4.1. 链码安装及实例化


使用 fabric-sdk-node

在项目根目录下创建一个 app 的文件夹,做为所有的 JS 代码文件的存放目录,具体文件如下:

  • helper.js
  • create-channel.js
  • join-channel.js
  • install-chaincode.js
  • instantiate-chaincode.js
  • invoke-transaction.js
  • query.js

创建 app 目录并进入该目录:

$ cd $HOME/kevin-fabric-sdk-node/
$ mkdir app && cd app

helper.js 是应用最重要的主文件,提供了核心对象的实现。

创建 helper.js 文件并编辑:

$ vim helper.js

helper.js 文件完整内容如下:

 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var log4js = require('log4js');
var logger = log4js.getLogger('Helper');

var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var copService = require('fabric-ca-client');

var hfc = require('fabric-client');
var ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting('network-config');

var clients = {};
var channels = {};
var caClients = {};

var sleep = async function (sleep_time_ms) {
	return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, sleep_time_ms));

async function getClientForOrg (userorg, username) {
	logger.debug('getClientForOrg - ****** START %s %s', userorg, username)
	// get a fabric client loaded with a connection profile for this org
	let config = '-connection-profile-path';

	// build a client context and load it with a connection profile
	// lets only load the network settings and save the client for later
	let client = hfc.loadFromConfig(hfc.getConfigSetting('network'+config));

	// This will load a connection profile over the top of the current one one
	// since the first one did not have a client section and the following one does
	// nothing will actually be replaced.
	// This will also set an admin identity because the organization defined in the
	// client section has one defined

	// this will create both the state store and the crypto store based
	// on the settings in the client section of the connection profile
	await client.initCredentialStores();

	// The getUserContext call tries to get the user from persistence.
	// If the user has been saved to persistence then that means the user has
	// been registered and enrolled. If the user is found in persistence
	// the call will then assign the user to the client object.
	if(username) {
		let user = await client.getUserContext(username, true);
		if(!user) {
			throw new Error(util.format('User was not found :', username));
		} else {
			logger.debug('User %s was found to be registered and enrolled', username);
	logger.debug('getClientForOrg - ****** END %s %s \n\n', userorg, username)

	return client;

var getRegisteredUser = async function(username, userOrg, isJson) {
	try {
		var client = await getClientForOrg(userOrg);
		logger.debug('Successfully initialized the credential stores');
			// client can now act as an agent for organization Org1
			// first check to see if the user is already enrolled
		var user = await client.getUserContext(username, true);
		if (user && user.isEnrolled()) {
			logger.info('Successfully loaded member from persistence');
		} else {
			// user was not enrolled, so we will need an admin user object to register
			logger.info('User %s was not enrolled, so we will need an admin user object to register',username);
			var admins = hfc.getConfigSetting('admins');
			let adminUserObj = await client.setUserContext({username: admins[0].username, password: admins[0].secret});
			let caClient = client.getCertificateAuthority();
			let secret = await caClient.register({
				enrollmentID: username,
				affiliation: userOrg.toLowerCase() + '.department1'
			}, adminUserObj);
			logger.debug('Successfully got the secret for user %s',username);
			user = await client.setUserContext({username:username, password:secret});
			logger.debug('Successfully enrolled username %s  and setUserContext on the client object', username);
		if(user && user.isEnrolled) {
			if (isJson && isJson === true) {
				var response = {
					success: true,
					secret: user._enrollmentSecret,
					message: username + ' enrolled Successfully',
				return response;
		} else {
			throw new Error('User was not enrolled ');
	} catch(error) {
		logger.error('Failed to get registered user: %s with error: %s', username, error.toString());
		return 'failed '+error.toString();


var setupChaincodeDeploy = function() {
	process.env.GOPATH = path.join(__dirname, hfc.getConfigSetting('CC_SRC_PATH'));

var getLogger = function(moduleName) {
	var logger = log4js.getLogger(moduleName);
	return logger;

exports.getClientForOrg = getClientForOrg;
exports.getLogger = getLogger;
exports.setupChaincodeDeploy = setupChaincodeDeploy;
exports.getRegisteredUser = getRegisteredUser;
创建通道 create-channel.js

create-channel.js 文件主要实现根据指定的通道交易配置文件创建指定的应用通道。

创建 create-channel.js 文件并编辑:

$ vim create-channel.js

create-channel.js 文件完整内容如下:

 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var helper = require('./helper.js');
var logger = helper.getLogger('Create-Channel');
//Attempt to send a request to the orderer with the sendTransaction method
var createChannel = async function(channelName, channelConfigPath, username, orgName) {
	logger.debug('\n====== Creating Channel \'' + channelName + '\' ======\n');
	try {
		// first setup the client for this org
		var client = await helper.getClientForOrg(orgName);
		logger.debug('Successfully got the fabric client for the organization "%s"', orgName);

		// read in the envelope for the channel config raw bytes
		var envelope = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, channelConfigPath));
		// extract the channel config bytes from the envelope to be signed
		var channelConfig = client.extractChannelConfig(envelope);

		//Acting as a client in the given organization provided with "orgName" param
		// sign the channel config bytes as "endorsement", this is required by
		// the orderer's channel creation policy
		// this will use the admin identity assigned to the client when the connection profile was loaded
		let signature = client.signChannelConfig(channelConfig);

		let request = {
			config: channelConfig,
			signatures: [signature],
			name: channelName,
			txId: client.newTransactionID(true) // get an admin based transactionID

		// send to orderer
		var response = await client.createChannel(request)
		logger.debug(' response ::%j', response);
		if (response && response.status === 'SUCCESS') {
			logger.debug('Successfully created the channel.');
			let response = {
				success: true,
				message: 'Channel \'' + channelName + '\' created Successfully'
			return response;
		} else {
			logger.error('\n!!!!!!!!! Failed to create the channel \'' + channelName +
				'\' !!!!!!!!!\n\n');
			throw new Error('Failed to create the channel \'' + channelName + '\'');
	} catch (err) {
		logger.error('Failed to initialize the channel: ' + err.stack ? err.stack :	err);
		throw new Error('Failed to initialize the channel: ' + err.toString());

exports.createChannel = createChannel;
加入通道 join-channel.js

join-channel.js 文件主要实现将指定的peers加入至指定的通道中。

创建 join-channel.js 文件并编辑:

$ vim join-channel.js

join-channel.js 文件完整内容如下:

 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
var util = require('util');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

var helper = require('./helper.js');
var logger = helper.getLogger('Join-Channel');

 * Have an organization join a channel
var joinChannel = async function(channel_name, peers, username, org_name) {
	logger.debug('\n\n============ Join Channel start ============\n')
	var error_message = null;
	var all_eventhubs = [];
	try {
		logger.info('Calling peers in organization "%s" to join the channel', org_name);

		// first setup the client for this org
		var client = await helper.getClientForOrg(org_name, username);
		logger.debug('Successfully got the fabric client for the organization "%s"', org_name);
		var channel = client.getChannel(channel_name);
		if(!channel) {
			let message = util.format('Channel %s was not defined in the connection profile', channel_name);
			throw new Error(message);

		// next step is to get the genesis_block from the orderer,
		// the starting point for the channel that we want to join
		let request = {
			txId : 	client.newTransactionID(true) //get an admin based transactionID
		let genesis_block = await channel.getGenesisBlock(request);

		// tell each peer to join and wait 10 seconds
		// for the channel to be created on each peer
		var promises = [];
		promises.push(new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)));

		let join_request = {
			targets: peers, //using the peer names which only is allowed when a connection profile is loaded
			txId: client.newTransactionID(true), //get an admin based transactionID
			block: genesis_block
		let join_promise = channel.joinChannel(join_request);
		let results = await Promise.all(promises);
		logger.debug(util.format('Join Channel R E S P O N S E : %j', results));

		// lets check the results of sending to the peers which is
		// last in the results array
		let peers_results = results.pop();
		// then each peer results
		for(let i in peers_results) {
			let peer_result = peers_results[i];
			if(peer_result.response && peer_result.response.status == 200) {
				logger.info('Successfully joined peer to the channel %s',channel_name);
			} else {
				let message = util.format('Failed to joined peer to the channel %s',channel_name);
				error_message = message;
	} catch(error) {
		logger.error('Failed to join channel due to error: ' + error.stack ? error.stack : error);
		error_message = error.toString();

