

     * Send message in synchronous mode. This method returns only when the sending procedure totally completes.
     * </p>
     * <strong>Warn:</strong> this method has internal retry-mechanism, that is, internal implementation will retry
     * {@link #retryTimesWhenSendFailed} times before claiming failure. As a result, multiple messages may potentially
     * delivered to broker(s). It's up to the application developers to resolve potential duplication issue.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        Validators.checkMessage(msg, this);
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message)} with send timeout specified in addition.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param timeout send timeout.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg,
        long timeout) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, timeout);

     * Send message to broker asynchronously.
     * </p>
     * This method returns immediately. On sending completion, <code>sendCallback</code> will be executed.
     * </p>
     * Similar to {@link #send(Message)}, internal implementation would potentially retry up to {@link
     * #retryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed} times before claiming sending failure, which may yield message duplication and
     * application developers are the one to resolve this potential issue.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param sendCallback Callback to execute on sending completed, either successful or unsuccessful.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg,
        SendCallback sendCallback) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, sendCallback);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, SendCallback)} with send timeout specified in addition.
     * @param msg message to send.
     * @param sendCallback Callback to execute.
     * @param timeout send timeout.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg, SendCallback sendCallback, long timeout)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, sendCallback, timeout);

     * Similar to <a href="">UDP</a>, this method won't wait for
     * acknowledgement from broker before return. Obviously, it has maximums throughput yet potentials of message loss.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void sendOneway(Message msg) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {

     * Same to {@link #send(Message)} with target message queue specified in addition.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param mq Target message queue.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, queueWithNamespace(mq));

     * Same to {@link #send(Message)} with target message queue and send timeout specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param mq Target message queue.
     * @param timeout send timeout.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, long timeout)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, queueWithNamespace(mq), timeout);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, SendCallback)} with target message queue specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param mq Target message queue.
     * @param sendCallback Callback to execute on sending completed, either successful or unsuccessful.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, SendCallback sendCallback)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, queueWithNamespace(mq), sendCallback);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, SendCallback)} with target message queue and send timeout specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param mq Target message queue.
     * @param sendCallback Callback to execute on sending completed, either successful or unsuccessful.
     * @param timeout Send timeout.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, SendCallback sendCallback, long timeout)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, queueWithNamespace(mq), sendCallback, timeout);

     * Same to {@link #sendOneway(Message)} with target message queue specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param mq Target message queue.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void sendOneway(Message msg,
        MessageQueue mq) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.sendOneway(msg, queueWithNamespace(mq));

     * Same to {@link #send(Message)} with message queue selector specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param selector Message queue selector, through which we get target message queue to deliver message to.
     * @param arg Argument to work along with message queue selector.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, selector, arg);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, MessageQueueSelector, Object)} with send timeout specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param selector Message queue selector, through which we get target message queue to deliver message to.
     * @param arg Argument to work along with message queue selector.
     * @param timeout Send timeout.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public SendResult send(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg, long timeout)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, selector, arg, timeout);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, SendCallback)} with message queue selector specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param selector Message selector through which to get target message queue.
     * @param arg Argument used along with message queue selector.
     * @param sendCallback callback to execute on sending completion.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg, SendCallback sendCallback)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, selector, arg, sendCallback);

     * Same to {@link #send(Message, MessageQueueSelector, Object, SendCallback)} with timeout specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param selector Message selector through which to get target message queue.
     * @param arg Argument used along with message queue selector.
     * @param sendCallback callback to execute on sending completion.
     * @param timeout Send timeout.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void send(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg, SendCallback sendCallback, long timeout)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg, selector, arg, sendCallback, timeout);

     * Same to {@link #sendOneway(Message)} with message queue selector specified.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @param selector Message queue selector, through which to determine target message queue to deliver message
     * @param arg Argument used along with message queue selector.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
    public void sendOneway(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg)
        throws MQClientException, RemotingException, InterruptedException {
        this.defaultMQProducerImpl.sendOneway(msg, selector, arg);




     * Send message in synchronous mode. This method returns only when the sending procedure totally completes.
     * </p>
     * <strong>Warn:</strong> this method has internal retry-mechanism, that is, internal implementation will retry
     * {@link #retryTimesWhenSendFailed} times before claiming failure. As a result, multiple messages may potentially
     * delivered to broker(s). It's up to the application developers to resolve potential duplication issue.
     * @param msg Message to send.
     * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
     * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
     * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
     * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
     * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.


    public SendResult send(Message msg) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, 
MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {

        Validators.checkMessage(msg, this);


        return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg);


     * Validate message
    public static void checkMessage(Message msg, DefaultMQProducer defaultMQProducer)
        throws MQClientException {
        if (null == msg) {
            throw new MQClientException(ResponseCode.MESSAGE_ILLEGAL, "the message is null");
        // topic

        // body
        if (null == msg.getBody()) {
            throw new MQClientException(ResponseCode.MESSAGE_ILLEGAL, "the message body is null");

        if (0 == msg.getBody().length) {
            throw new MQClientException(ResponseCode.MESSAGE_ILLEGAL, "the message body length is zero");

        if (msg.getBody().length > defaultMQProducer.getMaxMessageSize()) {
            throw new MQClientException(ResponseCode.MESSAGE_ILLEGAL,
                "the message body size over max value, MAX: " + defaultMQProducer.getMaxMessageSize());


