





tar  -xvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.7.5.tgz -C /usr/local/src


  • 根据需求修改,域名为 harbor.haostack.com 已经做解析
[root@harbor26 harbor]# more harbor.cfg 
## Configuration file of Harbor

#This attribute is for migrator to detect the version of the .cfg file, DO NOT MODIFY!
_version = 1.7.0
#The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service.
#DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients.
#DO NOT comment out this line, modify the value of "hostname" directly, or the installation will fail.
hostname = harbor.haostack.com      #修改域名访问

#The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http.
#It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx.
ui_url_protocol = http

#Maximum number of job workers in job service  
max_job_workers = 10 

#Determine whether or not to generate certificate for the registry's token.
#If the value is on, the prepare script creates new root cert and private key 
#for generating token to access the registry. If the value is off the default key/cert will be used.
#This flag also controls the creation of the notary signer's cert.
customize_crt = on

#The path of cert and key files for nginx, they are applied only the protocol is set to https
ssl_cert = /data/cert/server.crt       #指向crt目录
ssl_cert_key = /data/cert/server.key   #指向key目录

#The path of secretkey storage
secretkey_path = /data  #key目录

#Admiral's url, comment this attribute, or set its value to NA when Harbor is standalone
admiral_url = NA

#Log files are rotated log_rotate_count times before being removed. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.


[root@harbor26 harbor]# ./install.sh 

[Step 0]: checking installation environment ...

Note: docker version: 19.03.11
✖ Need to install docker-compose(1.7.1+) by yourself first and run this script again.
[root@harbor26 harbor]# 

#提示需要安装docker compose


  • 需要提前准备好epel.repo
yum install docker-compose


Creating harbor-adminserver ... done
Creating harbor-core ... done
[Step 4]: starting Harbor ...
Creating harbor-portal ... done
Creating nginx ... done
Creating registryctl ... 
Creating registry ... 
Creating harbor-db ... 
Creating harbor-adminserver ... 
Creating redis ... 
Creating harbor-core ... 
Creating harbor-portal ... 
Creating harbor-jobservice ... 
Creating nginx ... 

✔ ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----

Now you should be able to visit the admin portal at http://harbor.haostack.com. 
For more details, please visit https://github.com/goharbor/harbor .

[root@harbor26 ~]# docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9
docker-py version: 2.6.1
CPython version: 3.6.8
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips  26 Jan 2017
[root@harbor26 ~]# 

1.6 安装完成

[root@harbor26 ~]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                                                              NAMES
f3cc403571d2        goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.7.5             "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4443/tcp   nginx
93e933be9ef3        goharbor/harbor-portal:v1.7.5            "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   80/tcp                                                             harbor-portal
f66be3c9b2ac        goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v1.7.5        "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks                                                                                harbor-jobservice
cc138a760e96        goharbor/harbor-core:v1.7.5              "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      harbor-core
11cb7e87a576        goharbor/harbor-db:v1.7.5                "/entrypoint.sh post…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   5432/tcp                                                           harbor-db
32a558c54ea5        goharbor/harbor-adminserver:v1.7.5       "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      harbor-adminserver
68eceea988b5        goharbor/registry-photon:v2.6.2-v1.7.5   "/entrypoint.sh /etc…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   5000/tcp                                                           registry
3b1d7ef4fb36        goharbor/redis-photon:v1.7.5             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks             6379/tcp                                                           redis
9f79b4061144        goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v1.7.5       "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      registryctl
ef6d75c54679        goharbor/harbor-log:v1.7.5               "/bin/sh -c /usr/loc…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)>10514/tcp                                          harbor-log
[root@harbor26 ~]# 


  • 用户名 admin
  • 密码 Harbor12345 (默认)




[root@node13 docker_data]# more /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
Description=Docker Application Container Engine
After=network-online.target firewalld.service containerd.service

# the default is not to use systemd for cgroups because the delegate issues still
# exists and systemd currently does not support the cgroup feature set required
# for containers run by docker
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock --insecure-registry=harbor.haostack.com
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID


[root@harbor26 harbor]# systemctl  daemon-reload
[root@harbor26 harbor]# systemctl  restart docker
[root@harbor26 harbor]# 


