
4 篇文章 0 订阅

class CodingStructure

1.这个类中存储了编码所需要的一系列信息,区域,图片,父类CS,bestCS,以及slice,同时还存放了相关的QP信息,以及各种参数集SPS,PPS,VPS等等,并且可以从CS中提取到当前的cu,pu 和tu,更可以获取到可以遍历当前CU的遍历器。

2.定义三个数组,分别存放CU,TU,PU, 以及m_numCUs,cucache等等,同时还保存了预测,残差,原始,重构的Pelstorage,同时可以获取当前的运动信息getMotionBuf



class CodingStructure

  UnitArea         area;

  Picture         *picture;
  CodingStructure *parent;
  CodingStructure *bestCS;
  Slice           *slice;

  UnitScale        unitScale[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];

  int         baseQP;
  int         prevQP[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  int         currQP[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  int         chromaQpAdj;
  const SPS *sps;
  const PPS *pps;
  PicHeader *picHeader;
  APS*       alfApss[ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS];
  APS *      lmcsAps;
  APS *      scalinglistAps;
  const VPS *vps;
  const PreCalcValues* pcv;

  CodingStructure(CUCache&, PUCache&, TUCache&);

  void create(const UnitArea &_unit, const bool isTopLayer, const bool isPLTused);
  void create(const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const Area& _area, const bool isTopLayer, const bool isPLTused);

  void destroy();
  void releaseIntermediateData();

  void rebindPicBufs();

  void createCoeffs(const bool isPLTused);
  void destroyCoeffs();

  void allocateVectorsAtPicLevel();

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // global accessors
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  bool isDecomp (const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  bool isDecomp (const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType);
  void setDecomp(const CompArea &area, const bool _isCoded = true);
  void setDecomp(const UnitArea &area, const bool _isCoded = true);

  const CodingUnit     *getCU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  const PredictionUnit *getPU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  const TransformUnit  *getTU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType, const int subTuIdx = -1) const;

  CodingUnit     *getCU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType);
  CodingUnit     *getLumaCU( const Position &pos );
  PredictionUnit *getPU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType);
  TransformUnit  *getTU(const Position &pos, const ChannelType _chType, const int subTuIdx = -1);

  const CodingUnit     *getCU(const ChannelType &_chType) const { return getCU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }
  const PredictionUnit *getPU(const ChannelType &_chType) const { return getPU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }
  const TransformUnit  *getTU(const ChannelType &_chType) const { return getTU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }

  CodingUnit     *getCU(const ChannelType &_chType ) { return getCU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }
  PredictionUnit *getPU(const ChannelType &_chType ) { return getPU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }
  TransformUnit  *getTU(const ChannelType &_chType ) { return getTU(area.blocks[_chType].pos(), _chType); }

  const CodingUnit     *getCURestricted(const Position &pos, const Position curPos, const unsigned curSliceIdx, const unsigned curTileIdx, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  const CodingUnit     *getCURestricted(const Position &pos, const CodingUnit& curCu,                               const ChannelType _chType) const;
  const PredictionUnit *getPURestricted(const Position &pos, const PredictionUnit& curPu,                           const ChannelType _chType) const;
  const TransformUnit  *getTURestricted(const Position &pos, const TransformUnit& curTu,                            const ChannelType _chType) const;

  CodingUnit&     addCU(const UnitArea &unit, const ChannelType _chType);
  PredictionUnit& addPU(const UnitArea &unit, const ChannelType _chType);
  TransformUnit&  addTU(const UnitArea &unit, const ChannelType _chType);
  void            addEmptyTUs(Partitioner &partitioner);

