
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On

Imports System.Math

Public Class MatLib
Private Shared Sub Find_R_C(ByVal Mat(,) As Double, ByRef Row As Integer, ByRef Col As Integer)
Row = Mat.GetUpperBound(0)
Col = Mat.GetUpperBound(1)
End Sub

#Region “Add Matrices”
’ Add two matrices, their dimensions should be compatible!
’ Function returns the summation or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Add(ByVal Mat1(,) As Double, ByVal Mat2(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim sol(,) As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim Rows1, Cols1 As Integer
Dim Rows2, Cols2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat1, Rows1, Cols1)
Find_R_C(Mat2, Rows2, Cols2)
If Rows1 <> Rows2 Or Cols1 <> Cols2 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
ReDim sol(Rows1, Cols1)
For i = 0 To Rows1
For j = 0 To Cols1
sol(i, j) = Mat1(i, j) + Mat2(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Return sol

Err.Raise(“5005”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices do not match !”)
If Err.Number = 5005 Then
Err.Raise(“5005”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices do not match !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “One or both of the matrices are null, this operation cannot be done !!”)
End If
End Function
#End Region '矩阵相加

#Region “Subtract Matrices”
’ Subtracts two matrices from each other, their
’ dimensions should be compatible!
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Subtract(ByVal Mat1(,) As Double, ByVal Mat2(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim sol(,) As Double
Dim Rows1, Cols1 As Integer
Dim Rows2, Cols2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat1, Rows1, Cols1)
Find_R_C(Mat2, Rows2, Cols2)
If Rows1 <> Rows2 Or Cols1 <> Cols2 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
ReDim sol(Rows1, Cols1)
For i = 0 To Rows1
For j = 0 To Cols1
sol(i, j) = Mat1(i, j) - Mat2(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Return sol

Err.Raise(“5007”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices do not match !”)

If Err.Number = 5007 Then
Err.Raise(“5007”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices do not match !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “One or both of the matrices are null, this operation cannot be done !!”)
End If
End Function

#End Region ‘矩阵相减
#Region “Multiply Matrices”
’ Multiply two matrices, their dimensions should be compatible!
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Multiply(ByVal Mat1(,) As Double, ByVal Mat2(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim l, i, j As Integer
Dim OptiString As String
Dim sol(,) As Double, MulAdd As Double
Dim Rows1, Cols1 As Integer
Dim Rows2, Cols2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
MulAdd = 0
Find_R_C(Mat1, Rows1, Cols1)
Find_R_C(Mat2, Rows2, Cols2)
If Cols1 <> Rows2 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
ReDim sol(Rows1, Cols2)
For i = 0 To Rows1
For j = 0 To Cols2
For l = 0 To Cols1
MulAdd = MulAdd + Mat1(i, l) * Mat2(l, j)
Next l
sol(i, j) = MulAdd
MulAdd = 0
Next j
Next i
Return sol

Err.Raise(“5009”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices not suitable for multiplication !”)

If Err.Number = 5009 Then
Err.Raise(“5009”, , “Dimensions of the two matrices not suitable for multiplication !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “One or both of the matrices are null, this operation cannot be done !!”)
End If
End Function

#End Region '矩阵相乘

#Region “Determinant of a Matrix”
’ Determinant of a matrix should be (nxn)
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Det(ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double
Dim DArray(,) As Double, S As Integer
Dim k, k1, i, j As Integer
Dim save, ArrayK As Double
Dim M1 As String
Dim Rows, Cols As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
If Rows <> Cols Then GoTo Error_Dimension
S = Rows
Det = 1
DArray = Mat.Clone()
For k = 0 To S
If DArray(k, k) = 0 Then
j = k
Do While ((j < S) And (DArray(k, j) = 0))
j = j + 1
If DArray(k, j) = 0 Then
Det = 0
Exit Function
For i = k To S
save = DArray(i, j)
DArray(i, j) = DArray(i, k)
DArray(i, k) = save
Next i
End If
Det = -Det
End If
ArrayK = DArray(k, k)
Det = Det * ArrayK
If k < S Then
k1 = k + 1
For i = k1 To S
For j = k1 To S
DArray(i, j) = DArray(i, j) - DArray(i, k) * (DArray(k, j) / ArrayK)
Next j
Next i
End If
Exit Function

Err.Raise(“5011”, , “Matrix should be a square matrix !”)