//先登录仓库 harbor.haostack.com
root@harbor25 tmp]# docker login harbor.haostack.com
Username: admin
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
[root@harbor25 tmp]# 


root@harbor25 tmp]# docker tag nginx:v1 harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx:v1
[root@harbor25 tmp]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
nginx                                  latest              4392e5dad77d        39 hours ago        132MB
nginx                                  v1                  4392e5dad77d        39 hours ago        132MB
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx   v1                  4392e5dad77d        39 hours ago        132MB
[root@harbor25 tmp]# docker push harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx:v1
The push refers to repository [harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx]
787328500ad5: Pushed 
077ae58ac205: Pushed 
8c7fd6263c1f: Pushed 
d9c0b16c8d5b: Pushed 
ffc9b21953f4: Pushed 
v1: digest: sha256:d9002da0297bcd0909b394c26bd0fc9d8c466caf2b7396f58948cac5318d0d0b size: 1362

1. 11.验证镜像


1.12 下载镜像

  • 从其他客户端测试下载镜像
-#需要先修改配置文件指向 harbor.haostack.com
After=network-online.target firewalld.service containerd.service

# the default is not to use systemd for cgroups because the delegate issues still
# exists and systemd currently does not support the cgroup feature set required
# for containers run by docker
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock --insecure-registry=harbor.haostack.com
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID

[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker pull harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx:v1
v1: Pulling from baseimages/nginx
afb6ec6fdc1c: Pull complete 
dd3ac8106a0b: Pull complete 
8de28bdda69b: Pull complete 
a2c431ac2669: Pull complete 
e070d03fd1b5: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:d9002da0297bcd0909b394c26bd0fc9d8c466caf2b7396f58948cac5318d0d0b
Status: Downloaded newer image for harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx:v1
[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx   v1                  4392e5dad77d        39 hours ago        132MB
goharbor/chartmuseum-photon            v0.8.1-v1.7.5       ca910ae935e8        14 months ago       113MB
goharbor/harbor-migrator               v1.7.5              326685e45678        14 months ago       679MB
goharbor/redis-photon                  v1.7.5              6886d1b5b009        14 months ago       101MB
goharbor/clair-photon                  v2.0.8-v1.7.5       970bdadc8995        14 months ago       164MB
goharbor/notary-server-photon          v0.6.1-v1.7.5       667b2f0fb68d        14 months ago       135MB
goharbor/notary-signer-photon          v0.6.1-v1.7.5       9ea20ae211bc        14 months ago       132MB
goharbor/harbor-registryctl            v1.7.5              b5781fe85ba3        14 months ago       102MB
goharbor/registry-photon               v2.6.2-v1.7.5       789d7a921303        14 months ago       86.7MB
goharbor/nginx-photon                  v1.7.5              172196970055        14 months ago       35.9MB
goharbor/harbor-log                    v1.7.5              26784a32e151        14 months ago       81.4MB
goharbor/harbor-jobservice             v1.7.5              0755114a9c68        14 months ago       84.1MB
goharbor/harbor-core                   v1.7.5              86925c0ee5d5        14 months ago       95.6MB
goharbor/harbor-portal                 v1.7.5              9a9082e62030        14 months ago       40.6MB
goharbor/harbor-adminserver            v1.7.5              b2afe190593f        14 months ago       72.3MB
goharbor/harbor-db                     v1.7.5              c1226370ffaa        14 months ago       138MB
[root@harbor25 harbor]# 


2.1 开始安装

tar  -xvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.7.5.tgz -C /usr/local/src

2.2 harbor.cnf配置

  • 根据需求修改,域名为 harbor25.haostack.com 已经做解析
[root@harbor25 certs]#  more /usr/local/src/harbor/harbor.cfg
## Configuration file of Harbor

#This attribute is for migrator to detect the version of the .cfg file, DO NOT MODIFY!
_version = 1.7.0
#The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service.
#DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients.
#DO NOT comment out this line, modify the value of "hostname" directly, or the installation will fail.
hostname = harbor25.haostack.com   #指向域名

