Java mongoDB查询(Query Criteria)

MongoDB 将数据存储为一个文档,数据结构由键值(key=>value)对组成。MongoDB 文档类似于 JSON 对象。字段值可以包含其他文档,数组及文档数组。


public Query addCriteria(CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition) {
    CriteriaDefinition existing = (CriteriaDefinition)this.criteria.get(criteriaDefinition.getKey());
    String key = criteriaDefinition.getKey();
    if (existing == null) {
        this.criteria.put(key, criteriaDefinition);
        return this;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException(String.format("Due to limitations of the com.mongodb.BasicDocument, you can't add a second '%s' criteria. Query already contains '%s'", key, SerializationUtils.serializeToJsonSafely(existing.getCriteriaObject())));

public Field fields() {
    if (this.fieldSpec == null) {
        this.fieldSpec = new Field();

    return this.fieldSpec;

public Query skip(long skip) {
    this.skip = skip;
    return this;

public Query limit(int limit) {
    this.limit = limit;
    return this;

public Query withHint(String name) {
    Assert.hasText(name, "Hint must not be empty or null!");
    this.hint = name;
    return this;

public Query with(Pageable pageable) {
    if (pageable.isUnpaged()) {
        return this;
    } else {
        this.limit = pageable.getPageSize();
        this.skip = pageable.getOffset();
        return this.with(pageable.getSort());

public Query with(Sort sort) {
    Assert.notNull(sort, "Sort must not be null!");
    if (sort.isUnsorted()) {
        return this;
    } else { -> {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Given sort contained an Order for %s with ignore case! MongoDB does not support sorting ignoring case currently!", it.getProperty()));
        this.sort = this.sort.and(sort);
        return this;

public Set<Class<?>> getRestrictedTypes() {
    return this.restrictedTypes;

public Query restrict(Class<?> type, Class<?>... additionalTypes) {
    Assert.notNull(type, "Type must not be null!");
    Assert.notNull(additionalTypes, "AdditionalTypes must not be null");
    return this;

public Document getQueryObject() {
    Document document = new Document();
    Iterator var2 = this.criteria.values().iterator();

    while(var2.hasNext()) {
        CriteriaDefinition definition = (CriteriaDefinition);

    if (!this.restrictedTypes.isEmpty()) {
        document.put("_$RESTRICTED_TYPES", this.getRestrictedTypes());

    return document;

public Document getFieldsObject() {
    return this.fieldSpec == null ? new Document() : this.fieldSpec.getFieldsObject();

public Document getSortObject() {
    if (this.sort.isUnsorted()) {
        return new Document();
    } else {
        Document document = new Document(); -> {
            document.put(order.getProperty(), order.isAscending() ? 1 : -1);
        return document;

public Query maxTimeMsec(long maxTimeMsec) {
    return this;


     *Query query = new Query();
     * query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("name").is(name));
     * @param key
     * @return
        public static Criteria where(String key) {
            return new Criteria(key);

         * ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching() //构建对象
         *        .withStringMatcher(ExampleMatcher.StringMatcher.CONTAINING) //改变默认字符串匹配方式:模糊查询
         *        .withIgnoreCase(true) //改变默认大小写忽略方式:忽略大小写
         *        .withMatcher("name", ExampleMatcher.GenericPropertyMatchers.contains()) //标题采用“包含匹配”的方式查询
         *        .withIgnorePaths("pageNum", "pageSize");  //忽略属性,不参与查询
         *Example<Student> example = Example.of(student, matcher);
         *Query query = new Query(Criteria.byExample(example));
        public static Criteria byExample(Object example) {
            return byExample(Example.of(example));

        public static Criteria byExample(Example<?> example) {
            return (new Criteria()).alike(example);

        public static Criteria matchingDocumentStructure(MongoJsonSchema schema) {
            return (new Criteria()).andDocumentStructureMatches(schema);

        public Criteria and(String key) {
            return new Criteria(this.criteriaChain, key);

        public Criteria is(@Nullable Object o) {
            if (!this.isValue.equals(NOT_SET)) {
                throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("Multiple 'is' values declared. You need to use 'and' with multiple criteria");
            } else if (this.lastOperatorWasNot()) {
                throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("Invalid query: 'not' can't be used with 'is' - use 'ne' instead.");
            } else {
                this.isValue = o;
                return this;

        private boolean lastOperatorWasNot() {
            return !this.criteria.isEmpty() && "$not".equals(this.criteria.keySet().toArray()[this.criteria.size() - 1]);

