K3 装配日志(BOS插件)


'定义 BillEvent 接口. 必须具有的声明, 以此来获得事件
Private WithEvents m_BillInterface  As BillEvent
Private timetype As Integer
Private currentday As Date
Private currentdate As Variant
Public Sub Show(ByVal oBillInterface As Object)
    'BillEvent 接口实现
    '注意: 此方法必须存在, 请勿修改
    Set m_BillInterface = oBillInterface
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    '注意: 此方法必须存在, 请勿修改
    Set m_BillInterface = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub m_BillInterface_AddNewRow(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal NewRow As Long)
 Dim currentday As Date
 Dim nrow As Integer
 Dim rows As Integer
' rows = m_BillInterface.Data("page2").Size '获取总行数
 nrow = NewRow
 currentday = Date
 currentdate = currentday - 1 & " " & VBA.CDate("00:00:00")

m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime", CDate(currentdate), nrow
m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime1", CDate(currentdate), nrow
End Sub

Private Sub m_BillInterface_AfterNewBill()

 Dim skey As String
 Dim sValue As String
 Dim dtValue As Date

 skey = m_BillInterface.TableInfo("Map")("fdate") '获取KEY值
 sValue = m_BillInterface.Data("page1")(skey)("FFLD") '获取字段数值

 If Len(sValue) > 0 Then
   dtValue = CDate(sValue) '转换成日期
 End If
 If Month(dtValue) >= 5 And Month(dtValue) <= 10 Then
' MsgBox "夏令时"
 m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "FComboBox", 0 '测试单据中是FComboBox1
 timetype = 0
 m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "FComboBox", 1
 timetype = 1
' MsgBox "冬令时"
 End If


 currentday = Date
 currentdate = currentday - 1 & " " & VBA.CDate("00:00:00")
m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "FDate", CDate(currentday - 1)
m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime", CDate(currentdate)
m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime1", CDate(currentdate)
m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "FDecimal", "0"
'm_BillInterface.BillEntrys(1).MaxRows = 500 '最大行设为500
End Sub
Private Sub m_BillInterface_Change(ByVal dct As KFO.IDictionary, ByVal dctFld As KFO.IDictionary, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long, Cancel As Boolean)


Dim oHeads As K3ClassEvents.BillHeads '单据头集合
Dim oHead As K3ClassEvents.BillHead '单据头对象
Dim oEntrys As K3ClassEvents.BillEntrys '单据体集合
Dim oEntry As K3ClassEvents.BillEntry '单据体对象
Dim oFields As K3ClassEvents.BOSFields '字段集合
Dim oField As K3ClassEvents.BOSField '字段
Dim dtValue As Date
Dim skey As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim startDate As Date
Dim endDate As Date
Dim duration As Single
Dim diffDay As Integer
Dim startH As Integer, startMi As Integer, endH As Integer, endMi As Integer
Dim OvertimeType As Integer
Dim starttime As Variant
Dim endtime As Variant
Dim time1 As Variant, time2 As Variant, time3 As Variant
Set oHeads = m_BillInterface.BillHeads
Set oEntrys = m_BillInterface.BillEntrys
Set oHead = oHeads(1) '第一个单据头
Set oEntry = oEntrys(1) '第一个单据体


Set oFields = oHead.BOSFields
Set oField = oFields("Fdate")

 If Len(oField.Value) > 0 Then
   dtValue = CDate(oField.Value) '转换成日期
 End If

Set oFields = oHead.BOSFields
Set oField = oFields("FComboBox")

 If Month(dtValue) >= 5 And Month(dtValue) <= 10 Then
' MsgBox "夏令时"
 oField.Value = 0
 timetype = 0
 oField.Value = 1
 timetype = 1
' MsgBox "冬令时"
 End If


With m_BillInterface

If Row = .Data("page2").Size Then  '判断当前行是否最后一行

    skey = .TableInfo("Map")("Ftime") '获取KEY值
    sValue = .Data("page2")(Row)(skey)("FFLD")   '获取单据体字段数值

     If Len(sValue) > 0 Then
       startDate = CDate(sValue) '转换成日期
     End If
     startH = Hour(startDate)
     startMi = Minute(startDate)

    skey = .TableInfo("Map")("Ftime1") '获取KEY值
    sValue = .Data("page2")(Row)(skey)("FFLD")   '获取单据体字段数值

     If Len(sValue) > 0 Then
       endDate = CDate(sValue) '转换成日期
     End If
     endH = Hour(endDate)
     endMi = Minute(endDate)
    skey = .TableInfo("Map")("FCheckBox") '获取KEY值
    sValue = .Data("page2")(Row)(skey)("FFLD")   '获取单据体字段数值
    OvertimeType = VBA.CInt(sValue)
   starttime = TimeSerial(startH, startMi, 0)
   endtime = TimeSerial(endH, endMi, 0)

''   ,时间段跨中午时,扣减中午休息时间,“中午加班”复选框打勾,则不扣减
'    diffDay = DateDiff("d", startDate, endDate)
    If endH > 0 Or (endH = 0 And endMi > 0) Then '判断只有结束时间的小时大于0时才进行计算
   If startDate > endDate Then
     MsgBox "结束时间不能小与开始时间", vbOKOnly, "提示"
     GoTo out
   End If
    If timetype = 0 Then '夏

     time1 = TimeSerial(11, 29, 59)
     time2 = TimeSerial(13, 0, 1)
     If starttime > time1 And endtime < time2 Then '在休息时间内的
       result = MsgBox("请确认是否是加班时间", vbYesNo, "提示")
       If result = 6 Then 'yes
       duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 1
       ElseIf result = 7 Then 'no
       m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime1", CDate(currentdate)
       GoTo out
       End If
     ElseIf starttime <= time1 And endtime >= time2 Then '跨休息时间的,要扣减
      duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24 - 90
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
'       MsgBox "扣减"
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 0
     Else '其他情况的 比如开始或结束时间在休息时间段内的
        duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 0
     End If

    ElseIf timetype = 1 Then  '冬

     time1 = TimeSerial(11, 29, 59)
     time2 = TimeSerial(12, 30, 1)
     If starttime > time1 And endtime < time2 Then '在休息时间内的
       result = MsgBox("请确认是否是加班时间", vbYesNo, "提示")
       If result = 6 Then 'yes
       duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 1
       ElseIf result = 7 Then 'no
       m_BillInterface.SetFieldValue "Ftime1", CDate(currentdate)
       GoTo out
       End If
     ElseIf starttime <= time1 And endtime >= time2 Then '跨休息时间的,要扣减
      duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24 - 60
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
'       MsgBox "扣减"
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 0
     Else '其他情况的 比如开始或结束时间在休息时间段内的
        duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
       .SetFieldValue "FDecimal1", duration / 60
       .SetFieldValue "FCheckBox", 0
     End If

'    End If
'''   '直接通过“中午加班”来判断是否扣减
'''    If OvertimeType = 1 Then '中午加班不扣减
'''        duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24
'''         .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
'''    ElseIf OvertimeType = 0 Then
'''       If timetype = 0 Then  '夏
'''         duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24 - 90
'''         .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
'''       ElseIf timetype = 1 Then  '冬
'''         duration = (endDate - startDate) * 60 * 24 - 60
'''         .SetFieldValue "FDecimal", duration
'''    End If

    End If
  End If

End If

End With

End Sub

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