今天coding时发现这个知识点掌握得不牢固,故现写这篇博客记录一下自己看C++ Primer Plus学习Lambda表达式的笔记。
Lambda表达式:就地匿名/非匿名定义目标函数或函数对象,不需要额外写一个命名函数或函数对象。对于使用谓词的STL算法来说,Lambda表达式能在此处起大作用!(就地定义你想要的谓词,而不用通过翻阅上下文代码找到对应的函数对象,是不是稍微沉思一会儿你也觉得这种语法十分令人激动呢?please continue your reading)。
//若你return; or 根本无return语句,则默认返回值类型为void
auto LambdaFuncName = [capture](params){LambdaFuncBodyCode;};
//若你return; or 根本无return语句,则默认返回值类型为void
auto LambdaFuncName = [capture](params)->retVarType{LambdaFuncBodyCode;};
[] {
if (1 == 1)return true;
return false;
//相当于 ==>
[](void)->bool {
if (1 == 1)return true;
return false;
[] - 不捕捉任何变量(当你不想捕获外部作用域的任何变量时,就可以直接用[]开头来写Lambda表达式)
[&] - 捕获外部作用域中所有变量,并作为引用在函数体内使用
[=] - 捕获外部作用域中所有变量,并作为副本在函数体内使用 (按值捕获)
[=, &var] - 按值捕获外部作用域中所有变量(但在Lambda内部是只读不可写的),并按照引用捕获外部变量var
[var] - 按值捕获 var变量,同时不捕获其他变量
[&var] - 按引用捕获 var变量,同时不捕获其他变量
[this] - 捕获当前类中的 this 指针
(如果已经使用了 & 或者 =, 默认添加此选项)
class Person
int m_Age;
void showInfo(int x, int y)
auto x1 = [] {return m_Age; }; // error
auto x2 = [=] {return m_Age + x + y; }; // ok
auto x3 = [&] {return m_Age + x + y; }; // ok
auto x4 = [this] {return m_Age; }; // ok
auto x5 = [this] {return m_Age + x + y; }; // error
auto x6 = [this, x, y] {return m_Age + x + y; }; // ok
auto x7 = [this] {return m_Age++; }; // ok
x1:错误,没有捕获外部变量,so当然就不能使用类成员变量 m_Age
x4:正确,捕获 this 指针,可访问类内部的成员
x5:错误,捕获 this 指针,虽可访问类内部的成员,但由于没有捕获到外部的变量x和y,因此不能访问他们
x6:正确,捕获 this 指针,x和y
x7:正确,捕获 this 指针,并且可以修改类对象内部变量的值
using namespace std;
void mprint(int val) {
cout << val << "\t";
bool f3(int x) { return x % 3 == 0; }
bool f13(int x) { return x % 13 == 0; }
class f_mod {
int dv;
f_mod(int d):dv(d){}
bool operator()(int x) { return x % dv == 0; }
int main(void) {
vector<int> nums(10,0);
for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(),mprint);
cout << endl;
std::generate(nums.begin(), nums.end(), std::rand);//产生10个随机数并赋值给nums
for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), mprint);
cout << endl;
auto cnt3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), f3);
auto cnt13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), f13);
cout << "Way 1\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cnt3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cnt13 << endl;
f_mod obj3(3);
f_mod obj13(13);
auto cn2t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), obj3);
auto cn2t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), obj13);
cout << "Way 2\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cn2t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cn2t13 << endl;
auto cn3t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), f_mod(3));
auto cn3t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), f_mod(13));
cout << "Way 3\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cn3t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cn3t13 << endl;
auto cn4t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x)->bool {return x % 3 == 0; });
auto cn4t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x)->bool {return x % 13 == 0; });
cout << "Way 4\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cn4t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cn4t13 << endl;
auto cn5t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x) {return x % 3 == 0; });
auto cn5t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x) {return x % 13 == 0; });
cout << "Way 5\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cn5t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cn5t13 << endl;
auto mod3 = [](int x) {return x % 3 == 0; }; //名为mod3的Lambda表达式(函数)
auto mod13 = [](int x) {return x % 13 == 0; };//名为mod13的Lambda表达式(函数)
auto cn6t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), mod3);
auto cn6t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), mod13);
//auto res = mod13(14);你甚至可以把Lambda表达式就当作一个函数那样去使用!
//cout << res << endl;
cout << "Way 6\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << cn6t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << cn6t13 << endl;
int coun7t3 = 0, coun7t13 = 0;
auto cn7t3 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x)->bool {return x % 3 == 0; });
auto cn7t13 = count_if(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int x)->bool {return x % 13 == 0; });
for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [&coun7t3, &coun7t13](int x) {
coun7t3 += (x % 3 == 0);
coun7t13 += (x % 13 == 0);
cout << "Way 7\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << coun7t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << coun7t13 << endl;
int coun8t3 = 0, coun8t13 = 0;
for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [&](int x) {
coun8t3 += (x % 3 == 0);
coun8t13 += (x % 13 == 0);
cout << "Way 8\nCount of numbers divisible by 3: " << coun8t3 << endl;
cout << "Count of numbers divisible by 13: " << coun8t13 << endl;
return 0;