	// need to shutdown open event streams
	all_eventhubs.forEach((eh) => {

	if (!error_message) {
		let message = util.format(
			'Successfully joined peers in organization %s to the channel:%s',
			org_name, channel_name);
		// build a response to send back to the REST caller
		let response = {
			success: true,
			message: message
		return response;
	} else {
		let message = util.format('Failed to join all peers to channel. cause:%s',error_message);
		throw new Error(message);
exports.joinChannel = joinChannel;
链码安装 install-chaincode.js

install-chaincode.js 文件主要实现对链码的安装。

创建 install-chaincode.js 文件并编辑:

$ vim install-chaincode.js

install-chaincode.js 文件完整内容如下:

 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var config = require('../config.json');
var helper = require('./helper.js');
var logger = helper.getLogger('install-chaincode');
var tx_id = null;

var installChaincode = async function(peers, chaincodeName, chaincodePath,
	chaincodeVersion, chaincodeType, username, org_name) {
	logger.debug('\n\n============ Install chaincode on organizations ============\n');
	let error_message = null;
	try {
		logger.info('Calling peers in organization "%s" to join the channel', org_name);

		// first setup the client for this org
		var client = await helper.getClientForOrg(org_name, username);
		logger.debug('Successfully got the fabric client for the organization "%s"', org_name);

		tx_id = client.newTransactionID(true); //get an admin transactionID
		var request = {
			targets: peers,
			chaincodePath: chaincodePath,
			chaincodeId: chaincodeName,
			chaincodeVersion: chaincodeVersion,
			chaincodeType: chaincodeType
		let results = await client.installChaincode(request);
		// the returned object has both the endorsement results
		// and the actual proposal, the proposal will be needed
		// later when we send a transaction to the orederer
		var proposalResponses = results[0];
		var proposal = results[1];

		// lets have a look at the responses to see if they are
		// all good, if good they will also include signatures
		// required to be committed
		var all_good = true;
		for (var i in proposalResponses) {
			let one_good = false;
			if (proposalResponses && proposalResponses[i].response &&
				proposalResponses[i].response.status === 200) {
				one_good = true;
				logger.info('install proposal was good');
			} else {
				logger.error('install proposal was bad %j',proposalResponses.toJSON());
			all_good = all_good & one_good;
		if (all_good) {
			logger.info('Successfully sent install Proposal and received ProposalResponse');
		} else {
			error_message = 'Failed to send install Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200'
	} catch(error) {
		logger.error('Failed to install due to error: ' + error.stack ? error.stack : error);
		error_message = error.toString();

	if (!error_message) {
		let message = util.format('Successfully install chaincode');
		// build a response to send back to the REST caller
		let response = {
			success: true,
			message: message
		return response;
	} else {
		let message = util.format('Failed to install due to:%s',error_message);
		throw new Error(message);
exports.installChaincode = installChaincode;
链码实例化 instantiate-chaincode.js

instantiate-chaincode.js 文件主要完成对链码的实例化。

创建 instantiate-chaincode.js 文件并编辑:

$ vim instantiate-chaincode.js

instantiate-chaincode.js 文件完整内容如下:

 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var hfc = require('fabric-client');
var helper = require('./helper.js');
var logger = helper.getLogger('instantiate-chaincode');

var instantiateChaincode = async function(peers, channelName, chaincodeName, chaincodeVersion, functionName, chaincodeType, args, username, org_name) {
	logger.debug('\n\n============ Instantiate chaincode on channel ' + channelName +
		' ============\n');
	var error_message = null;

	try {
		// first setup the client for this org
		var client = await helper.getClientForOrg(org_name, username);
		logger.debug('Successfully got the fabric client for the organization "%s"', org_name);
		var channel = client.getChannel(channelName);
		if(!channel) {
			let message = util.format('Channel %s was not defined in the connection profile', channelName);
			throw new Error(message);
		var tx_id = client.newTransactionID(true); // Get an admin based transactionID
		                                       // An admin based transactionID will
		                                       // indicate that admin identity should
		                                       // be used to sign the proposal request.
		// will need the transaction ID string for the event registration later
		var deployId = tx_id.getTransactionID();

