ZKP Circom (2) Common Circuits

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography课程笔记

Lecture 2: Circom 1 (Brain Gu)

  • autogen “intermediate” values
pragma circom 2.1.6;

template Example () {
    signal input x1;
    signal input x2;
    signal input x3;
    signal input x4;

    signal y1;
    signal y2;

    signal output out;
    // how to autogen "intermediate" values
    // can use any operators
    y1 <-- x1 + x2;
    y2 <-- y1 * x3;
    out <-- y2 - x4;

    // constrains
    // only can use + and *
    y1 === x1 + x2;
    y2 === y1 * x3;
    out + x4 === y2;

component main { public [ x1,x2,x3,x4] } = Example();

/* INPUT = {
    "x1": "2",
    "x2": "4",
    "x3": "8",
    "x4": "5"
} */
  • Some improvement with “syntactic sugar”
pragma circom 2.1.6;

template Example () {
    signal input x1;
    signal input x2;
    signal input x3;
    signal input x4;

    signal y1;
    signal y2;

    signal output out;

    //y1 <-- x1 + x2;
    //y1 === x1 + x2;
    y1 <== x1 + x2;

    //y2 <-- y1 * x3;
    //y2 === y1 * x3;
    y2 <== y1 * x3;

    //out <-- y2 - x4;
    //out + x4 === y2;
    out <== y2 - x4;

component main { public [ x1,x2,x3,x4] } = Example();

/* INPUT = {
    "x1": "2",
    "x2": "4",
    "x3": "8",
    "x4": "5"
} */
  • Example: import other code
pragma circom 2.1.6;

include "circomlib/poseidon.circom";
// include "https://github.com/0xPARC/circom-secp256k1/blob/master/circuits/bigint.circom";

template Example () {
    signal input a;
    signal input b;
    signal output c;
    var unused = 4;
    c <== a * b;
    assert(a > 2);
    component hash = Poseidon(2);
    hash.inputs[0] <== a;
    hash.inputs[1] <== b;

    log("hash", hash.out);

component main { public [ a ] } = Example();

/* INPUT = {
    "a": "5",
    "b": "77"
} */
  • Exercises
//Parameters: none
//Input signal(s): in
//Output signal(s): out

template IsZero() {
    signal input in;
    signal output out;

    signal inv;

    inv <-- in!=0 ? 1/in : 0;

    out <== -in*inv +1;
    in*out === 0;

//Parameters: none
//Input signal(s): in[2]
//Output signal(s): out

template IsEqual() {
    signal input in[2];
    signal output out;

    component isz = IsZero();

    in[1] - in[0] ==> isz.in;

    isz.out ==> out;

//Parameters: nChoices
//Input signal(s): in[nChoices], index
//Output: out

template CalculateTotal(n) {
    signal input in[n];
    signal output out;

    signal sums[n];

    sums[0] <== in[0];

    for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        sums[i] <== sums[i-1] + in[i]

    out <== sums[n-1];

template QuinSelector(choices) {
    signal input in[choices];
    signal input index;
    signal output out;
    // Ensure that index < choices
    component lessThan = LessThan(4);
    lessThan.in[0] <== index;
    lessThan.in[1] <== choices;
    lessThan.out === 1;

    component calcTotal = CalculateTotal(choices);
    component eqs[choices];

    // For each item, check whether its index equals the input index.
    for (var i = 0; i < choices; i ++) {
        eqs[i] = IsEqual();
        eqs[i].in[0] <== i;
        eqs[i].in[1] <== index;

        // eqs[i].out is 1 if the index matches. As such, at most one input to
        // calcTotal is not 0.
        calcTotal.in[i] <== eqs[i].out * in[i];

    // Returns 0 + 0 + 0 + item
    out <== calcTotal.out;


template Num2Bits(n) {
    signal input in;
    signal output out[n];
    var lc1=0;

    var e2=1;
    for (var i = 0; i<n; i++) {
        out[i] <-- (in >> i) & 1;
        out[i] * (out[i] -1 ) === 0;
        lc1 += out[i] * e2;
        e2 = e2+e2;

    lc1 === in;

template CompConstant(ct) {
    signal input in[254];
    signal output out;

    signal parts[127];
    signal sout;

    var clsb;
    var cmsb;
    var slsb;
    var smsb;

    var sum=0;

    var b = (1 << 128) -1;
    var a = 1;
    var e = 1;
    var i;

    for (i=0;i<127; i++) {
        clsb = (ct >> (i*2)) & 1;
        cmsb = (ct >> (i*2+1)) & 1;
        slsb = in[i*2];
        smsb = in[i*2+1];