#The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http.
#It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx.
ui_url_protocol = https   #https访问

#Maximum number of job workers in job service  
max_job_workers = 10 

#Determine whether or not to generate certificate for the registry's token.
#If the value is on, the prepare script creates new root cert and private key 
#for generating token to access the registry. If the value is off the default key/cert will be used.
#This flag also controls the creation of the notary signer's cert.
customize_crt = on

#The path of cert and key files for nginx, they are applied only the protocol is set to https
#ssl_cert = /data/cert/server.crt
ssl_cert = /usr/local/src/harbor/certs/harbor-ca.crt
#ssl_cert_key = /data/cert/server.key   #证书目录
ssl_cert_key = /usr/local/src/harbor/certs/harbor-ca.key    #证书目录

#The path of secretkey storage
secretkey_path = /usr/local/src/harbor/certs

#Admiral's url, comment this attribute, or set its value to NA when Harbor is standalone
admiral_url = NA

#Log files are rotated log_rotate_count times before being removed. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.
log_rotate_count = 50
#Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger than log_rotate_size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes. 
#If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100G 
#are all valid.
log_rotate_size = 200M

#Config http proxy for Clair, e.g. http://my.proxy.com:3128
#Clair doesn't need to connect to harbor internal components via http proxy.
http_proxy =
https_proxy =
no_proxy =,localhost,core,registry

#only take effect in the first boot, the subsequent changes of these properties 
#should be performed on web ui

#************************BEGIN INITIAL PROPERTIES************************

#Email account settings for sending out password resetting emails.

#Email server uses the given username and password to authenticate on TLS connections to host and act as identity.
#Identity left blank to act as username.
email_identity = 

email_server = smtp.mydomain.com
email_server_port = 25
email_username = sample_admin@mydomain.com
email_password = abc
email_from = admin <sample_admin@mydomain.com>
email_ssl = false
email_insecure = false

##The initial password of Harbor admin, only works for the first time when Harbor starts. 
#It has no effect after the first launch of Harbor.
#Change the admin password from UI after launching Harbor.
harbor_admin_password = Harbor12345

##By default the auth mode is db_auth, i.e. the credentials are stored in a local database.
#Set it to ldap_auth if you want to verify a user's credentials against an LDAP server.
auth_mode = db_auth

#The url for an ldap endpoint.
ldap_url = ldaps://ldap.mydomain.com

#A user's DN who has the permission to search the LDAP/AD server. 
#If your LDAP/AD server does not support anonymous search, you should configure this DN and ldap_search_pwd.
#ldap_searchdn = uid=searchuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com

#the password of the ldap_searchdn
#ldap_search_pwd = password

#The base DN from which to look up a user in LDAP/AD
ldap_basedn = ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com

#Search filter for LDAP/AD, make sure the syntax of the filter is correct.
#ldap_filter = (objectClass=person)

# The attribute used in a search to match a user, it could be uid, cn, email, sAMAccountName or other attributes depending on your LDAP/AD  
ldap_uid = uid 

#the scope to search for users, 0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE
ldap_scope = 2 

#Timeout (in seconds)  when connecting to an LDAP Server. The default value (and most reasonable) is 5 seconds.
ldap_timeout = 5

#Verify certificate from LDAP server
ldap_verify_cert = true

#The base dn from which to lookup a group in LDAP/AD
ldap_group_basedn = ou=group,dc=mydomain,dc=com

#filter to search LDAP/AD group
ldap_group_filter = objectclass=group

#The attribute used to name a LDAP/AD group, it could be cn, name
ldap_group_gid = cn

#The scope to search for ldap groups. 0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE
ldap_group_scope = 2

#Turn on or off the self-registration feature
self_registration = on

#The expiration time (in minute) of token created by token service, default is 30 minutes
token_expiration = 30

#The flag to control what users have permission to create projects
#The default value "everyone" allows everyone to creates a project. 
#Set to "adminonly" so that only admin user can create project.
project_creation_restriction = everyone

#************************END INITIAL PROPERTIES************************

#######Harbor DB configuration section#######

#The address of the Harbor database. Only need to change when using external db.
db_host = postgresql

