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原创 Run legacy FDDB Evaluation Scripts on macOS Mojave (10.14)

BackgroundFDDB, nearly 20 years old codes (even with a April 1, 2020 updated Gnuplot scripts for generating the ROC curves), should be run just fine - Not on the MAC!Build and ErrorsBuild is easy, really.Choose Mac because only Makefile available with

2020-10-10 07:52:40 236

原创 Duplicate QT binaries error by OpenCV!!

Duplicate QT binaries error by OpenCV!!Problem caused by version DescriptionSimilar errorSolutionProblem caused by version DescriptionSimilar errorqt com...

2020-03-22 08:50:57 691

原创 Liveness Detection with OpenCV

Experimenting with Liveness Detection with OpenCVmacOS (same error in Windows below + same solution)Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_liveness.py", line 114, in <module> plt...

2020-02-18 00:32:31 710

原创 OpenCV 4.1.2+VS17+Anaconda 3+Win10+[Win32!!]

Try to build 32 bit OpenCV library using the same scripts from previous timeOpenCV 4.1.2 with VS17 on Win10 with Anaconda 3 - Let’s see this time…Errorshdf5.lib from Anaconda is 64 bit (Because I ...

2019-11-19 19:58:57 327

原创 OpenCV 4.1.2 with VS17 on Win10 with Anaconda 3 - Let's see this time...

Use scripts from Install OpenCV 3.4.4 on Windows (C++ and Python)Three native python scripts:main.pyinstallOpenCV.bat:modifyBatchScripy.pyHow to use:python main.py: generate new ‘instal...

2019-11-16 00:06:51 218

原创 OpenCV 4.1.1 with VS17 on Win10 with Anaconda 3 - How hard this can be??

run anaconda prompt as administratorconda update causes problemThe procedure entry point OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve could not be located in the dynamic link library. C:\Users\abc\Anaconda3\Library\bin...

2019-09-18 00:15:06 250

原创 系统更新记录

MBP2019-05-24updated conda/anacondaconda update condaconda update anaconda

2019-05-24 20:29:55 288

原创 在嵌入式平台上编译OpenCV 4.0.1 - 后续篇

推到重来— WHYstretch-minimal 真的是minimal。没有xserver,MIPI module 好像也没有enable。需要重新编译kernel。硬件平台和软件环境ROCKPro64 4GB Single Board Computerbionic-lxde-rockpro64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img.xzUbuntu 安装没问题。启动后自动进入桌面环...

2019-03-01 20:07:53 835

原创 在嵌入式平台上编译OpenCV 4.0.1

硬件平台和软件环境ROCKPro64 4GB Single Board Computerstretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.11-1075-arm64.img.xzsudo apt-get update &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; sudo apt-get upgradesudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-conf...

2019-02-15 01:13:41 1104

原创 Android Studio + OpenCV + Tess2

Android Studio + OpenCV + Tess2引用来源趟过的坑javah missing after JDK installProcess 'command 'PATHTONDK/ndk-build'' finished with non-zero exit value 2"[Solution] How to switch to clangConfigure your buildG...

2019-02-06 06:42:37 452

原创 目标检测/分类常用数据集和评价指标小汇集

【人工智能学习总结1】分类、目标检测中的评价指标(一) 一:准确率 (Accuracy) 、错误率 (Error rate) 二:混淆矩阵 (Confusion Matrix)三:召回率(Recall)、精确率(Precision)四: P-R曲线、平均精度(Average-Precision,AP)、F指标五:受试者工作特征曲线(Receiver Operating ...

2018-03-27 20:57:46 6216

原创 目标检测 (Object Detection) 算法汇集

基于深度学习的目标检测综述(一)(2018年03月16日) 图像分类,检测及分割是计算机视觉领域的三大任务。图像分类模型(详情见这里)是将图像划分为单个类别,通常对应于图像中最突出的物体。但是现实世界的很多图片通常包含不只一个物体,此时如果使用图像分类模型为图像分配一个单一标签其实是非常粗糙的,并不准确。对于这样的情况,就需要目标检测模型,目标检测模型可以识别一张图片的多个物体,并可以定位出不同...

2018-03-26 21:39:06 59718 1

原创 DNN, DL Updates

机器学习的理论进展到了什么程度? 首先从传统的神经元层面来说,使用了几十年的Sigmoid激活函数被ReLU、PReLU这样的激活函数代替,部分解决了训练到两端梯度变小导致训练缓慢甚至梯度消失的问题;权重的初始化,除了原来的均匀方法、高斯方法,前几年出现了xavier、msra等方法,这些更适合深度网络。当然这些算是小的改进,最近基本很少这方面的文章了。 其次是分类器层面,发展出...

