityTxt -> acknowledgements,发现隐藏页面 “/#/score-board”。
Chrome 浏览器,按 F12 开发者工具,访问 ,显示计分板页面。
解锁 “ Score Board ” 成就,1星级难度。

ASP Juice Shop 学习 二 主动侦察 1

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 二 主动侦察 2

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 二 主动侦察 2

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 三

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 四

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 五

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 六

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 七

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 八

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 九

OWASP Juice Shop 学习 十

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