#The password for the root user of Harbor DB. Change this before any production use.
db_password = root123

#The port of Harbor database host
db_port = 5432

#The user name of Harbor database
db_user = postgres

##### End of Harbor DB configuration#######

##########Redis server configuration.############

#Redis connection address
redis_host = redis

#Redis connection port
redis_port = 6379

#Redis connection password
redis_password = 

#Redis connection db index
#db_index 1,2,3 is for registry, jobservice and chartmuseum. 
#db_index 0 is for UI, it's unchangeable
redis_db_index = 1,2,3

########## End of Redis server configuration ############

##########Clair DB configuration############

#Clair DB host address. Only change it when using an exteral DB.
clair_db_host = postgresql
#The password of the Clair's postgres database. Only effective when Harbor is deployed with Clair.
#Please update it before deployment. Subsequent update will cause Clair's API server and Harbor unable to access Clair's database.
clair_db_password = root123
#Clair DB connect port
clair_db_port = 5432
#Clair DB username
clair_db_username = postgres
#Clair default database
clair_db = postgres

#The interval of clair updaters, the unit is hour, set to 0 to disable the updaters.
clair_updaters_interval = 12

##########End of Clair DB configuration############

#The following attributes only need to be set when auth mode is uaa_auth
uaa_endpoint = uaa.mydomain.org
uaa_clientid = id
uaa_clientsecret = secret
uaa_verify_cert = true
uaa_ca_cert = /path/to/ca.pem

### Harbor Storage settings ###
#Please be aware that the following storage settings will be applied to both docker registry and helm chart repository.
#registry_storage_provider can be: filesystem, s3, gcs, azure, etc.
registry_storage_provider_name = filesystem
#registry_storage_provider_config is a comma separated "key: value" pairs, e.g. "key1: value, key2: value2".
#To avoid duplicated configurations, both docker registry and chart repository follow the same storage configuration specifications of docker registry.
#Refer to https://docs.docker.com/registry/configuration/#storage for all available configuration.
registry_storage_provider_config =
#registry_custom_ca_bundle is the path to the custom root ca certificate, which will be injected into the truststore
#of registry's and chart repository's containers.  This is usually needed when the user hosts a internal storage with self signed certificate.
registry_custom_ca_bundle = 

#If reload_config=true, all settings which present in harbor.cfg take effect after prepare and restart harbor, it overwrites exsiting settings.
#Regular expression to match skipped environment variables
[root@harbor25 certs]# 

Generated configuration file: ./common/config/core/app.conf
Creating harbor-log ... done
The configuration files are ready, please use docker-compose to start the service.

[Step 3]: checking existing instance of Harbor ...
Creating registry ... done
Creating harbor-core ... done
[Step 4]: starting Harbor ...
Creating harbor-portal ... done
Creating nginx ... done
Creating registryctl ... 
Creating harbor-db ... 
Creating harbor-adminserver ... 
Creating registry ... 
Creating redis ... 
Creating harbor-core ... 
Creating harbor-jobservice ... 
Creating harbor-portal ... 
Creating nginx ... 

✔ ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----

Now you should be able to visit the admin portal at http://harbor25.haostack.com. 
For more details, please visit https://github.com/goharbor/harbor .


2.3 安装完成

  • 查看容器
[root@harbor25 certs]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                                                              NAMES
e4199abf0fa3        goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.7.5             "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4443/tcp   nginx
8bdb5a7bef5f        goharbor/harbor-portal:v1.7.5            "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   80/tcp                                                             harbor-portal
7c865b845c60        goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v1.7.5        "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks                                                                                harbor-jobservice
5e53bf0da3f8        goharbor/harbor-core:v1.7.5              "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      harbor-core
472a7329034a        goharbor/harbor-db:v1.7.5                "/entrypoint.sh post…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   5432/tcp                                                           harbor-db
e2a8f5e6faa0        goharbor/harbor-adminserver:v1.7.5       "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      harbor-adminserver
450ac364f681        goharbor/registry-photon:v2.6.2-v1.7.5   "/entrypoint.sh /etc…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)   5000/tcp                                                           registry
2dcd38beeb52        goharbor/redis-photon:v1.7.5             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks             6379/tcp                                                           redis
21153d5f9cc1        goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v1.7.5       "/harbor/start.sh"       6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)                                                                      registryctl
cb21ef495dde        goharbor/harbor-log:v1.7.5               "/bin/sh -c /usr/loc…"   6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks (healthy)>10514/tcp                                          harbor-log
[root@harbor25 certs]# 

