溯源智能合约 Solidity

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
library SafeMath {
  function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;
    uint256 c = a * b;
    assert(c / a == b);
    return c;
  function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
    uint256 c = a / b;
    // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
    return c;
  function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;
  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    assert(c >= a);
    return c;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "./SafeMath.sol";
contract ProductManager {
     using SafeMath for uint256;

     uint256 productNum;

      event NewProduct(
          string name,
          uint8 productMode,
          uint8 productType,
          uint16 price,
          uint16 weight,
          uint16 batchNum,
          uint256 productNum,
          uint256 productionOfDate

      struct Product {
       uint8 productMode;  //产品生产方式
       uint8 productType;  //产品类型
       uint16 price;       //商品价格
       uint16 weight;      //商品重量
       uint16 batchNum;    //批次编号
       uint256 productNum;  //产品编号
       uint256 productionOfDate; //产品生产日期
       string name;      //产品名称
       string photoURL;      //商品的照片
       bool isUsed;       //判断商品是否存在

      mapping (uint256 => Product) product;
      mapping (uint16 => uint256[]) getbatchNumProduct ;  //根据商品的批次编号获取所有的商品上链数据
     constructor()  {

	function addProduct(uint8 _productMode ,uint8 _productType, string memory _name, uint16 _batchNum, uint16 _price, uint16 _weight, uint _productionOfDate,
     string memory _photoURL) public {
        productNum = productNum.add(1);
        Product memory product1 = Product({
          productMode: _productMode,
          productType: _productType,
          price: _price,
          weight: _weight,
          batchNum: _batchNum,
          productNum: productNum,
          productionOfDate: _productionOfDate,
          name: _name,
          photoURL: _photoURL,
          isUsed: true
		product[productNum] = product1;	
        emit NewProduct(_name, _productMode, _productType, _price, _weight, _batchNum, productNum, _productionOfDate);	

    function getProductData(uint256 _productId) public view returns(Product memory) {
        require(_productId>0,"The parameter must be greater than 0!");
        Product memory pro = product[_productId];
		    return pro;

    function getProductBybatchNum(uint16 _batchNum) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
         return getbatchNumProduct[_batchNum];

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract SellerManager {

    event NewSeller(
          address owner,
          uint8 sellerType,
          uint16 sellerNum,
          uint256 productNum,
          string sellerName, 
          string sellerPhone

     struct Seller {  //销售商结构体数据
         address owner; //销售商钱包地址 
         uint8 sellerType;   //销售商类型
         uint16 sellerNum;   //销售商编号
         uint256 productNum; //溯源的商品编号
         string sellerName;  //销售商负责人姓名
         string sellerPhone; //销售商负责人电话号码
    mapping (uint256 => Seller[]) sellerDatas;
    mapping (uint16 => uint256[]) getSellerProduct ;  //根据销售商编号获取所有商品上链数据

    function addSeller (uint8 _sellerType, uint16 _sellerNum, uint256 _productNum, string memory _sellerName,string memory _sellerPhone) public {
        Seller memory sel = Seller({
          owner: msg.sender,
          sellerType: _sellerType,
          sellerNum: _sellerNum,
          productNum: _productNum,
          sellerName: _sellerName,
          sellerPhone: _sellerPhone
        emit NewSeller(msg.sender, _sellerType, _sellerNum,_productNum, _sellerName, _sellerPhone);

    function getSeller(uint256 _productNum) public view returns(Seller[] memory) {
        require(_productNum>0,"The parameter must be greater than 0!");
        Seller[] memory sel =  sellerDatas[_productNum]; 
        return sel;

    function getProductBySeller(uint16 _sellerNum) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
         return getSellerProduct[_sellerNum];

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract LogisticsManager {

    enum State { Provider, Seller}

     event NewLogistics(
          address owner,
          uint8 transportationMode,
          uint256 productNum,
          string logisticsPeopleName,
          string logisticsPhone,
          string trafficToolsNum

     struct Logistics {
        address owner;              //物流运输者钱包地址
        uint8 transportationMode;   //运输方式
        uint16 logisticsNum;        //运输商编号
        uint256 productNum;         //运输的产品编号 
        uint256 date;               //装货时间  
        uint256 endOfDate;          //卸货时间   
        string trafficToolsNum;     //运输工具编号
        string origin;              //装货地
        string destination;         //卸货地
        string logisticsPeopleName; //运输负责人姓名
        string logisticsPhone;      //运输人电话
        State state;                //物流状态    

    mapping (uint256 => Logistics[]) logisticsDatas;
    mapping (uint16 => uint256[]) getLogisticsProduct ;  //根据物流商编号获取所有商品上链数据

    function addLogistics(uint8 _transportationMode, uint16 _logisticsNum, uint256 _productNum, string memory _trafficToolsNum,string memory _origin, 
    string memory _destination, uint256 _date, uint256 _endOfDate,string memory _logisticsPeopleName,string memory _logisticsPhone, State _state) public {
        Logistics memory log= Logistics({
          owner: msg.sender,
          transportationMode: _transportationMode,
          logisticsNum: _logisticsNum,
          productNum: _productNum,
          date: _date,
          endOfDate: _endOfDate,
          trafficToolsNum: _trafficToolsNum,
          origin: _origin,
          destination: _destination,
          logisticsPeopleName: _logisticsPeopleName,
          logisticsPhone: _logisticsPhone,
          state: _state
        emit NewLogistics(msg.sender, _transportationMode, _productNum, _logisticsPeopleName, _logisticsPhone, _trafficToolsNum);