If Err.Number = 5011 Then
Err.Raise(“5011”, , “Matrix should be a square matrix !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “In order to do this operation values must be assigned to the matrix !!”)
End If
End Function

#End Region ‘矩阵的行列式
#Region “Inverse of a Matrix”
’ Inverse of a matrix, should be (nxn) and det(Mat)<>0
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Inv(ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim AI(,) As Double, AIN As Double, AF As Double, _
Mat1(,) As Double
Dim LL As Integer, LLM As Integer, L1 As Integer, _
L2 As Integer, LC As Integer, LCA As Integer, _
LCB As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Rows, Cols As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
If Rows <> Cols Then GoTo Error_Dimension
If Det(Mat) = 0 Then GoTo Error_Zero
LL = Rows
LLM = Cols
Mat1 = Mat.Clone()
ReDim AI(LL, LL)
For L2 = 0 To LL
For L1 = 0 To LL
AI(L1, L2) = 0
AI(L2, L2) = 1
For LC = 0 To LL
If Abs(Mat1(LC, LC)) < 0.0000000001 Then
For LCA = LC + 1 To LL
If LCA = LC Then GoTo 1090
If Abs(Mat1(LC, LCA)) > 0.0000000001 Then
For LCB = 0 To LL
Mat1(LCB, LC) = Mat1(LCB, LC) + Mat1(LCB, LCA)
GoTo 1100
End If
1090: Next
End If

AIN = 1 / Mat1(LC, LC)
For LCA = 0 To LL
Mat1(LCA, LC) = AIN * Mat1(LCA, LC)
For LCA = 0 To LL
If LCA = LC Then GoTo 1150
AF = Mat1(LC, LCA)
For LCB = 0 To LL
Mat1(LCB, LCA) = Mat1(LCB, LCA) - AF * Mat1(LCB, LC)
1150: Next
Return AI

Err.Raise(“5012”, , “Determinent equals zero, inverse can’t be found !”)

Err.Raise(“5014”, , “Matrix should be a square matrix !”)

If Err.Number = 5012 Then
Err.Raise(“5012”, , “Determinent equals zero, inverse can’t be found !”)
ElseIf Err.Number = 5014 Then
Err.Raise(“5014”, , “Matrix should be a square matrix !”)
End If
End Function

#End Region '逆矩阵

#Region “Multiply Vectors”
’ Multiply two vectors, dimensions should be (3x1)
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function MultiplyVectors(ByVal Mat1(,) As Double, ByVal Mat2(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim i, j, k As Double
Dim sol(2, 0) As Double
Dim Rows1, Cols1 As Integer
Dim Rows2, Cols2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat1, Rows1, Cols1)
Find_R_C(Mat2, Rows2, Cols2)
If Rows1 <> 2 Or Cols1 <> 0 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
If Rows2 <> 2 Or Cols2 <> 0 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
i = Mat1(1, 0) * Mat2(2, 0) - Mat1(2, 0) * Mat2(1, 0)
j = Mat1(2, 0) * Mat2(0, 0) - Mat1(0, 0) * Mat2(2, 0)
k = Mat1(0, 0) * Mat2(1, 0) - Mat1(1, 0) * Mat2(0, 0)
sol(0, 0) = i : sol(1, 0) = j : sol(2, 0) = k
Return sol

Err.Raise(“5016”, , “Dimension should be (2 x 0) for both matrices in order to do cross multiplication !”)

If Err.Number = 5016 Then
Err.Raise(“5016”, , “Dimension should be (2 x 0) for both matrices in order to do cross multiplication !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “One or both of the matrices are null, this operation cannot be done !!”)
End If
End Function

#End Region '两个3X1矢量相乘

#Region “Magnitude of a Vector”
’ Magnitude of a Vector, vector should be (3x1)
’ Function returns the solution or errors due to
’ dimensions incompatibility
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function VectorMagnitude(ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double
Dim Rows, Cols As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
If Rows <> 2 Or Cols <> 0 Then
GoTo Error_Dimension
End If
return Sqrt(Mat(0, 0) * Mat(0, 0) + Mat(1, 0) * Mat(1, 0) + Mat(2, 0) * Mat(2, 0))

Err.Raise(“5018”, , “Dimension of the matrix should be (2 x 0) in order to find the vector’s norm !”)