        public Criteria ne(@Nullable Object o) {
            this.criteria.put("$ne", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria lt(Object o) {
            this.criteria.put("$lt", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria lte(Object o) {
            this.criteria.put("$lte", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria gt(Object o) {
            this.criteria.put("$gt", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria gte(Object o) {
            this.criteria.put("$gte", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria in(Object... o) {
            if (o.length > 1 && o[1] instanceof Collection) {
                throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("You can only pass in one argument of type " + o[1].getClass().getName());
            } else {
                this.criteria.put("$in", Arrays.asList(o));
                return this;

        public Criteria in(Collection<?> c) {
            this.criteria.put("$in", c);
            return this;

        public Criteria nin(Object... o) {
            return this.nin((Collection)Arrays.asList(o));

        public Criteria nin(Collection<?> o) {
            this.criteria.put("$nin", o);
            return this;

        //取模(求余)运算 ,即:key对应的值%value==remainder(求余是否等于remainder)
        public Criteria mod(Number value, Number remainder) {
            List<Object> l = new ArrayList();
            this.criteria.put("$mod", l);
            return this;

        public Criteria all(Object... o) {
            return this.all((Collection)Arrays.asList(o));

        public Criteria all(Collection<?> o) {
            this.criteria.put("$all", o);
            return this;

        public Criteria size(int s) {
            this.criteria.put("$size", s);
            return this;

        public Criteria exists(boolean b) {
            this.criteria.put("$exists", b);
            return this;

        //基于 bson type来匹配一个元素的类型,像是按照类型ID来匹配
        public Criteria type(int t) {
            this.criteria.put("$type", t);
            return this;

        public Criteria type(Type... types) {
            Assert.notNull(types, "Types must not be null!");
            Assert.noNullElements(types, "Types must not contain null.");
            this.criteria.put("$type", Arrays.asList(types).stream().map(Type::value).collect(Collectors.toList()));
            return this;

        public Criteria not() {
            return this.not((Object)null);

        private Criteria not(@Nullable Object value) {
            this.criteria.put("$not", value);
            return this;

        public Criteria regex(String re) {
            return this.regex(re, (String)null);

        public Criteria regex(String re, @Nullable String options) {
            return this.regex(this.toPattern(re, options));

        public Criteria regex(Pattern pattern) {
            Assert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern must not be null!");
            if (this.lastOperatorWasNot()) {
                return this.not(pattern);
            } else {
                this.isValue = pattern;
                return this;

        public Criteria regex(BsonRegularExpression regex) {
            if (this.lastOperatorWasNot()) {
                return this.not(regex);
            } else {
                this.isValue = regex;
                return this;

        private Pattern toPattern(String regex, @Nullable String options) {
            Assert.notNull(regex, "Regex string must not be null!");
            return Pattern.compile(regex, options == null ? 0 : BSON.regexFlags(options));

        public Criteria withinSphere(Circle circle) {
            Assert.notNull(circle, "Circle must not be null!");
            this.criteria.put("$geoWithin", new GeoCommand(new Sphere(circle)));
            return this;

        public Criteria within(Shape shape) {
            Assert.notNull(shape, "Shape must not be null!");
            this.criteria.put("$geoWithin", new GeoCommand(shape));
            return this;

        public Criteria near(Point point) {
            Assert.notNull(point, "Point must not be null!");
            this.criteria.put("$near", point);
            return this;

        //指定地理空间查询从最近到最远返回文档的点。 MongoDB 使用球面几何计算$nearSphere的距离
        public Criteria nearSphere(Point point) {
            Assert.notNull(point, "Point must not be null!");
            this.criteria.put("$nearSphere", point);
            return this;

        public Criteria intersects(GeoJson geoJson) {
            Assert.notNull(geoJson, "GeoJson must not be null!");
            this.criteria.put("$geoIntersects", geoJson);
            return this;

        public Criteria maxDistance(double maxDistance) {
            if (!this.createNearCriteriaForCommand("$near", "$maxDistance", maxDistance) && !this.createNearCriteriaForCommand("$nearSphere", "$maxDistance", maxDistance)) {
                this.criteria.put("$maxDistance", maxDistance);
                return this;
            } else {
                return this;

        public Criteria minDistance(double minDistance) {
            if (!this.createNearCriteriaForCommand("$near", "$minDistance", minDistance) && !this.createNearCriteriaForCommand("$nearSphere", "$minDistance", minDistance)) {
                this.criteria.put("$minDistance", minDistance);
                return this;
            } else {
                return this;

        public Criteria elemMatch(Criteria c) {
            this.criteria.put("$elemMatch", c.getCriteriaObject());
            return this;

        public Criteria alike(Example<?> sample) {
            this.criteria.put("$example", sample);
            return this;

