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原创 [SDUT 2414] | 山东省第三届省赛 An interesting game | 最小费用最大流

评测地址题目描述Xiao Ming recently designs a little game, in front of player there are N small hillsides put in order, now Xiao Ming wants to increase some hillsides to block the player, so he prepared another M hillsides, but he does not hope it will be too dif

2021-10-30 21:52:56 134

原创 [POJ 1236] Network of Schools | Tarjan缩点

DescriptionA number of schools are connected to a computer network. Agreements have been developed among those schools: each school maintains a list of schools to which it distributes software (the “receiving schools”). Note that if B is in the distributi

2021-10-30 21:39:29 156 1

原创 [CCPC 2019] 厦门 | Zayin and Obstacles | 三维差分前缀 + bfs

DescriptionRecently, Zayin became obsessed with a tower defense game called Arknights. The most special level is the 5th level of chapter 4: Don’t panic. The most special thing about this level is that an enemy will continue taking radioactive damage afte

2021-10-26 20:41:53 266

原创 [UVA1364 | POJ | NC]Knights of the Round Table | Tarjan 求点双 | 二分图 | 综合图论

评测地址:网址1网址2题目描述:题意:给出n位骑士,然后有m个关系,每个关系以格式:a ba\ ba b给出,表达骑士aaa不能和bbb相邻,问要想使得最多的奇数个骑士在一起围成一圈,要剔除多少人solution:一. part1 : 首先解决这道题要用到的知识点:1. 建立补图2. Tarjan求解点双连通分量(V-DCC)并记录3. 奇环4. 二分图的判定(二分图染色)二. part2 概念解析:所谓补图,就是将原图中连着的边去掉,而将原来没有连的边

2021-10-26 00:15:04 178

原创 [POJ] John‘s trip | 欧拉回路 | 边序列字典序最小 + 建图

DescriptionLittle Johnny has got a new car. He decided to drive around the town to visit his friends. Johnny wanted to visit all his friends, but there was many of them. In each street he had one friend. He started thinking how to make his trip as short a

2021-10-25 15:43:01 164

原创 [POJ | Nowcoder] Watchcow | 欧拉回路 点路径输出

DescriptionBessie’s been appointed the new watch-cow for the farm. Every night, it’s her job to walk across the farm and make sure that no evildoers are doing any evil. She begins at the barn, makes her patrol, and then returns to the barn when she’s done

2021-10-24 20:14:54 136

原创 [UPC | 山东省赛] The Largest SCC | Tarjan强连通分量瞎搞 + 状态还原

题目描述Consider a directed graph with N (1 <= N <= 1000) vertices and M (0 <=M <= 20000) edges. The edges are numbered from 1 to M and the vertices are numbered from 1 to N. Now I will make ONE edge bidirectional, and you are to tell me the numbe

2021-10-23 16:08:37 130

原创 [Nowcoder] network | Tarjan 边双连通分量 | 缩点 | LCA倍增优化 | 并查集

题目链接链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/1060/B?&headNav=acm来源:牛客网题目描述A network administrator manages a large network. The network consists of N computers and M links between pairs of computers. Any pair of computers are connected directly or ind

2021-10-21 00:47:16 212

原创 [Luogu] 炸铁路 | Tarjan 割边

题目描述A 国派出将军uim,对 B 国进行战略性措施,以解救涂炭的生灵。B 国有 nn 个城市,这些城市以铁路相连。任意两个城市都可以通过铁路直接或者间接到达。uim 发现有些铁路被毁坏之后,某两个城市无法互相通过铁路到达。这样的铁路就被称为 key road。uim 为了尽快使该国的物流系统瘫痪,希望炸毁铁路,以达到存在某两个城市无法互相通过铁路到达的效果。然而,只有一发炮弹(A 国国会不给钱了)。所以,他能轰炸哪一条铁路呢?输入格式第一行 (1≤n≤1501 \leq n\leq 150

2021-10-19 20:14:34 117

原创 [HDU 4738] Caocao‘s Bridges | Tarjan 求割边

Problem DescriptionCaocao was defeated by Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu in the battle of Chibi. But he wouldn’t give up. Caocao’s army still was not good at water battles, so he came up with another idea. He built many islands in the Changjiang river, and based

2021-10-18 21:15:01 188

原创 [Codeforces 1586] Omkar and Determination | 思维前缀和

链接descriptionThe problem statement looms below, filling you with determination.Consider a grid in which some cells are empty and some cells are filled. Call a cell in this grid exitable if, starting at that cell, you can exit the grid by moving up and l

