QRcode Decode: ECI Mode by <iconv.h> Weekly report on Aug. 3rd

Weekly Report on Aug. 3rd

by ZhengQiushi

This week I have complete decoding of kanji ,alphanumeric mode and eci mode under linux. And also fixed some bugs in the previous process.

1.Kanji Mode

In this mode , we need to divide 13-bit binary string to two byte .
Here are the steps :
1.Get a 13-bit string.
2.The converting process can be explained in the following equations:
P = X − C o n s t P = X - Const P=XConst
X = Shift JIS value, Const =0x8140 or 0xC140
L = P % 1 6 2          H = P / 1 6 2 L = P \% 16^2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H = P / 16^2 L=P%162        H=P/162
L is the lower byte and the H is the higher byte.
Y = H ∗ 0 x C 0 + L < = > { Y / 0 x C 0 = H + L / 0 x C 0 = H + ( L > = 0 ) Y % 0 x C 0 = L % 0 x C 0 Y=H*0xC0 + L <=> \begin{cases} Y/0xC0 = H + L/0xC0 = H + (L>=0) \\ Y \%0xC0 = L \%0xC0 \end{cases} Y=H0xC0+L<=>{Y/0xC0=H+L/0xC0=H+(L>=0)Y%0xC0=L%0xC0
Y = 13bits value
{ H = Y / 0 x C 0 − ( L > = 0 ) L = Y % 0 x C 0 + { 0 , 0 x C 0 } \begin{cases} H = Y/0xC0 - (L>=0) \\ L = Y \%0xC0 + \{ 0,0xC0 \} \end{cases} {H=Y/0xC0(L>=0)L=Y%0xC0+{0,0xC0}
Y = H ∗ 0 x C 0 + L Y = H*0xC0 + L Y=H0xC0+L
3.Using iconv to convert coding set from SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8

decode_error QRDecode::decode_kanji(uint8_t * &ptr){

    const int per_char_len = 13;
    /*initialize the count indicator*/
    int bits = 12;
        bits = 8;
    else if(version < 27)
        bits = 10;

    /*initialize the count length*/
    int count = 0;
    count = get_bits(bits,ptr);

    /*one char = two byte*/
    if (payload_len + count * 2 + 1 >  MAX_PAYLOAD)
        return ERROR_DATA_OVERFLOW;
    /*one char = 13 bits*/
    if (bits_remaining(ptr) < count * per_char_len)
        return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;

    decode_error err = SUCCESS;
    /*correction for L_mod_C0*/
    const int addition[2] = {0b00000000 , 0b11000000};
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
        /*Get My bits*/
        int Y =get_bits(per_char_len,ptr);
        int L_mod_C0 = Y % 0xc0; /*the real L is L_mod_C0 + addition*/
        int H_around = Y / 0xc0; /*the real H is H_around + (L>=C0)*/
        /*the real L and H */
        int L = 0; int H = 0 ;
        bool is_err = true ;
        /*correction for L_mod */
        for(int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++){
            L = addition[j] + L_mod_C0 ;
            H = H_around - (L>=0xc0);
            /*check if is equal to the original bits*/
            if(Y == H*0xc0+L){
                is_err = false;

            return  ERROR_UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE;
        /*get the subtract value */
        uint16_t subtract = (H<<8) + L ;
        uint16_t result = 0;
        if (subtract + 0x8140 <= 0x9ffc) {
            /* bytes are in the range 0x8140 to 0x9FFC */
            result = subtract + 0x8140;
        } else {
            /* bytes are in the range 0xE040 to 0xEBBF */
            result = subtract + 0xc140;
            /*use iconv_open to convert coding set*/
            const char* fromcode = getSrcMode(Shift_JIS);
            char src_shift_jis[3]={char(result >> 8),char(result & 0xff)};
    return SUCCESS;

2.Alphanumeric Mode

This mode is pretty simple.
We just need to divide the 11-bit binary string into two byte by dividing 45 and modding 45.Then using a fixed character map to decode .

decode_error QRDecode::decode_alpha(uint8_t * &ptr){
    /*alpha table*/
    static const char *alpha_map =
            "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:";

    int count = 0;
    /*initialize the count indicator*/
    int bits = 13;
        bits = 9;
    else if(version < 27)
        bits = 11;
    /*string length*/
    count = get_bits(bits,ptr);

    if (payload_len + count + 1 > MAX_PAYLOAD){
        return ERROR_DATA_OVERFLOW;
    /*11bits at a time */
    while (count >= 2) {
            return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;
        int num = get_bits(11,ptr);
        /*divided into to parts*/
        int H = num/45;
        int L = num%45;
        payload[payload_len++] = alpha_map[H];
        payload[payload_len++] = alpha_map[L] ;
        count -= 2;
    /*remaining 6 bits*/
    if (count!=0){
            return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;
        int num = get_bits(6,ptr);
        payload[payload_len++] = alpha_map[num];

    return SUCCESS;