		// send proposal to endorser
		var request = {
			targets : peers,
			chaincodeId: chaincodeName,
			chaincodeType: chaincodeType,
			chaincodeVersion: chaincodeVersion,
			args: args,
			txId: tx_id

		if (functionName)
			request.fcn = functionName;

		let results = await channel.sendInstantiateProposal(request, 60000); //instantiate takes much longer

		// the returned object has both the endorsement results
		// and the actual proposal, the proposal will be needed
		// later when we send a transaction to the orderer
		var proposalResponses = results[0];
		var proposal = results[1];

		// lets have a look at the responses to see if they are
		// all good, if good they will also include signatures
		// required to be committed
		var all_good = true;
		for (var i in proposalResponses) {
			let one_good = false;
			if (proposalResponses && proposalResponses[i].response &&
				proposalResponses[i].response.status === 200) {
				one_good = true;
				logger.info('instantiate proposal was good');
			} else {
				logger.error('instantiate proposal was bad');
			all_good = all_good & one_good;

		if (all_good) {
				'Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - %s, message - "%s", metadata - "%s", endorsement signature: %s',
				proposalResponses[0].response.status, proposalResponses[0].response.message,
				proposalResponses[0].response.payload, proposalResponses[0].endorsement.signature));

			// wait for the channel-based event hub to tell us that the
			// instantiate transaction was committed on the peer
			var promises = [];
			let event_hubs = channel.getChannelEventHubsForOrg();
			logger.debug('found %s eventhubs for this organization %s',event_hubs.length, org_name);
			event_hubs.forEach((eh) => {
				let instantiateEventPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
					logger.debug('instantiateEventPromise - setting up event');
					let event_timeout = setTimeout(() => {
						let message = 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT:' + eh.getPeerAddr();
					}, 60000);
					eh.registerTxEvent(deployId, (tx, code, block_num) => {
						logger.info('The chaincode instantiate transaction has been committed on peer %s',eh.getPeerAddr());
						logger.info('Transaction %s has status of %s in blocl %s', tx, code, block_num);

						if (code !== 'VALID') {
							let message = until.format('The chaincode instantiate transaction was invalid, code:%s',code);
							reject(new Error(message));
						} else {
							let message = 'The chaincode instantiate transaction was valid.';
					}, (err) => {
						// the default for 'unregister' is true for transaction listeners
						// so no real need to set here, however for 'disconnect'
						// the default is false as most event hubs are long running
						// in this use case we are using it only once
						{unregister: true, disconnect: true}

			var orderer_request = {
				txId: tx_id, // must include the transaction id so that the outbound
				             // transaction to the orderer will be signed by the admin
							 // id as was the proposal above, notice that transactionID
							 // generated above was based on the admin id not the current
							 // user assigned to the 'client' instance.
				proposalResponses: proposalResponses,
				proposal: proposal
			var sendPromise = channel.sendTransaction(orderer_request);
			// put the send to the orderer last so that the events get registered and
			// are ready for the orderering and committing
			let results = await Promise.all(promises);
			logger.debug(util.format('------->>> R E S P O N S E : %j', results));
			let response = results.pop(); //  orderer results are last in the results
			if (response.status === 'SUCCESS') {
				logger.info('Successfully sent transaction to the orderer.');
			} else {
				error_message = util.format('Failed to order the transaction. Error code: %s',response.status);

			// now see what each of the event hubs reported
			for(let i in results) {
				let event_hub_result = results[i];
				let event_hub = event_hubs[i];
				logger.debug('Event results for event hub :%s',event_hub.getPeerAddr());
				if(typeof event_hub_result === 'string') {
				} else {
					if(!error_message) error_message = event_hub_result.toString();
		} else {
			error_message = util.format('Failed to send Proposal and receive all good ProposalResponse');
	} catch (error) {
		logger.error('Failed to send instantiate due to error: ' + error.stack ? error.stack : error);
		error_message = error.toString();

	if (!error_message) {
		let message = util.format(
			'Successfully instantiate chaingcode in organization %s to the channel \'%s\'',
			org_name, channelName);
		// build a response to send back to the REST caller
		let response = {
			success: true,
			message: message
		return response;
	} else {
		let message = util.format('Failed to instantiate. cause:%s',error_message);
		throw new Error(message);
exports.instantiateChaincode = instantiateChaincode;


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