2021-10-18 18:58:42 336

原创 [UVA 1599] Ideal Path | 细节最短路

DescriptionNew labyrinth attraction is open in New Lostland amusement park. The labyrinth consists of n rooms connected by m passages. Each passage is colored into some color ci . Visitors of the labyrinth are dropped from the helicopter to the room numbe

2021-10-13 09:14:03 164

原创 [North Central NA Contest 2018] Rational Ratio | 规律 细节模拟

DescriptionEvery (positive) rational number can be expressed as a ratio of two (positive) integers. However, in decimal form, rational numbers often have an infifinitely repeating pattern, e.g., 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857… A convenient way of writing this

2021-10-12 19:30:43 139

原创 [HDU 7136] Jumping Monkey | 并查集 | 逆向思维

Jumping MonkeyTime Limit: 8000/4000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 747 Accepted Submission(s): 360Problem DescriptionThere is a tree with n nodes and n−1 edges that make all nodes connected. Each

2021-10-11 20:55:35 247

原创 [Atcoder ABC222] F - Expensive Expense | 妙用树的直径 | Dijkstra

Time Limit: 4 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MBScore : 500 pointsProblem StatementThe Kingdom of AtCoder is composed of NNN towns and N−1N−1N−1 roads.The towns are labeled as Town 1, Town 2, …, Town N. Similarly, the roads are labeled as Road 1, Road 2, …, R

2021-10-10 23:28:07 309

原创 [2018 徐州 网络赛|Hard to prepare ] 环形染色问题的公式解法

题目来源After Incident, a feast is usually held in Hakurei Shrine. This time Reimu asked Kokoro to deliver a Nogaku show during the feast. To enjoy the show, every audience has to wear a Nogaku mask, and seat around as a circle.There are N guests Reimu serve

2021-10-08 23:56:08 281

原创 [计蒜客] ACM-ICPC 2018 南京赛区网络预赛 | 部分题解 | 线段树 + 线性筛 + 最短路

该场比赛链接本文目录E. AC Challenge题目描述输入样例输入样例输出提示题意:A. An Olympian Math ProblemG. Lpl and Energy-saving Lamps题目描述输入输出样例输入样例输出提示J. Nanjing Sum题目描述输入输出样例输入提示L. Magical Girl Haze题目描述输入输出样例输入样例输出题意:E. AC Challenge题目描述Dlsj is competing in a contest with n (0 < n

2021-10-06 19:32:49 647 2

原创 [P3074 | USACO13FEB] Milk Scheduling | SPFA最长路 | 超级源点 + 超级汇点

题目描述Farmer John’s N cows (1 <= N <= 10,000) are conveniently numbered 1…N.Each cow i takes T(i) units of time to milk. Unfortunately, some cows must be milked before others, owing to the layout of FJ’s barn. If cow A must be milked before cow B,

2021-10-06 11:40:54 188

原创 [USACO | UPC] Liars and Truth Tellers | 拓展域并查集

网址链接题目描述After spending so much time around his cows, Farmer John has started to understand their language. Moreover, he notices that among his N cows (2≤N≤10002 \leq N \leq 10002≤N≤1000), some always tell the truth while others always lie.FJ carefully

2021-10-04 20:43:00 194

原创 [UPC] Radio Prize | 换根dp

题目描述All boring tree-shaped lands are alike, while all exciting tree-shaped lands are exciting in their own special ways.What makes Treeland more exciting than the other tree-shaped lands are the raddest radio hosts in the local area: Root and Leaf. Every

2021-10-04 15:08:02 177

原创 [UPC] 2021秋组队17

目录A Quality-Adjusted Life-YearB Gwen’s GiftC Forest for the TreesD H-IndexE Driving LanesF Treasure SpottingG Neighborhood WatchH Small ScheduleI Mr. Plow KingJ Rainbow Road RaceA Quality-Adjusted Life-Year签到B Gwen’s GiftC Forest for the Treesgcdcons

2021-10-03 20:43:18 235

hadoop-eclipse-plugin[2.2.0 + 2.4.1 + 2.6.0 + 2.7.3]



一份(不太)简短的 LATEX 2ε 介绍

英文作者: Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl 英文版本: Version 6.2, Februrary 28, 2018 中文翻译: CTEX 开发小组 中文版本:版本 6.02,二零二零年八月



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