go build


 go build [-o output] [-i] [build flags] [packages]


  1. 忽略*_test.go
  2. -i 自动安装依赖。不加也会自动安装啊

build flags

build, clean, get, install, list, run, and test 共享build flags


force rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date.



print the commands but do not run them.

打印即将执行的命令,但是不执行他们。eg:go build -n all.go

PS D:\work\gowrokspace> go build -n .\all.go

# command-line-arguments

mkdir -p $WORK\b001\
cat >$WORK\b001\importcfg << 'EOF' # internal        
# import config
packagefile fmt=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\fmt.a        
packagefile runtime=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\runtime.a
cd D:\work\gowrokspace
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\compile.exe" -o "$WORK\\b001\\_pkg_.a" -trimpath "$WORK\\b001" -p main -complete -buildid wxMFmciacSP3v8U_ybY7/wxMFmciacSP3v8U_ybY7 -goversion go1.12.1 -D _/D_/work/gowrokspace -importcfg "$WORK\\b001\\importcfg" -pack -c=4 "D:\\work\\gowrokspace\\all.go"
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\buildid.exe" -w "$WORK\\b001\\_pkg_.a" # internal
cat >$WORK\b001\importcfg.link << 'EOF' # internal
packagefile command-line-arguments=$WORK\b001\_pkg_.a
packagefile fmt=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\fmt.a
packagefile runtime=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\runtime.a
packagefile errors=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\errors.a
packagefile internal/fmtsort=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\fmtsort.a
packagefile io=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\io.a
packagefile math=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\math.a
packagefile os=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\os.a
packagefile reflect=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\reflect.a
packagefile strconv=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\strconv.a
packagefile sync=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\sync.a
packagefile unicode/utf8=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\unicode\utf8.a
packagefile internal/bytealg=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\bytealg.a
packagefile internal/cpu=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\cpu.a
packagefile runtime/internal/atomic=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\runtime\internal\atomic.a
packagefile runtime/internal/math=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\runtime\internal\math.a
packagefile runtime/internal/sys=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\runtime\internal\sys.a
packagefile sort=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\sort.a
packagefile sync/atomic=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\sync\atomic.a
packagefile math/bits=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\math\bits.a
packagefile internal/poll=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\poll.a
packagefile internal/syscall/windows=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\syscall\windows.a
packagefile internal/testlog=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\testlog.a
packagefile syscall=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\syscall.a
packagefile time=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\time.a
packagefile unicode/utf16=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\unicode\utf16.a
packagefile unicode=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\unicode.a
packagefile internal/race=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\race.a
packagefile internal/syscall/windows/sysdll=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\syscall\windows\sysdll.a
packagefile internal/syscall/windows/registry=C:\Go\pkg\windows_amd64\internal\syscall\windows\registry.a
mkdir -p $WORK\b001\exe\
cd .
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\link.exe" -o "$WORK\\b001\\exe\\a.out.exe" -importcfg "$WORK\\b001\\importcfg.link" -buildmode=exe -buildid=bEfabckFmZB4v9w_Lx-N/wxMFmciacSP3v8U_ybY7/wxMFmciacSP3v8U_ybY7/bEfabckFmZB4v9w_Lx-N -extld=gcc "$WORK\\b001\\_pkg_.a"     
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\buildid.exe" -w "$WORK\\b001\\exe\\a.out.exe" # internal
mv $WORK\b001\exe\a.out.exe all.exe

-p n

the number of programs, such as build commands or
test binaries, that can be run in parallel.
The default is the number of CPUs available.



enable data race detection.
Supported only on linux/amd64, freebsd/amd64, darwin/amd64 and windows/amd64.



enable interoperation with memory sanitizer.
Supported only on linux/amd64, linux/arm64
and only with Clang/LLVM as the host C compiler.



print the names of packages as they are compiled.



print the name of the temporary work directory and
do not delete it when exiting.



print the commands.

打印出跟-n一样的内容,但是会执行。跟shell script的-x效果一样

-asmflags ‘[pattern=]arg list’

arguments to pass on each go tool asm invocation.


-buildmode mode

build mode to use. See 'go help buildmode' for more.


-compiler name

name of compiler to use, as in runtime.Compiler (gccgo or gc).

-gccgoflags ‘[pattern=]arg list’

arguments to pass on each gccgo compiler/linker invocation.

-gcflags ‘[pattern=]arg list’

arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation.

-installsuffix suffix

a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory,
in order to keep output separate from default builds.
If using the -race flag, the install suffix is automatically set to race
or, if set explicitly, has _race appended to it. Likewise for the -msan
flag. Using a -buildmode option that requires non-default compile flags
has a similar effect.


-ldflags ‘[pattern=]arg list’

arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation.



link against shared libraries previously created with


-mod mode

module download mode to use: readonly or vendor.
See 'go help modules' for more.


-pkgdir dir

install and load all packages from dir instead of the usual locations.
For example, when building with a non-standard configuration,
use -pkgdir to keep generated packages in a separate location.