2018-03-26 19:37:31 390

转载 当前量子计算技术前沿是什么水平?

王之鑫 王之鑫 耶鲁大学 应用物理系博士在读 收录于编辑推荐 · 田渊栋 、 袁岚峰 、 薛矽 、 Naiyan Wang 等 8,939 人赞同了该回答 更新(03-19-2018):感谢大家三天来的关注和反馈。量子通信部分略有修改,一些细节语言更严谨了些。需要强调的是,实际条件下量子通信的安全性分析是一个复杂的研究方向,科学家们也一直在为减少实用量子通信的安全漏洞不...

2018-03-23 08:15:54 16637 2

原创 PDF to [images, tables, texts, etc.]

pdf-table-extract ONLY works with tables with deadly straight lines as sides and text-based PDF Needs install by python setup.py install, entry point pdftableextract.scripts:main find lines...

2018-02-18 10:17:31 624

原创 /Users/leon/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PythonMagick

PythonMagick on OS X PythonMagick has to be built from source, using usual configure make make install procedure. Once done, will be installed to /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/Python

2018-02-03 08:08:53 1598

原创 Face Detection and Face Recognition by Different Algorithms

Face Detection and Face Recognition by Different Algorithms Using Python & OpenCVFace Detection and Face Recognition by Different Algorithms Using Python & OpenCV The Link to the git repo: https:

2018-02-03 01:19:49 434

原创 又一个OpenFace...

TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFaceCMake outputThe C compiler identification is AppleClang CXX compiler identification is AppleClang for working C compiler: /Applications/X

2017-11-25 00:14:12 337

原创 CMU OpenFace

关于OpenFace的各种依赖库dependencies 的安装配置部分,可以参见之前的文章dlib, OpenFace and face_recognition。 下面纪录一下测试OpenFace本身的各种应用时遇到的问题。Demo 4: Real-Time Face Embedding VisualizationRunning Command python demos/sphere.py

2017-11-14 07:26:26 2483

原创 System Status

MBPMacPorts Python27 Python34 python35 opencv @3.3.1_1+contrib+python35 (active) boost @1.59.0_2+no_single+no_static+python35 boost @1.59.0_3+no_single+no_static+python35 (active) ...

2017-11-14 06:09:39 1004

原创 人脸识别卷土重来

出于某种神秘的原因,人脸识别在过去的 6-18个月里迎来一个新的小高潮,明显盖住了其他生物特征识别的风头,包括之前似乎被工业界高度认可的指纹识别(finger print)以及虹膜识别(iris recognition)。SeetaFaceLib - 人脸检索系统Xcode工程文件 SeetaFaceLib/XcodePro/DetectionAlignment/DetectionAlig

2017-11-03 01:39:30 577

原创 How to build MTFMapper

MTFMapper RequiresOpenCV automatically found 3.1.0. See “自动”检测OpenCV ?!! in Build OpenCV 3.1 from source files on Windows TCLAP (Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library) Manually a

2017-07-26 23:40:19 2105

原创 刷机!刷机!!刷机!!!

About RootingSecrets To Android Rooting Don’t confuse with: Unlock Bootloader Root Custom Recovery Custom ROM Falsh 三星刷机工具Odin3使用教程 刷机五件套固件是什么Odin3软件刷机五件套固件选择 Odin3软件刷机五件套固件 PITBLAPCP

2017-07-05 05:46:15 2649 1

原创 OCRmyPDF - library loading issue

1). install as usual no problem. 2). run ocrmypdf gives the following error message~/Library/Caches/Python-Eggs/Pillow-4.1.1-py3.5-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg-tmp/PIL/_imaging.cpython-35m-darwin.so, 2): Li

2017-06-15 22:11:35 915

原创 Tesseract 4.0

tesseract::DotProductAVX() at /tesseract/arch/dotproductavx.cpp WeightMatrix::DotProduct() at /lstm/weightmatrix.cpp WeightMatrix::MatrixDotVectorInternal() at /lstm/weightmatrix.cpp WeightMatrix

2017-05-31 22:13:32 3559

原创 PageSegMode in Tesseract

The PageSegMode in Tesseract is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY confusing!!Well, it is kind of all make sense in the end, once one understand the exact meaning of the terminologies used in Tesseract Documentati

2017-05-17 23:59:30 2496

原创 Tesseract Call Graph

Route 1 - Read image and setup internal structure (PIX)main[api/tesseractmain.cpp] -> TessBaseAPI::ProcessPages[api/baseapi.cpp] -> TessBaseAPI::ProcessPagesInternal[api/baseapi.cpp] -> (i) **For TI

2017-05-12 20:54:57 877

原创 Trained Tesseract on 瘦金体 successfully!!