     * DEFAULT SYNC -------------------------------------------------------
    public SendResult send(Message msg) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return send(msg, this.defaultMQProducer.getSendMsgTimeout());

跟进 return send(msg, this.defaultMQProducer.getSendMsgTimeout());send()方法

    public SendResult send(Message msg,long timeout) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
        return this.sendDefaultImpl(msg, CommunicationMode.SYNC, null, timeout);

跟进 return this.sendDefaultImpl(msg, CommunicationMode.SYNC, null, timeout);

    private SendResult sendDefaultImpl(
        Message msg,
        final CommunicationMode communicationMode,
        final SendCallback sendCallback,
        final long timeout
    ) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {


        Validators.checkMessage(msg, this.defaultMQProducer);

        final long invokeID = random.nextLong();
        long beginTimestampFirst = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long beginTimestampPrev = beginTimestampFirst;
        long endTimestamp = beginTimestampFirst;


        TopicPublishInfo topicPublishInfo = this.tryToFindTopicPublishInfo(msg.getTopic());
        if (topicPublishInfo != null && topicPublishInfo.ok()) {
            boolean callTimeout = false;
            MessageQueue mq = null;
            Exception exception = null;
            SendResult sendResult = null;
            int timesTotal = communicationMode == CommunicationMode.SYNC ? 1 + this.defaultMQProducer.getRetryTimesWhenSendFailed() : 1;
            int times = 0;
            String[] brokersSent = new String[timesTotal];
            for (; times < timesTotal; times++) {
                String lastBrokerName = null == mq ? null : mq.getBrokerName();


                MessageQueue mqSelected = this.selectOneMessageQueue(topicPublishInfo, lastBrokerName);
                if (mqSelected != null) {
                    mq = mqSelected;
                    brokersSent[times] = mq.getBrokerName();
                    try {
                        beginTimestampPrev = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (times > 0) {
                            //Reset topic with namespace during resend.
                        long costTime = beginTimestampPrev - beginTimestampFirst;
                        if (timeout < costTime) {
                            callTimeout = true;

                        sendResult = this.sendKernelImpl(msg, mq, communicationMode, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, timeout - costTime);
                        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, false);
                        switch (communicationMode) {
                            case ASYNC:
                                return null;
                            case ONEWAY:
                                return null;
                            case SYNC:
                                if (sendResult.getSendStatus() != SendStatus.SEND_OK) {
                                    if (this.defaultMQProducer.isRetryAnotherBrokerWhenNotStoreOK()) {

                                return sendResult;
                    } catch (RemotingException e) {
                        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, true);
                        log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, resend at once, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e);
                        exception = e;
                    } catch (MQClientException e) {
                        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, true);
                        log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, resend at once, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e);
                        exception = e;
                    } catch (MQBrokerException e) {
                        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, true);
                        log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, resend at once, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e);
                        exception = e;
                        switch (e.getResponseCode()) {
                            case ResponseCode.TOPIC_NOT_EXIST:
                            case ResponseCode.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE:
                            case ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR:
                            case ResponseCode.NO_PERMISSION:
                            case ResponseCode.NO_BUYER_ID:
                            case ResponseCode.NOT_IN_CURRENT_UNIT:
                                if (sendResult != null) {
                                    return sendResult;

                                throw e;
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, false);
                        log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, throw exception, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e);

                        log.warn("sendKernelImpl exception", e);
                        throw e;
                } else {

            if (sendResult != null) {
                return sendResult;

            String info = String.format("Send [%d] times, still failed, cost [%d]ms, Topic: %s, BrokersSent: %s",
                System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTimestampFirst,

            info += FAQUrl.suggestTodo(FAQUrl.SEND_MSG_FAILED);

            MQClientException mqClientException = new MQClientException(info, exception);
            if (callTimeout) {
                throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("sendDefaultImpl call timeout");

            if (exception instanceof MQBrokerException) {
                mqClientException.setResponseCode(((MQBrokerException) exception).getResponseCode());
            } else if (exception instanceof RemotingConnectException) {
            } else if (exception instanceof RemotingTimeoutException) {
            } else if (exception instanceof MQClientException) {

            throw mqClientException;

        List<String> nsList = this.getmQClientFactory().getMQClientAPIImpl().getNameServerAddressList();
        if (null == nsList || nsList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new MQClientException(
                "No name server address, please set it." + FAQUrl.suggestTodo(FAQUrl.NAME_SERVER_ADDR_NOT_EXIST_URL), null).setResponseCode(ClientErrorCode.NO_NAME_SERVER_EXCEPTION);

        throw new MQClientException("No route info of this topic, " + msg.getTopic() + FAQUrl.suggestTodo(FAQUrl.NO_TOPIC_ROUTE_INFO),

    private TopicPublishInfo tryToFindTopicPublishInfo(final String topic) {


        TopicPublishInfo topicPublishInfo = this.topicPublishInfoTable.get(topic);


        if (null == topicPublishInfo || !topicPublishInfo.ok()) {
            this.topicPublishInfoTable.putIfAbsent(topic, new TopicPublishInfo());


            topicPublishInfo = this.topicPublishInfoTable.get(topic);


        if (topicPublishInfo.isHaveTopicRouterInfo() || topicPublishInfo.ok()) {

            return topicPublishInfo;
        } else {
            this.mQClientFactory.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic, true, this.defaultMQProducer);
            topicPublishInfo = this.topicPublishInfoTable.get(topic);
            return topicPublishInfo;

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