2.4 登录harbor

  • 用户名 admin
  • 密码 Harbor12345 (默认)


  • harbor.haostack.com和harbor25.haostack.com 实现高可用

3.1 高可用复制功能配置

3.1.1 仓库管理
  • 创建仓库 baseimages
3.1.2 复制管理配置
  • 同步baseimages这个项目
3.1.3 验证复制任务


3.1.4 在harbor25上验证,同步完成


  • 镜像 centos:7.2.1511
//docker.io 上下载一个镜像
[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker pull centos:7.2.1511
7.2.1511: Pulling from library/centos
a8c7037c15e9: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:50cca1e74da4b6a4eb4ade029c8fdd4ee8564776801914d9bd89df8c6344add0
Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:7.2.1511
[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/nginx   v1                  4392e5dad77d        40 hours ago        132MB
goharbor/chartmuseum-photon            v0.8.1-v1.7.5       ca910ae935e8        14 months ago       113MB
goharbor/harbor-migrator               v1.7.5              326685e45678        14 months ago       679MB
goharbor/redis-photon                  v1.7.5              6886d1b5b009        14 months ago       101MB
goharbor/clair-photon                  v2.0.8-v1.7.5       970bdadc8995        14 months ago       164MB
goharbor/notary-server-photon          v0.6.1-v1.7.5       667b2f0fb68d        14 months ago       135MB
goharbor/notary-signer-photon          v0.6.1-v1.7.5       9ea20ae211bc        14 months ago       132MB
goharbor/harbor-registryctl            v1.7.5              b5781fe85ba3        14 months ago       102MB
goharbor/registry-photon               v2.6.2-v1.7.5       789d7a921303        14 months ago       86.7MB
goharbor/nginx-photon                  v1.7.5              172196970055        14 months ago       35.9MB
goharbor/harbor-log                    v1.7.5              26784a32e151        14 months ago       81.4MB
goharbor/harbor-jobservice             v1.7.5              0755114a9c68        14 months ago       84.1MB
goharbor/harbor-core                   v1.7.5              86925c0ee5d5        14 months ago       95.6MB
goharbor/harbor-portal                 v1.7.5              9a9082e62030        14 months ago       40.6MB
goharbor/harbor-adminserver            v1.7.5              b2afe190593f        14 months ago       72.3MB
goharbor/harbor-db                     v1.7.5              c1226370ffaa        14 months ago       138MB
centos                                 7.2.1511            9aec5c5fe4ba        14 months ago       195MB

[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker login harbor.haostack.com
Authenticating with existing credentials...
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
[root@harbor25 harbor]# docker push  harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/centos:7.2.1511
The push refers to repository [harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/centos]
a11c91bfd866: Pushed 
7.2.1511: digest: sha256:4516078f48ca34907ed8f874005473059dc29d46745d139c7cea85e3d474f4fb size: 529
[root@harbor25 harbor]# 

3.1.6 验证复制功能
  • 需要在harbor25上验证,已经同步








5.1 harbor25主机上配置https证书

5.1.1 创建证书目录
[root@harbor25 certs]# openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout harbor-ca.key -x509 -days 365 -out harbor-ca.crt
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'harbor-ca.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN
State or Province Name (full name) []:SH
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:SH
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:YV
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:YV
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:harbor25.haostack.com
Email Address []:
[root@harbor25 certs]# ll
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1996 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3272 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.key
5.1.3 生成CA证书签名请求
[root@harbor25 certs]# openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout harbor25.haostack.com.key -out harbor25.haostack.com.csr
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'harbor25.haostack.com.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN
State or Province Name (full name) []:SH
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:SH
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:YV
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:YV
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:harbor25.haostack.com
Email Address []:

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:
//生成了两个签名文件 harbor25.haostack.com.csr harbor25.haostack.com.key
[root@harbor25 certs]# ll
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1687 Jun  4 18:40 harbor25.haostack.com.csr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3272 Jun  4 18:40 harbor25.haostack.com.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1996 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3272 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.key
5.1.4 生成主机证书
[root@harbor25 certs]# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in harbor25.haostack.com.csr -CA harbor-ca.crt -CAkey harbor-ca.key -CAcreateseri
Signature ok
Getting CA Private Key
// 根据ca证书文件,生成了两个主机证书文件
[root@harbor25 certs]# ll
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1879 Jun  4 18:40 harbor25.haostack.com.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1687 Jun  4 18:40 harbor25.haostack.com.csr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3272 Jun  4 18:40 harbor25.haostack.com.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1996 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3272 Jun  4 18:39 harbor-ca.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   17 Jun  4 18:40 harbor-ca.srl
5.1.5 配置harbor.cfg
[root@harbor25 harbor]# more harbor.cfg 
## Configuration file of Harbor

#This attribute is for migrator to detect the version of the .cfg file, DO NOT MODIFY!
_version = 1.7.0
#The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service.
#DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients.
#DO NOT comment out this line, modify the value of "hostname" directly, or the installation will fail.
hostname = harbor25.haostack.com(修改为域名)

#The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http.
#It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx.
ui_url_protocol = https (修改为https)

#Maximum number of job workers in job service  
max_job_workers = 10 

#Determine whether or not to generate certificate for the registry's token.
#If the value is on, the prepare script creates new root cert and private key 
#for generating token to access the registry. If the value is off the default key/cert will be used.
#This flag also controls the creation of the notary signer's cert.
customize_crt = on

#The path of cert and key files for nginx, they are applied only the protocol is set to https
ssl_cert = /usr/local/src/harbor/certs/harbor-ca.crt
ssl_cert_key =/usr/local/src/harbor/certs/harbor-ca.key
#The path of secretkey storage
secretkey_path = /usr/local/src/harbor/certs

5.1.6 重新配置harbor文件
docker-compose down
 docker-compose up -d
5.1 7.客户端测试
  • 每一个客户端都需要复制上面的harbor-ca.crt到Docker相应目录,然后重启Docker
[root@harbor25 harbor25.haostack.com]# ll
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1996 Jun  4 18:46 harbor-ca.crt
[root@harbor25 harbor25.haostack.com]# pwd
[root@harbor25 harbor25.haostack.com]# 
systemctl   restart docker.service

5.1 7.1 linux客户端测试

root@harbor26 harbor25.haostack.com]# docker login harbor25.haostack.com
Username: admin
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
[root@harbor26 harbor25.haostack.com]#
5.1 7.2 Windows客户端测试



5.2.1 把harbor-ca.crt拷贝到客户端中
  • 原理一模一样
[root@harbor26 certs]# scp harbor-ca.crt root@
root@'s password: 
harbor-ca.crt                                                                                                                                             100% 1992     1.1MB/s   00:00    
[root@harbor26 certs]# 
[root@harbor26 certs]# 
5.2.2 Linux客户端测试

[root@harbor25 harbor.haostack.com]# docker login harbor.haostack.com
Authenticating with existing credentials...
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
[root@harbor25 harbor.haostack.com]# pwd

5.2.3 Windows客户端测试


5.3 客户端配置私有仓库步骤

5.3.1 客户端DNS需要指向172.16.62.24
[root@docker28 mysql]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
5.3.2 需要把在客户端配置文件中指向仓库地址
  • 仓库地址 harbor.haostack.com
#目录  /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
#需要添加 --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock 
[root@docker28 mysql]# more /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service | grep ExecStart
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock  --insecure-registry=harbor.haostack.com  --bip=
[root@docker28 mysql]
5.3.3 重启服务