If Err.Number = 5018 Then
Err.Raise(“5018”, , “Dimension of the matrix should be (2 x 0) in order to find the vector’s magnitude !”)
Err.Raise(“5022”, , “In order to do this operation values must be assigned to the matrix !!”)
End If
End Function
#End Region '矢量的长度

#Region “Transpose of a Matrix”
’ Transpose of a matrix
’ Function returns the solution or errors
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function Transpose(ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim Tr_Mat(,) As Double
Dim i, j, Rows, Cols As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
ReDim Tr_Mat(Cols, Rows)
For i = 0 To Cols
For j = 0 To Rows
Tr_Mat(j, i) = Mat(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Return Tr_Mat

Err.Raise(“5028”, , “In order to do this operation values must be assigned to the matrix !!”)
End Function
#End Region '转置(矩)阵

#Region “Multiply a matrix or a vector with a scalar quantity”
’ Multiply a matrix or a vector with a scalar quantity
’ Function returns the solution or errors
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function ScalarMultiply(ByVal Value As Double, ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim i, j, Rows, Cols As Integer
Dim sol(,) As Double
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
ReDim sol(Rows, Cols)
For i = 0 To Rows
For j = 0 To Cols
sol(i, j) = Mat(i, j) * Value
Next j
Next i
Return (sol)

Err.Raise(“5022”, , “Matrix was not assigned”)
End Function

#End Region '数乘矩阵

#Region “Divide a matrix or a vector with a scalar quantity”
’ Divide matrix elements or a vector by a scalar quantity
’ Function returns the solution or errors
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function ScalarDivide(ByVal Value As Double, ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As Double(,)
Dim i, j, Rows, Cols As Integer
Dim sol(,) As Double
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Find_R_C(Mat, Rows, Cols)
ReDim sol(Rows, Cols)
For i = 0 To Rows
For j = 0 To Cols
sol(i, j) = Mat(i, j) / Value
Next j
Next i
Return sol
Exit Function

Err.Raise(“5022”, , “Matrix was not assigned”)
End Function

#End Region '矩阵除以常数

#Region “Print Matrix”
’ Print a matrix to multitext text box
’ Function returns the solution or errors
’ Example:
’ Check Main Form !!
Public Shared Function PrintMat(ByVal Mat(,) As Double) As String
Dim N_Rows As Integer, N_Columns, k As Integer, _
i As Integer, j As Integer, m As Integer
Dim StrElem As String, StrLen As Long, _
Greatest() As Integer, LarString As String
Dim OptiString As String, sol As String
Find_R_C(Mat, N_Rows, N_Columns)
sol = “”
OptiString = “”
ReDim Greatest(N_Columns)
For i = 0 To N_Rows
For j = 0 To N_Columns
If i = 0 Then
Greatest(j) = 0
For m = 0 To N_Rows
StrElem = Format ( M a t ( m , j ) , " 0.0000 " ) S t r L e n = L e n ( S t r E l e m ) I f G r e a t e s t ( j ) < S t r L e n T h e n G r e a t e s t ( j ) = S t r L e n L a r S t r i n g = S t r E l e m E n d I f N e x t m I f M i d (Mat(m, j), "0.0000") StrLen = Len(StrElem) If Greatest(j) < StrLen Then Greatest(j) = StrLen LarString = StrElem End If Next m If Mid (Mat(m,j),"0.0000")StrLen=Len(StrElem)IfGreatest(j)<StrLenThenGreatest(j)=StrLenLarString=StrElemEndIfNextmIfMid(LarString, 1, 1) = “-” Then Greatest(j) = Greatest(j) + 1
End If
StrElem = Format ( M a t ( i , j ) , " 0.0000 " ) I f M i d (Mat(i, j), "0.0000") If Mid (Mat(i,j),"0.0000")IfMid(StrElem, 1, 1) = “-” Then
StrLen = Len(StrElem)
If Greatest(j) >= StrLen Then
For k = 1 To (Greatest(j) - StrLen)
OptiString = OptiString & " "
Next k
OptiString = OptiString & " "
End If
StrLen = Len(StrElem)
If Greatest(j) > StrLen Then
For k = 1 To (Greatest(j) - StrLen)
OptiString = OptiString & " "
Next k
End If
End If
OptiString = OptiString & " " & Format$(Mat(i, j), “0.0000”)
Next j
If i <> N_Rows Then
sol = sol & OptiString & vbCrLf
OptiString = “”
End If
sol = sol & OptiString
OptiString = “”
Next i
PrintMat = sol
Exit Function
End Function
#End Region '输出矩阵

End Class

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