成功训练Tesseract识别瘦金体,的24个字:)网上很多资源。列几个步骤明确表达清晰的: 利用jTessBoxEditor工具进行Tesseract3.02.02样本训练,提高验证码识别率 提到了合并样本图片。Multi-page TIFF file。 注意: DO NOT MIX FONTS IN AN IMAGE FILE (In a single .tr file to b

2017-05-10 20:52:03 2911 3

原创 Searches on Mobile Solution for OCR/ID Reader/MRZ Reader

blinkIDBlinkID SDK for AndroidPassportScanner Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the firstname, lastname, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal numer.Ex

2017-04-27 21:44:16 969

原创 dlib, OpenFace and face_recognition

How to install dlib from source1). download dlib-19.4 2). cd examples/mkdir buildcd build/cmake -G Xcode ...3). Install XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg from https://www.xquartz.org/, so X server is ready 4). c

2017-04-12 23:12:38 5270

原创 Access Camera on Android

thecodecity Text Detection and recognition in Android using OpenCV MSER algorithm Text recognition (OCR) in Android app using Tesseract example Creating OCR Android app using Tesseract in Andr

2017-03-24 00:48:39 388

原创 Tesseract OCR to Page (TPT) and Page Viewer (PVT)

1). TPT and PVT from PRImA Tesseract OCR to Page (TPT) and Page Viewer (PVT)Very nice tool sets from the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Research Lab (PRImA). How do I segment a document using

2017-03-02 21:27:07 523

原创 OpenCV + Tesseract on Android

最近不务正业,决定做一个Android的小应用。 想起以前还曾经发誓,坚决不碰Java和移动开发。。。哎有两个主要难点: OpenCV + Tesseract on Android 摄像头实时处理,包括读取和显示(read and display) OpenCV + Tesseract on AndroidReal time processing of Android came

2017-01-17 00:31:53 660

原创 Tesseract/OpenCV on Android

Building an image processing pipeline with Python

2016-12-21 01:02:54 499

原创 LIB/DLL/CRT//MD, /MT, /LD and more under Windows

Proper way to link static libraries with dll Static libraries should not contain any __declspec or __attribute((dll...)) things. They are nothing more than multiple object files (usually *.obj or *.o

2016-12-15 01:29:05 500

原创 OCR + Tesseract + OpenALPR

=== 15/11/2016 更“资源”IntroductionRecent focus is OCR. Make some preparation.OpenALPR很不错的开源项目。代码完整,注释清楚,逻辑清晰,文档全面。 有打算仔细研究一下,并翻译出来。 OpenALPR在线文档 OpenALPR Documentation 如何提高精度 Accuracy Impro

2016-11-03 23:05:55 3299

原创 Build OpenCV 3.1 from source files on Windows

背景也许还是绕不开Windows 的。区别OpenCV 3.1有预编译版本可以下载,只要添加一个opencv_world310.lib 即可使用。但是很多有用的功能都被转移到 一个单独的 opencv_contrib 库里面,需要额外编译。但是这个库又不独立,需要在编译 OpenCV 的时候把开关打开操作The official tutorial is way out of date. Insta

2016-11-01 01:16:56 1189

原创 Colour Conversion in OpenCV

问题简单的RGB<—>HSV几乎花了整整一个下午参考链接Convert a single color with cvtColorBGR to HSV and back againHow to get value of specific pixel after converting to hsv?需要注意的地方是: cvtColor 函数,输入类型不一样,取值范围也是不一样的! 以前都是

2016-09-09 23:23:42 879

原创 Leptonica --> tesseract --> OpenCV

DependencyVery useful links nicely contains lots lots MS related information. Downloading liblept pre-built binaries and header files for Windows (Optional) Building the liblept library (Optional) B

2016-08-24 22:48:06 4368

原创 阅读笔记 - TextProposals

忘了是怎么找到这篇文章。感兴趣是因为 够新, 2015-16 有完整的C++源码 TextProposals 和其他重要的state-of-the-art 做比较(e.g. Jaderberg) Summarysome good survey papersScene text detection two category Sliding window sear

2016-07-27 21:54:20 1316



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