        //创建一个criteria ($jsonSchema),根据MongoJsonSchema定义的给定结构匹配文档
        public Criteria andDocumentStructureMatches(MongoJsonSchema schema) {
            Assert.notNull(schema, "Schema must not be null!");
            Criteria schemaCriteria = new Criteria();
            return this.registerCriteriaChainElement(schemaCriteria);

        public Criteria.BitwiseCriteriaOperators bits() {
            return new Criteria.BitwiseCriteriaOperatorsImpl(this);


         * Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(
         *     Aggregation.match(new Criteria()
         *             .andOperator(Criteria.where("onlineTime").gt(new Date()))
         *             .orOperator( Criteria.where("offlineTime").gt(new Date())
         *     ,Criteria.where("offlineTime").exists(false) ))
         * @param criteria
         * @return
        public Criteria orOperator(Criteria... criteria) {
            BasicDBList bsonList = this.createCriteriaList(criteria);
            return this.registerCriteriaChainElement((new Criteria("$or")).is(bsonList));

        public Criteria norOperator(Criteria... criteria) {
            BasicDBList bsonList = this.createCriteriaList(criteria);
            return this.registerCriteriaChainElement((new Criteria("$nor")).is(bsonList));

        public Criteria andOperator(Criteria... criteria) {
            BasicDBList bsonList = this.createCriteriaList(criteria);
            return this.registerCriteriaChainElement((new Criteria("$and")).is(bsonList));

        private Criteria registerCriteriaChainElement(Criteria criteria) {
            if (this.lastOperatorWasNot()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("operator $not is not allowed around criteria chain element: " + criteria.getCriteriaObject());
            } else {
                return this;

        public String getKey() {
            return this.key;

        public Document getCriteriaObject() {
            if (this.criteriaChain.size() == 1) {
                return ((Criteria)this.criteriaChain.get(0)).getSingleCriteriaObject();
            } else if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.criteriaChain) && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.criteria)) {
                return this.getSingleCriteriaObject();
            } else {
                Document criteriaObject = new Document();
                Iterator var2 = this.criteriaChain.iterator();

                while(var2.hasNext()) {
                    Criteria c = (Criteria);
                    Document document = c.getSingleCriteriaObject();
                    Iterator var5 = document.keySet().iterator();

                    while(var5.hasNext()) {
                        String k = (String);
                        this.setValue(criteriaObject, k, document.get(k));

                return criteriaObject;

        protected Document getSingleCriteriaObject() {
            Document document = new Document();
            boolean not = false;
            Iterator var3 = this.criteria.entrySet().iterator();

            while(true) {
                while(var3.hasNext()) {
                    Entry<String, Object> entry = (Entry);
                    String key = (String)entry.getKey();
                    Object value = entry.getValue();
                    if (requiresGeoJsonFormat(value)) {
                        value = new Document("$geometry", value);

                    if (not) {
                        Document notDocument = new Document();
                        notDocument.put(key, value);
                        document.put("$not", notDocument);
                        not = false;
                    } else if ("$not".equals(key) && value == null) {
                        not = true;
                    } else {
                        document.put(key, value);

                if (!StringUtils.hasText(this.key)) {
                    if (not) {
                        return new Document("$not", document);

                    return document;

                Document queryCriteria = new Document();
                if (!NOT_SET.equals(this.isValue)) {
                    queryCriteria.put(this.key, this.isValue);
                } else {
                    queryCriteria.put(this.key, document);

                return queryCriteria;

        private BasicDBList createCriteriaList(Criteria[] criteria) {
            BasicDBList bsonList = new BasicDBList();
            Criteria[] var3 = criteria;
            int var4 = criteria.length;

            for(int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5) {
                Criteria c = var3[var5];

            return bsonList;

        private void setValue(Document document, String key, Object value) {
            Object existing = document.get(key);
            if (existing == null) {
                document.put(key, value);
            } else {
                throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("Due to limitations of the com.mongodb.BasicDocument, you can't add a second '" + key + "' expression specified as '" + key + " : " + value + "'. Criteria already contains '" + key + " : " + existing + "'.");