        if ((cmsb==0)&&(clsb==0)) {
            parts[i] <== -b*smsb*slsb + b*smsb + b*slsb;
        } else if ((cmsb==0)&&(clsb==1)) {
            parts[i] <== a*smsb*slsb - a*slsb + b*smsb - a*smsb + a;
        } else if ((cmsb==1)&&(clsb==0)) {
            parts[i] <== b*smsb*slsb - a*smsb + a;
        } else {
            parts[i] <== -a*smsb*slsb + a;

        sum = sum + parts[i];

        b = b -e;
        a = a +e;
        e = e*2;

    sout <== sum;

    component num2bits = Num2Bits(135);

    num2bits.in <== sout;

    out <== num2bits.out[127];

template Sign() {
    signal input in[254];
    signal output sign;

    component comp = CompConstant(10944121435919637611123202872628637544274182200208017171849102093287904247808);

    var i;

    for (i=0; i<254; i++) {
        comp.in[i] <== in[i];

    sign <== comp.out;

//Parameters: none
//Input signal(s): in[2]. Assume that it is known ahead of time that these are at most 2252−1.
//Output signal(s): out

//Specification: If in[0] is strictly less than in[1], out should be 1. Otherwise, out should be 0.

//Extension 1: If you know that the input signals are at most 2^k - 1 (k ≤ 252), how can you reduce the total number of constraints that this circuit requires? Write a version of this circuit parametrized in k.
//Extension 2: Write LessEqThan (tests if in[0] is ≤ in[1]), GreaterThan, and GreaterEqThan

template LessThan(n) {
    assert(n <= 252);
    signal input in[2];
    signal output out;

    component n2b = Num2Bits(n+1);

    n2b.in <== in[0]+ (1<<n) - in[1];

    out <== 1-n2b.out[n];

// N is the number of bits the input  have.
// The MSF is the sign bit.
template LessEqThan(n) {
    signal input in[2];
    signal output out;

    component lt = LessThan(n);

    lt.in[0] <== in[0];
    lt.in[1] <== in[1]+1;
    lt.out ==> out;

// N is the number of bits the input  have.
// The MSF is the sign bit.
template GreaterThan(n) {
    signal input in[2];
    signal output out;

    component lt = LessThan(n);

    lt.in[0] <== in[1];
    lt.in[1] <== in[0];
    lt.out ==> out;

// N is the number of bits the input  have.
// The MSF is the sign bit.
template GreaterEqThan(n) {
    signal input in[2];
    signal output out;

    component lt = LessThan(n);

    lt.in[0] <== in[1];
    lt.in[1] <== in[0]+1;
    lt.out ==> out;

//NOTE: This circuit is pretty hard!
//Parameters: nbits. Use assert to assert that this is at most 126!
//Input signal(s): dividend, divisor
//Output signal(s): remainder, quotient
// input: dividend and divisor field elements in [0, sqrt(p))
// output: remainder and quotient field elements in [0, p-1] and [0, sqrt(p)
// Haven't thought about negative divisor yet. Not needed.
// -8 % 5 = 2. [-8 -> 8. 8 % 5 -> 3. 5 - 3 -> 2.]
// (-8 - 2) // 5 = -2
// -8 + 2 * 5 = 2
// check: 2 - 2 * 5 = -8

template Modulo(divisor_bits, SQRT_P) {
    signal input dividend; // -8
    signal input divisor; // 5
    signal output remainder; // 2
    signal output quotient; // -2

    component is_neg = IsNegative();
    is_neg.in <== dividend;

    signal output is_dividend_negative;
    is_dividend_negative <== is_neg.out;

    signal output dividend_adjustment;
    dividend_adjustment <== 1 + is_dividend_negative * -2; // 1 or -1

    signal output abs_dividend;
    abs_dividend <== dividend * dividend_adjustment; // 8

    signal output raw_remainder;
    raw_remainder <-- abs_dividend % divisor;
    signal output neg_remainder;
    neg_remainder <-- divisor - raw_remainder;
        if (is_dividend_negative == 1 && raw_remainder != 0) {
        remainder <-- neg_remainder;
    } else {
        remainder <-- raw_remainder;

    quotient <-- (dividend - remainder) / divisor; // (-8 - 2) / 5 = -2.

    dividend === divisor * quotient + remainder; // -8 = 5 * -2 + 2.

    component rp = MultiRangeProof(3, 128);
    rp.in[0] <== divisor;
    rp.in[1] <== quotient;
    rp.in[2] <== dividend;
    rp.max_abs_value <== SQRT_P;

    // check that 0 <= remainder < divisor
    component remainderUpper = LessThan(divisor_bits);
    remainderUpper.in[0] <== remainder;
    remainderUpper.in[1] <== divisor;
    remainderUpper.out === 1;
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