

主席:Thank you. All Delegates please take your seats, the meeting will begin.
主席:now we’re going to have the roll call. Please raise you placard and answer ‘present.’

  1. 点名:
    (一一点名)China, America, France, Britain, Russia, Australia
    主席:The conference should be attended by 6 countries, and the actual attendance is 6 countries. Now I declare the meeting officially started.

主席:Now we are going to set the agenda, there are two topics in the conference. Topic A is the international energy issue and topic B is the climate change issue. Please comment now.

主席:China. You have a two minute to state your opinion.
China:The energy issue is an urgent problem which should be solved, and China motion to put topic A at the top of the agenda.
China:A century ago, energy was just a tool for people to generate electricity. At that time, people were not aware of the limited of fossil energy and its possible damage to the environment. The current energy policy is much more complicated than before. The technological revolution, environmental costs, and geopolitical balance play a pivotal role in the formulation of energy policies.
Energy is an important part of international politics. It is foreseeable that high quality and efficient use of energy will be an effective way to solve poverty and environmental problems.
主席:We are now voting on this topic.
主席:Ok, now we will discuss the international energy issue. Please raise your placards if you want to talk about it.

主席:America, France, Britain, Russia, Australia

美国:How to solve the problem of energy security is not only a problem facing the development of the United States, but also a global concern. The following are the recommendations of the United States:Firstly, countries should strengthen national strategic management of energy security. Secondly, countries should take many measures to safeguard oil security. For example, in the recent turbulent situation in Syria, we will send troops to protect Syrian oil wells. Thirdly, countries should use more environmentally friendly energy to reduce carbon emissions. the United States hopes to strengthen cooperation with various countries and regions to ensure international energy security.
法国:EDF has formed a diversified power structure based on nuclear power, hydropower and new energy. It is committed to providing customers with integrated solutions including power investment, engineering design, power management and distribution. Its business covers almost all industries of power system. At the same time, French electric power group is a large-scale company with world-class industrial competitiveness in nuclear energy, thermal energy, hydropower and renewable energy. It is one of the leaders in energy transformation. It has more than 70 subsidiaries and branches around the world, with investment all over the world, providing energy services for nearly 200,000 users around the world.
英国:At present, the UK’s investment and development of solar energy and wind energy provide reference for other countries, and there will be good cooperation opportunities with other countries. This can be said to be another milestone in the development of green energy in the UK.
There are three questions that we want to ask other friendly countries.
*1. What do the falling costs of renewables and the spread of digital technologies mean for tomorrow’s energy supply?
*2. How can the world get on a pathway to meet global climate targets and other sustainable energy goals?
*3. How large a role could renewable energy play in modern society?
Energy development is currently the most urgent need in the world. It requires all of us to work together.
俄罗斯:At present, the urgency of international energy, and then Russia as a major energy country, provides a lot of convenience for neighboring countries.
30% of the crude oil used in Europe is provided by Russia .and when it comes to gas, the number rises to 40%. if we look at each individual European, the dependency is way higher. Germany imports 60% of their gas form Russia, and other countries like Finland and the Baltics depend entirely on Russian gas. in other words, Russian could protect these countries from freezing on a cold, cold winter night.
澳大利亚:As one of the first countries in the world to develop solar power technology, Australia provided about 20% of its electricity from clean energy in 2018. Hydropower, wind power and solar power are the main types of clean energy. More than 30 percent of homes are installed with photovoltaic power, and there is still a lot of potential. In addition, Australia is simultaneously trying to develop wind power and hydro power, and gradually reduce coal power generation. Australia hopes to promote the release of clean energy through international cooperation and actively cooperate with other countries.

主席:delegate of Australia, you still have 30 seconds left, how would you like to yield your time?
澳大利亚:I’d like to yield to China.
中国:Thank you, thank the delegate of Australia, China’s efforts to increase the share of renewable energy and control emissions in the energy sector are not only important to China but also important to the international community. Renewable energy is particularly important for transformation. China has a broad prospect for focusing on the low-carbon transition of the energy sector.

主席: Now we have a second round of discussion.
美国:At present, the development and utilization of energy resources not only have a direct impact on the development of human civilization and social economy, but also on international politics. For a long time, the United States has played an important leading role in the global energy pattern.
法国:As the world’s largest nuclear power operator, EDF has rich experience in the field of nuclear power. influenced by the implementation of coal-free policy in Europe. EDF focuses on how to develop nuclear power and renewable energy in coordination, and consolidate and develop competitive low-carbon power generation technology.
英国: The UK government is the first major economy in the world who passed legislation to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Although no one knows exactly what will happen in the future market, the UK has always been on the road to energy development.
俄罗斯:hold on a minute here, because there’s more to this resource than heating, in fact, energy for many other thing, for thermal power plants, used by various industries. energy is extremely important to everybody. Russia’s energy power is limited and needs the support of the United Nations and other countries.
澳大利亚:Faced with increasingly serious energy problems, Australia will promote the development of clean energy as a principle, and actively develop the renewable energy industry. The Australian government supports the development of the renewable energy industry, helps reduce barriers to energy development and provides more reliable energy saving technologies.

主席:Are there any preceding motions? Now we have Draft Resolution 1.1 submitted by China distributed to every delegate, are there any points or motions on the floor? (停顿,环视一周)。
主席:No one has objections. So we will vote on the draft resolution. Two-thirds of the representatives must vote for the approval and the draft resolution will be passed.
主席:Now, I will name you in turn, and the countries I have ordered will placard and answer: Yes, No, Abstain。

(一一投票)China, America, France, Britain, Russia, Australia(美国弃权,其他都同意)
China:Yes (举牌).
America:Abstain (举牌).
France:Yes (举牌).
Britain:Yes (举牌).
Russia:Yes (举牌).
Australia:Yes (举牌).

主席:Now I declare the result of the vote on this draft resolution: 5 countries say Yes, 0 countries say No, 1 country say Abstain. More than two-thirds of the countries supported the draft. So the draft resolution will be adopted. Thank you for your hard work though the discussion. I’m so glad we passed a resolution in the end. (鼓掌) Thank you all. See you next year.

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