[root@docker28 mysql]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@docker28 mysql]# systemctl restart docker
5.3.4 登录harbor仓库
[root@docker28 mysql]# docker login harbor.haostack.com
Username: admin
Password:     #Harbor12345(默认)
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
[root@docker28 mysql]# 
5.3.5 下载镜像
[root@docker28 mysql]# docker pull harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2:v1
v1: Pulling from baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2
9b4ebb48de8d: Pull complete 
d924bed05a91: Pull complete 
3f3d7e0bdf4e: Pull complete 
3978de2fe740: Pull complete 
d0c90f05d39d: Pull complete 
90c46cb81e22: Pull complete 
02d52509eea0: Pull complete 
8c980781151a: Pull complete 
4b67d92370c0: Pull complete 
de10019bb4af: Pull complete 
236d2fad78b8: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:638a69df1f124290d8da7439deef987a9108409da925585821f67a728a144e8a
Status: Downloaded newer image for harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2:v1
5.3.6 查看镜像
[root@docker28 mysql]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2   v1                  a716733c7cfa        About an hour ago   951MB
busybox                                           latest              c7c37e472d31        2 weeks ago         1.22MB
[root@docker28 mysql]# 



[root@docker27 haproxy]# yum install docker-compose -y

[root@docker27 haproxy]# docker-compose --help
Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.

  docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
  docker-compose -h|--help

  -f, --file FILE             Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)
  -p, --project-name NAME     Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)
  --verbose                   Show more output
  --no-ansi                   Do not print ANSI control characters
  -v, --version               Print version and exit
  -H, --host HOST             Daemon socket to connect to

  --tls                       Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
  --tlscacert CA_PATH         Trust certs signed only by this CA
  --tlscert CLIENT_CERT_PATH  Path to TLS certificate file
  --tlskey TLS_KEY_PATH       Path to TLS key file
  --tlsverify                 Use TLS and verify the remote
  --skip-hostname-check       Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified
                              in the client certificate (for example if your docker host
                              is an IP address)
  --project-directory PATH    Specify an alternate working directory
                              (default: the path of the Compose file)

  build              Build or rebuild services
  bundle             Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file
  config             Validate and view the Compose file
  create             Create services
  down               Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
  events             Receive real time events from containers
  exec               Execute a command in a running container
  help               Get help on a command
  images             List images
  kill               Kill containers
  logs               View output from containers
  pause              Pause services
  port               Print the public port for a port binding
  ps                 List containers
  pull               Pull service images
  push               Push service images
  restart            Restart services
  rm                 Remove stopped containers
  run                Run a one-off command
  scale              Set number of containers for a service
  start              Start services
  stop               Stop services
  top                Display the running processes
  unpause            Unpause services
  up                 Create and start containers
  version            Show the Docker-Compose version information

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9
docker-py version: 2.6.1
CPython version: 3.6.8
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips  26 Jan 2017
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]#


  • 从harbor中下载镜像

harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_nginx_yum        v1                  13cc2282b9fe        2 days ago          677MB

harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app3      v1                  34da15a067b6        14 hours ago        951MB
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2      v1                  a716733c7cfa        14 hours ago        951MB
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app1      v1                  a52bf7705749        37 hours ago        951MB
harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_centos_haproxy   v2                  b7944130b017        7 hours ago         572MB

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# ll
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  root    61 Jul 19 18:06 build-command.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  1225 Jul 20 01:13 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  1148 Jul 20 00:30 haproxy.cfg
drwxr-xr-x 2 nginx nginx   46 Jul 19 22:07 log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  2012 Jul 20 00:39 nginx.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root    24 Jul 19 19:10 webpage
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# 

3.通过docker-compose 创建容器

3.1 docker-compose.yml配置

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# more docker-compose.yml 
   image: harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_centos_haproxy:v2
   container_name: haproxy
     - 80
     - 9999
     - "80:80"
     - "9999:9999"
     - /data/docker-compose/haproxy_nginx_tomcat/haproxy.cfg:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg   #卷映射
     - nginx-web1   #链接到nginx-web1容器上

