Call graph analysis

Call graph analysis is an essential technique used in various software engineering applications, especially for performance optimization, program understanding, and security analysis.

What is a Call Graph?

A call graph represents the calling relationships between subroutines (functions or methods) in a program. In this graph:

  • Nodes represent subroutines.
  • Edges represent calls from one subroutine to another.

A direct edge from node ( A ) to node ( B ) indicates that subroutine ( A ) calls subroutine ( B ).

Types of Call Graphs:

  1. Static Call Graph: Constructed by analyzing the program’s source code without executing it. A static call graph captures all possible calls but may include calls that don’t occur in a typical program execution.

  2. Dynamic Call Graph: Constructed by observing a program’s behavior during execution (runtime). It provides an accurate representation of the calls made during that particular execution but may miss potential calls that didn’t occur during the observed runs.

Applications of Call Graph Analysis:

  1. Performance Optimization: By examining the call graph, developers can identify performance bottlenecks or frequently called functions. Profilers often visualize call graphs to show “hot paths” through code.

  2. Program Understanding: For large and complex codebases, visualizing the call graph can help developers understand the flow and dependencies in the system.

  3. Impact Analysis: When making changes to a particular function, developers can examine the call graph to see which parts of the system might be affected.

  4. Security Analysis: By examining how potentially vulnerable functions are called and which parts of a program can reach them, security researchers can identify attack vectors or potential exploits.

  5. Dead Code Identification: Static call graph analysis can help identify functions that are never called, suggesting potential areas for code cleanup.

Challenges in Call Graph Analysis:

  1. Scalability: For large codebases, the call graph can become enormous and complex, making analysis and visualization challenging.

  2. Precision vs. Performance: Constructing a precise call graph, especially for languages that support features like function pointers, virtual functions, or dynamic dispatch, can be computationally expensive.

  3. Dynamic Behavior: In languages that support runtime code generation or reflection (e.g., Java or C#), determining the full call graph statically is challenging or even impossible.

  4. Indirect Calls: Function pointers, virtual functions, or other mechanisms that enable indirect function calls can complicate static call graph generation.

Tools and Techniques:

Several tools and techniques aid in call graph analysis:

  1. Compilers: Compilers like gcc or clang often have internal representations of call graphs that can be extracted for analysis.

  2. Static Analysis Tools: Tools such as Doxygen can generate call graphs for documentation purposes.

  3. Profilers: Tools like gprof, perf, or Valgrind can produce dynamic call graphs based on observed program executions.

  4. Dedicated Analysis Tools: Software like Understand or the Soot framework for Java offer advanced call graph analysis capabilities.

In conclusion, call graph analysis is a powerful method for understanding the behavior and structure of software, providing insights that can guide optimization, refactoring, and security efforts.

Example 1

Let’s consider a simple example using a set of hypothetical functions in a C program to demonstrate the concept of Call Graph Analysis.

Here’s our program:

#include <stdio.h>

void functionA() {
    printf("Function A called\n");

void functionB() {
    printf("Function B called\n");

void functionC() {
    printf("Function C called\n");

int main() {
    printf("Program started\n");
    return 0;

In this program, main calls functionA. Then, functionA calls both functionB and functionC. Additionally, functionC calls functionB.

Call Graph Representation:

└───> functionA
    ├───> functionB
    └───> functionC
         └───> functionB

In this call graph:

  • Nodes represent the functions: main, functionA, functionB, and functionC.
  • Arrows (edges) represent the calling relationship.

From this graph:

  1. We can immediately see that functionB can be reached via two paths: directly from functionA and through functionC.
  2. functionA is the primary driver of our program’s logic after main.
  3. functionC has a dependency on functionB.

Understanding these relationships can be crucial when making modifications or optimizations. For instance:

  • If we find a bug in functionB, we need to test both functionA and functionC after making a fix.
  • If functionB is computationally expensive and we’re looking to optimize the program, considering its multiple calls might be a priority.

This example is a basic illustration. Real-world applications have call graphs that can be extremely large and complex. Analyzing such graphs helps in understanding software structure, identifying bottlenecks, potential dead code, or vulnerabilities, and directing optimization or refactoring efforts.

Example 2

Let’s consider a slightly more complex example to demonstrate how functions are invoked in a C++ program, and how we can construct a call graph based on it.

#include <iostream>

class Animal {
    virtual void speak() {
        std::cout << "Some animal sound" << std::endl;

class Dog : public Animal {
    void speak() override {
        std::cout << "Woof" << std::endl;
    void fetch() {
        std::cout << "Fetching the ball..." << std::endl;

class Cat : public Animal {
    void speak() override {
        std::cout << "Meow" << std::endl;

void playWithAnimal(Animal& a) {
    if (Dog* d = dynamic_cast<Dog*>(&a)) {

int main() {
    Dog myDog;
    Cat myCat;


    return 0;

In this example, we have a base class Animal and two derived classes Dog and Cat. The Dog class has an additional method fetch. The function playWithAnimal can accept any type of Animal and perform actions based on its type.

Call Graph Representation:

└───> playWithAnimal
    ├───> Animal::speak (This is a virtual call; the actual function depends on the type of the passed object)
    |   |
    |   ├───> Dog::speak (when a Dog object is passed)
    |   |
    |   └───> Cat::speak (when a Cat object is passed)
    └───> Dog::fetch (only when a Dog object is passed)

From this graph:

  1. The playWithAnimal function makes a virtual call to its parameter, meaning that the actual function called at runtime depends on the type of the passed object.
  2. The Dog::fetch function is called only when a Dog object is passed.

This added complexity mainly stems from object-oriented programming features like virtual functions and dynamic type casting. It also showcases the importance of call graph analysis in modern programming, especially when dealing with inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic dispatch.





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