    function getLogistics(uint256 _productNum) public view returns(Logistics[] memory) {
        require(_productNum>0,"The parameter must be greater than 0!");
        Logistics[] memory node = logisticsDatas[_productNum];
        return node;

    function getProductByLogistics(uint16 _logisticsNum) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
         return getLogisticsProduct[_logisticsNum];

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract ProviderManager{

      event NewProvider(
          address owner,
          uint16 provideNum,
          string ownerName,
          string phoneNum,
          uint256 productNum

     struct Provider { //生产商结构体数据
        address owner;  //生产商钱包地址 
        uint16 providerNum;     //生产商编号
        uint256 productNum;    //生产商生产的商品编号
        string ownerName;   //生产商负责人姓名
        string phoneNum;    //生产商电话号码
        bool test;

     mapping (uint256 => Provider) provider;
     mapping (uint16 => uint256[]) getProviderProduct ;  //根据生产商编号获取所有商品上链数据

    function addProvider (uint16 _providerNum, uint256 _productNum, string memory _ownerName,string memory _phoneNum) public {
        Provider memory pro = Provider({
          owner: msg.sender,
          providerNum: _providerNum,
          productNum: _productNum,
          ownerName: _ownerName,
          phoneNum: _phoneNum,
          test: true
        provider[_productNum] = pro;
        emit  NewProvider(msg.sender, _providerNum, _ownerName, _phoneNum, _productNum);

    function getProvider(uint256 _productNum) public view returns(Provider memory) {
        require(_productNum>0,"The parameter must be greater than 0!");
        Provider memory pro =  provider[_productNum]; 
        return pro;

    function getProductByProvider(uint16 _providerNum) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
         return getProviderProduct[_providerNum];

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "./ProductManager.sol";
import "./SellerManager.sol";
import "./LogisticsManager.sol";
import "./ProviderManager.sol";

contract trace is ProductManager, SellerManager,LogisticsManager, ProviderManager {

    address private owner;
    ProductManager productManager;
    ProviderManager providerManager;
    LogisticsManager logisticsManager;
    SellerManager sellerManager;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    _;    // _ 表示我们继续执行我们的函数

    constructor(address product, address provider,address logistics,address seller)  {
         owner = msg.sender;
         productManager = ProductManager(product);
         providerManager = ProviderManager(provider);
         logisticsManager = LogisticsManager(logistics);
         sellerManager = SellerManager(seller);

    function changeAddress(address product, address provider,address logistics,address seller) public onlyOwner {
         productManager = ProductManager(product);
         providerManager = ProviderManager(provider);
         logisticsManager = LogisticsManager(logistics);
         sellerManager = SellerManager(seller);

    function getProductTraceInfor(uint256 _productId) public view returns (Provider memory, Product memory, Logistics[] memory , Seller[]memory) {
      return (providerManager.getProvider(_productId), productManager.getProductData(_productId),logisticsManager.getLogistics(_productId),sellerManager.getSeller(_productId));

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Solidity是一种智能合约语言,它是以太坊平台上的主要编程语言之一。以下是Solidity的教程: 1. 智能合约的基础结构 Solidity智能合约由两个部分组成:状态变量和函数。状态变量是合约内部存储的数据,而函数是合约内部的代码,用于处理状态变量或执行其他操作。 2. Solidity的数据类型 Solidity支持各种数据类型,包括布尔值、整型、地址、字符串、数组、结构体等。例如: - 布尔值:bool - 整型:int、uint - 地址:address - 字符串:string - 数组:array - 结构体:struct 3. Solidity的函数 函数是Solidity合约中最重要的部分之一。函数可以接受参数,也可以返回值。例如: ``` function add(uint a, uint b) public returns (uint) { return a + b; } ``` 这个函数接受两个整数作为参数,并返回它们的和。 4. Solidity的控制流 Solidity支持各种控制流结构,包括if、for、while、do-while等。例如: ``` function isEven(uint x) public returns (bool) { if (x % 2 == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } ``` 这个函数接受一个整数作为参数,并返回它是否为偶数。 5. Solidity的事件 事件是Solidity合约中的一种通知机制,它可以向外部应用程序发送消息。例如: ``` event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint _value); ``` 这个事件表示在合约中发生了一次转账操作,它包含了发送方地址、接收方地址和转账金额。 6. Solidity的继承 Solidity支持继承,一个合约可以从另一个合约中继承状态变量和函数。例如: ``` contract A { uint public x = 1; } contract B is A { uint public y = 2; } ``` 在这个例子中,合约B从合约A中继承了状态变量x,并且定义了自己的状态变量y。 以上就是Solidity的基础教程,希望对你有所帮助。


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 3




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