   image: harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_nginx_yum:v1
   container_name: nginx-web1  #容器名称
     - "8801:80"
     - "443:443"
     - /data/docker-compose/haproxy_nginx_tomcat/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf  #卷映射nginx.conf
     - /data/docker-compose/haproxy_nginx_tomcat/log:/var/log/nginx   #卷映射log目录
     - /data/docker-compose/haproxy_nginx_tomcat/webpage:/usr/share/nginx/html/webpage  #卷映射webpage
     - tomcat-app1  #链接到tomcat-app1容器上
     - tomcat-app2 #链接到tomcat-app2容器上
     - tomcat-app3 #链接到tomcat-app3容器上

   image: harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app1:v1
   container_name: tomcat-app1
   - 8080
   - "8081:8080"
   image: harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2:v1
   container_name: tomcat-app2
   - 8080
   - "8082:8080"
   image: harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app3:v1
   container_name: tomcat-app3
   - 8080
   - "8083:8080"
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# 

3.2 haproxy配置

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# more haproxy.cfg 
    maxconn 100000
    chroot /apps/haproxy
    stats socket /apps/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
    uid 99
    gid 99
    pidfile /apps/haproxy/run/haproxy.pid
    log local3 info

    mode                    http
    log                     global
    option                  httplog
    option                  dontlognull
    option http-server-close
    option forwardfor       except
    option                  redispatch
    retries                 3
    timeout http-request    10s
    timeout queue           1m
    timeout connect         10s
    timeout client          1m
    timeout server          1m
    timeout http-keep-alive 10s
    timeout check           10s
    maxconn                 3000

listen stats
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats uri /haproxy-status
    stats realm HAPorxy\Stats\Page
    stats auth haadmin:123456
    stats refresh 3s
    stats admin if TRUE
    mode http
    log global

listen nginx-web
    mode http
    log global
    server web1 nginx-web1:80 check inter 3000 fall 3 rise 5 #需要指向nginx-web1容器
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]#

3.3 nginx配置

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# more nginx.conf
user nginx;

worker_processes auto;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

pid /run/nginx.pid;

daemon off;

include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf;

events {
    worker_connections 1024;
http {
    log_format my_access_json '{"@timestamp":"$time_iso8601",' 
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access_json.log my_access_json;

    sendfile            on;
    keepalive_timeout   65;
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  text/html;
    charset utf-8;

    upstream tomcat_server {
        server tomcat-app1:8080;
        server tomcat-app2:8080;
        server tomcat-app3:8080;

    server {
        listen       80 default_server;
        listen       [::]:80 default_server;
        server_name  _;
        root         /usr/share/nginx/html;
        include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

        location / {   

    location /app1 {
        proxy_pass http://tomcat_server;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;    

        error_page 404 /404.html;             
        location = /40x.html {
        error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# 


Creating tomcat-app3 ... done
Creating nginx-web1 ... done
Creating haproxy ... done
Creating tomcat-app1 ... 
Creating tomcat-app3 ... 
Creating nginx-web1 ... 
Creating haproxy ... 
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# 

5. 查看容器

[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
e5941cb0731c        harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_centos_haproxy:v2   "/usr/bin/run_haprox…"   54 seconds ago      Up 53 seconds>80/tcp,>9999/tcp   haproxy
aa023f5ae78c        harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_nginx_yum:v1        "nginx"                  55 seconds ago      Up 54 seconds>443/tcp,>80/tcp   nginx-web1
1bac9ffa948c        harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app3:v1      "/apps/tomcat/bin/ru…"   56 seconds ago      Up 55 seconds       8443/tcp,>8080/tcp             tomcat-app3
1a0276fc5173        harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app1:v1      "/apps/tomcat/bin/ru…"   56 seconds ago      Up 55 seconds       8443/tcp,>8080/tcp             tomcat-app1
23eba27d2fbc        harbor.haostack.com/baseimages/jack_tomcat_app2:v1      "/apps/tomcat/bin/ru…"   56 seconds ago      Up 55 seconds       8443/tcp,>8080/tcp             tomcat-app2
[root@docker27 haproxy_nginx_tomcat]# 



[root@85383266b12f nginx]# curl
docker  nginx test

6.2 nginx静态页面测试

[root@85383266b12f nginx]# curl         
docker nginx v1
[root@85383266b12f nginx]# 


[root@85383266b12f nginx]# curl
tomcat app1 web server 
  • 1
  • 2
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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