临时指定一个pkg dir

-tags tag,list

a comma-separated list of build tags to consider satisfied during the
build. For more information about build tags, see the description of
build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package.
(Earlier versions of Go used a space-separated list, and that form
is deprecated but still recognized.)

build tag,在go代码里面可以定义一些代码在特定条件满足的时候才会被编译。有点类似于c语言的ifdef宏以及编译时候的-D


remove all file system paths from the resulting executable.
Instead of absolute file system paths, the recorded file names
will begin with either "go" (for the standard library),
or a module path@version (when using modules),
or a plain import path (when using GOPATH).


-toolexec ‘cmd args’

a program to use to invoke toolchain programs like vet and asm.
For example, instead of running asm, the go command will run
'cmd args /path/to/asm <arguments for asm>'.


go tool compile(-gcflags)

go : usage: compile [options] file.go...

  -%	debug non-static initializers
  -+	compiling runtime
  -B	disable bounds checking
  -C	disable printing of columns in error messages
  -D path
    	set relative path for local imports
  -E	debug symbol export
  -I directory
    	add directory to import search path
  -K	debug missing line numbers

  -L	show full file names in error messages
  -N	disable optimizations
  -S	print assembly listing

  -V	print version and exit
  -W	debug parse tree after type checking

    	generate ABI wrappers for all symbols (for bootstrap)
  -asmhdr file
    	write assembly header to file
  -bench file
    	append benchmark times to file
  -blockprofile file
    	write block profile to file
  -buildid id
    	record id as the build id in the export metadata

  -c int
    	concurrency during compilation, 1 means no concurrency (default 1)
    	compiling complete package (no C or assembly)

  -cpuprofile file
    	write cpu profile to file
  -d list
    	print debug information about items in list; try -d help

    	generate DWARF symbols (default true)
    	add location lists to DWARF in optimized mode (default true)

    	support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries
  -e	no limit on number of errors reported

  -gendwarfinl int
    	generate DWARF inline info records (default 2)

  -goversion string
    	required version of the runtime
  -h	halt on error

  -importcfg file
    	read import configuration from file
  -importmap definition
    	add definition of the form source=actual to import map

  -installsuffix suffix
    	set pkg directory suffix
  -j	debug runtime-initialized variables

  -l	disable inlining
  -lang string
    	release to compile for

  -linkobj file
    	write linker-specific object to file
    	debug liveness analysis

  -m	print optimization decisions
  -memprofile file
    	write memory profile to file

  -memprofilerate rate
    	set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate
  -mutexprofile file
    	write mutex profile to file

    	reject local (relative) imports
  -o file
    	write output to file

  -p path
    	set expected package import path
    	write to file.a instead of file.o

  -r	debug generated wrappers
    	enable race detector

  -s	warn about composite literals that can be simplified
    	generate code that can be linked into a shared library

    	compiling standard library
  -symabis file
    	read symbol ABIs from file

  -traceprofile file
    	write an execution trace to file

  -trimpath prefix
    	remove prefix from recorded source file paths
  -v	increase debug verbosity

  -w	debug type checking

    	enable write barrier (default true)

go tool link(-ldflags)

go : usage: link [options] main.o
  -B note
    	add an ELF NT_GNU_BUILD_ID note when using ELF
  -D address
    	set data segment address (default -1)
  -E entry
    	set entry symbol name
  -H type
    	set header type
  -I linker
    	use linker as ELF dynamic linker
  -L directory
    	add specified directory to library path
  -R quantum
    	set address rounding quantum (default -1)
  -T address
    	set text segment address (default -1)

  -V	print version and exit

  -X definition
    	add string value definition of the form importpath.name=value
  -a	disassemble output

  -buildid id
    	record id as Go toolchain build id
  -buildmode mode
    	set build mode

  -c	dump call graph

    	compress DWARF if possible (default true)
  -cpuprofile file
    	write cpu profile to file

  -d	disable dynamic executable
  -debugtramp int
    	debug trampolines

    	dump symbol dependency graph

  -extar string
    	archive program for buildmode=c-archive
  -extld linker
    	use linker when linking in external mode

  -extldflags flags
    	pass flags to external linker
  -f	ignore version mismatch

  -g	disable go package data checks
  -h	halt on error

  -importcfg file
    	read import configuration from file
  -installsuffix suffix
    	set package directory suffix

  -k symbol
    	set field tracking symbol
  -libgcc string
    	compiler support lib for internal linking; use "none" to disable

  -linkmode mode
    	set link mode
    	link against installed Go shared libraries

  -memprofile file
    	write memory profile to file
  -memprofilerate rate
    	set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate

    	enable MSan interface
  -n	dump symbol table

  -o file
    	write output to file

  -pluginpath string
    	full path name for plugin

  -r path
    	set the ELF dynamic linker search path to dir1:dir2:...

    	enable race detector
  -s	disable symbol table

  -tmpdir directory
    	use directory for temporary files
  -u	reject unsafe packages

  -v	print link trace
  -w	disable DWARF generation

有一种更好的办法是在编译时使用参数-ldflags -X importpath.name=value,官方解释如下





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


