Error creating bean with name ‘formContentFilter‘ defined in class path resource

在尝试启动Spring Boot应用时遇到ApplicationContextException,导致无法启动内嵌的Tomcat服务器。错误追踪显示Bean 'formContentFilter'创建失败,原因在于JavaTimeModule实例化时的问题,具体是NoClassDefFoundError,提到的类为com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.ser.ZoneIdSerializer。这可能是由于依赖冲突或者Jackson库版本不匹配所引起的。

ntext.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start web server; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerException: Unable to start embedded Tomcat
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.onRefresh( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at ~[spring-context-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.refresh( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh( [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh( [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refreshContext( [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at [spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at com.example.demo.DemoApplication.main( [classes/:na]
Caused by: org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerException: Unable to start embedded Tomcat
at org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer.initialize( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer.( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatServletWebServerFactory.getTomcatWebServer( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatServletWebServerFactory.getWebServer( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.createWebServer( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.onRefresh( ~[spring-boot-2.4.0.jar:2.4.0]
… 9 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘formContentFilter’ defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/web/servlet/WebMvcAutoConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.filter.OrderedFormContentFilter]: Factory method ‘formContentFilter’ threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype/jsr310/ser/ZoneIdSerializer
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.1.jar:5.3.1]
at$doGetBean 0 ( A b s t r a c t B e a n F a c t o r y . j a v a : 335 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.3.1. j a r : 5.3.1 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b e a n s . f a c t o r y . s u p p o r t . D e f a u l t S i n g l e t o n B e a n R e g i s t r y . g e t S i n g l e t o n ( D e f a u l t S i n g l e t o n B e a n R e g i s t r y . j a v a : 234 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.3.1. j a r : 5.3.1 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b e a n s . f a c t o r y . s u p p o r t . A b s t r a c t B e a n F a c t o r y . d o G e t B e a n ( A b s t r a c t B e a n F a c t o r y . j a v a : 333 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.3.1. j a r : 5.3.1 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b e a n s . f a c t o r y . s u p p o r t . A b s t r a c t B e a n F a c t o r y . g e t B e a n ( A b s t r a c t B e a n F a c t o r y . j a v a : 213 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.3.1. j a r : 5.3.1 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . w e b . s e r v l e t . S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . g e t O r d e r e d B e a n s O f T y p e ( S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . j a v a : 212 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.4.0. j a r : 2.4.0 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . w e b . s e r v l e t . S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . a d d A s R e g i s t r a t i o n B e a n ( S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . j a v a : 175 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.4.0. j a r : 2.4.0 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . w e b . s e r v l e t . S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . a d d A s R e g i s t r a t i o n B e a n ( S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . j a v a : 170 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.4.0. j a r : 2.4.0 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . w e b . s e r v l e t . S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . a d d A d a p t a b l e B e a n s ( S e r v l e t C o n t e x t I n i t i a l i z e r B e a n s . j a v a : 155 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.4.0. j a r : 2.4.0 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . w e b . s e r v l e t . S e r v l e t C o

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