
2.2 Instructions to Supplier to be Audited

2.2.1 Prior to the Audit

The supplier must have completed a self-audit to TPG-AC7120 in preparation for this audit.

NOTE: The location and identification (name of procedure and paragraph number, where

needed) of all applicable documentation must be indicated on the self-audit form. This will

greatly expedite the audit and avoid the expense of additional audit days.

Performing a thorough, objective self-audit against each question in the checklist is the critical first step in the accreditation process. This can significantly reduce the number of findings issued by the auditor and the time required to achieve accreditation. All nonconformances should be

corrected prior to the actual audit. Nonconformances identified as part of the audit with potential product impact may, at the Transportation and Power Generation Electronics Task Group’s discretion, require a Verification Corrective Action (VCA) audit at the supplier’s expense.

Supplier to forward the following to the assigned auditor, as directed by PRI, 30 days prior to the scheduled audit:

a. Original Self-Audit

The self-audit is to be completed with the related document name(s)/procedure

number(s) marked next to checklist question where applicable.

b. Quality Control Manual

Quality control manual (current uncontrolled copy which auditor will return to supplier

on request).

c. List of Purchased Services

List of purchased services, including names(s) of supplier(s) for calibration,

processing, testing, chemical analysis, etc.

d. List of Specifications

List of processing specifications (military, government, industry and customer) that

supplier is working to.

e. Master List of Procedures

f. Moisture Control Plan as required in checklist

g. Procedure for control of Electrostatic Discharge as required in checklist

2.2.2 During the Audit

The supplier shall provide for an in-briefing with the auditor. Key members of the applicant’s staff

should attend the in-briefing so the audit purpose, methods and assessment processes can be

discussed. These may include the quality manager, internal audit personnel and others as deemed necessary by the auditor or supplier.

Working space for the auditor with desks or tables, chairs, telephone, etc., shall be made available.

A final out-briefing will be conducted at the completion of the audit. Each nonconformance and

observation will be reviewed at least daily and the supplier will be given the opportunity to discuss proposed corrective action or to provide any additional information. Note: The PRI Staff Engineers or Transportation and Power Generation Electronics Task Group (ETG) may, upon review, change the auditor’s determination of a finding.

The following information needs to be accessible upon the auditor’s arrival on-site:

a. Schedules

Schedule of calibrations, production, internal audits, compliance audits, system

accuracy tests, and solution analysis.

b. List of Personnel

List of quality personnel by process

c. List of Trained Personnel

List of trained processing personnel by process and date planned for requalification

d. List of Customers

List of customers for which supplier is approved

e. Statistical Techniques Program

Statistical Techniques Program or Statistical Process Control (SPC) time/line

implementation plan

f. Organization Chart with Names

2.2.3 After the Audit

In accordance with Transportation and Power Generation procedures, the supplier has 21 calendar days from the time the auditor submits the audit to submit a corrective action plan, identify effective dates for each NCR and when applicable, objective evidence. This response shall be entered directly into PRI’s Electronic Database. The response must address the root cause of the nonconformance from a systems management approach, the immediate action taken to resolve the discrepancy and the actions taken or to be taken to preclude recurrence.

PRI staff or the Transportation and Power Generation Electronics Task Group (ETG) may, after

review of the audit report, require additional information or may find cause to issue additional

findings. Note: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability of corrective actions and

accreditation recommendation rests with the Transportation and Power Generation ETG.





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