
report 2

color space , filter and color balancing

different color space in image processing


RGB color:

The most widely used color space in computer technology is the RGB color space, which is a model closely related to the structure of the human visual system. Depending on the structure of the human eye, all colors can be viewed as three basic colors - different combinations of red, green, and blue, which are used by most displays. For a three-channel color digital image for each image pixel (x, y), it is necessary to indicate three vector components R, G, B.

Lab color space:

The Lab color space is a color mode developed by the CIE (International Commission on Illumination). Any color in nature can be expressed in Lab space, its color space is larger than RGB space.
The Lab color space takes the coordinate Lab, where L is bright; the positive number of a represents red, the negative end represents green; the positive number of b represents yellow, and the negative end represents blue.

CIE-lab/luv color space:

The CIE International Standard Lighting Commission established a series of color space standards for the visible spectrum in 1931. It has three basic quantities, represented by X, Y, and Z. It can represent any color by X, Y, and Z. The values of X, Y, and Z can be expressed linearly by R, G, and B, relative to the RGB color space. , XYZ color space can contain almost all colors that humans can feel.

YCBCR color space:

This color space is mainly based on the fact that the human eye is sensitive to the luminance ratio to the chromaticity, and separates the color component from the luminance component. The principles of early black and white televisions and color televisions came from this. Y represent the luminance, and CB and CR are blue and red concentration offset components.

CMYK color space:

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow) color space is used in the printing industry. The printing industry expresses colorful colors and tones through the overprinting of different dot area ratios of cyan ©, product (M), and yellow (Y) inks. This is the CMY color space of the three primary colors. In actual printing, four colors of cyan ©, product (M), yellow (Y), and black (BK) are generally used, and the black version is added to the darkness in the middle of printing. When the red, green, and blue primary colors are mixed, white is produced, but black is produced when the three primary colors of cyan, magenta, and yellow are mixed.

different filters in image processing

Gaussian filter:(高斯滤波器)


h = fspecial(‘gaussian’,hsize, sigma)

returns a rotationally symmetric Gaussian lowpass filter of size hsize with standard deviation sigma. Not recommended. Use imgaussfilt or imgaussfilt3 instead.
The Gaussian filter is a linear filter that effectively suppresses noise and smoothes the image.
The sigma determines the degree of blurring of the Gaussian fuzzy kernel. Mathematically, the effect of the sigma on the shape of the curve, the smaller the sigma, the higher the sharper the curve, the larger the sigma, the lower the curve and the smoother the curve. Therefore, the smaller the Gaussian radius, the smaller the blur and the larger the Gaussian radius, the greater the degree of blur. In other words, the smaller the sigma, the more concentrated the numerical distribution, and the larger the sigma, the more dispersed the numerical distribution.

imgaussfilt (instead the gaussian filter)

B = imgaussfilt(A) filters image A with a 2-D Gaussian smoothing kernel with standard deviation of 0.5, and returns the filtered image in B.
You optionally can perform the filtering using a GPU (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™). For more information, see Image Processing on a GPU.
B = imgaussfilt(A,sigma) filters image A with a 2-D Gaussian smoothing kernel with standard deviation specified by sigma.
B = imgaussfilt(___,Name,Value) uses name-value pair arguments to control aspects of the filtering.

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