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原创 [ZKP] Freivalds’ Algorithm

Freivalds' Algorithm and Reed-Solomon Encoding

2024-03-27 16:31:57 793

原创 [ZKP] Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

2024-03-27 15:31:18 706

原创 [ZKP] Fiat–Shamir Heuristic

The protocol in [Fiat-Shamir’86] How To Prove Yourself: Practical Solutions to Identification and Signature Problems.

2024-03-27 15:13:01 469

原创 [FL]Adversarial Machine Learning (1)

Simba的阅读障碍治疗计划:#1 Reading Notes for (NIST AI 100-2e2023)[https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/ai/100/2/e2023/final].

2024-01-08 15:16:44 1087

原创 [ZKP]The Chaum-Pedersen Protocol

The Chaum-Pedersen Protocol

2023-12-28 21:49:30 438

原创 [ZKP]Sigma Protocol

Sigma Protocol and Okamoto’s Protocol

2023-12-26 23:00:05 920

原创 [ZKP]Schnorr Protocol Implementation

An implementation of Schnoor's Protocol by Python

2023-12-25 18:51:18 432

原创 [ZKP]Nova Scotia: Middleware to compile Circom circuits to Nova prover

Nova Scotia: Middleware to compile Circom circuits to Nova prover

2023-12-24 22:07:13 436

原创 [ZKP]Algorithms for Efficient Cryptographic Operations 1 (MSM & Pippenger)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 6: Algorithms for Efficient Cryptographic Operations (Jason Morton) About MSM & Pippenger

2023-12-24 14:06:56 1025

原创 [ZKP]Mathematical Building Blocks (2)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 3: Mathematical Building Blocks (Yufei Zhao)

2023-12-24 10:01:00 916

原创 ZKP Pasta Curves

Mina book 学习笔记 Pasta Curves

2023-12-21 22:15:56 2021

原创 ZKP Schnorr Protocol

An introduction of Schnorr Protocol

2023-12-21 20:25:44 1128

原创 ZKP Mathematical Building Blocks (1)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记Lecture 3: Mathematical Building Blocks (Yufei Zhao)

2023-12-20 15:08:47 811

原创 ZKP Commitment (2)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 5: Commitment 2 (Ying Tong Lai)

2023-12-19 13:47:47 939

原创 ZKP Commitment (1)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 5: Commitment 1 (Ying Tong Lai)

2023-12-18 22:22:38 1810

原创 GNN Graph Data Structure Implementation

How to store a graph? Implementation of graph data structure in Python.

2023-12-10 09:54:37 451

原创 ZKP Circom (2) Common Circuits

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 2: Circom 1 (Brain Gu)

2023-12-09 16:20:47 76

原创 ZKP Circom (1)

MIT IAP 2023 Modern Zero Knowledge Cryptography 课程笔记 Lecture 2: Circom 1 (Brain Gu)

2023-12-08 23:03:37 341

原创 ZKP Understanding Nova (2) Relaxed R1CS

Nova: Recursive zero-knowledge arguments from folding schemes. 学习笔记

2023-12-07 23:05:06 136

原创 ZKP Understanding Nova (1): MinRoot Example

Nova: Recursive zero-knowledge arguments from folding schemes. 学习笔记

2023-12-06 21:21:01 98

原创 GNN Maximum Flow Problem (From Shusen Wang)

ShusenWang 图数据结构和算法 课程笔记

2023-12-05 23:09:53 166 1

原创 ZKP zkDT (PaperReading)

Paper Reading: Zero knowledge proofs for decision tree predictions and accuracy. (CCS '20)

2023-12-04 21:25:06 92

原创 ZKP15.3 Formal Methods in ZK (Part II)

ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 15: Secure ZK Circuits via Formal Methods (Guest Lecturer: Yu Feng (UCSB & Veridise))

2023-11-29 14:23:48 49

原创 ZKP15.2 Formal Methods in ZK (Part I)

ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 15: Secure ZK Circuits via Formal Methods (Guest Lecturer: Yu Feng (UCSB & Veridise))

2023-11-28 19:29:52 56

原创 ZKP15.1 Secure ZK Circuits via Formal Methods

ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 15: Secure ZK Circuits via Formal Methods (Guest Lecturer: Yu Feng (UCSB & Veridise))

2023-11-27 14:21:18 54

原创 Rust10 Building a Multithreaded Web Server [End]

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记Lecture 20: Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server

2023-11-26 09:02:02 864

原创 ZKP11.4 Use CI to instantiate Fiat-Shamir

ZK-Learning MOOC 课程笔记Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

2023-11-25 18:00:48 776

原创 ZKP11.3 Correlation Intractability

ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

2023-11-24 17:22:40 56

原创 ZKP11.2 Fiat-Shamir and SNARGs

ZK-Learning MOOC 课程笔记 Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

2023-11-23 10:56:11 56

原创 ZKP11.1 From Practice To Theory

ZK-Learning MOOC 课程笔记 Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

2023-11-22 13:35:08 66

原创 Rust9.2 Patterns and Matching

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 18: Patterns and Matching

2023-11-21 09:30:08 549

原创 Rust9.1 Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 17: Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust

2023-11-20 10:56:39 244

原创 Rust8.2 Fearless Concurrency 无畏并发

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 16: Fearless Concurrency

2023-11-19 21:28:49 353

原创 Rust8.1 Smart Pointers

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 15: Smart Pointers

2023-11-18 22:01:22 487

原创 Rust7.2 More About Cargo and Crates.io

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记Lecture 14: More About Cargo and Crates.io

2023-11-17 16:41:32 241

原创 Rust7.1 Functional Language Features Iterators and Closures

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 13: Functional Language Features Iterators and Closures

2023-11-16 13:36:51 302

原创 Rust6.2 An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program (mini_grep)

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记: Lecture 12: An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program

2023-11-15 09:47:29 288

原创 Rust6.1 Writing Automated Tests

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 11: Writing Automated Tests

2023-11-14 11:26:26 254

原创 Rust5.2 Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes

Rust编程语言入门教程课程笔记 Lecture 10: Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes

2023-11-13 09:10:28 596

原创 Rust5.1 Error Handling

Rust编程语言入门教程笔记 Lecture 9: Error Handling

2023-11-12 08:30:25 428



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