

2017ICM Problem F: Migration to Mars: Utopian Workforce of the 2100 Urban Society
Theinternational agency, Laboratory of Interstellar Financial & ExplorationPolicy (LIFE), has recently (in this year of 2095) completed a series ofshort-term planned living experiments on our neighbor planet, Mars. Newtechnologies, including personalized artificial augmentations units, will soonenable humans to inhabit manufactured cities on Mars by 2100. The first wave ofmigration, called Population Zero, will include 10,000 people.TheLIFE agency launched project UTOPIA: 2100, with the goal of creating an optimalworkforce for the 22nd century to give all people the greatest quality of lifewith a vision of sustainability for the next 100 years. Over the last 20 years,several planned communities have been designed and built across Earth thattested several planned living conditions. These communities are driven byegalitarian principles in economics, government, workforce, and justicesystems.LIFEis seeking a set of mathematical and computational models that will inform theInternational Coalition on Mars (ICM) government on how to design aneconomicworkforce-education system that they can implement with PopulationZero. In order to decide what procedure to follow, LIFE has hired the mostqualified policy makers and data scientists with the goal to develop a set ofpolicies to realize the migration to Mars. Your three-person policy modelingteam is part of the group of advisors and policy makers. ICM has asked yourgroup for a policy model and report that will result in a set of policyrecommendations that will create a sustainable life-plan and will make theliving experience on Mars in the year 2100 even better than the Earthly one inthe current year of 2095.Newtools in network science, systems science, complex systems, organizational& industrial psychology, and other interdisciplinary fields provide newinsights for understanding social and governmental systems, with importantcapabilities to deal with issues of scalability (relevant for both small andlarge populations and effects), modality (multiple layers), and dynamics(changes over time).PopulationZero aims to have optimal conditions in many workforce and social livingfactors (note that another team is being tasked with health policy, so ICM hasasked that you exclude health care from your analysis). The mission ofPopulation Zero is to create a sustainable society by maximizing both economicoutput (GDP) and happiness in the work place for its citizens. Of course, thesetwo goals can be in opposition, so the policy recommendation has to considerbalancing factors, such as:●Income: Ensure adequate compensation so that all people can afford fundamentalnecessities (shelter, food, clothes).●Education: Provide high quality education that prepares citizens for the needsand challenges of the 22nd Century.●Equality: Improve the retention of women in the workforce, particularly infields where they have been underrepresented or discriminated against on Earth. YourICM-directed tasks are:1.Define parameters and specific outcomes related to the three priority factors(income, education, and social equality) in Population Zero. Some issues toconsider are: a) minimum wage and salary distribution (income); b) skillsrequired for an efficient workforce; types of governance and infrastructureneeded to obtain these skills (education); and c) maternity and paternityleave, affordable childcare to ensure people can remain in the workforce(social equality).a.Identify and define the specific outcomes that would indicate positive resultsacross the three factors for the next decade (years 2100-2110). Consider whatthe goal is for each of these factors; for example, is the objective to improvethe quality of living for all citizens or improve quantity of output of thesystem.b.What are the major features of the population (eg. demographics, populationsize, and working conditions) that would contribute to these outcomes?c.Create metrics that you will use to evaluate whether the system is meeting itsobjective by identifying and defining the critical parameters for each of thethree factors.2.You have been asked to generate a sample population of 10,000 people toemigrate to Mars. Extract data from a census dataset (link to one is providedbelow) or synthesize one.a.From your data set, identify and analyze the demographic characteristics ofthis simulation of Population Zero. Analyze and describe demographicdistributions, such as gender, ethnicity, age, and education levels.b.Consider the distribution of citizens in terms of factors that will also helpto meet goals of UTOPIA: 2100 – to build a peaceful, cooperative, Link to PUMSdata (if you desire to use this census data):PUMS data can be found via following links:
http://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technicaldocumentation/pums.htmlhttp://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/data/pums/2015/1- Year/ oTheselinks show how to extract the data in R:https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/sample.htmlhttps://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sampling/sampling.pdfThis link show how to extract the data in MATLAB:https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/datasample.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com3.Build a mode





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