3.ECI Mode

In this mode , there are two main tasks.
1.Get the ECI Assignment Number and the corresponding encoding character set , which was stored in the variable eci.

decode_error QRDecode::decode_eci(uint8_t * &ptr){
    /*ECI Assignment Number is at least 8bits*/
    if (bits_remaining(ptr) < 8)
        return  ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;

    /*get ECI Assignment Number*/
    eci = (uint32_t)get_bits(8,ptr);

    /*check the highest two bits*/
    int codeword_value = eci & 0xc0;

    if(codeword_value == 0x80){
        /*two codeword*/
        if (bits_remaining(ptr) < 8)
            return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;
        eci = (eci << 8) | get_bits(8,ptr);
    }else if(codeword_value == 0xc0){
        /*three codeword*/
        if (bits_remaining(ptr) < 16)
            return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;
        eci = (eci << 16) | get_bits(8,ptr);

    return SUCCESS;

Here are the common used encoding set :

    CP437 = 0,  // (Cp437 0)
    ISO_8859_1, // (ECI codes 1)
    CP437_,     // (Cp437 2
    ISO_8859_1_,// (ECI codes 3)
    ISO_8859_2, // (ECI code 4)
    ISO_8859_3, // (ECI code 5)
    ISO_8859_4, // (ECI code 6)
    ISO_8859_5, // (ECI code 7)
    ISO_8859_6, // (ECI code 8)
    ISO_8859_7, // (ECI code 9)
    ISO_8859_8, // (ECI code 10)
    ISO_8859_9, // (ECI code 11)
    ISO_8859_10, //(ECI code 12)
    ISO_8859_11, //(ECI code 13)
    ISO_8859_13 =15 , //(ECI code 15)
    ISO_8859_14, //(ECI code 16)
    ISO_8859_15, //(ECI code 17)
    ISO_8859_16, //(ECI code 18)
    Shift_JIS =20 ,   //(ECI code 20)
    CP1250,      // windows_1250,//(ECI code 21)
    CP1251,      // windows_1251,//(ECI code 22)
    CP1252,      // windows_1252,//(ECI code 23)
    CP1256,      // windows_1256,//(ECI code 24)
    UTF_16BE,    // UnicodeBig,UnicodeBigUnmarked,  (ECI code 25)
    UTF_8,       //(ECI code 26)
    US_ASCII,    //(ECI codes 27,170)
    Big5,        //(ECI code 28)
    GBK,         //GB18030, GB2312, EUC_CN, (ECI code 29)
    EUC_KR       //(ECI code 30)

2.The ECI Mode will influence other Mode decoding ,such as Byte Mode. Before writing to the result variable payload, it needs to do a character set convertion .

decode_error QRDecode::decode_byte(uint8_t * &ptr){
    int bits = 8;
    int count = 0;
    /*check version to update the bit counter*/

    count = get_bits(bits,ptr);

    if (payload_len + count + 1 > MAX_PAYLOAD){
        return ERROR_DATA_OVERFLOW;

    if (bits_remaining(ptr) < count * 8){
        return ERROR_DATA_UNDERFLOW;

    const char* fromcode = getSrcMode(eci);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
        int tmp =get_bits(8,ptr);
        if(!strcmp(fromcode , "UTF−8")){
            char src_shift_jis[3]={char(tmp)};
    return SUCCESS;

The convertion process is implemented by <iconv.h>.

void QRDecode::convert2utf8(char* src,const char * fromcode ){
    /*input characters */
    char *inbuf=src;
    size_t inlen=strlen(inbuf);
    /*output characters */
    char dst_utf8 [255]={};
    char *outbuf = dst_utf8 ;
    size_t outlen=255;

    cout<<"before @ inlen : "<<inlen << "inbuf : "<<inbuf<<endl;
    /*convert to utf-8 by iconv*/
    iconv_t cd=iconv_open("UTF-8",fromcode);
    iconv(cd, &inbuf, &inlen, &outbuf, &outlen);

    cout<<"after @ outlen : "<<strlen(dst_utf8) <<"  outbuf : "<<dst_utf8<<endl;
    for(int j = 0; j < (int)strlen(dst_utf8) ; j++){
        payload[payload_len++] = dst_utf8[j];
    return ;

Unfortunately , <iconv.h> is only compatible with linux.
How should I complete the convertion part ?
Can I use other lib or some implemented functions ? If so, I wonder if there are some universal lib for character set convertion under every platform.
Or do I need to establish my convertion table for all ECI standards like what I did in alphanumeric mode ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.





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