

Version: jMetal 5.7

  • Algorithms

    • FAME. Algorithm FAME (DOI), contributed by buy @AASantiago.
    • mIBEA. Variant of IBEA contributed buy @vinixnan.
    • d-NSGA-II. Algorithm D-NSGA-II contributed by @dynamic-sevn
  • New features

    • When the quality indicators of an experiment are computed, a summary file called QualityIndicatorSummary.csv is generated. This is a CSV file containing the following fields: Algorithm, Problem, IndicatorName, ExecutionId, IndicatorValue.
    • Added the ComposableDoubleProblem class, which allows to define a double problem dynamically.
    • Class ConstrainedProblem is deprecated, and all the problems depending on it have been refactored.
    • A method getVariables() has been added to class Solution.
    • The NSGAII class has been refactored to allow to indicate the size of the mating pool and the offspring population. This allows, for example, to configure a state version of it by assigning the values matingPoolSize = 2 and offspringPopulationSize = 1, so classes such as SteadyStateNSGAII are not necessary. All the classes related to NSGA-II have been refactored as a consequence.
  • Bugs

Version: jMetal 5.6

  • Algorithms

    • Algorithm SMPSO/RP.
    • Improvements in algorithms WASF-GA and GWASF-GA. Contribution of Rubén Saborido.
    • Algorithm MOEA/D and variants can now return a subset of evenly distributed solutions (see Miscelanea)
    • Algorithm ESPEA. Contribution of Marlon Braun.
    • Algorithm CDG-MOEA. Contribution of Feng Zhang and Xinye Cai.
  • Problems

  • Miscelanea

    • Added class KNearestNeighborhood.
    • Added new neighborhood classes: C25, C49, L13, L25 and L41 (
    • Added method getSubsetOfEvenlyDistributedSolutions() to class MOEADUtils.
  • Bugs

    • Fixed a bug in the component of the experiment package that executes the algorithms in parallel. All the experiment classes in package jmetal-exec have been updated.
    • Fixed a bug in the experiment framework which led to recompute quality indicators more times than needed.
    • Fixed a bug in class AbstractGenericSolution caused by solutions stored as attributes. This issue might lead to infinite recursive calls when two solutions are compared.

Version: jMetal 5.4

  • Algorithms

    • The algorithm R-NSGA-II ( is available. Contribution of Cristóbal Barba (@cbarba).
    • Algorithm WASF-GA now can solve constrained problems ( Contribution of Cristóbal Barba (@cbarba).
    • Updated version of MOEA/DD and added a runner class for it. Contribution of @fritsche.
  • Operators

    • The CrossoverOperator interface contains a new method numberOfGeneratedChildren() and the former getNumberOfParents() has been renamed to getNumberOfRequiredParents().
  • Miscelanea

    • Added a WeightVectorNeighborhood class, which implements the Neighborhood interface with the neighborhood scheme of MOEA/D.
    • Changed case of class names in CEC benchmark problems. Contribution of @leechristie
  • Bugs

    • Algorithm WASF-GA now can solve problems with more than two objectives.

Version: jMetal 5.3

  • New algorithms

    • MOEA/D-DD. Contribution of @vinixnan
    • Variants with measures of algorithms WASF-GA, DMOPSO, and SMPSO
  • Quality indicators

    • The R2 indicator can be applied now to fronts with more than two objectives.
  • Miscelanea

    • Class ChartContainer, which is being developed by @georgero5. This class allows to display information of algorithms while they are running, such as the current Pareto front approximation or the evolution of indicators such as the Hypervolume. See classes DMOPSOMeasuresRunner and NSGAIIMeasuresWithChartsRunner for examples using it.
    • Added getters and setters to all the parameters of the operators.
    • New interfaces for random generators based on functional interfaces.
  • Bugs

    • Fixed a bug in algorithm MOEA/D

Version: jMetal 5.2

From version 5.2, jmetal requires Java 8.

  • New algorithms

  • Coral Reef Optimization
    (S. Salcedo-Sanz, J. Del Ser, S. Gil-López, I. Landa-Torres and J. A. Portilla-Figueras, “The coral reefs optimization algorithm: an efficient meta-heuristic for solving hard optimization problems”. 15th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference, Mataró, Spain, June, 2013).
    Contribution of Inacio Medeiros

  • New features

    • The classes related to experiments have been refactorized.
    • Java 8 parallel streams are used to implement concurrency in the algorithms and in the experiments.
  • Bugs fixed

    • Class Rosenbrock didn’t set the lower and upper limits.
    • The default number of objectives in class UF9 was not correct.
    • A sentece was missing in class LZ09.
    • Fixed a bug in the prune() method of class AdaptiveGridArchive (thanks to SunnyWind).

Version: jMetal 5.1

  • New algorithms

    (K. Li, Q. Zhang, S. Kwong, M. Li and R. Wang, “Stable Matching-Based Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(6): 909-923, 2014. 10.1109/TEVC.2013.2293776).
    Thanks to Ke Li for his contribution.

    (Optimal antenna placement using a new multi-objective chc algorithm. A.J. Nebro, E. Alba, G. Molina, F. Chicano, F. Luna, J.J. Durillo. GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. London, England. July 2007. DOI: 10.1145/1276958.1277128)

  • MOMBI-II (Improved Metaheuristic Based on the R2 Indicator for Many-Objective Optimization. R. Hernández Gómez, C.A. Coello Coello. Proceeding GECCO '15 Proceedings of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Pages 679-686. DOI: 10.1145/2739480.2754776)

  • NSGA-III (Implementation based on the code of Tsung-Che Chiang:

  • WASF-GA (A Preference-based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization: The Weighting Achievement Scalarizing Function Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, May 2015, Volume 62, Issue 1, pp 101-129. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-014-0214-y)

  • GWASF-GA (Global WASF-GA: An Evolutionary Algorithm in Multiobjective Optimization to Approximate the whole Pareto Optimal Front. R. Saborido, A.B. Ruiz and M. Luque. Evolutionary Computation. Accepted for publication. 2015.)

  • SMPSOhv: (Analysis of leader selection strategies in a multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimizer. A.J. Nebro, J.J. Durillo, C.A. Coello Coello. CEC 2013, June 2013, pp 3153-1360. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2013.6557955). Two variants can be configured depending on the HypervolumeArchive, which can use a PISAHypervolume or a WFGHypervolume object.

  • Standard PSO 2007 (single objective)

  • Standard PSO 2011 (single objective)

  • New benchmark problems

    • GLT problems. Defined in: F. Gu, H.-L. Liu, and K. C. Tan, “A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm using dynamic weight design method,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 8, no. 5B, pp. 3677–3688, 2012.
    • MOP problems. Defined in: H. L. Liu, F. Gu and Q. Zhang, “Decomposition of a Multiobjective Optimization Problem Into a Number of Simple Multiobjective Subproblems”, in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 450-455, June 2014. Thanks to Mastermay for his contribution.
  • New operators

  • New util classes

  • New features

    • Support for experimental studies
      • Parallel algorithm execution.
      • Quality indicators computing.
      • Reference Pareto front approximations computing.
      • Generation of Latex tables:
        • Basic statistics (mean/median and standard deviation/IQR).
        • Wilcoxon rank sum test.
        • Friedman test ranking.
      • Generation of boxplots.
    • Classes PolynomialMutation and SBXCrossover include setters to update their probability and distribution index values.
    • Two implementations of the Hypervolume quality indicator are provided: PISAHypervolume and WFGHypervolume
  • Bugs fixed

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