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2021-01-31 15:50:16 152

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture35 (Databases--SQL) 笔记

Lecture35 Databases一、Create Table and Drop TableCreate Table基本语句:Drop Table二、Modifying TablesInsertUpdate3.Delete

2021-01-30 14:30:11 126

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture34 (Aggregation--SQL) 笔记

Lecture34 Aggregation 聚合操作一、Aggregate FunctionsSQL基本句式:*An aggregate function in the [columns] clause computes a value from a group of rowsaggregate function包括:max( ) min( ) avg( )eg. 创建table并利用max( )1⃣️创建table2⃣️table创建结果3⃣️利用max( )

2021-01-30 11:48:12 126 1

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture33 (Tables) 笔记

Lecture33 Tables一、Joing tablesJoining Two TablesTwo tables A & B are joined by a comma to yield all combos of a row from A & a row from Bcode-- ParentsCREATE TABLE parents AS SELECT "abraham" AS parent, "barack" AS child UNION SELECT

2021-01-28 18:23:15 123

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture32 (Declarative Languages -SQL) 笔记

Lecture32 Declarative Languages一、Declarative Languages定义①declarative languages such as SQL & Prolog② imperative languages such as Python & Scheme二、SQL(Structured Query Language )基本语句1⃣️ select statement creates a new table2⃣️ create ta

2021-01-28 16:31:56 123 1

原创 CS61A 18sp --Lab05

Coding PracticeQ2: Reducereduce takes in a two argument function combiner and a non-empty sequence seq and combines the elements in seq into one value using combiner.def reduce(combiner, seq): """Combines elements in seq using combiner. >&gt

2020-12-30 19:09:25 400

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture18 补充 时间复杂度&空间复杂度

一. 时间复杂度https://www.cnblogs.com/wonker/p/11236988.htmlhttps://blog.csdn.net/kun1280437633/article/details/80770296https://www.cnblogs.com/lazyegg/p/12572421.html

2020-12-09 19:40:41 87

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture16 (Inheritance) 笔记

Lecture16 Inheritance一. AttributesLooking Up Attributes by Name <expression> . <name>To evaluate a dot expression:Evaluate the 《expression》 to the left of the dot, which yields the object of the dot expression《name》 is matched agains

2020-12-09 19:18:51 134 1

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture15 (Objects) 笔记

Lecture15 Objects1.Object-Oriented Programming定义 :①A method for organizing programs• Data abstraction• Bundling together information and related behavior②A metaphor for computation using distributed state• Each object also knows how to manage it

2020-12-02 21:06:06 87

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture14 (Mutable Functions) 笔记

Lecture14 Mutable Functions1. Mutable Functions定义:A Function with Behavior That Varies Over Time2. Local Assignment定义:Assignment binds name(s) to value(s) in the first frame of the current environment如下图所示:运行assignment statements步骤如下:Evaluate all

2020-12-02 20:08:31 130

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture13 (Mutable Values) 笔记

Lecture13 Mutable Values1. Objects (对象)<1>object的几点特征:① Objects can represent things, but also properties, interactions, & processes② A type of object is called a class; classes are first-class values in Python③ Object-oriented programming:(

2020-12-01 19:04:47 157

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture12 (Trees) 笔记

Lecture11 Containers1. Box-and-pointer NotationLists are represented as a row of index-labeled adjacent boxes, one per elementEach box either contains a primitive value or points to a compound valueeg.'>>>pairs = [1, 2]‘>>>neste

2020-11-29 15:34:01 283

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture11 (Containers) 笔记

Lecture11 ContainersReading 2.3Lists>>>digits = [1, 8, 2, 8]>>>len(digits)4>>>[2, 7] + digits * 2[2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 8, 2, 8]Nested lists~>>>pairs = [[10, 20], [30, 40]]~>>>pairs[1][30, 40]

2020-11-26 20:29:32 89

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture10 (Data Abstraction) 笔记

Lecture10 Data Abstraction( Reading 2.1/2.2 )1. Data Abstraction<1>定义: A methodology by which functions enforce an abstraction barrier between representation and useCompound values combine other values togetherdate: a year, a month, and a day

2020-11-26 11:36:01 202

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture9 (Function Examples) 笔记

Lecture9 Function ExamplesAbstraction<1> Functional Abstractions<2> Choosing Namesa. Names should convey the meaning or purpose of the values to which they are bound.b. The type of value bound to the name is best documented in a func

2020-11-24 15:57:58 95

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture8 (Tree Recursion) 笔记

Lecture8 Tree RecursionReading 1.71. Order of Recursive Calls<1>【eg1】The Cascade Function>>> def cascade(n): """Print a cascade of prefixes of n.""" if n < 10: print(n) else: print(n)

2020-11-23 16:49:41 260 1

原创 CS61A 18sp -- Lecture7(Recursion) 笔记

Lecture7 RecursionReading 1.7Recursive Functions<1>定义Definition: A function is called recursive if the body of that function calls itself, either directly or indirectly举例:(Sum Digits Without a While Statement)def split(n):"""Split positi

2020-11-23 16:19:15 136

原创 CS61A 18sp --Lab02

Coding PracticeQ3: Lambdas and Currying"""Lab 2: Lambda Expressions and Higher Order Functions"""# Lambda Functionsfrom operator import adddef lambda_curry2(func): """ Returns a Curried version of a two-argument function FUNC. >>&

2020-11-22 10:09:54 497



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