  CUTraverser     traverseCUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType);
  PUTraverser     traversePUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType);
  TUTraverser     traverseTUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType);

  cCUTraverser    traverseCUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  cPUTraverser    traversePUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  cTUTraverser    traverseTUs(const UnitArea& _unit, const ChannelType _chType) const;
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // encoding search utilities
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  static_vector<double, NUM_ENC_FEATURES> features;

  double      cost;
  bool        useDbCost;
  double      costDbOffset;
  double      lumaCost;
  uint64_t      fracBits;
  Distortion  dist;
  Distortion  interHad;
  TreeType    treeType; //because partitioner can not go deep to tu and cu coding (e.g., addCU()), need another variable for indicating treeType
  ModeType    modeType;

  void initStructData  (const int &QP = MAX_INT, const bool &skipMotBuf = false);
  void initSubStructure(      CodingStructure& cs, const ChannelType chType, const UnitArea &subArea, const bool &isTuEnc);

  void copyStructure   (const CodingStructure& cs, const ChannelType chType, const bool copyTUs = false, const bool copyRecoBuffer = false);
  void useSubStructure (const CodingStructure& cs, const ChannelType chType, const UnitArea &subArea, const bool cpyPred, const bool cpyReco, const bool cpyOrgResi, const bool cpyResi, const bool updateCost);
  void useSubStructure (const CodingStructure& cs, const ChannelType chType,                          const bool cpyPred, const bool cpyReco, const bool cpyOrgResi, const bool cpyResi, const bool updateCost) { useSubStructure(cs, chType, cs.area, cpyPred, cpyReco, cpyOrgResi, cpyResi, updateCost); }

  void clearTUs();
  void clearPUs();
  void clearCUs();
  const int signalModeCons( const PartSplit split, Partitioner &partitioner, const ModeType modeTypeParent ) const;
  void clearCuPuTuIdxMap  ( const UnitArea &_area, uint32_t numCu, uint32_t numPu, uint32_t numTu, uint32_t* pOffset );
  void getNumCuPuTuOffset ( uint32_t* pArray )
    pArray[0] = m_numCUs;     pArray[1] = m_numPUs;     pArray[2] = m_numTUs;
    pArray[3] = m_offsets[0]; pArray[4] = m_offsets[1]; pArray[5] = m_offsets[2];

  void createInternals(const UnitArea& _unit, const bool isTopLayer, const bool isPLTused);


  std::vector<    CodingUnit*> cus;
  std::vector<PredictionUnit*> pus;
  std::vector< TransformUnit*> tus;

  LutMotionCand motionLut;

  void addMiToLut(static_vector<MotionInfo, MAX_NUM_HMVP_CANDS>& lut, const MotionInfo &mi);

  PLTBuf prevPLT;
  void resetPrevPLT(PLTBuf& prevPLT);
  void reorderPrevPLT(PLTBuf& prevPLT, uint8_t curPLTSize[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], Pel curPLT[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAXPLTSIZE], bool reuseflag[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE][MAXPLTPREDSIZE], uint32_t compBegin, uint32_t numComp, bool jointPLT);
  void setPrevPLT(PLTBuf predictor);
  void storePrevPLT(PLTBuf& predictor);

  // needed for TU encoding
  bool m_isTuEnc;

  unsigned *m_cuIdx   [MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  unsigned *m_puIdx   [MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  unsigned *m_tuIdx   [MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  bool     *m_isDecomp[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];

  unsigned m_numCUs;
  unsigned m_numPUs;
  unsigned m_numTUs;

  CUCache& m_cuCache;
  PUCache& m_puCache;
  TUCache& m_tuCache;

  std::vector<SAOBlkParam> m_sao;

  PelStorage m_pred;
  PelStorage m_resi;
  PelStorage m_reco;
  PelStorage m_orgr;

  TCoeff *m_coeffs [ MAX_NUM_COMPONENT ];
  Pel    *m_pcmbuf [ MAX_NUM_COMPONENT ];
  bool   *m_runType[ MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE ];
  int     m_offsets[ MAX_NUM_COMPONENT ];

  MotionInfo *m_motionBuf;

  CodingStructure *bestParent;
  double        tmpColorSpaceCost;
  bool          firstColorSpaceSelected;
  double        tmpColorSpaceIntraCost[2];
  bool          firstColorSpaceTestOnly;
  bool resetIBCBuffer;

  MotionBuf getMotionBuf( const     Area& _area );
  MotionBuf getMotionBuf( const UnitArea& _area ) { return getMotionBuf( _area.Y() ); }
  MotionBuf getMotionBuf()                        { return getMotionBuf(  area.Y() ); }

  const CMotionBuf getMotionBuf( const     Area& _area ) const;
  const CMotionBuf getMotionBuf( const UnitArea& _area ) const { return getMotionBuf( _area.Y() ); }
  const CMotionBuf getMotionBuf()                        const { return getMotionBuf(  area.Y() ); }