        private boolean createNearCriteriaForCommand(String command, String operation, double maxDistance) {
            if (!this.criteria.containsKey(command)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                Object existingNearOperationValue = this.criteria.get(command);
                if (existingNearOperationValue instanceof Document) {
                    ((Document)existingNearOperationValue).put(operation, maxDistance);
                    return true;
                } else if (existingNearOperationValue instanceof GeoJson) {
                    Document dbo = (new Document("$geometry", existingNearOperationValue)).append(operation, maxDistance);
                    this.criteria.put(command, dbo);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            } else if (obj != null && this.getClass().equals(obj.getClass())) {
                Criteria that = (Criteria)obj;
                if (this.criteriaChain.size() != that.criteriaChain.size()) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    for(int i = 0; i < this.criteriaChain.size(); ++i) {
                        Criteria left = (Criteria)this.criteriaChain.get(i);
                        Criteria right = (Criteria)that.criteriaChain.get(i);
                        if (!this.simpleCriteriaEquals(left, right)) {
                            return false;

                    return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        private boolean simpleCriteriaEquals(Criteria left, Criteria right) {
            boolean keyEqual = left.key == null ? right.key == null : left.key.equals(right.key);
            boolean criteriaEqual = left.criteria.equals(right.criteria);
            boolean valueEqual = this.isEqual(left.isValue, right.isValue);
            return keyEqual && criteriaEqual && valueEqual;

        private boolean isEqual(Object left, Object right) {
            if (left == null) {
                return right == null;
            } else if (Pattern.class.isInstance(left)) {
                if (!Pattern.class.isInstance(right)) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    Pattern leftPattern = (Pattern)left;
                    Pattern rightPattern = (Pattern)right;
                    return leftPattern.pattern().equals(rightPattern.pattern()) && leftPattern.flags() == rightPattern.flags();
            } else {
                return ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(left, right);

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = 17;
            int result = result + ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.key);
            result += this.criteria.hashCode();
            result += ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.isValue);
            return result;

        private static boolean requiresGeoJsonFormat(Object value) {
            return value instanceof GeoJson || value instanceof GeoCommand && ((GeoCommand)value).getShape() instanceof GeoJson;

        private static class BitwiseCriteriaOperatorsImpl implements Criteria.BitwiseCriteriaOperators {
            private final Criteria target;

            BitwiseCriteriaOperatorsImpl(Criteria target) {
       = target;

            public Criteria allClear(int numericBitmask) {
                return this.numericBitmask("$bitsAllClear", numericBitmask);

            public Criteria allClear(String bitmask) {
                return this.stringBitmask("$bitsAllClear", bitmask);

            public Criteria allClear(List<Integer> positions) {
                return this.positions("$bitsAllClear", positions);

            public Criteria allSet(int numericBitmask) {
                return this.numericBitmask("$bitsAllSet", numericBitmask);

            public Criteria allSet(String bitmask) {
                return this.stringBitmask("$bitsAllSet", bitmask);

            public Criteria allSet(List<Integer> positions) {
                return this.positions("$bitsAllSet", positions);

            public Criteria anyClear(int numericBitmask) {
                return this.numericBitmask("$bitsAnyClear", numericBitmask);

            public Criteria anyClear(String bitmask) {
                return this.stringBitmask("$bitsAnyClear", bitmask);

            public Criteria anyClear(List<Integer> positions) {
                return this.positions("$bitsAnyClear", positions);

            public Criteria anySet(int numericBitmask) {
                return this.numericBitmask("$bitsAnySet", numericBitmask);

            public Criteria anySet(String bitmask) {
                return this.stringBitmask("$bitsAnySet", bitmask);

            public Criteria anySet(List<Integer> positions) {
                return this.positions("$bitsAnySet", positions);

            private Criteria positions(String operator, List<Integer> positions) {
                Assert.notNull(positions, "Positions must not be null!");
                Assert.noNullElements(positions.toArray(), "Positions must not contain null values.");
      , positions);

            private Criteria stringBitmask(String operator, String bitmask) {
                Assert.hasText(bitmask, "Bitmask must not be null!");
      , new Binary(Base64Utils.decodeFromString(bitmask)));

            private Criteria numericBitmask(String operator, int bitmask) {
      , bitmask);

        public interface BitwiseCriteriaOperators {
            Criteria allClear(int var1);

            Criteria allClear(String var1);

            Criteria allClear(List<Integer> var1);

            Criteria allSet(int var1);

            Criteria allSet(String var1);

            Criteria allSet(List<Integer> var1);

            Criteria anyClear(int var1);

            Criteria anyClear(String var1);

            Criteria anyClear(List<Integer> var1);

            Criteria anySet(int var1);

            Criteria anySet(String var1);

            Criteria anySet(List<Integer> var1);




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