台大机器学习基石(Machine Learning Foundations)(Quiz2--作业二)的Python实现(带详细注释)

Quiz 2 (q17-20)



>>> import math, random
>>> from pylab import *
>>> # Function that generates training examples regarding the given P(x) of input space and the noisy target function(for y_n).
>>> def training_set(N, x_l, x_r, noise):
    x = []
    y = []
    for i in range(N):   # Inputs of training examples are generated under P(x), has to be sorted for running dicotomy algo(for theta,s of each 'h')
        x_i = uniform(x_l,x_r)
    for i in range(N):
        s = sign(x[i])  # 'sign()' is from numpy
        y_i = choice([s,-s], p=[1-noise,noise])  # random.choice(list, p=prob-list)
    return [x,y]

>>> def dichotomy(points, index):  # The dichotomy() function is the key! It defines one specific dichotomy with 'index' argument and returns its E_in and hypothesis parameters.
    x = points[0]
    y = points[1]
    N = len(x)
    if index>2*N-1 or index<0 or type(index)!=int:
        raise ValueError('Inappropriate dichotomy index!')
    E_in, theta, s = 0, 0, 0  # Initialize the 3 key values of the dicotomy. Beware of the 'a,b = 0' mistake!
    ## In terms of symmetry, N dicotomies are for positive ray and other N for negative ray. First dicotomies of both rays have a special theta, due to "no range".
    if index<N: s = 1
    else: s = -1
    if index == 0 or index == N:
        theta = x[0]-1
        if index<N:
            theta = 0.5*(x[index]-x[index-1]) + x[index-1]
        if index>N:
            theta = 0.5*(x[index-N]-x[index-N-1]) + x[index-N-1]  # Locating theta("median of range") with sorted x-list.
    y_dico = []  # Setting up the dicotomy outputs!!!
    if index<N:
        for i in range(N):
        if index>0:
            for i in range(0,index):
                y_dico[i] = -1
    elif index>=N:
        for i in range(N):
        if index>N:
            for i in range(0,index-N):
                y_dico[i] = 1    # How cumbersome!!!
    error = 0  # Calculating E_D(dico)
    for i in range(N):
        if y_dico[i]!=y[i]:
    E_in = error/N
    return [s, theta, E_in]

>>> def DSA(n_exp, N, x_l, x_r, noise):
    E_D_mean = 0
    E_X_mean = 0
    for i in range(n_exp):
        t_data = training_set(N, x_l, x_r, noise)
        E_D_min = 1
        dico_min = 0
        for j in range(2*N):
            d = dichotomy(t_data, j)
            if d[2]<E_D_min:
                E_D_min = d[2]
                dico_min = j
        E_D_mean += E_D_min
        d_min = dichotomy(t_data, dico_min)
        s = d_min[0]
        theta = d_min[1]
        E_X_g = 0.5+0.3*s*(abs(theta)-1)
        E_X_mean += E_X_g
    E_D_mean = E_D_mean/n_exp
    E_X_mean = E_X_mean/n_exp
    return E_D_mean, E_X_mean

>>> DSA(5000,20, -1, 1, 0.2)
(0.1681100000000005, 0.25715611716437825)
>>> DSA(5000,20, -1, 1, 0.2)
(0.16749000000000003, 0.25488045851543445)

>>> ## Multidimensional Decision Stump: Q19-20

>>> #  Run DSA with positive/negative rays(H) on each dimension of input x, choose the h(s,theta) from the 9 dimensions that has the lowest E_D on 1 of all 9 dimensions.
>>> def multi_d_examples(fname):  # returns the sorted x_d--y lists for running DSA/dicotomy()
    F = open(fname)
    L_strings = F.readlines()   # Re-use the file-reading codes from PLA.
    L_float_lists = []
    for l in L_strings:
        t1 = l.strip()
        t2 = t1.split()
        for i in range(len(t2)):
            t2[i] = float(t2[i])
      all_d_data = []             # each element is a list of [x,y] with sorted x, like output of function 'training_set()'
    dimension = len(L_float_lists[0]) - 1
    N = len(L_float_lists)
    def takeFirst(L):    # Similar to lambda function, for the "key" in 'sorted()'.
        return L[0]
    for i in range(dimension):   # Collecting x-y pairs of every dimension and convert the data to the format of sorted [x,y].
        x = []
        y = []
        unsorted = []
        for j in range(N):
            x_y = [L_float_lists[j][i], L_float_lists[j][-1]]
        ascend = sorted(unsorted, key = takeFirst) # The 'sorted()' function!
        for l in ascend:
        d_data = [x,y]
    return all_d_data  # A list of 'dimension'# of [x,y] lists, i.e [[x_0,y], [x_1,y].....]


>>> def DSA_multi_d(train, test):  # One function that covers Q19 and Q20.
    training_data = multi_d_examples(train)
    optimal_dim = 0  # Recording the dimension with lowest E_D, 'classification dimension'.
    E_D_d_min = 1    # Recording the lowest E_D of all dimensions, return for Q19.
    dico_best = []    # Recording the best h of all dimensions.
    dim = len(training_data)   # Calculating the # of dimension.
    N = len(training_data[0][0])  # Getting the size of training set of any dimension, ie # of inputs/labels.
    for i in range(dim):
        t_d = training_data[i]   # Running DSA on each dimension, recording the dimension with the lowest E_D and its parameters: dimension #, h-theta/s.
        E_D_min = 1
        dico_min = 0
        for j in range(2*N):
            d = dichotomy(t_d, j)
            if d[2]<E_D_min:
                E_D_min = d[2]
                dico_min = j
        if E_D_min < E_D_d_min:        # Final step!
            E_D_d_min = E_D_min
            optimal_dim = i
            dico_best = dichotomy(t_d, dico_min)  # Key elements(E_D_d_min, optimal_dim, dico_best) all attained!
    test_data = multi_d_examples(test)
    error_test = 0
    test_d_x = test_data[optimal_dim][0]   # Getting the x and its outputs y of the classification dimension.
    test_d_y = test_data[optimal_dim][1]
    s = dico_best[0]
    theta = dico_best[1]
    for i in range(len(test_d_y)):
        h = s*sign(test_d_x[i]-theta)
        if h!=test_d_y[i]:
    E_test = error_test/len(test_d_y)
    print('Minimal E_in is: ',E_D_d_min,'; E_test is: ',E_test)

>>> DSA_multi_d('C:/Users/logic/Desktop/train.txt', 'C:/Users/logic/Desktop/test.txt')
Minimal E_in is:  0.25 ; E_test is:  0.355





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