  MotionInfo& getMotionInfo( const Position& pos );
  const MotionInfo& getMotionInfo( const Position& pos ) const;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // temporary (shadowed) data accessors
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
         PelBuf       getPredBuf(const CompArea &blk);
  const CPelBuf       getPredBuf(const CompArea &blk) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getPredBuf(const UnitArea &unit);
  const CPelUnitBuf   getPredBuf(const UnitArea &unit) const;

         PelBuf       getResiBuf(const CompArea &blk);
  const CPelBuf       getResiBuf(const CompArea &blk) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getResiBuf(const UnitArea &unit);
  const CPelUnitBuf   getResiBuf(const UnitArea &unit) const;

         PelBuf       getRecoBuf(const CompArea &blk);
  const CPelBuf       getRecoBuf(const CompArea &blk) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getRecoBuf(const UnitArea &unit);
  const CPelUnitBuf   getRecoBuf(const UnitArea &unit) const;
         PelUnitBuf&  getRecoBufRef() { return m_reco; }

         PelBuf       getOrgResiBuf(const CompArea &blk);
  const CPelBuf       getOrgResiBuf(const CompArea &blk) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getOrgResiBuf(const UnitArea &unit);
  const CPelUnitBuf   getOrgResiBuf(const UnitArea &unit) const;

         PelBuf       getOrgBuf(const CompArea &blk);
  const CPelBuf       getOrgBuf(const CompArea &blk) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getOrgBuf(const UnitArea &unit);
  const CPelUnitBuf   getOrgBuf(const UnitArea &unit) const;

         PelBuf       getOrgBuf(const ComponentID &compID);
  const CPelBuf       getOrgBuf(const ComponentID &compID) const;
         PelUnitBuf   getOrgBuf();
  const CPelUnitBuf   getOrgBuf() const;

  // pred buffer
         PelBuf       getPredBuf(const ComponentID &compID)       { return m_pred.get(compID); }
  const CPelBuf       getPredBuf(const ComponentID &compID) const { return m_pred.get(compID); }
         PelUnitBuf   getPredBuf()                                { return m_pred; }
  const CPelUnitBuf   getPredBuf()                          const { return m_pred; }

  // resi buffer
         PelBuf       getResiBuf(const ComponentID compID)        { return m_resi.get(compID); }
  const CPelBuf       getResiBuf(const ComponentID compID)  const { return m_resi.get(compID); }
         PelUnitBuf   getResiBuf()                                { return m_resi; }
  const CPelUnitBuf   getResiBuf()                          const { return m_resi; }

  // org-resi buffer
         PelBuf       getOrgResiBuf(const ComponentID &compID)       { return m_orgr.get(compID); }
  const CPelBuf       getOrgResiBuf(const ComponentID &compID) const { return m_orgr.get(compID); }
         PelUnitBuf   getOrgResiBuf()                                { return m_orgr; }
  const CPelUnitBuf   getOrgResiBuf()                          const { return m_orgr; }

  // reco buffer
         PelBuf       getRecoBuf(const ComponentID compID)         { return m_reco.get(compID); }
  const CPelBuf       getRecoBuf(const ComponentID compID)   const { return m_reco.get(compID); }
         PelUnitBuf   getRecoBuf()                                 { return m_reco; }
  const CPelUnitBuf   getRecoBuf()                           const { return m_reco; }


  inline        PelBuf       getBuf(const CompArea &blk,  const PictureType &type);
  inline const CPelBuf       getBuf(const CompArea &blk,  const PictureType &type) const;
  inline        PelUnitBuf   getBuf(const UnitArea &unit, const PictureType &type);
  inline const CPelUnitBuf   getBuf(const UnitArea &unit, const PictureType &type) const;

static inline uint32_t getNumberValidTBlocks(const PreCalcValues& pcv) { return (pcv.chrFormat==CHROMA_400) ? 1 : ( pcv.multiBlock422 ? MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS : MAX_NUM_COMPONENT ); }


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